David Barrie Richardson
Associate Dean for Research
Public Health
Public Health
Professor, Environmental and Occupational Health
Public Health
Public Health
Ph.D., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1997, Epidemiology
M.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994, Public Health
B.A., Duke University, 1991, Political Science
M.S., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 1994, Public Health
B.A., Duke University, 1991, Political Science
University of California, Irvine
2084 653
Mail Code: 3957
Irvine, CA 92697
2084 653
Mail Code: 3957
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Cancer Environment (general) Injury prevention Occupational health
Awards and Honors
Editors’ Choice, Co-author of “Patterns of children’s blood lead screening and blood lead levels in North Carolina, 2011-2018 – Who is tested, who is missed? which was selected by the editors of Environmental Health Perspectives, 2022.
Top Downloaded Paper of the Year, Co-author of “Quantitative relationships of exposure to chrysotile asbestos and mesothelioma mortality” with Dana Loomis and Lesley Elliottt, which was awarded by the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2019.
Best Paper in Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Lead author of “Risk of cancer from exposure to ionizing radiation: a retrospective cohort study of workers in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States (INWORKS)” which was awarded at EPICOH, 2016.
Article of the Year, Lead author of “Assessment and indirect adjustment for confounding by smoking in cohort studies using relative hazards model” with Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen, Steve Cole
and Dominique Laurier, which received the Society of Epidemiologic Research and American Journal of Epidemiology Article of the Year, 2014.
Best paper in Biometrics, Coauthor of “Detecting disease outbreaks using local spatiotemporal methods” with Yingqi Zhao, Donglin Zeng, Amy Herring, Amy Ising, Anna Waller, and Michael Kosorok, which was named the Best paper in Biometrics, 2011.
Teaching Innovations Award, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012.
Top Downloaded Paper of the Year, Co-author of “Quantitative relationships of exposure to chrysotile asbestos and mesothelioma mortality” with Dana Loomis and Lesley Elliottt, which was awarded by the American Journal of Industrial Medicine, 2019.
Best Paper in Epidemiology in Occupational Health, Lead author of “Risk of cancer from exposure to ionizing radiation: a retrospective cohort study of workers in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States (INWORKS)” which was awarded at EPICOH, 2016.
Article of the Year, Lead author of “Assessment and indirect adjustment for confounding by smoking in cohort studies using relative hazards model” with Eric Tchetgen Tchetgen, Steve Cole
and Dominique Laurier, which received the Society of Epidemiologic Research and American Journal of Epidemiology Article of the Year, 2014.
Best paper in Biometrics, Coauthor of “Detecting disease outbreaks using local spatiotemporal methods” with Yingqi Zhao, Donglin Zeng, Amy Herring, Amy Ising, Anna Waller, and Michael Kosorok, which was named the Best paper in Biometrics, 2011.
Teaching Innovations Award, School of Public Health, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, 2012.
Short Biography
DAVID RICHARDSON, PHD is Professor of Environmental and Occupational Health at the University of California, Irvine. His research focuses on the health effects of occupational and environmental exposures, particularly with regards to carcinogens. He has conducted studies of cancer among nuclear workers at several U.S. Department of Energy facilities, as well as studied cancer among the Japanese survivors of the atomic bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. He has served as a member of the US President’s Advisory Board on Radiation and Worker Health, on the Science Advisory Board for the US Environmental Protection Agency, and the National Academies of Science, Engineering, and Medicine Committee on Developing a Long-Term Strategy for Low-Dose Radiation Research in the United States. He currently serves as Lead Coordinating Writer for the United Nations Committee on Epidemiological Studies of Radiation and Cancer (UNSCEAR), as a member of Committee 1 (Radiation Effects) of the International Commission on Radiological Protection, and on the Scientific and Ethical Committee for the Health Effects Study on A-bomb Survivors’ Children, Radiation Effects Research Foundation (RERF). He is an Associate Editor of the journals Occupational and Environmental Medicine, and American Journal of Epidemiology. Dr. Richardson received a Ph.D. and M.S.P.H., both in epidemiology, from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Richardson DB. “Occupational Epidemiology.” Chapter 41, in Lash TL, VanderWeele TJ, Haneuse S, Rothman KJ, editors Modern Epidemiology, Fourth edition. Wolters Kluwer, (2021) pages 1069-1092.
