Joshua Fahey Lawrence
Assistant Professor of Language, Literacy, and Technology
School of Education
School of Education
Ed.D., 2008
University of California, Irvine
3200 Education Building
Irvine, CA 92697
3200 Education Building
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Adolescent Reading, Vocabulary Development, Longitudinal Analysis, Second Language Acquisition
Harvard University 2008—2011
‡ Student Co-Author † Student Whom I Advise
J19. Grøver, V., Lawrence, J. F., & Rydland, V., (in press). Bilingual Preschool Children’s Second-Language Vocabulary Development: The Role of First-language Vocabulary Skills and Second-language Talk Input. International Journal of Bilingualism
J18. Lawrence, J. F., Francis, D., & Snow, C. E. (in press). The poor get richer: Heterogeneity in the efficacy of a school-level intervention for academic language. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
J17. † Hwang, J. K., Lawrence, J. F., & Snow, C. E., & Collins, P. (in press). Vocabulary and reading performances of reclassified fluent English proficient students. TESOL Quarterly
J16. † Lin, A.R., Lawrence, J.F., Snow, C.E., & † Taylor, K. (in press). Assessing adolescents’ communicative self-efficacy to discuss controversial issues: Findings from a randomized study of the Word Generation program. Theory and Research in Social Education
J15. Lawrence, J. F., ‡ Niiya, M., & Warschauer, M. (2016). Narrative writing in digital formats: Interpreting the impact of audience. Psychology of Language and Communication, 20(1).
J14. † Lin, A. R., Lawrence, J. F., & Snow, C. E. (2015). Teaching urban youth about controversial issues: Pathways to becoming active and informed citizens, 14(2), 103–119. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education.
J13. Lawrence, J. F., ‡ Hinga, B., Mahoney, J. L., & Vandell, D. L. (2015). Summer activities and vocabulary development: Relationships across middle childhood and adolescence. International Journal for Research on Extended Education, 3(1), 71-93.
J12. Lawrence, J. F., Crosson, A. C., Paré-Blagoev, E. J., & Snow, C. E. (2015). Word Generation randomized trial: Discussion mediates the impact of program treatment on academic word learning. American Educational Research Journal, 52(4), 750-786.
J11. ‡ Zheng, B., Lawrence, J. F., Warschauer, M., & Lin, C.-H. (2015). Middle school students’ writing and feedback in a cloud-based classroom environment. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 20(2), 201–229.
J10. Lawrence, J. F., Rolland, R. G., Branum-Martin, L., & Snow, C. E. (2014). Generating vocabulary knowledge for at-risk middle school readers: Contrasting program effects and growth trajectories. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 19(2), 76–97.
J9. ‡ Yim, S., Warschauer, M., Zheng, B., & Lawrence, J. F. (2014). Cloud-based collaborative writing and the Common Core Standards. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(3), 243–254.
J8. † Hwang, J. K., Lawrence, J. F., Mo, E., & Snow, C. E. (2014). Differential effects of a systematic vocabulary intervention on adolescent language minority students with varying levels of English proficiency. International Journal of Bilingualism, 19(3), 314–332.
J7. Rydland, V., Grøver, V., & Lawrence, J. F. (2014). The second-language vocabulary trajectories of Turkish immigrant children in Norway from ages five to ten: The role of preschool talk exposure, maternal education, and co-ethnic concentration in the neighborhood. Journal of Child Language, 41(2), 352–381.
J6. Lawrence, J. F., Galloway, E. P., Yim, S., & † Lin, A. (2013). Learning to write in middle school? Insights into adolescent writers’ instructional experiences across content areas. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 57(2), 151–161.
J5. Lawrence, J. F. (2012). English vocabulary trajectories of students whose parents speak a language other than English: Steep trajectories and sharp summer setback. Reading and Writing, 25(5), 1113–1141.
