Beryl F. Schlossman
Professor, Comparative Literature
School of Humanities
School of Humanities
B.A., Cornell University
Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA), Université de Paris 7, Science des Textes et Documents
Ph.D., Université de Paris 7, Littératures comparées/ Science des Textes et Documents
Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, French and Comparative Literature
Diplôme d’Etudes Approfondies (DEA), Université de Paris 7, Science des Textes et Documents
Ph.D., Université de Paris 7, Littératures comparées/ Science des Textes et Documents
Ph.D., The Johns Hopkins University, French and Comparative Literature
University of California, Irvine
250 Humanities Instructional Bldg
Mail Code: 2651
Irvine, CA 92697
250 Humanities Instructional Bldg
Mail Code: 2651
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
comparative literature, film, critical theory, psychoanalysis, poetics, modernity
Research Abstract
Comparative European and American Literary Studies (English, Irish, French, German,and Italian), Critical Theory, Creative Writing, Film Studies, Poetry and Poetics, French and Francophone Studies, Visual Arts, Modernism, Gender Studies, European Studies, the Novel, Theater, Images of the Feminine, Figures of Love -- Carmen and Don Juan, James Joyce, Samuel Beckett, Marcel Proust, Charles Baudelaire, Walter Benjamin.
Joyce’s Catholic Comedy of Language. Madison and London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
The Orient of Style: Modernist Allegories of Conversion. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1991.
Objects of Desire: The Madonnas of Modernism. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1999.
Angelus Novus. Poèmes. Fontaine-lès-Dijon: Editions Virgile [collection Ulysse Fin de Siècle], 1995.
Video Senegal. Artist’s Book. Poem in French and English, engravings by Anne-Catherine Nesa. Paris: Editions Transignum, 2004.
Encres manuélines. Artist’s Book. Six poems in French and English, engravings by Jacky Essirard. Angers: Atelier de Villemorge, 2010.
Charles Baudelaire and the Poetry of Paris (book manuscript in progress).
Some Nights… (book manuscript of poetry in preparation)
“James Joyce et le don des langues.” Tel Quel 92 (1982): 9-30.
“From La Boétie to Montaigne: The Place of the Text.” Modern Language Notes 98:5 (1983): 891-909.
“From La Boétie to Montaigne: The Place of the Text,” in Lacan and Narration. Eds. Robert Con Davis and Ron Schleifer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983.
“Reading on the Margins of Augustine.” Modern Language Notes 99:5 (1984): 1086-91.
“Lesen am Rande des Augustinischen Textes.” Wunderblock: Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse 13 (1985): 57-62.
“L’Ecriture joycienne: juive ou catholique?” James Joyce. Paris: Cahiers de L’Herne 50 (1985): 318-333.
“Proust and Benjamin: The Invisible Image.” Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature 11:1 (1986): 91-103.
“Finnegans Wake: The Passage Toward Pentecost,” in James Joyce: The Centennial Symposium. Eds. Morris Beja et al. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986, 123-131.
“Proust and Benjamin,” in Benjamin’s Ground. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989, 105-117.
“Che vuoi ? Don Giovanni and the Seductions of Art,” in James Joyce 2, “Scribble” 2: Joyce et Flaubert. Eds. Claude Jacquet and André Topia. Paris: Minard, 1990, 133-153.
“(Pas) encore! -- Flaubert, Baudelaire, and Don Giovanni.” Romanic Review 82:3 (1990): 350-367.
“Vivre Valéry.” Comparatio 1 (1990): 61-68.
“Disappearing Acts: Style, Seduction, and Performance in Dom Juan.” Modern Language Notes 106:5 (1991): 1030-1047.
“Figures Transfigured: Madonnas of Modernism, Altars of the Sublime,” in Ulysse à l’article: Joyce aux marges du roman. eds. Daniel Ferrer, Claude Jacquet, André Topia. Tusson (Charente): Du Lérot, 1991, 221-254.
“Retrospective Beginnings.” James Joyce Quarterly 29:1 (1991): 85-101.
“Journées de lecture: Proust and ‘La Vocation Invisible.’” Symposium 45:3 (1991): 197-217.
“Benjamin’s Ueber Einige Motive bei Baudelaire: The Secret Architecture of
Correspondances.” Modern Language Notes (Special Issue on Walter Benjamin) 107:3
(1992): 548-579.
“Molière oblique.” Continuum: Problems in French Literature from the Late Renaissance to
the Early Enlightenment. Volume 4, Libertinage and the Art of Writing 2. New York:
AMS Press, 1992, 9-42.
“Baudelaire: Liberté, Libertinage and Modernity.” Sub-stance, Vol. XXII (1993): 67-80.
“Balzac’s Art of Excess.” Modern Language Notes 109:5 (1994): 873-896.
“Flaubert’s Moving Sidewalk.” in Approaches to Teaching “Madame Bovary”, edited by
Laurence M. Porter and Eugene F. Gray. New York: MLA, 1995, 69-76.