Wheeler M, Barlow S, Auerbach S, Bhat V, Boobis A, Bottex B, Bronson R, Carrington C, Cortinas J, Davis A, Edler L, Haber L, Halldorsson T, Pouzaud F, Richardson DB, Rudzuk S, Schneider K, Zhang J. “Dose-Response Assessment and Derivation of Health-Based Guidance Values.” In, United Nations Environment Programme, International Labour Organization, and World Health Organization. 2020. Principles and Methods for the Risk Assessment of Chemicals in Food. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
Wheeler M, Barlow S, Auerbach S, Bhat V, Boobis A, Bottex B, Bronson R, Carrington C, Cortinas J, Davis A, Edler L, Haber L, Halldorsson T, Pouzaud F, Richardson DB, Rudzuk S, Schneider K, Zhang J. “Dose-Response Assessment and Derivation of Health-Based Guidance Values.” In, United Nations Environment Programme, International Labour Organization, and World Health Organization. 2020. Principles and Methods for the Risk Assessment of Chemicals in Food. Geneva, Switzerland: World Health Organization.
Richardson D. “Occupational Health Risks in Nuclear Power.” In, Cleveland C., editor Encyclopedia of Energy, Volume 4. Academic Press/Elsevier Science, San Diego CA (2004): 489-496.
[Jan 2022- Aug 2023]
Richardson DB, Leuraud K, Laurier D, Gillies M, Haylock R, Kelly-Reif K, Bertke D, Daniels RD, Thierry-Chef I, Moissonnier M, Kesminiene A, and Schubauer-Berigan MK. Cancer mortality after low dose exposure to ionizing radiation: a cohort study of workers in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States (INWORKS). British Medical Journal (2023).
Hall AM, Keil AP, Choi G, Ramos AM, Richardson DB, Olshan A, Martin CL, Villanger GD, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ziener P, Overgaard KR, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Aase H, Engel SM. Prenatal organophosphate ester exposure and executive function in Norwegian preschoolers. Environmental Epidemiology (2023) 7(3):p e251. PMID: 37304339
Kelly-Reif K, Bertke S, Daniels RD, Richardson DB, Schubauer-Berigan MK. Ionising radiation and solid cancer mortality among US nuclear facility workers. International Journal of Epidemiology (2023) DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyad075. PMID: 37253388
Kelly-Reif K, Rage E, Demers PA, Do M, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke S, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Zablotska LB, Wiggins C, Laurier D, Richardson DB. Radon and Lung Cancer in the Pooled Uranium Miners Analysis (PUMA): Highly-exposed Early Miners and All Miners. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2023);80(7):385-391. PMID: 37164624
Baudin C, Bressand A, Buffet C, Menegaux F, Soret M. Lê A, Cardon T, Broggio D, Bassinet C, Huet C, Armengol G, Richardson DB, Leenhardt L, Bernier MO, Lussey-Lepoutre C. Dysfunction of the salivary and lachrymal glands after radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer: Results of the START study after 6-months of follow-up. Thyroid (2023). doi: 10.1089/thy.2023.0090. PMID: 37300484
Sciaudone M, Klein MD, Richardson DB, Lacayo R, McClean CM, Kharabora O, Murray K, Zivanovich MM, Strohminger S, Gurnett R, Markmann AJ, Bhowmik R, Salgado EM, Castro-Arroyo E, Aiello AE, Boyce RM, Juliano JJ, Bowman NM. Seroepidemiology and risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among household members of food processing and farm workers in North Carolina. International Journal of Infectious Diseases Regions (2023) 7:164-169. PMID: 37034427
Richardson DB, Cole SR, Martin AT, McClure E, Nocera M, Cantrell J, Ranapurwala SI, Marshall S. Disparities in Fatal Occupational Injury Rates in North Carolina, 1978-2017: Comparing Non-Managerial Employees to Managers. Epidemiology (2023) 34(5): 741-746. PMID: 37255241
Little MP, Azizovab TV, Richardson DB, Tapiod S, Berniere MO, Kreuzer M, Cucinotta FA, Bazykah D, Chumakh V, Ivanov VK, Veiga LHS, Livinski A, Abalo K, Zablotska L, Einstein AJ, Hamada N. Ionising Radiation and Cardiovascular Disease: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. British Medical Journal (2023) 380:e072924. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072924 PMID: 36889791