J4. Lawrence, J. F., ‡ Capotosto, L., Branum-Martin, L., White, C., & Snow, C. E. (2012). Language proficiency, home-language status, and English vocabulary development: A longitudinal follow-up of the Word Generation program. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15(3), 437–451.
J3. Snow, C. E., Lawrence, J. F., & White, C. (2009). Generating knowledge of academic language among urban middle school students. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2(4), 325–344.
J2. Lawrence, J. F. (2009). Summer reading: Predicting adolescent word learning from aptitude, time spent reading, and text type. Reading Psychology, 30(5), 445–465.
J1. Fahey, K., Lawrence, J. F., & Paratore, J. R. (2007). Using electronic portfolios to make learning public. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 50(6), 460 - 471.
Book Chapters
B8. Rydland, V., Grøver, V., & Lawrence, J. F. (2014). The potential and challenges of learning words from peers in preschool. A longitudinal study of second language learners in Norway. In A. Cekaite, S. Blum-Kulka, V. G. Aukrust, & E. Teubal (Eds.), Children’s Peer Talk: Learning from Each Other (pp. 214–234). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
B7. Duncan, G. J., Dowsett, C., & Lawrence, J. F. (2014). Early math and literacy skills: Key predictors of later school success. In S. Landry & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), Wellbeing in Children and Families (pp. 55–73). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
B6. Ippolito, J., & Lawrence, J. F. (2013). Bridging content and literacy knowledge and instruction: A framework for supporting secondary teachers and students. In J. Ippolito, J. F. Lawrence, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core: From Research into Practice (pp. 1–12). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
B5. Galloway, E. P., Lawrence, J. F., & Moje, E. B. (2013). Research in disciplinary literacy: Challenges and instructional opportunities in teaching disciplinary texts. In J. Ippolito, J. F. Lawrence, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core: From Research into Practice (pp. 13–36). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
B4. Lawrence, J. F., Maher, B., & Snow, C. E. (2013). Research in vocabulary: Word power for content-area learning. In J. Ippolito, J. F. Lawrence, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core: From Research into Practice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
B3. Lawrence, J. F., Warschauer, M., Zheng, B., & Mullins, D. (2013). Research in digital literacy: Tools to support learning across the disciplines. In J. Ippolito, J. F. Lawrence, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core: From Research into Practice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
B2. Park, Y., Zheng, B., Lawrence, J. F., & Warschauer, M. (2012). Technology-enhanced reading environments. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders, & M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning. New York: Bloomsury Academic.
B1. Lawrence, J. F., & Snow, C. E. (2010). Oral discourse and reading. In M. L. Kamil, P. D. Pearson, E. B. Moje, & P. Afflerbach (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Research (Vol. IV). New York: Routledge.
Other Publications
Ippolito, J., Dobbs, C., Charner-Laird, M., & Lawrence, J. F. (in press). Adolescent disciplinary literacy professional development: We used to think, and now we think. Learning Forward.
Lawrence, J. F., White, C., & Snow, C. E. (2010). The words students need. Educational Leadership, 68(2), 23–26.
Lawrence, J. F. (2005). Perennial Themes in Education. Journal of Education, 186(1), 87–95.
J19. Grøver, V., Lawrence, J. F., & Rydland, V., (in press). Bilingual Preschool Children’s Second-Language Vocabulary Development: The Role of First-language Vocabulary Skills and Second-language Talk Input. International Journal of Bilingualism
J18. Lawrence, J. F., Francis, D., & Snow, C. E. (in press). The poor get richer: Heterogeneity in the efficacy of a school-level intervention for academic language. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness
J17. † Hwang, J. K., Lawrence, J. F., & Snow, C. E., & Collins, P. (in press). Vocabulary and reading performances of reclassified fluent English proficient students. TESOL Quarterly
J16. † Lin, A.R., Lawrence, J.F., Snow, C.E., & † Taylor, K. (in press). Assessing adolescents’ communicative self-efficacy to discuss controversial issues: Findings from a randomized study of the Word Generation program. Theory and Research in Social Education
J15. Lawrence, J. F., ‡ Niiya, M., & Warschauer, M. (2016). Narrative writing in digital formats: Interpreting the impact of audience. Psychology of Language and Communication, 20(1).
