Leanne Burke

Picture of Leanne Burke
Associate Clinical Professor & Pre-Licensure Program Director
Sue & Bill Gross School of Nursing
M.S., San Diego State University, 2003, Nursing
Ed.D., Southern Connecticut State University, 2019, Nursing Education
Phone: (949) 824-2696
Email: ltburke@hs.uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
824 Health Sciences Quad
Nursing and Health Sciences Hall #4331
Mail Code: 3959
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Student Success, Nursing Education, Grit, Noncognitive predictors of success, Maternal Newborn Nursing, Midwifery
Research Abstract
My areas of interest include nursing education, specifically the noncognitive factors that contribute to nursing student success. My research looks at levels of grit, passion and perseverance toward long-term goals (Duckworth, 2007), in graduate nursing students and those strategies faculty members use to promote grit. In addition to my research in nursing education, I am a Certified Nurse Midwife and have a passion toward promoting well-being during the childbearing period.
Awards and Honors
Fellow, UCI DTEI Faculty Academy for Teaching Excellence, 2022
2021 Nursing Excellence Award Nomination: Educator of the Year
“Faculty of the Year”, University of California, Irvine Bachelor of Science, Nursing Science, June 2020
Burke, L., Rebeschi, L., Weismuller, P., Bulmer, S. & Kehoe, P. (2022). Grit levels of graduate nursing students: Why grit is needed in nursing (Research Brief). Journal of Nursing Education, 61(4), pp. 197-200.
Kim, S.C., Burke, L., Sloan, C., & Barnett, S. (2012). Attitudes toward teen mothers among nursing students and psychometric evaluation of Positivity Toward Teen Mothers scale. Nursing Education Today, 33(9), pp.986-91.
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