Susan Lessick
Distinguished Librarian Emerita, UCI Libraries
Head, Grunigen Medical Library, 2003-2009
Assistant University Librarian (Acting), Research and Instructional Services, UCI Libraries, 2003-2009
Special Associate for Copyright Education Planning, Office of Academic Initiatives, Office of the President, University of California, 2002-2003
Head, Science Library Research and Instructional Services, 1994-1997
Head, Medical Center Library, 1983-1994
M.L.S., University of California, Berkeley, 1977
M.A., University of California, Los Angeles, 1977, History
M.A., University of California, Los Angeles, 1977, History
University of California, Irvine
7468 E. Calle Durango
Mail Code: 8190
Irvine, CA 92808
7468 E. Calle Durango
Mail Code: 8190
Irvine, CA 92808
Research Interests
Health information research, research education, evidence based practice, emerging technologies, and copyright
Academic Distinctions
Distinguished Librarian, 1997
Librarian Emerita, 2010
Librarian Emerita, 2010
Awards and Honors
MLA President’s Award, 2018 and 2020.
Review Panel, FY 2019 National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program and the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), 2019. (Invited preliminary proposal panel reviewer).
Peer Reviewer, Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), 2019. (Invited full proposal peer reviewer).
MLA Hospital Library Caucus Scroll of Exemplary Service, 2014.
MLA Fellowship, 2012 (conferred for outstanding contributions to advancement of health sciences librarianship).
UCI Emeritus, 2010 (conferred for exemplary career service and accomplishments).
UCI Distinguished Librarian, 1997 (conferred for outstanding career service to library, university, and profession).
Distinguished Member, Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP), 1995 to present.
Certified Medical Librarian, 1977-1995.
Review Panel, FY 2019 National Leadership Grants for Libraries Program and the Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), 2019. (Invited preliminary proposal panel reviewer).
Peer Reviewer, Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program, Institute of Museum and Library Services (IMLS), 2019. (Invited full proposal peer reviewer).
MLA Hospital Library Caucus Scroll of Exemplary Service, 2014.
MLA Fellowship, 2012 (conferred for outstanding contributions to advancement of health sciences librarianship).
UCI Emeritus, 2010 (conferred for exemplary career service and accomplishments).
UCI Distinguished Librarian, 1997 (conferred for outstanding career service to library, university, and profession).
Distinguished Member, Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP), 1995 to present.
Certified Medical Librarian, 1977-1995.
Short Biography
In nearly 30 years at the University of California, Irvine (UCI), Susan Lessick held a variety of positions, including Head of the Grunigen Medical Library, Head of Research and Instructional Services at the Science Library, Serials and Electronic Collections Librarian for the Health Sciences, Acting Assistant University Librarian for Research and Instructional Services, and Special Associate for Copyright Education Planning at the UC Office of the President. “Distinguished” Librarian status was conferred by UCI in 1997 and Librarian Emeritus status in 2010. She holds a Masters of Arts in History from UCLA and a Masters of Library Science from the University of California, Berkeley. Lessick currently serves as an Executive Committee member of the UCI Emeriti Association.
A distinguished member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) and Fellow of the Medical Library Association, Lessick previously served as Chair of the Research Imperative Task Force, Chair of the Research Caucus/Section, and Chair of the Hospital Library Caucus/Section; and President of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA). Lessick also served as Virtual Project Editor and Editorial Board member of The Journal of Medical Library Association (JMLA). She currently serves on the MLA Archive Task Force and is the Project Director of the MLA Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI) and IMLS grant project. She received the MLA President’s Award in 2017 for her work on the Task Force to Review MLA’s Competencies and in 2020 for her role in the stewardship of the Research Training Institute. Lessick led a unique multi-year research team that surveyed the research activities and attitudes of health sciences librarians. Her professional interests are in the areas of health information research, research education, emerging technologies, and copyright.