J14. † Lin, A. R., Lawrence, J. F., & Snow, C. E. (2015). Teaching urban youth about controversial issues: Pathways to becoming active and informed citizens, 14(2), 103–119. Citizenship, Social and Economics Education.
J13. Lawrence, J. F., ‡ Hinga, B., Mahoney, J. L., & Vandell, D. L. (2015). Summer activities and vocabulary development: Relationships across middle childhood and adolescence. International Journal for Research on Extended Education, 3(1), 71-93.
J12. Lawrence, J. F., Crosson, A. C., Paré-Blagoev, E. J., & Snow, C. E. (2015). Word Generation randomized trial: Discussion mediates the impact of program treatment on academic word learning. American Educational Research Journal, 52(4), 750-786.
J11. ‡ Zheng, B., Lawrence, J. F., Warschauer, M., & Lin, C.-H. (2015). Middle school students’ writing and feedback in a cloud-based classroom environment. Technology, Knowledge and Learning, 20(2), 201–229.
J10. Lawrence, J. F., Rolland, R. G., Branum-Martin, L., & Snow, C. E. (2014). Generating vocabulary knowledge for at-risk middle school readers: Contrasting program effects and growth trajectories. Journal of Education for Students Placed at Risk, 19(2), 76–97.
J9. ‡ Yim, S., Warschauer, M., Zheng, B., & Lawrence, J. F. (2014). Cloud-based collaborative writing and the Common Core Standards. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 58(3), 243–254.
J8. † Hwang, J. K., Lawrence, J. F., Mo, E., & Snow, C. E. (2014). Differential effects of a systematic vocabulary intervention on adolescent language minority students with varying levels of English proficiency. International Journal of Bilingualism, 19(3), 314–332.
J7. Rydland, V., Grøver, V., & Lawrence, J. F. (2014). The second-language vocabulary trajectories of Turkish immigrant children in Norway from ages five to ten: The role of preschool talk exposure, maternal education, and co-ethnic concentration in the neighborhood. Journal of Child Language, 41(2), 352–381.
J6. Lawrence, J. F., Galloway, E. P., Yim, S., & † Lin, A. (2013). Learning to write in middle school? Insights into adolescent writers’ instructional experiences across content areas. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 57(2), 151–161.
J5. Lawrence, J. F. (2012). English vocabulary trajectories of students whose parents speak a language other than English: Steep trajectories and sharp summer setback. Reading and Writing, 25(5), 1113–1141.
J4. Lawrence, J. F., ‡ Capotosto, L., Branum-Martin, L., White, C., & Snow, C. E. (2012). Language proficiency, home-language status, and English vocabulary development: A longitudinal follow-up of the Word Generation program. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition, 15(3), 437–451.
J3. Snow, C. E., Lawrence, J. F., & White, C. (2009). Generating knowledge of academic language among urban middle school students. Journal of Research on Educational Effectiveness, 2(4), 325–344.
J2. Lawrence, J. F. (2009). Summer reading: Predicting adolescent word learning from aptitude, time spent reading, and text type. Reading Psychology, 30(5), 445–465.
J1. Fahey, K., Lawrence, J. F., & Paratore, J. R. (2007). Using electronic portfolios to make learning public. Journal of Adolescent & Adult Literacy, 50(6), 460 - 471.
