Simon Leung
Professor, Art
Claire Trevor School of the Arts
Claire Trevor School of the Arts
B.A., UCLA, 1987
University of California, Irvine
Department of Studio Art
3224 Art Culture & Technology
University of California, Irvine
Mail Code: 2775
Irvine, CA 92697
Department of Studio Art
3224 Art Culture & Technology
University of California, Irvine
Mail Code: 2775
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
The field of art, contemporary art history, critical theory
Academic Distinctions
College Art Association Art Journal Award (for the essay The Look of Law) 2008
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 2008-2009
New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow 1991
John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation Fellow 2008-2009
New York Foundation for the Arts Fellow 1991
Books / Catalogues
three boys pose for a camera none of them are looking into, 2007, Nothing Moments Publishing, Los Angeles
Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985, (co-editor with Zoya Kocur), 2004, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK
Simon Leung: Proposal for The Side of the Mountain, an Opera by Michael Webster and Simon Leung, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, 2002
Surf Vietnam (with texts by Rick Berg, Kelly Dennis, Le Dinh Kim, Simon Leung), Huntington Beach Art Center, Huntington Beach, CA, 1998
Articles, shorter texts
“Can the Squatter Speak?,” in Printed Project, 2009, edited by Sarat Maharaj, Visual Artists Ireland
“In what ways have artists, academics and cultural institutions responded to the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq?” in OCTOBER , 123, Winter 2008, MIT Press, Cambridge (Respondent)
“Psychasthenia: the care of the self” in Intimate, Shifter # 11, 2008, edited by Steven Lam and Srehta Premnath, New York
“The Look of Law” in Art Journal, Fall 2007, Volume 66, # 3, College Art Association, New York (also assembled special forum with texts by Jeff Cain, Simon A. Cole, Trevor Paglen, Karen Beckman, Ashley Hunt, Jared Sexton, Silvia Kolbowski, and Bliss Cua Lim)
“Transcrypts: Some Notes between Pricks,” in The Invisible Flâneuse? 2006, edited by Aruna D’Souza and Tom McDonough, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York
"Displaced Bodies in Residual Spaces," conversation with Marita Sturken, Public Culture, 17:1, Winter 2005, Duke University Press, Durham, NC
"Site Specificity en Abyme," in Surface Tension, Problematics of Site, 2003, Errant Bodies Press, Los Angeles
"…and there I am: Andy Warhol and the Ethics of Identification," in Art Journal, Spring 2003, College Art Association, New York (organized, with introduction)
“Contemporary Returns to Conceptual Art: Renee Green, Silvia Kolbowski, and Stephen Prina,” in Art Journal, Summer 2001. College Art Association, New York (organized, with introduction)
“Pseudo-Languages: A Conversation with Wenda Gu, Xu Bing, and Jonathan Hay,” in Art Journal, Fall 1999. College Art Association, New York
“Roundtable: A Conversation on Recent Feminist Art Practices,” in OCTOBER , 71, Winter 1995, MIT Press, Cambridge
“Squatting through Violence,” DOCUMEMTS, No. 6, Spring/Summer 1995, New York (French Translation: "« Squatting » à travers la violence/"Squatting through Violence," radiotemporaire, 2002, Centre National d'Art Contemporain Le Magasin, Grenoble, France)
“Marine Lovers... another sit(t)ing” in BE, 1994 Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
three boys pose for a camera none of them are looking into, 2007, Nothing Moments Publishing, Los Angeles
Theory in Contemporary Art Since 1985, (co-editor with Zoya Kocur), 2004, Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, UK
Simon Leung: Proposal for The Side of the Mountain, an Opera by Michael Webster and Simon Leung, Santa Monica Museum of Art, Santa Monica, 2002
Surf Vietnam (with texts by Rick Berg, Kelly Dennis, Le Dinh Kim, Simon Leung), Huntington Beach Art Center, Huntington Beach, CA, 1998
Articles, shorter texts
“Can the Squatter Speak?,” in Printed Project, 2009, edited by Sarat Maharaj, Visual Artists Ireland
“In what ways have artists, academics and cultural institutions responded to the U.S.-led invasion and occupation of Iraq?” in OCTOBER , 123, Winter 2008, MIT Press, Cambridge (Respondent)
“Psychasthenia: the care of the self” in Intimate, Shifter # 11, 2008, edited by Steven Lam and Srehta Premnath, New York
“The Look of Law” in Art Journal, Fall 2007, Volume 66, # 3, College Art Association, New York (also assembled special forum with texts by Jeff Cain, Simon A. Cole, Trevor Paglen, Karen Beckman, Ashley Hunt, Jared Sexton, Silvia Kolbowski, and Bliss Cua Lim)
“Transcrypts: Some Notes between Pricks,” in The Invisible Flâneuse? 2006, edited by Aruna D’Souza and Tom McDonough, Manchester University Press, Manchester and New York
"Displaced Bodies in Residual Spaces," conversation with Marita Sturken, Public Culture, 17:1, Winter 2005, Duke University Press, Durham, NC
"Site Specificity en Abyme," in Surface Tension, Problematics of Site, 2003, Errant Bodies Press, Los Angeles
"…and there I am: Andy Warhol and the Ethics of Identification," in Art Journal, Spring 2003, College Art Association, New York (organized, with introduction)
“Contemporary Returns to Conceptual Art: Renee Green, Silvia Kolbowski, and Stephen Prina,” in Art Journal, Summer 2001. College Art Association, New York (organized, with introduction)
“Pseudo-Languages: A Conversation with Wenda Gu, Xu Bing, and Jonathan Hay,” in Art Journal, Fall 1999. College Art Association, New York
“Roundtable: A Conversation on Recent Feminist Art Practices,” in OCTOBER , 71, Winter 1995, MIT Press, Cambridge
“Squatting through Violence,” DOCUMEMTS, No. 6, Spring/Summer 1995, New York (French Translation: "« Squatting » à travers la violence/"Squatting through Violence," radiotemporaire, 2002, Centre National d'Art Contemporain Le Magasin, Grenoble, France)
“Marine Lovers... another sit(t)ing” in BE, 1994 Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin
University of California Institute for Research in the Arts (UCIRA), 2007, 2010;
City of Los Angeles Individual Artist Grant (COLA) 2006;
CEC Artslink grant (to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan) 2005;
Kunstlerhaus Bethanien, Berlin, Artist in Residence 1994;
Maryland Arts Council, Artist’s Residence 1993;
P.S.1 Museum Studio Program 1992-93;
New York State Council on the Arts, Artist Grant 1991;
ART MATTERS 1990, 1992
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