A distinguished member of the Academy of Health Information Professionals (AHIP) and Fellow of the Medical Library Association, Lessick previously served as Chair of the Research Imperative Task Force, Chair of the Research Caucus/Section, and Chair of the Hospital Library Caucus/Section; and President of the Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona (MLGSCA). Lessick also served as Virtual Project Editor and Editorial Board member of The Journal of Medical Library Association (JMLA). She currently serves on the MLA Archive Task Force and is the Project Director of the MLA Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians (RTI) and IMLS grant project. She received the MLA President’s Award in 2017 for her work on the Task Force to Review MLA’s Competencies and in 2020 for her role in the stewardship of the Research Training Institute. Lessick led a unique multi-year research team that surveyed the research activities and attitudes of health sciences librarians. Her professional interests are in the areas of health information research, research education, emerging technologies, and copyright.
Lessick S, Philbrick JL, Kloda L. MLA Research Training Institute (RTI) 2018-2019: Participant Research Confidence and Program Effectiveness. J Med Libr Assoc. 2024 Oct;112(4).
Journal Articles
Lessick S, Kraft M. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Facing reality the growth of virtual reality and health sciences libraries. J Med Libr Assoc. 2017 Oct; 105(4): 407–417.
Lessick S. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Tooling up to facilitate findability, virtual collaboration, and storytelling with data. J Med Libr Assoc. 2016 Oct; 104(4): 354-362.
Lessick S, Perryman C, Billman BL, Alpi KM, De Groote, SL, Babbin Jr TD. Research engagement of health sciences librarians: a survey of research-related activities and attitudes. J Med Libr Assoc. 2016;104(2),166-73.
Lessick S. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Enhancing library impact through technology. J Med Libr Assoc. 2015 Oct; 103(4): 222–231.
Lessick S. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Snapshots of innovation. J Med Libr Assoc. 2014;102(4):232-7.
Lessick S. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Moving beyond the bookshelves. J Med Libr Assoc. 2013; 101(4):239-43.
Ahmed SS, Tran Q, Langdorf M, Lessick S, Lotfipour S. Open Access: The alternative to subscription based medical publishing. West J Emerg Med. 2008 November; 9(4):240-242.
Harris A, Lessick S. Libraries get personal: Facebook applications, Google gadgets, and MySpace profiles. Libr Hi Tech News 2007; 24(8):30-32.
Ford CC, Lessick S. Wireless computing services. Libr Hi Tech News 2002;19(5).
Lessick SR. Reference desk partnering – success story: experience at the University of California, Irvine, Science Library. Libr Mosaics. Nov/Dec 1998; 9(6):8-11.
Russell SE. PAM (Public-Access Microcomputer) service in an academic medical center library. Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1987;75(2):166-7.
Book Chapters
Lessick S. On-site and web-based information services. In: Bandy M, Dudden R, eds., MLA Guide to Managing Health Care Libraries. 2nd Edition. New York: Neal-Schuman. 2011. 239-259.
Lessick SR. Transforming reference staffing for the digital library. In: Lankes RD, Collins JW, Kasowitz AS, ed. Digital reference service in the new millennium: Planning, management, and evaluation. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2000. (The new library series; no.6), 25-36.
Lessick SR. Administration and organization of services. In: Lipscomb C, ed. Access and Delivery of Information in Health Sciences Libraries. Chicago: Medical Library Association. 1996. (Bunting A, ed. Current Practice in Health Sciences Librarianship), 1-57.
Book Reviews
Lessick S. The Medical Library Association Essential Guide to Becoming an Expert Searcher (book review). Journal of the Medical Library Association. JMLA. 2009 April; 97(2):153-155.
Lessick SR. Roles of reference librarians: today and tomorrow (book review). Library Management 1998;19 (3):213-15.
Conference Proceedings
Lessick S, Ruttenberg J, Tunender H, Kjaer K, Katzarkow R, Crooks JE. Digital video: The next step in reference and education. In: Thompson HA, ed. Learning to make a difference: Proceedings of the Eleventh national Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, April 10-13, 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina. Chicago: American Library Association, 2003:121-130.