Gaber CE, Edwards JK, Lund JL, Peery AF, Richardson DB, Kinlaw AC. Inverse probability weighting to estimate exposure effects on the burden of recurrent outcomes in the presence of competing events. American Journal of Epidemiology (2023). doi: 10.1093/aje/kwad031. PMID: 36790815
Richardson DB, Ye T, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. Generalized Difference-in-Differences. Epidemiology (2023) 34(2) 167–174. PMID: 36722798
McClure ES, Robinson W, Vasudevan P, Cullen M, Marshall SW, Noth B, Richardson DB. Disparities in Job Characteristics by Race and Sex in a Southern Aluminum Smelting Facility. American Journal of Industrial Medicine (2023) 66(4):307-319. doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23464
Richardson DB, Dukes O, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. Estimating the Effect of a Treatment When There is Nonadherence in a Trial. American Journal of Epidemiology (2023) doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwad141. PMID: 37338999
Miranda-Filho A, Turner MC, Warnakulasuriya S, Richardson DB, Hosseini B, Kamangar F, Pourshams A, Sewram V, Cronin Fenton D, Arash E, Glass D, Sheikh M, Malekzadeh R, Schubauer-Berigan M. The carcinogenicity of opium consumption: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Epidemiology (2023) doi.org/10.1007/s10654-023-00969-7. PMID: 36773182
Richey M, Golightly Y, Marshall S, Novicoff W, Keil AP, Nocera M, Richardson DB. Trends in Fatal Occupational Injury Rates Among Older Workers Before and After the Great Recession of 2008. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2023) 80(3):154-159. PMID: 36717256
Schubauer-Berigan M, Richardson DB, Fox MP, Fritschi L, Guseva Canu I, Pearce N, Stayner L, Berrington de Gonzalez A. IARC-NCI workshop on an epidemiological toolkit to assess biases in human cancer studies for hazard identification: beyond the algorithm. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2023) 80(3):119-120. PMID: 36717257
Wilkie A, Richardson DB, Daniels J, Luben T, Woods C, Serre M. Sulfur dioxide reduction at coal-fired power plants in North Carolina and associations with preterm birth among surrounding residents. Environmental Epidemiology (2023) 7(2):p e241. DOI: 10.1097/EE9.0000000000000241. PMID: 37064422
Hall AM, Ramos AM, Drover SM, Choi G, Keil AP, Richardson DB, Martin CL, Olshan A, Villanger GD, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ziener P, Overgaard KR, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Aase H, Engel SM. Gestational organophosphate ester exposure and preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child cohort study. International Journal of Environmental Health (2023) 248. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2022.114078 PMID: 36455478
Xi Y, Richardson DB, Kshirsagar AV, Flythe JE, Whitsel EA, Wade TJ, Rappold AG. Associations of Air Pollution and Serum Biomarker Abnormalities in Individuals with Hemodialysis-Dependent Kidney Failure. Kidney 360 (2023) 4(1):63-68. PMID: 36700905
McClure ES, Gartner DR, Bell RA, Cruz TH, Nocera M, Marshall SW, Richardson DB. Challenges with Misclassification of American Indian/Alaska Native Race and Hispanic Ethnicity on Death Records in North Carolina Occupational Fatalities Surveillance. Frontiers in Epidemiology (2022). 2:878309 DOI 10.3389/fepid.2022.878309
Rosen E, Kotlarz N, Knappe D, Lea S, Collier D, Richardson DB, Hoppin JA. Drinking water associated PFAS and fluoroethers and lipid outcomes in the GenX Exposure Study. Environmental Health Perspectives (2022) 130(9):97002. PMID: 36069575
Zablotska LB, Richardson DB, Golden A, Pasqual E, Smith B, Rage E, Demers PA, Do MT, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke S, Kelly-Reif K, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Wiggins C, Laurier D, Apostoaei I, Thomas BA, Simon SL, Hoffman FO, Boice Jr. J, Dauer LT, Howard SC, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Ellis ED, Eckerman KF, Leggett RW, Pawel DJ. The Epidemiology of Lung Cancer Following Radiation Exposure. International Journal of Radiation Biology (2023) 99(3):569-580. PMID: 35947399