“Tristan and Isolde or the Triangles of Desire: Jealousy, Eroticism, and Poetics” in Genetic
Studies in Joyce: Probes, edited by David Hayman and Sam Slotes. Amsterdam: Rodopi,
1995, 149-178.
“Transports of Love: Desire, Image, and the Object in Molière’s Dom Juan.” Modern
Language Notes 111:5 (1996): 918-937.
“The Descent of Orpheus: On Reading Barthes and Proust” in Writing the Image: After Roland Barthes, edited by Jean-Michel Rabaté. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1997, 144-159.
“Looking Back: Luminous Shadows and the Auras of History” in Roland Barthes, edited by Diana Knight. Nottingham French Studies 36:1 (1997): 76-87.
“Mademoiselle de Maupin en noir et blanc: le deuil, la mélancolie et ‘Le Cygne’” in Freeman G. Henry, Relire Théophile Gautier: Le Plaisir du Texte. Atlanta: Rodopi, 1998, 179-206.
“Proust, Baudelaire et le type de la Parisienne.” Francofonia: Studi e ricerche sulle letterature di lingua francese 38 (2000): 71-82.
“La Nuit du poète: Baudelaire, Benjamin et la passante.” Dalhousie French Studies 53 (Winter 2000): 12-26.
“Le Retour du regard: Psyché, le féminin et les voiles de l’allégorie” in Isis, Narcisse, Psyché, entre Lumières et Romantisme, edited by Pascale Auraix-Jonchière. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2001, 365-375.
“Pariser Treiben” translated by R. Nägele in Christiaan L. Hart Nibbrig, editor. Uebersetzen: Walter Benjamin. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2001, 280-310.
“Crossing Francophone Boundaries: Beckett’s Fictions.” Twentieth Century Studies in Literature 26:1 (2002), 101-116.
“Alice Rivaz and the Subject of Lost Time.” Modern Language Notes 116:5 (2001), 1025-1044.
“Alice Rivaz: Au Fil du temps” in Autour d’Alice Rivaz, Actes du Premier colloque international de Lausanne, Etudes de Lettres (Université de Lausanne), 2002/1, 95-110.
“Memory and Fiction in the Novels of Catherine Colomb.” Modern Language Notes 117:5 (2002), 1028-1039.
“Madonnas of Modernism” in Laurent Milesi, editor. James Joyce and the Difference of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, 58-78.
“La Femme et l’art de l’amour: Eros et Done Elvire dans le Dom Juan de Molière” in Marco Baschera et al., editors. Vraisemblance et représentation: Molière en question. Dijon: Collection Littérature comparée, 2, Centre des Intéractions Culturelles Européennes, 2004, 145-161.
“The Night of the Poet: Baudelaire, Benjamin, and ‘A Une Passante.’” Modern Language Notes 119:5 (2004), 1013-1032.
“Traduire/ Ecrire, ‘Lausanne, Septembre.’” La Traductière 23 (2005): 151-152.
“Baudelaire und Benjamin. Artifizialität, Exil und Modernität” in Nikolaus Müller-Schöll and Saskia Reither, editors. Zeiterfahrung und ästhetische Wahrnehmung, vol. 3. Aisthesis. Zur Erfahrung von Zeit, Raum, Text und Kunst. Frankfurt am Main: Edition Argus, 2005, 112-121.
“Images of the Aura: Some Motifs in French Modernism” in Dag Petersson and Erik Steinskog, editors. Actualities of Aura: Twelve Studies of Walter Benjamin. Göteborg: Nordicom Press, 2005, 281-295.
“Baudelaire: Liberté, Libertinage and Modernity”(1993) reprinted in The Gale Group in Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism (NCLC-155), 2005.
“Baudelaire’s Place in Literary and Cultural History” in Rosemary Lloyd, Editor. Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 175-185.
“Ecrire le sujet: l’acrobate japonais, la gitane et le langage des couleurs” in Bruno Blanckemann, Aline Mura-Brunel, and Marc Dambre, Editors. Le Roman français au tournant du XXIe siècle. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2004, 487-493.
“Writing the Feminine: Catherine Colomb.” Modern Language Notes 121:5 (2006), 1072-1082.
Catherine Colomb, le roman et ses ombres.” Forum APEF Espaces de la Francophonie (Portugal), 2007.
“Burgess/ Kubrick/ A Clockwork Orange (Twenty-to-One)” in Alan R. Roughley, editor. Anthony Burgess and Modernity. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2008, 279-282.
Book review essay on Walter Benjamin, The Writer of Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire. H-France Review Vol. 8 (August 2008), 87.
“Poetics in Daylight, December 15, 2009.” La Traductière, volume 28 (2010): 89-90.
“Poétiques à la lumière du jour.” Translated by Jacqueline Palot. La Traductière, volume 28 (2010): 91-92.
“L'Etrangeté, l'exil et l'amour chez Beckett.” Carnets, Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses, Número especial, outono/inverno 2010/2011 (2011): 123-132.
“Baudelaire et l’art espagnol.” Carnets, Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses, Número especial, outono/inverno 2011/2012 (2012): 253-261.
