Steven Park
Associate Clinical Professor, Infectious Diseases
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
M.D., New York University School of Medicine, 1999
Ph.D., New York University School of Medicine, 1999
Ph.D., New York University School of Medicine, 1999
University of California, Irvine
City Tower, Ste. 400
Mail Code: 4081
Irvine, CA 92697
City Tower, Ste. 400
Mail Code: 4081
Irvine, CA 92697
Academic Distinctions
Merck Scholarship, 1996
Esserman Fellow, 1996
Bertram M. Gesner Memorial Award for excellence in Research in Immunology, 1999
Excellence in research by a resident, 2002
UCLA Immunology training grant 2005
Esserman Fellow, 1996
Bertram M. Gesner Memorial Award for excellence in Research in Immunology, 1999
Excellence in research by a resident, 2002
UCLA Immunology training grant 2005
Razandi M, Pedram A, Park ST, and ER Levin. “Proximal events in signaling by plasma membrane estrogen receptors.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 27: 2701-27012. 2003
Park, ST and Zack, JA. “Eradication of HIV: Possible or Still a Pipedream?”. 18th Annual Clinical Care Options HIV Symposium. May 2008.
Prabhu S, Ignatova A, Park ST, and XH Sun. “Regulation of the expression of cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitor p21 by E2A and Id proteins.” Molecular and Cellular Biology. 17: 5888-5896. 1997
Mahajan MA, Park ST, and XH Sun. “Association of a novel GTP binding protein, DRG, with TAL oncogenic proteins.” Oncogene. 12: 2343-2350. 1996
DeCenzo MT, Park ST, Jarret BP, Aldape RA, Futer O, Murcko MA, and DJ Livingston. “FK506-binding protein mutational analysis: defining the active site residue contributions to catalysis and the stability of ligand complexes.” Protein Engineering. 9: 173-180. 1996
Park ST, Aldape RA, Futer O, DeCenzo MT, and DJ Livingston. “PPIase catalysis by human FK506-binding protein proceeds through a conformational twist mechanism.” Journal of Biological Chemistry. 267: 3316-3324. 1992
Professional Societies
Infectious Diseases Society of America
American College of Physicians
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