Richardson DB, Rage E, Demers PA, Do M, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke S, Kelly-Reif K, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Zablotska LB, Wiggins C, Laurier D. Lung Cancer and Radon: Pooled Analysis of Uranium Miners Hired in 1960 or Later. Environmental Health Perspectives (2022) 130(5):57010. PMID: 35604341
Kelly-Reif K, Bertke S, Richardson DB. Non-malignant Respiratory Disease Mortality in Male Colorado Plateau Uranium Miners, 1960-2016. American Journal of Industrial Medicine (2022) 65(10):773-782. PMID: 35941829
Shahn Z, Dukes O, Richardson DB, Tchetgen Tchetgen E, Robins J. Structural Nested Mean Models Under Parallel Trends Assumptions. arXiv:2204.10291v1 [stat.ME] 21 Apr 2022
Guseva Canu I, Gaillen-Guedy A, Antilla A, Charles S, Fraize-Frontier S, Luce D, McElvenny DM, Merletti F, Michel C, Pukkala E, Schubauer-Berigan M, Straif K, Wild P, Richardson DB. Lung cancer mortality in the European cohort of titanium dioxide workers: a reanalysis of the exposure-response relationship. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2022). doi: 10.1136/oemed-2021-108030. PMID: 35501125
Kamai EM, Daniels JL, Delamater PL, Lanphear BP, Gibson JM, Richardson DB. Patterns of children’s blood lead screening and blood lead levels in North Carolina, 2011-2018 – Who is tested, who is missed? Environmental Health Perspectives (2022) 130(6):67002. PMID: 35647633
Xi Y, Richardson DB, Kshirsagar AV, Wade TJ, Flythe JE, Whitsel EA, Rappold AG. Association Between Long-Term Ambient PM2.5 Exposure and Cardiovascular Outcomes Among U.S. Hemodialysis Patients. American Journal of Kidney Disease (2022) 80(5):648-657.e1. PMID: 35690155
Richardson DB, Keil AP, Edwards JP, Cole SR, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. A Bespoke Instrumental Variable Approach to Correction for Exposure Measurement Error. American Journal of Epidemiology (2022) 191(11):1954-1961. doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwac133. PMID: 35916388
Wilkie AA, Richardson DB, Luben TJ, Serre ML, Woods CG, Daniels, JL. North Carolina’s Changing Energy Generation Profile and Reductions in Key Air Pollutants, 2000-2019. North Carolina Medical Journal (2022) 83(4):304-310. PMID: 35817451
Klein MD, Sciaudone M, Richardson DB, Lacayo R, McClean CM, Kharabora O, Murray K, Zivanovich MM, Strohminger S, Gurnett R, Markmann AJ, Bhowmik R, Salgado EM, Castro-Arroyo E, Aiello AE, Boyce RM, Juliano JJ, Bowman NM. SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence and Risk Factors Among Meat Packing Plant, Produce Processing, and Farm Workers. PLoS Global Public Health (2022) 13;2(7):e0000619. PMID: 36962464
Quist AJL, Holcomb DA, Fliss MD, Delamater PL, Richardson DB, Engel LS. Exposure to Industrial Hog Operations and Gastrointestinal Illness in North Carolina, USA. Science of the Total Environment (2022) 830:154823. PMID: 35341848
Richey M, Marshall S, Nocera M, Golightly Y, Richardson DB. Trends in fatal occupational injuries in Latino/a workers relative to other groups, North Carolina 2000-2017. American Journal of Industrial Medicine (2022) 65(4):242-247. PMID: 35128690
Xi Y, Richardson DB, Kshirsagar AV, Wade TJ, Flythe JE, Whitsel EA, Peterson GC, Wyatt LH, Rappold AG. Effects of Short-Term Ambient PM2.5 Exposure on Cardiovascular Disease Incidence and Mortality among U.S. Hemodialysis Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Environmental Health (2022) 21(1):33. PMID: 35277178
Tchetgen Tchetgen E, Duke O, Shi X, Miao W, Richardson DB. Re: Synthetic control methods for the evaluation of single-unit interventions in epidemiology: a tutorial. American Journal of Epidemiology (2022). 191(5):965-966. PMID: 36044006
Quist AJL, Fliss MD, Wade TJ, Delamater PL, Richardson DB, Engel LS. Hurricane Flooding and Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in North Carolina. Science of the Total Environment (2022) 809:151108. PMID: 34688737
Pumarega J, Camargo J, Gasull M, Olshan AF, Soliman A, Chen Y, Richardson DB, Alguacil J, Poole C, Trasande L, Porta M, for the PANKRAS II Study Group. Timing of toenail collection and concentrations of metals in pancreatic cancer. Evidence against disease progression bias. Exposure and Health (2022). 14(3):581-593. PMID: 34722949.