“Baudelaire l’extravagant.” (Res)sources de l’extravagance, Carnets, Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses, volume 4 (2012): 85-96.
"Baudelaire, le poète, l'étranger," Carnets, Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses, (IIe série, no. 1, 2014): 159-166.
"A Une Passante: Walter Benjamin in Baudelaire-Ville, " in Critical Insights: The Poetry of Baudelaire, ed. Tom Hubbard (Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing/Salem Press, 2014), pp. 67- 79.
"'Le Cygne' - Paris Downstream, in Critical Insights: The Poetry of Baudelaire, ed. Tom Hubbard (Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing/Salem Press, 2014), pp. 106-125.
"The Poet's Lost Halo - Reading Paris Spleen with Walter Benjamin, in Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire's Paris Spleen, ed. Cheryl L. Krueger (New York: Modern Language Association of America, forthcoming).
“Three Poems,” The Yale Lit, volume 144, number 5 (1975): 135-137.
“Angelus Novus 1 - 6,” Notre Dame Review, volume 1 (1995): 108-111.
“One Alone” and “Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday,” La Traductière, revue de poésie – art visuel,
volume 15 (1997): 33-34.
“Full Color,” Black Buzzard Review, volume 11 (1998): n.p.
“Answering the Poetry Question,” La Traductière, volume 16 (1998): 38.
“Gardens” and “Walking Down Bahnhofstrasse With K.,” The Chariton Review, volume 26,
number 2 (2000): 50-52.
“Poppies Forget,” La Traductière, volume 20 (2002): 76-77.
“Dionysos and the Ghosts,” “From the Other Shore,” “Lines and Arrows,” and “New York,
August,” The Chariton Review, volume 27, number 2 (2001): 102-106.
“Lucie, Un Dimanche de Pâques,” “Amandes,” “Sa Chanson,” ARPA, Revue de Poésie et de
Littérature, 78 (October 2002): 36-40.
“Almonds,” Notre Dame Review, volume 15 (2002): 9.
“Lily and John,” La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 92.
“Shéhérazade parle des 1001 Nuits,” N4728, revue de poésie, volume 5 (February 2004): 44-
“Jazztalk for the Captain,” La Traductière, volume 22 (2004): 54-56.
“Wangerberg, août,” Le Mâche-laurier, revue de poésie, ed. François Boddaert, volume 23
(June 2005): 109-115.
“Lausanne, Septembre” and “Lausanne, September,” La Traductière, volume 23 (2005): 150-
“Wangerberg, August,” Ulysse Fin de siècle: vers et proses 1987-2005, edited by François
Dominique, J.M. Rabaté, and Daniel Legrand. Dijon: Editions Virgile, 2005, 163-164.
“Ghosts and Lovers in Late Summer.” Jens Dittmar, Editor. Lyrik aus Liechtenstein, von
Heinrich von Frauenberg bis heute. Schaan: Liechtenstein Verlag, 2005, 322-324.
“Mr. Bones Watches the Spring Rain,” Poetry in Performance, volume 32, edited by Barry
Wallenstein. New York: CUNY, 2005, 186-87.
“See Through,” Poetry in Performance, volume 33, edited by Barry Wallenstein. New York:
CUNY, 2006, 206-07.
"Vidéo Sénégal/ Video Senegal," "Some Nights," "Royan, July/ Royan, Juillet II.” Babel:
Langages - Imaginaires - Civilisations 18 (2008): 47-58.
“Voeux 2009 [five poems],” N4728, revue de poésie, volume 16 (June 2009): 11-14.
“A Postcard to Johannes in the Alps,” La Traductière, volume 28 (2010): 74.
“Poem of Anticipation,” La Traductière, volume 30 (2012): 157.
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday” translated by Dominique Grandmont, La Traductière, volume 15
(1997): 35.
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday” translated by Yves Bichet, La Traductière, volume 15 (1997): 35.
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday” translated by Alain Rochat, La Traductière, volume 15 (1997):
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday” translated by Pierre-Yves Soucy, La Traductière, volume 15
(1997): 35.
“One Alone” translated by Yves Bichet, La Traductière, volume 15 (1997): 33.
“Poppies Forget” translated by Claude Meunier, La Traductière, volume 20 (2002): 77.
“Lily and John,” translated by Sebastien Reichmann, La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 92.
“Lily and John,” translated by Francis Combes, La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 94.
“Lily and John,” translated by Isabelle Courteau, La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 94.
“Jazztalk for the Captain,” translated by Claude Meunier, La Traductière, volume 22 (2004):
“A Postcard to Johannes in the Alps,” translated by Jacques Rancourt, “A Postcard to Johannes
in the Alps,” La Traductière, volume 28 (2010): 74.
“Poem of Anticipation,” translated by Adèle David, La Traductière, volume 30 (2012): 158.
“Royan, juillet.” Commune, edited by Francis Combes (forthcoming).
“Im Wintergarten” in Was Wäre Natur? Liechtensteiner Exkurse, edited by Norbert Haas,
Rainer Nägele, and Hans-Jürg Rheinberger. German translation by R. Nägele. Eggingen: Isele, 1995, 215-231.