Hamre RC, Lessick SR. Reference Desk Partnering: A Success Story [Internet] California Library Association’s 99th Annual Conference. Pasadena: CLA 1997. (Accessed Oct 28, 2021).Document ID: 0a046c7f-00dc-4c94-d5cb-47d1b5f97576
Lessick SR, Kjaer K, Clancy S. Interactive Reference Service (IRS) at UC Irvine: Expanding reference service beyond the reference desk. American Library Association, Sep 29, 2006 [1997]. (Accessed oct 28, 2021). Document ID: f73dd12d-9d99-0f34-6183-536ece53771f
Edited Works
Lessick S. Kraft. Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, five articles edited by Susan Lessick and Michelle Kraft. J Med Libr Assoc. 2020 Oct; 104(4): 639-650.
Lessick S. Kraft. Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, seven articles edited by Susan Lessick and Michelle Kraft. J Med Libr Assoc. 2019 Oct; 107(4): 595-612.
Lessick S. Kraft. Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, six articles edited by Susan Lessick and Michelle Kraft. J Med Libr Assoc. 2018 Oct; 106(4): 490–491.
Lessick S, Kraft M, Barker KR, Calvey G, Cooper H, Simons M, Vaughn P, Catalano M, Been J, Ilik V, Holmes, KL, Wanner A, Baumann N, Howes L. Facing reality the growth of virtual reality and health sciences libraries. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, six articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2017 Oct; 105(4): 407–417.
Lessick S, Wang L, Grossetta N, Iwema CL, LaDue J, Zack A, Chattopadhyay A, Brown HL, Graves RS, Sun X, Robinson C, Adams N, Reed R, Dell EY, Hoover B, Harrell, Gore SA. Tooling up to facilitate findability, virtual collaboration, and storytelling with data. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, five articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2016 Oct; 104(4): 354-362.
Lessick S, Reid N, Bardyn TP, Garrett A, Kirk K, Kouame G, Gray JM, Glenn E, Matthews A, Flake DB, Gutzman KE, Holmes KL, Lloyd-Jones DM, Nagraj VP, Nunemaker MS, Surkis A, Read K, Lamb I, Athens J, Nicholson J, Chin S, Xu J, Hanson K, Larson C, Johnson M, Reynolds J, Kroger K, Anwar M. Enhancing library impact through technology. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, seven articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2015 Oct; 103(4): 222–231.
Lessick S, Bartczak J, Aiello MT, Melton E, Davies KJ, Blake L, Palladino C, Halbert J, Hearthfield C, Ambler C, Brosz J, Powelson S, Norton HF, Gonzalez SR. Snapshots of Innovation. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, six articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2014;102(4):232-7.
Lessick S, Rumsey E, Pearson DS, Roksandic S, Dexter N, Gillum S, Garner M, Walton D, Ballinger B, Garcia-Milian R, Norton HF, Samsundar DR, Reynolds J. Moving beyond the bookshelves. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, five articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2013; 101(4):239-43.
Editorial Board, Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA), 2011-2013.
Consulting Editor. UC Copyright [Online]. 2003-2008. (Accessed Oct 28, 2021).
Editorial Board, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association (BMLA), 1996-1999.
Lessick S, Kraft M. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Facing reality the growth of virtual reality and health sciences libraries. J Med Libr Assoc. 2017 Oct; 105(4): 407–417.
Lessick S. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Tooling up to facilitate findability, virtual collaboration, and storytelling with data. J Med Libr Assoc. 2016 Oct; 104(4): 354-362.
Lessick S, Perryman C, Billman BL, Alpi KM, De Groote, SL, Babbin Jr TD. Research engagement of health sciences librarians: a survey of research-related activities and attitudes. J Med Libr Assoc. 2016;104(2),166-73.
Lessick S. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Enhancing library impact through technology. J Med Libr Assoc. 2015 Oct; 103(4): 222–231.
Lessick S. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Snapshots of innovation. J Med Libr Assoc. 2014;102(4):232-7.
Lessick S. Virtual Projects editor introduction: Moving beyond the bookshelves. J Med Libr Assoc. 2013; 101(4):239-43.