Richardson DB, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. Bespoke Instruments: A new tool for addressing unmeasured confounders. American Journal of Epidemiology (2022) 191(5):939-947. PMID: 34907434.
Rudolph JE, Cole SR, Edwards JK, Whitsel EA, Serre ML, Richardson DB. Estimating association between annual concentrations of particulate matter and mortality in the United States using data linkage and Bayesian Maximum Entropy. Epidemiology (2022) 33:157-166. PMID: 34816807.
Richardson DB, Keil AP, Cole SR. Amplification of Bias Due to Exposure Measurement Error. American Journal of Epidemiology (2022) 191(1): 182–187. PMID: 34455433.
Kelly-Reif K, Sandler DP, Shore D, Schubauer-Berigan M, Troester M, Nylander-French L, Richardson DB. Lung and extrathoracic cancer incidence among underground uranium miners exposed to radon progeny in the Príbram region of the Czech Republic: a case-cohort study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2022) 79(2):102-108. PMID: 34417337.
Xiao M, Chen Y, Cole SR, Maclehose RF, Richardson DB, Chu H. Is OR “portable” in meta-analysis? Time to consider bivariate generalized linear mixed model. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (2022) 142:280-287. PMID: 34384876.
Richardson DB, Leuraud K, Laurier D, Gillies M, Haylock R, Kelly-Reif K, Bertke D, Daniels RD, Thierry-Chef I, Moissonnier M, Kesminiene A, and Schubauer-Berigan MK. Cancer mortality after low dose exposure to ionizing radiation: a cohort study of workers in France, the United Kingdom, and the United States (INWORKS). British Medical Journal (2023).
Hall AM, Keil AP, Choi G, Ramos AM, Richardson DB, Olshan A, Martin CL, Villanger GD, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ziener P, Overgaard KR, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Aase H, Engel SM. Prenatal organophosphate ester exposure and executive function in Norwegian preschoolers. Environmental Epidemiology (2023) 7(3):p e251. PMID: 37304339
Kelly-Reif K, Bertke S, Daniels RD, Richardson DB, Schubauer-Berigan MK. Ionising radiation and solid cancer mortality among US nuclear facility workers. International Journal of Epidemiology (2023) DOI: 10.1093/ije/dyad075. PMID: 37253388
Kelly-Reif K, Rage E, Demers PA, Do M, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke S, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Zablotska LB, Wiggins C, Laurier D, Richardson DB. Radon and Lung Cancer in the Pooled Uranium Miners Analysis (PUMA): Highly-exposed Early Miners and All Miners. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2023);80(7):385-391. PMID: 37164624
Baudin C, Bressand A, Buffet C, Menegaux F, Soret M. Lê A, Cardon T, Broggio D, Bassinet C, Huet C, Armengol G, Richardson DB, Leenhardt L, Bernier MO, Lussey-Lepoutre C. Dysfunction of the salivary and lachrymal glands after radioiodine therapy for thyroid cancer: Results of the START study after 6-months of follow-up. Thyroid (2023). doi: 10.1089/thy.2023.0090. PMID: 37300484
Sciaudone M, Klein MD, Richardson DB, Lacayo R, McClean CM, Kharabora O, Murray K, Zivanovich MM, Strohminger S, Gurnett R, Markmann AJ, Bhowmik R, Salgado EM, Castro-Arroyo E, Aiello AE, Boyce RM, Juliano JJ, Bowman NM. Seroepidemiology and risk factors for SARS-CoV-2 infection among household members of food processing and farm workers in North Carolina. International Journal of Infectious Diseases Regions (2023) 7:164-169. PMID: 37034427