“Une Lettre de Paris,” Le Jardin d’Essai, volume 13, April-June 1999: 4-6.
“Nights on Baudelaire Street,” Bulletin Baudelairien 35 (2000): 118-126.
“L’Hôtel du Grand Miroir,” Bulletin Baudelairien 36 (2001): 63-70.
“Tableaux à l’étranger,” in L’exterritorialité de la littérature allemande, edited by Peter
Henninger et al. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2002, 173-189.
“Des Femmes en noir et blanc,” Bulletin Baudelairien 37 (2002): 78-83.
“Streifzüge, Aufs Schloß zu” in Ludo Verbeeck et al. Schloß-Geschichten, edited by Peter
Henninger, Rainer Nägele, Bart Philipsen. Eggingen: Edition Isele, 2007, 137-140.
“Rue d'Odessa," Babel: Langages - Imaginaires - Civilisations 18 (2008): 41-45.
“Georges Bataille.” Video and interview by Theo Roos for the program “Buchladen” on
Westdeutsche Rundfunk channel 3, February 26, 1995.
“Panorama.” France Culture. Program on work by new poets, including discussion of Angelus
Novus. April 25, 1996.
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday,” composition for piano by Monique Rancourt, performed in Paris,
June 1996.
“Jazztalk for the Captain,” composition for viola and vocal performance by Francisco Sierra,
Orion, ensemble directed by Jean-Luc Darbellay, performed at Marché de la Poésie, Paris, June 2004.
"A Postcard to Johannes in the Alps," poetry on video, Festival Franco-Anglais de Poésie, Paris,
June 2010.
William J. Berg, Michel Grimaud, and George Moskos, Saint/Oedipus: Psychocritical
Approaches to Flaubert’s Art (Cornell University Press, 1982); Modern Language Notes 99:5 (1984): 1267-1269.
Mieke Bal, The Mottled Screen: Reading Proust Visually (Stanford University Press, 1997);
Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature 24:2 (2000): 341-343.
“Polyphony and Memory in James Joyce’s Fiction.” Review of John S. Rickard, Joyce's Book of
Memory: The Mnemotechnic of Ulysses (Durham: Duke U P, 1999), R. J. Schork, Latin and Roman Culture in Joyce (Gainesville: U P of Florida, 1997), and R. J. Schork, Greek and Hellenic Culture in Joyce (Gainesville: U P of Florida, 1998), Modern Fiction Studies 46:4 (2000) 984-88.
Marc Froment-Meurice, La Chimère: Tombeau de Nerval (Paris, Belin, 2001); Nineteenth
Century French Studies 30:3 and 4 (2002): 35-36.
Michel Murat, L’Art de Rimbaud (Paris: José Corti, 2002); Modern Language Notes 118:5
(2003): 1341.
Henry Sussman, The Task of the Critic: Poetics, Philosophy, and Religion. (New York:
Fordham University Press, 2005); Modern Language Notes 120:5 (2005): 1249-1251.
Philippe Destruel, L’Ecriture nervalienne du temps: l’expérience de la temporalité dans l’oeuvre
de Gérard de Nerval. (Saint Genouph: Nizet, 2004); Nineteenth Century French Studies 35:2 (2007): 492-494.
Gilbert D. Chaitin, The Enemy Within: Culture Wars and Political Identity in Novels of the
French Third Republic (Columbus: Ohio State UP 2009); Symposium 65, no. 2 (2011).
English into French:
Stanley Fish, “La Théorie sans conséquences.” Critique 456 (mai 1985): 445-469.
French into English:
André Green, “Logic of Lacan’s Object and Freudian Theory: Convergences and Questions,” in
Interpreting Lacan. eds. Joseph H. Smith and William Kerrigan. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983, 161-191.
Antoine Vergote, “From Freud’s Other Scene to Lacan’s Other,” in Interpreting Lacan (ibid.),
Poems by Yves Bichet, Brigitte Gyr, Pierre DesRuisseaux, and Dominique Grandmont in La
Traductière, volume 15 (1997): 13, 14, 21, 31.
“Nuit des hommes,” opera libretto based on poems by Guillaume Apollinaire by Jacob F.
Schokking for a 1996 score by Per Nørgård, 2000.
15 Poems by Guillaume Apollinaire, screen projections for “Nuit des hommes” performed in
London, Hamburg, and Berlin, 2000.
Poems by Francis Combes and Isabelle Courteau in La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 79, 83.
Joyce’s Catholic Comedy of Language. Madison and London: University of Wisconsin Press, 1985.
The Orient of Style: Modernist Allegories of Conversion. Durham and London: Duke University Press, 1991.
Objects of Desire: The Madonnas of Modernism. Ithaca and London: Cornell University Press, 1999.
Angelus Novus. Poèmes. Fontaine-lès-Dijon: Editions Virgile [collection Ulysse Fin de Siècle], 1995.
Video Senegal. Artist’s Book. Poem in French and English, engravings by Anne-Catherine Nesa. Paris: Editions Transignum, 2004.