Book Chapters
B8. Rydland, V., Grøver, V., & Lawrence, J. F. (2014). The potential and challenges of learning words from peers in preschool. A longitudinal study of second language learners in Norway. In A. Cekaite, S. Blum-Kulka, V. G. Aukrust, & E. Teubal (Eds.), Children’s Peer Talk: Learning from Each Other (pp. 214–234). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press
B7. Duncan, G. J., Dowsett, C., & Lawrence, J. F. (2014). Early math and literacy skills: Key predictors of later school success. In S. Landry & C. L. Cooper (Eds.), Wellbeing in Children and Families (pp. 55–73). Chichester, UK: John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
B6. Ippolito, J., & Lawrence, J. F. (2013). Bridging content and literacy knowledge and instruction: A framework for supporting secondary teachers and students. In J. Ippolito, J. F. Lawrence, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core: From Research into Practice (pp. 1–12). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
B5. Galloway, E. P., Lawrence, J. F., & Moje, E. B. (2013). Research in disciplinary literacy: Challenges and instructional opportunities in teaching disciplinary texts. In J. Ippolito, J. F. Lawrence, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core: From Research into Practice (pp. 13–36). Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
B4. Lawrence, J. F., Maher, B., & Snow, C. E. (2013). Research in vocabulary: Word power for content-area learning. In J. Ippolito, J. F. Lawrence, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core: From Research into Practice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
B3. Lawrence, J. F., Warschauer, M., Zheng, B., & Mullins, D. (2013). Research in digital literacy: Tools to support learning across the disciplines. In J. Ippolito, J. F. Lawrence, & C. Zaller (Eds.), Adolescent Literacy in the Era of the Common Core: From Research into Practice. Cambridge, MA: Harvard Education Press.
B2. Park, Y., Zheng, B., Lawrence, J. F., & Warschauer, M. (2012). Technology-enhanced reading environments. In M. Thomas, H. Reinders, & M. Warschauer (Eds.), Contemporary Computer-Assisted Language Learning. New York: Bloomsury Academic.
B1. Lawrence, J. F., & Snow, C. E. (2010). Oral discourse and reading. In M. L. Kamil, P. D. Pearson, E. B. Moje, & P. Afflerbach (Eds.), Handbook of Reading Research (Vol. IV). New York: Routledge.
Other Publications
Ippolito, J., Dobbs, C., Charner-Laird, M., & Lawrence, J. F. (in press). Adolescent disciplinary literacy professional development: We used to think, and now we think. Learning Forward.
Lawrence, J. F., White, C., & Snow, C. E. (2010). The words students need. Educational Leadership, 68(2), 23–26.
Lawrence, J. F. (2005). Perennial Themes in Education. Journal of Education, 186(1), 87–95.
Improving the Accuracy of Academic Vocabulary Assessment for English Language Learners, $1,600,000. Role: PI. US Department of Education, IES Goal 3, #R305A120045. Under review.
Discussion of Socioscientific Issues in Classrooms to Develop Youth's Scientific Literacy About Climate Change (UCI Environmental Institute, 2012)
Teaching for text comprehension: Supporting young second-language learners’ text comprehension in urban multiethnic preschools in Norway, $2,000,000. Role: Methodological Consultant. Norwegian Research Council. 2013-2016.
Efficacy Study of a Pre-Algebra Supplemental Program in Rural Mississippi Schools, $1,878,435 (Tedra Clark, PI). Role: Methodological Consultant. US Department of Education, IES Goal 3, #R305A120045. 2012 - 2016.
Randomized Trial of the Word Generation Program, $2,853,517. (Catherine Snow, PI). Role: Coordinator.US Department of Education, IES Goal 3, # R305A090555. 2009 - 2013.
Pathways Project: A Cognitive Strategies Approach to Reading and Writing Instruction for Teachers of Secondary English Language Learners, $2,000,000. Role: Co-PI. U.S. Department of Education, Office of English Language Acquisition. 2012 – 2017.
Literacy in the Content Areas: A survey of Teachers and Students to Strategic Educational Research Partnership, $450,000. Role: Co-PI and Boston research coordinator. Carnegie Corporation, Grant B, #7889. 2005 – 2010.
Other Experience
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