Richardson DB, Cole SR, Martin AT, McClure E, Nocera M, Cantrell J, Ranapurwala SI, Marshall S. Disparities in Fatal Occupational Injury Rates in North Carolina, 1978-2017: Comparing Non-Managerial Employees to Managers. Epidemiology (2023) 34(5): 741-746. PMID: 37255241
Little MP, Azizovab TV, Richardson DB, Tapiod S, Berniere MO, Kreuzer M, Cucinotta FA, Bazykah D, Chumakh V, Ivanov VK, Veiga LHS, Livinski A, Abalo K, Zablotska L, Einstein AJ, Hamada N. Ionising Radiation and Cardiovascular Disease: a Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. British Medical Journal (2023) 380:e072924. doi: 10.1136/bmj-2022-072924 PMID: 36889791
Gaber CE, Edwards JK, Lund JL, Peery AF, Richardson DB, Kinlaw AC. Inverse probability weighting to estimate exposure effects on the burden of recurrent outcomes in the presence of competing events. American Journal of Epidemiology (2023). doi: 10.1093/aje/kwad031. PMID: 36790815
Richardson DB, Ye T, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. Generalized Difference-in-Differences. Epidemiology (2023) 34(2) 167–174. PMID: 36722798
McClure ES, Robinson W, Vasudevan P, Cullen M, Marshall SW, Noth B, Richardson DB. Disparities in Job Characteristics by Race and Sex in a Southern Aluminum Smelting Facility. American Journal of Industrial Medicine (2023) 66(4):307-319. doi.org/10.1002/ajim.23464
Richardson DB, Dukes O, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. Estimating the Effect of a Treatment When There is Nonadherence in a Trial. American Journal of Epidemiology (2023) doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwad141. PMID: 37338999
Miranda-Filho A, Turner MC, Warnakulasuriya S, Richardson DB, Hosseini B, Kamangar F, Pourshams A, Sewram V, Cronin Fenton D, Arash E, Glass D, Sheikh M, Malekzadeh R, Schubauer-Berigan M. The carcinogenicity of opium consumption: a systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Epidemiology (2023) doi.org/10.1007/s10654-023-00969-7. PMID: 36773182
Richey M, Golightly Y, Marshall S, Novicoff W, Keil AP, Nocera M, Richardson DB. Trends in Fatal Occupational Injury Rates Among Older Workers Before and After the Great Recession of 2008. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2023) 80(3):154-159. PMID: 36717256
Schubauer-Berigan M, Richardson DB, Fox MP, Fritschi L, Guseva Canu I, Pearce N, Stayner L, Berrington de Gonzalez A. IARC-NCI workshop on an epidemiological toolkit to assess biases in human cancer studies for hazard identification: beyond the algorithm. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2023) 80(3):119-120. PMID: 36717257
Wilkie A, Richardson DB, Daniels J, Luben T, Woods C, Serre M. Sulfur dioxide reduction at coal-fired power plants in North Carolina and associations with preterm birth among surrounding residents. Environmental Epidemiology (2023) 7(2):p e241. DOI: 10.1097/EE9.0000000000000241. PMID: 37064422
Hall AM, Ramos AM, Drover SM, Choi G, Keil AP, Richardson DB, Martin CL, Olshan A, Villanger GD, Reichborn-Kjennerud T, Ziener P, Overgaard KR, Sakhi AK, Thomsen C, Aase H, Engel SM. Gestational organophosphate ester exposure and preschool attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in the Norwegian Mother, Father, and Child cohort study. International Journal of Environmental Health (2023) 248. doi.org/10.1016/j.ijheh.2022.114078 PMID: 36455478
Xi Y, Richardson DB, Kshirsagar AV, Flythe JE, Whitsel EA, Wade TJ, Rappold AG. Associations of Air Pollution and Serum Biomarker Abnormalities in Individuals with Hemodialysis-Dependent Kidney Failure. Kidney 360 (2023) 4(1):63-68. PMID: 36700905