Encres manuélines. Artist’s Book. Six poems in French and English, engravings by Jacky Essirard. Angers: Atelier de Villemorge, 2010.
Charles Baudelaire and the Poetry of Paris (book manuscript in progress).
Some Nights… (book manuscript of poetry in preparation)
“James Joyce et le don des langues.” Tel Quel 92 (1982): 9-30.
“From La Boétie to Montaigne: The Place of the Text.” Modern Language Notes 98:5 (1983): 891-909.
“From La Boétie to Montaigne: The Place of the Text,” in Lacan and Narration. Eds. Robert Con Davis and Ron Schleifer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins University Press, 1983.
“Reading on the Margins of Augustine.” Modern Language Notes 99:5 (1984): 1086-91.
“Lesen am Rande des Augustinischen Textes.” Wunderblock: Zeitschrift fur Psychoanalyse 13 (1985): 57-62.
“L’Ecriture joycienne: juive ou catholique?” James Joyce. Paris: Cahiers de L’Herne 50 (1985): 318-333.
“Proust and Benjamin: The Invisible Image.” Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature 11:1 (1986): 91-103.
“Finnegans Wake: The Passage Toward Pentecost,” in James Joyce: The Centennial Symposium. Eds. Morris Beja et al. Urbana: University of Illinois Press, 1986, 123-131.
“Proust and Benjamin,” in Benjamin’s Ground. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1989, 105-117.
“Che vuoi ? Don Giovanni and the Seductions of Art,” in James Joyce 2, “Scribble” 2: Joyce et Flaubert. Eds. Claude Jacquet and André Topia. Paris: Minard, 1990, 133-153.
“(Pas) encore! -- Flaubert, Baudelaire, and Don Giovanni.” Romanic Review 82:3 (1990): 350-367.
“Vivre Valéry.” Comparatio 1 (1990): 61-68.
“Disappearing Acts: Style, Seduction, and Performance in Dom Juan.” Modern Language Notes 106:5 (1991): 1030-1047.
“Figures Transfigured: Madonnas of Modernism, Altars of the Sublime,” in Ulysse à l’article: Joyce aux marges du roman. eds. Daniel Ferrer, Claude Jacquet, André Topia. Tusson (Charente): Du Lérot, 1991, 221-254.
“Retrospective Beginnings.” James Joyce Quarterly 29:1 (1991): 85-101.
“Journées de lecture: Proust and ‘La Vocation Invisible.’” Symposium 45:3 (1991): 197-217.
“Benjamin’s Ueber Einige Motive bei Baudelaire: The Secret Architecture of
Correspondances.” Modern Language Notes (Special Issue on Walter Benjamin) 107:3
(1992): 548-579.
“Molière oblique.” Continuum: Problems in French Literature from the Late Renaissance to
the Early Enlightenment. Volume 4, Libertinage and the Art of Writing 2. New York:
AMS Press, 1992, 9-42.
“Baudelaire: Liberté, Libertinage and Modernity.” Sub-stance, Vol. XXII (1993): 67-80.
“Balzac’s Art of Excess.” Modern Language Notes 109:5 (1994): 873-896.
“Flaubert’s Moving Sidewalk.” in Approaches to Teaching “Madame Bovary”, edited by
Laurence M. Porter and Eugene F. Gray. New York: MLA, 1995, 69-76.
“Tristan and Isolde or the Triangles of Desire: Jealousy, Eroticism, and Poetics” in Genetic
Studies in Joyce: Probes, edited by David Hayman and Sam Slotes. Amsterdam: Rodopi,
1995, 149-178.
“Transports of Love: Desire, Image, and the Object in Molière’s Dom Juan.” Modern
Language Notes 111:5 (1996): 918-937.
“The Descent of Orpheus: On Reading Barthes and Proust” in Writing the Image: After Roland Barthes, edited by Jean-Michel Rabaté. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania, 1997, 144-159.
“Looking Back: Luminous Shadows and the Auras of History” in Roland Barthes, edited by Diana Knight. Nottingham French Studies 36:1 (1997): 76-87.
“Mademoiselle de Maupin en noir et blanc: le deuil, la mélancolie et ‘Le Cygne’” in Freeman G. Henry, Relire Théophile Gautier: Le Plaisir du Texte. Atlanta: Rodopi, 1998, 179-206.
“Proust, Baudelaire et le type de la Parisienne.” Francofonia: Studi e ricerche sulle letterature di lingua francese 38 (2000): 71-82.
“La Nuit du poète: Baudelaire, Benjamin et la passante.” Dalhousie French Studies 53 (Winter 2000): 12-26.
“Le Retour du regard: Psyché, le féminin et les voiles de l’allégorie” in Isis, Narcisse, Psyché, entre Lumières et Romantisme, edited by Pascale Auraix-Jonchière. Clermont-Ferrand: Presses Universitaires Blaise Pascal, 2001, 365-375.
“Pariser Treiben” translated by R. Nägele in Christiaan L. Hart Nibbrig, editor. Uebersetzen: Walter Benjamin. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 2001, 280-310.
