Elizabeth A van Es

Picture of Elizabeth A van Es
School of Education
Faculty Director of Teacher Education
School of Education
Co-Founder, Teacher Academy
School of Education
Ph.D., Northwestern University, 2004, Learning Sciences
Phone: (949) 824-7819
Email: evanes@uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
3235 Education
Mail Code: 5500
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Teacher Cognition; Pre-service Teacher Education; In-service Teacher Professional Development; Teacher Learning Communities; Uses of Video in Teacher Learning
Academic Distinctions
2013 Contributing author, M. Sherin, V. Jacobs, & R. Philipp (Eds.), Mathematics Teacher Noticing AERA Division K Award for Exemplary Research in Teaching and Teacher Education

2012 UC, Irvine School of Education Excellence in Teaching Award

2010 “Top 10 Most-Cited article” between 2005-2009 in Teaching and Teacher Education
Northwestern University, The Role of Video in Teacher Learning; Miriam G. Sherin, PI
Research Abstract
Elizabeth (Beth) van Es received her Ph.D. in Learning Sciences from Northwestern University in 2004.

Dr. van Es is interested in teacher thinking and learning and the design of pre-service teacher education and professional development. Her research is primarily concerned with how to support teachers' developing their noticing practices for ambitious and responsive instructional practice. Much of her work uses video to help teachers develop a vision of ambitious instructional practice and to learn to attend to student thinking during instruction. She has recently expanded her research to examine teachers' noticing for equity, focusing on how teachers' commitments to equity inform their noticing and instructional practice. She is launching a new study with the support from the National Science Foundation to develop a model of professional development that brings together secondary mathematics teachers, youth, and community leaders to advance teachers' noticing for equity in teaching. In addition, building on her research on pre-service teacher education, she received funding from the University of California Office of the President with colleagues at various University of California campuses to develop a data base that will study the influence of pre-service teacher preparation on beginning teaching practice. This study will take an improvement science approach to develop measures for assessing pre-service teacher effectiveness.

With colleagues at UCI, Beth established the Center for Teacher Preparation and Professional Practice. This center brings together faculty and graduate students on a regular basis to share research related to teacher development and instructional practice.

Recent publications by Dr. van Es have appeared in Cognition & Instruction, Journal of Teacher Education, and Teaching and Teacher Education.
Selected Publications:

van Es, E. A., Hand, V., & Mercado, J. (2017). Making visible the relationship between teachers’ noticing for equity and equitable teaching practice. NCTM Monograph on Teacher Noticing.

van Es, E. A., Cashen, M, Barnhart, T., Auger, A. (2017). Pre-service teachers’ noticing of mathematics teaching and learning. Cognition & Instruction.

van Es, E. A., Stockero, S. L., Sherin, M. G., Van Zoest, L. R., & Dyer, E. (2015). Making the most of teacher self-captured video. Mathematics Teacher Educator, 4(1). http://www.nctm.org/Publications/Mathematics-Teacher-Educator/2015/Vol4/Issue1/Making-the-Most-of-Teacher-Self-Captured-Video/

Barnhart, T. & van Es, E.A. (2015). Learning to analyze teaching: Developing pre-service science teachers' abilities to notice, analyze and respond to student thinking. Teaching and Teacher Education, 45, 83-93. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.tate.2014.09.005

van Es, E.A., Tunney, J., Goldsmith, L., & Seago, N. (2014). A framework for the facilitation of teachers’ analysis of video. Journal of Teacher Education, 64(4), 340-356.

Long, J. J., van Es, E. A., & Black, R. (2013). Supervisor-student teacher interactions: The role of conversational frames in developing a vision of ambitious teaching. Linguistics and Education, 24, 179-196.

van Es, E. A. (2012). Examining the development of a teacher learning community: The case of a video club. Teaching and Teacher Education, 28, 182-192.

van Es, E. A. (2012). Using video to collaborate around problems of practice. Teacher Education Quarterly, 39(2), 103-116.

van Es, E. A. (2011). A framework for learning to notice student thinking. In M.G. Sherin, V. Jacobs, & R. Philipp (Eds.) Mathematics teacher noticing: Seeing through teachers' eyes (pp. 134-151). Routledge: New York.

Santagata, R. & van Es, E. A. (2010). Disciplined analysis of mathematics teaching as a routine of practice. In J. Luebeck & J. W. Lott (Eds.), Association for Mathematics Teacher Education Monograph Series Volume 7 (pp. 109-123). San Diego: Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators.

van Es, E. A. & Sherin, M. G. (2010). The influence of video clubs on teachers’ thinking and practice. Journal of Mathematics Teacher Education, 13(2), 155-176.

van Es, E.A. (2009). Participants’ roles in the context of a video club. Journal of the Learning Sciences, 18(1), 100-137.

Sherin, M.G. & van Es, E.A. (2009). Effects of Video Club Participation on Teachers’ Professional Vision. Journal of Teacher Education, 60, 20-37.

van Es, E.A. & Sherin, M.G. (2008). Mathematics teachers’ “learning to notice” in the context of a video club. Teaching and Teacher Education, 24, 244-276.

van Es, E.A., & Sherin, M.G. (2002). Learning to notice: Scaffolding new teachers’ interpretations of classroom interactions. Journal of Technology and Teacher Education, 10(4), 571-596.
Selected Presentations

Kang, H. & van Es, E. A. (2015, April). Articulating Design Principles for Productive Use of Videos to Facilitate Professional Learning Toward Ambitious Teaching. In E. A. van Es & H. Kang (Chairs), Design Principles for a Pedagogy of Teacher Preparation. Structured poster session presentation at the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Chicago, IL.

van Es, E. A., Hand, V., Mercado, J. (2014, June). Using Video to Collaboratively Examine Equitable Secondary Mathematics Teaching. In I. Horn (Chair), Teachers’ Learning about Equitable Practice through Talk with Colleagues. Symposium presentation at the International Conference of the Learning Sciences, Boulder, CO.

Dyer, E., Sherin, M., Stockero, S., Sun, J., van Es, E. A., & Van Zoest, L. (2014, February). Teacher-Captures Video: Tools, Opportunities and Challenges. Symposium presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA.

van Es, E. A., Mercado, J., Hand, V., C’de Baca, C., Ormseth, T., & Quiroz, R. (2014, February). Noticing for Equitable Mathematics Teaching. Presentation at the annual meeting of the Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators, Irvine, CA.

van Es, E. A. & Long, J. J. (2013, August). Investigating the Nature of University Supervisor’s “Noticing” of Classroom Lessons. In K. Stürmer & T. Seidel (Chairs), How Teachers’ Professional Vision Translates into Teaching Action. Symposium presentation at the Annual Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning & Instruction, Munich, Germany.
Knowles Science Teaching Fellowship: “What do you notice?”: Understanding the nature and development of pre-service teachers’ professional vision for reform teaching
Co-Principal Investigator, 2012-13 Understanding Noticing for Equitable Mathematics Teaching, $40,000 Principal Investigator: Dr. Victoria Hand, University of Colorado, Boulder Research project funded by a Spencer Foundation Small Grant to study the nature of noticing for equitable mathematics teaching in the context of teaching practice.
Professional Societies
American Educational Research Association
Association for Mathematics Teacher Educators
International Society for the Learning Sciences
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