McClure ES, Gartner DR, Bell RA, Cruz TH, Nocera M, Marshall SW, Richardson DB. Challenges with Misclassification of American Indian/Alaska Native Race and Hispanic Ethnicity on Death Records in North Carolina Occupational Fatalities Surveillance. Frontiers in Epidemiology (2022). 2:878309 DOI 10.3389/fepid.2022.878309
Rosen E, Kotlarz N, Knappe D, Lea S, Collier D, Richardson DB, Hoppin JA. Drinking water associated PFAS and fluoroethers and lipid outcomes in the GenX Exposure Study. Environmental Health Perspectives (2022) 130(9):97002. PMID: 36069575
Zablotska LB, Richardson DB, Golden A, Pasqual E, Smith B, Rage E, Demers PA, Do MT, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke S, Kelly-Reif K, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Wiggins C, Laurier D, Apostoaei I, Thomas BA, Simon SL, Hoffman FO, Boice Jr. J, Dauer LT, Howard SC, Cohen SS, Mumma MT, Ellis ED, Eckerman KF, Leggett RW, Pawel DJ. The Epidemiology of Lung Cancer Following Radiation Exposure. International Journal of Radiation Biology (2023) 99(3):569-580. PMID: 35947399
Richardson DB, Rage E, Demers PA, Do M, Fenske N, Deffner V, Kreuzer M, Samet J, Bertke S, Kelly-Reif K, Schubauer-Berigan MK, Tomasek L, Zablotska LB, Wiggins C, Laurier D. Lung Cancer and Radon: Pooled Analysis of Uranium Miners Hired in 1960 or Later. Environmental Health Perspectives (2022) 130(5):57010. PMID: 35604341
Kelly-Reif K, Bertke S, Richardson DB. Non-malignant Respiratory Disease Mortality in Male Colorado Plateau Uranium Miners, 1960-2016. American Journal of Industrial Medicine (2022) 65(10):773-782. PMID: 35941829
Shahn Z, Dukes O, Richardson DB, Tchetgen Tchetgen E, Robins J. Structural Nested Mean Models Under Parallel Trends Assumptions. arXiv:2204.10291v1 [stat.ME] 21 Apr 2022
Guseva Canu I, Gaillen-Guedy A, Antilla A, Charles S, Fraize-Frontier S, Luce D, McElvenny DM, Merletti F, Michel C, Pukkala E, Schubauer-Berigan M, Straif K, Wild P, Richardson DB. Lung cancer mortality in the European cohort of titanium dioxide workers: a reanalysis of the exposure-response relationship. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2022). doi: 10.1136/oemed-2021-108030. PMID: 35501125
Kamai EM, Daniels JL, Delamater PL, Lanphear BP, Gibson JM, Richardson DB. Patterns of children’s blood lead screening and blood lead levels in North Carolina, 2011-2018 – Who is tested, who is missed? Environmental Health Perspectives (2022) 130(6):67002. PMID: 35647633
Xi Y, Richardson DB, Kshirsagar AV, Wade TJ, Flythe JE, Whitsel EA, Rappold AG. Association Between Long-Term Ambient PM2.5 Exposure and Cardiovascular Outcomes Among U.S. Hemodialysis Patients. American Journal of Kidney Disease (2022) 80(5):648-657.e1. PMID: 35690155
Richardson DB, Keil AP, Edwards JP, Cole SR, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. A Bespoke Instrumental Variable Approach to Correction for Exposure Measurement Error. American Journal of Epidemiology (2022) 191(11):1954-1961. doi.org/10.1093/aje/kwac133. PMID: 35916388
Wilkie AA, Richardson DB, Luben TJ, Serre ML, Woods CG, Daniels, JL. North Carolina’s Changing Energy Generation Profile and Reductions in Key Air Pollutants, 2000-2019. North Carolina Medical Journal (2022) 83(4):304-310. PMID: 35817451
Klein MD, Sciaudone M, Richardson DB, Lacayo R, McClean CM, Kharabora O, Murray K, Zivanovich MM, Strohminger S, Gurnett R, Markmann AJ, Bhowmik R, Salgado EM, Castro-Arroyo E, Aiello AE, Boyce RM, Juliano JJ, Bowman NM. SARS-CoV-2 Seroprevalence and Risk Factors Among Meat Packing Plant, Produce Processing, and Farm Workers. PLoS Global Public Health (2022) 13;2(7):e0000619. PMID: 36962464