“Crossing Francophone Boundaries: Beckett’s Fictions.” Twentieth Century Studies in Literature 26:1 (2002), 101-116.
“Alice Rivaz and the Subject of Lost Time.” Modern Language Notes 116:5 (2001), 1025-1044.
“Alice Rivaz: Au Fil du temps” in Autour d’Alice Rivaz, Actes du Premier colloque international de Lausanne, Etudes de Lettres (Université de Lausanne), 2002/1, 95-110.
“Memory and Fiction in the Novels of Catherine Colomb.” Modern Language Notes 117:5 (2002), 1028-1039.
“Madonnas of Modernism” in Laurent Milesi, editor. James Joyce and the Difference of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2003, 58-78.
“La Femme et l’art de l’amour: Eros et Done Elvire dans le Dom Juan de Molière” in Marco Baschera et al., editors. Vraisemblance et représentation: Molière en question. Dijon: Collection Littérature comparée, 2, Centre des Intéractions Culturelles Européennes, 2004, 145-161.
“The Night of the Poet: Baudelaire, Benjamin, and ‘A Une Passante.’” Modern Language Notes 119:5 (2004), 1013-1032.
“Traduire/ Ecrire, ‘Lausanne, Septembre.’” La Traductière 23 (2005): 151-152.
“Baudelaire und Benjamin. Artifizialität, Exil und Modernität” in Nikolaus Müller-Schöll and Saskia Reither, editors. Zeiterfahrung und ästhetische Wahrnehmung, vol. 3. Aisthesis. Zur Erfahrung von Zeit, Raum, Text und Kunst. Frankfurt am Main: Edition Argus, 2005, 112-121.
“Images of the Aura: Some Motifs in French Modernism” in Dag Petersson and Erik Steinskog, editors. Actualities of Aura: Twelve Studies of Walter Benjamin. Göteborg: Nordicom Press, 2005, 281-295.
“Baudelaire: Liberté, Libertinage and Modernity”(1993) reprinted in The Gale Group in Nineteenth-Century Literary Criticism (NCLC-155), 2005.
“Baudelaire’s Place in Literary and Cultural History” in Rosemary Lloyd, Editor. Cambridge Companion to Baudelaire. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, 175-185.
“Ecrire le sujet: l’acrobate japonais, la gitane et le langage des couleurs” in Bruno Blanckemann, Aline Mura-Brunel, and Marc Dambre, Editors. Le Roman français au tournant du XXIe siècle. Paris: Presses Sorbonne Nouvelle, 2004, 487-493.
“Writing the Feminine: Catherine Colomb.” Modern Language Notes 121:5 (2006), 1072-1082.
Catherine Colomb, le roman et ses ombres.” Forum APEF Espaces de la Francophonie (Portugal), 2007.
“Burgess/ Kubrick/ A Clockwork Orange (Twenty-to-One)” in Alan R. Roughley, editor. Anthony Burgess and Modernity. Manchester and New York: Manchester University Press, 2008, 279-282.
Book review essay on Walter Benjamin, The Writer of Modern Life: Essays on Charles Baudelaire. H-France Review Vol. 8 (August 2008), 87.
“Poetics in Daylight, December 15, 2009.” La Traductière, volume 28 (2010): 89-90.
“Poétiques à la lumière du jour.” Translated by Jacqueline Palot. La Traductière, volume 28 (2010): 91-92.
“L'Etrangeté, l'exil et l'amour chez Beckett.” Carnets, Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses, Número especial, outono/inverno 2010/2011 (2011): 123-132.
“Baudelaire et l’art espagnol.” Carnets, Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses, Número especial, outono/inverno 2011/2012 (2012): 253-261.
“Baudelaire l’extravagant.” (Res)sources de l’extravagance, Carnets, Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses, volume 4 (2012): 85-96.
"Baudelaire, le poète, l'étranger," Carnets, Revista Electrónica de Estudos Franceses, (IIe série, no. 1, 2014): 159-166.
"A Une Passante: Walter Benjamin in Baudelaire-Ville, " in Critical Insights: The Poetry of Baudelaire, ed. Tom Hubbard (Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing/Salem Press, 2014), pp. 67- 79.
"'Le Cygne' - Paris Downstream, in Critical Insights: The Poetry of Baudelaire, ed. Tom Hubbard (Amenia, NY: Grey House Publishing/Salem Press, 2014), pp. 106-125.
"The Poet's Lost Halo - Reading Paris Spleen with Walter Benjamin, in Approaches to Teaching Baudelaire's Paris Spleen, ed. Cheryl L. Krueger (New York: Modern Language Association of America, forthcoming).
“Three Poems,” The Yale Lit, volume 144, number 5 (1975): 135-137.
“Angelus Novus 1 - 6,” Notre Dame Review, volume 1 (1995): 108-111.
“One Alone” and “Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday,” La Traductière, revue de poésie – art visuel,
volume 15 (1997): 33-34.
“Full Color,” Black Buzzard Review, volume 11 (1998): n.p.
“Answering the Poetry Question,” La Traductière, volume 16 (1998): 38.