Quist AJL, Holcomb DA, Fliss MD, Delamater PL, Richardson DB, Engel LS. Exposure to Industrial Hog Operations and Gastrointestinal Illness in North Carolina, USA. Science of the Total Environment (2022) 830:154823. PMID: 35341848
Richey M, Marshall S, Nocera M, Golightly Y, Richardson DB. Trends in fatal occupational injuries in Latino/a workers relative to other groups, North Carolina 2000-2017. American Journal of Industrial Medicine (2022) 65(4):242-247. PMID: 35128690
Xi Y, Richardson DB, Kshirsagar AV, Wade TJ, Flythe JE, Whitsel EA, Peterson GC, Wyatt LH, Rappold AG. Effects of Short-Term Ambient PM2.5 Exposure on Cardiovascular Disease Incidence and Mortality among U.S. Hemodialysis Patients: A Retrospective Cohort Study. Environmental Health (2022) 21(1):33. PMID: 35277178
Tchetgen Tchetgen E, Duke O, Shi X, Miao W, Richardson DB. Re: Synthetic control methods for the evaluation of single-unit interventions in epidemiology: a tutorial. American Journal of Epidemiology (2022). 191(5):965-966. PMID: 36044006
Quist AJL, Fliss MD, Wade TJ, Delamater PL, Richardson DB, Engel LS. Hurricane Flooding and Acute Gastrointestinal Illness in North Carolina. Science of the Total Environment (2022) 809:151108. PMID: 34688737
Pumarega J, Camargo J, Gasull M, Olshan AF, Soliman A, Chen Y, Richardson DB, Alguacil J, Poole C, Trasande L, Porta M, for the PANKRAS II Study Group. Timing of toenail collection and concentrations of metals in pancreatic cancer. Evidence against disease progression bias. Exposure and Health (2022). 14(3):581-593. PMID: 34722949.
Richardson DB, Tchetgen Tchetgen E. Bespoke Instruments: A new tool for addressing unmeasured confounders. American Journal of Epidemiology (2022) 191(5):939-947. PMID: 34907434.
Rudolph JE, Cole SR, Edwards JK, Whitsel EA, Serre ML, Richardson DB. Estimating association between annual concentrations of particulate matter and mortality in the United States using data linkage and Bayesian Maximum Entropy. Epidemiology (2022) 33:157-166. PMID: 34816807.
Richardson DB, Keil AP, Cole SR. Amplification of Bias Due to Exposure Measurement Error. American Journal of Epidemiology (2022) 191(1): 182–187. PMID: 34455433.
Kelly-Reif K, Sandler DP, Shore D, Schubauer-Berigan M, Troester M, Nylander-French L, Richardson DB. Lung and extrathoracic cancer incidence among underground uranium miners exposed to radon progeny in the Príbram region of the Czech Republic: a case-cohort study. Occupational and Environmental Medicine (2022) 79(2):102-108. PMID: 34417337.
Xiao M, Chen Y, Cole SR, Maclehose RF, Richardson DB, Chu H. Is OR “portable” in meta-analysis? Time to consider bivariate generalized linear mixed model. Journal of Clinical Epidemiology (2022) 142:280-287. PMID: 34384876.
Other Experience
Member Committee 1: Radiation Effects
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 2021
International Commission on Radiological Protection (ICRP) 2021
Lead Coordinating Writer, Committee on Epidemiological Studies of Radiation and Cancer
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) 2019
United Nations Scientific Committee on the Effects of Atomic Radiation (UNSCEAR) 2019
Adjunct Professor of Epidemiology
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2023
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 2023
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