“Gardens” and “Walking Down Bahnhofstrasse With K.,” The Chariton Review, volume 26,
number 2 (2000): 50-52.
“Poppies Forget,” La Traductière, volume 20 (2002): 76-77.
“Dionysos and the Ghosts,” “From the Other Shore,” “Lines and Arrows,” and “New York,
August,” The Chariton Review, volume 27, number 2 (2001): 102-106.
“Lucie, Un Dimanche de Pâques,” “Amandes,” “Sa Chanson,” ARPA, Revue de Poésie et de
Littérature, 78 (October 2002): 36-40.
“Almonds,” Notre Dame Review, volume 15 (2002): 9.
“Lily and John,” La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 92.
“Shéhérazade parle des 1001 Nuits,” N4728, revue de poésie, volume 5 (February 2004): 44-
“Jazztalk for the Captain,” La Traductière, volume 22 (2004): 54-56.
“Wangerberg, août,” Le Mâche-laurier, revue de poésie, ed. François Boddaert, volume 23
(June 2005): 109-115.
“Lausanne, Septembre” and “Lausanne, September,” La Traductière, volume 23 (2005): 150-
“Wangerberg, August,” Ulysse Fin de siècle: vers et proses 1987-2005, edited by François
Dominique, J.M. Rabaté, and Daniel Legrand. Dijon: Editions Virgile, 2005, 163-164.
“Ghosts and Lovers in Late Summer.” Jens Dittmar, Editor. Lyrik aus Liechtenstein, von
Heinrich von Frauenberg bis heute. Schaan: Liechtenstein Verlag, 2005, 322-324.
“Mr. Bones Watches the Spring Rain,” Poetry in Performance, volume 32, edited by Barry
Wallenstein. New York: CUNY, 2005, 186-87.
“See Through,” Poetry in Performance, volume 33, edited by Barry Wallenstein. New York:
CUNY, 2006, 206-07.
"Vidéo Sénégal/ Video Senegal," "Some Nights," "Royan, July/ Royan, Juillet II.” Babel:
Langages - Imaginaires - Civilisations 18 (2008): 47-58.
“Voeux 2009 [five poems],” N4728, revue de poésie, volume 16 (June 2009): 11-14.
“A Postcard to Johannes in the Alps,” La Traductière, volume 28 (2010): 74.
“Poem of Anticipation,” La Traductière, volume 30 (2012): 157.
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday” translated by Dominique Grandmont, La Traductière, volume 15
(1997): 35.
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday” translated by Yves Bichet, La Traductière, volume 15 (1997): 35.
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday” translated by Alain Rochat, La Traductière, volume 15 (1997):
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday” translated by Pierre-Yves Soucy, La Traductière, volume 15
(1997): 35.
“One Alone” translated by Yves Bichet, La Traductière, volume 15 (1997): 33.
“Poppies Forget” translated by Claude Meunier, La Traductière, volume 20 (2002): 77.
“Lily and John,” translated by Sebastien Reichmann, La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 92.
“Lily and John,” translated by Francis Combes, La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 94.
“Lily and John,” translated by Isabelle Courteau, La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 94.
“Jazztalk for the Captain,” translated by Claude Meunier, La Traductière, volume 22 (2004):
“A Postcard to Johannes in the Alps,” translated by Jacques Rancourt, “A Postcard to Johannes
in the Alps,” La Traductière, volume 28 (2010): 74.
“Poem of Anticipation,” translated by Adèle David, La Traductière, volume 30 (2012): 158.
“Royan, juillet.” Commune, edited by Francis Combes (forthcoming).
“Im Wintergarten” in Was Wäre Natur? Liechtensteiner Exkurse, edited by Norbert Haas,
Rainer Nägele, and Hans-Jürg Rheinberger. German translation by R. Nägele. Eggingen: Isele, 1995, 215-231.
“Une Lettre de Paris,” Le Jardin d’Essai, volume 13, April-June 1999: 4-6.
“Nights on Baudelaire Street,” Bulletin Baudelairien 35 (2000): 118-126.
“L’Hôtel du Grand Miroir,” Bulletin Baudelairien 36 (2001): 63-70.
“Tableaux à l’étranger,” in L’exterritorialité de la littérature allemande, edited by Peter
Henninger et al. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2002, 173-189.
“Des Femmes en noir et blanc,” Bulletin Baudelairien 37 (2002): 78-83.
“Streifzüge, Aufs Schloß zu” in Ludo Verbeeck et al. Schloß-Geschichten, edited by Peter
Henninger, Rainer Nägele, Bart Philipsen. Eggingen: Edition Isele, 2007, 137-140.
“Rue d'Odessa," Babel: Langages - Imaginaires - Civilisations 18 (2008): 41-45.
“Georges Bataille.” Video and interview by Theo Roos for the program “Buchladen” on
Westdeutsche Rundfunk channel 3, February 26, 1995.
“Panorama.” France Culture. Program on work by new poets, including discussion of Angelus
Novus. April 25, 1996.
“Lucy’s Song: Easter Sunday,” composition for piano by Monique Rancourt, performed in Paris,
June 1996.
“Jazztalk for the Captain,” composition for viola and vocal performance by Francisco Sierra,
Orion, ensemble directed by Jean-Luc Darbellay, performed at Marché de la Poésie, Paris, June 2004.
"A Postcard to Johannes in the Alps," poetry on video, Festival Franco-Anglais de Poésie, Paris,
June 2010.
William J. Berg, Michel Grimaud, and George Moskos, Saint/Oedipus: Psychocritical
Approaches to Flaubert’s Art (Cornell University Press, 1982); Modern Language Notes 99:5 (1984): 1267-1269.
Mieke Bal, The Mottled Screen: Reading Proust Visually (Stanford University Press, 1997);
Studies in Twentieth-Century Literature 24:2 (2000): 341-343.
“Polyphony and Memory in James Joyce’s Fiction.” Review of John S. Rickard, Joyce's Book of
Memory: The Mnemotechnic of Ulysses (Durham: Duke U P, 1999), R. J. Schork, Latin and Roman Culture in Joyce (Gainesville: U P of Florida, 1997), and R. J. Schork, Greek and Hellenic Culture in Joyce (Gainesville: U P of Florida, 1998), Modern Fiction Studies 46:4 (2000) 984-88.
Marc Froment-Meurice, La Chimère: Tombeau de Nerval (Paris, Belin, 2001); Nineteenth
Century French Studies 30:3 and 4 (2002): 35-36.
Michel Murat, L’Art de Rimbaud (Paris: José Corti, 2002); Modern Language Notes 118:5
(2003): 1341.
Henry Sussman, The Task of the Critic: Poetics, Philosophy, and Religion. (New York:
Fordham University Press, 2005); Modern Language Notes 120:5 (2005): 1249-1251.
Philippe Destruel, L’Ecriture nervalienne du temps: l’expérience de la temporalité dans l’oeuvre
de Gérard de Nerval. (Saint Genouph: Nizet, 2004); Nineteenth Century French Studies 35:2 (2007): 492-494.
Gilbert D. Chaitin, The Enemy Within: Culture Wars and Political Identity in Novels of the
French Third Republic (Columbus: Ohio State UP 2009); Symposium 65, no. 2 (2011).
English into French:
Stanley Fish, “La Théorie sans conséquences.” Critique 456 (mai 1985): 445-469.
French into English:
André Green, “Logic of Lacan’s Object and Freudian Theory: Convergences and Questions,” in
Interpreting Lacan. eds. Joseph H. Smith and William Kerrigan. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1983, 161-191.
Antoine Vergote, “From Freud’s Other Scene to Lacan’s Other,” in Interpreting Lacan (ibid.),
Poems by Yves Bichet, Brigitte Gyr, Pierre DesRuisseaux, and Dominique Grandmont in La
Traductière, volume 15 (1997): 13, 14, 21, 31.
“Nuit des hommes,” opera libretto based on poems by Guillaume Apollinaire by Jacob F.
Schokking for a 1996 score by Per Nørgård, 2000.
15 Poems by Guillaume Apollinaire, screen projections for “Nuit des hommes” performed in
London, Hamburg, and Berlin, 2000.
Poems by Francis Combes and Isabelle Courteau in La Traductière, volume 21 (2003): 79, 83.
Telluride Association Summer Program Scholarship, 1971.
Juliet MacMonnies Courant Prize, Cornell University, 1976.
Telluride Scholarship (Cornell University), 1972-1976.
Phi Beta Kappa, 1976.
Fulbright Teaching Assistant in France, 1976-1977.
Gilman Fellowship, The Johns Hopkins University, 1982-1986.
Association Française des Femmes Diplômées des Universités bourse d’études, Spring 1985.
Charlotte W. Newcombe Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship, 1985-1986.
Gilbert Chinard Scholarship, Summer 1986.
Mellon Junior Scholar Award, University of Virginia, 1988-1990.
Emory University Research Committee Summer Fellowship, 1988 and 1991.
Emory University Summer Faculty Development Award, 1989, 1990, 1992, and 1993.
Falk Award, Carnegie Mellon University, 1993.
Faculty Development Award, Carnegie Mellon University, 1994, 1996, 1998.
Fulbright Senior Research Grant to France, sponsored by C.N.R.S., January - March 1998.
Pro Helvetia Grant to Switzerland, sponsored by the Centre de Recherches sur les Lettres
Romandes, Université de Lausanne, March - April 2000.
American Council of Learned Societies Senior Research Fellowship, 2001.
Berkman Faculty Development Award, Carnegie Mellon University, 2003.
Pro Helvetia seminar at the Centre de Recherches sur les Lettres Romandes, Université de
Lausanne, September, 2004.
Château de Lavigny, Writer’s residence, August, 2005.
Falk Award, Carnegie Mellon University, 2005.
Arthur Vining Davis Foundations Teaching Fellow, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007.
The Camargo Foundation Fellowship, Spring, 2007.
Center for the Arts in Society research grant, Carnegie Mellon University, 2007.
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