Ahmed SS, Tran Q, Langdorf M, Lessick S, Lotfipour S. Open Access: The alternative to subscription based medical publishing. West J Emerg Med. 2008 November; 9(4):240-242.
Harris A, Lessick S. Libraries get personal: Facebook applications, Google gadgets, and MySpace profiles. Libr Hi Tech News 2007; 24(8):30-32.
Ford CC, Lessick S. Wireless computing services. Libr Hi Tech News 2002;19(5).
Lessick SR. Reference desk partnering – success story: experience at the University of California, Irvine, Science Library. Libr Mosaics. Nov/Dec 1998; 9(6):8-11.
Russell SE. PAM (Public-Access Microcomputer) service in an academic medical center library. Bull Med Libr Assoc. 1987;75(2):166-7.
Book Chapters
Lessick S. On-site and web-based information services. In: Bandy M, Dudden R, eds., MLA Guide to Managing Health Care Libraries. 2nd Edition. New York: Neal-Schuman. 2011. 239-259.
Lessick SR. Transforming reference staffing for the digital library. In: Lankes RD, Collins JW, Kasowitz AS, ed. Digital reference service in the new millennium: Planning, management, and evaluation. New York: Neal-Schuman, 2000. (The new library series; no.6), 25-36.
Lessick SR. Administration and organization of services. In: Lipscomb C, ed. Access and Delivery of Information in Health Sciences Libraries. Chicago: Medical Library Association. 1996. (Bunting A, ed. Current Practice in Health Sciences Librarianship), 1-57.
Book Reviews
Lessick S. The Medical Library Association Essential Guide to Becoming an Expert Searcher (book review). Journal of the Medical Library Association. JMLA. 2009 April; 97(2):153-155.
Lessick SR. Roles of reference librarians: today and tomorrow (book review). Library Management 1998;19 (3):213-15.
Conference Proceedings
Lessick S, Ruttenberg J, Tunender H, Kjaer K, Katzarkow R, Crooks JE. Digital video: The next step in reference and education. In: Thompson HA, ed. Learning to make a difference: Proceedings of the Eleventh national Conference of the Association of College and Research Libraries, April 10-13, 2003, Charlotte, North Carolina. Chicago: American Library Association, 2003:121-130.
Hamre RC, Lessick SR. Reference Desk Partnering: A Success Story [Internet] California Library Association’s 99th Annual Conference. Pasadena: CLA 1997. (Accessed Oct 28, 2021).Document ID: 0a046c7f-00dc-4c94-d5cb-47d1b5f97576
Lessick SR, Kjaer K, Clancy S. Interactive Reference Service (IRS) at UC Irvine: Expanding reference service beyond the reference desk. American Library Association, Sep 29, 2006 [1997]. (Accessed oct 28, 2021). Document ID: f73dd12d-9d99-0f34-6183-536ece53771f
Edited Works
Lessick S. Kraft. Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, five articles edited by Susan Lessick and Michelle Kraft. J Med Libr Assoc. 2020 Oct; 104(4): 639-650.
Lessick S. Kraft. Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, seven articles edited by Susan Lessick and Michelle Kraft. J Med Libr Assoc. 2019 Oct; 107(4): 595-612.
Lessick S. Kraft. Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, six articles edited by Susan Lessick and Michelle Kraft. J Med Libr Assoc. 2018 Oct; 106(4): 490–491.
Lessick S, Kraft M, Barker KR, Calvey G, Cooper H, Simons M, Vaughn P, Catalano M, Been J, Ilik V, Holmes, KL, Wanner A, Baumann N, Howes L. Facing reality the growth of virtual reality and health sciences libraries. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, six articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2017 Oct; 105(4): 407–417.
Lessick S, Wang L, Grossetta N, Iwema CL, LaDue J, Zack A, Chattopadhyay A, Brown HL, Graves RS, Sun X, Robinson C, Adams N, Reed R, Dell EY, Hoover B, Harrell, Gore SA. Tooling up to facilitate findability, virtual collaboration, and storytelling with data. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, five articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2016 Oct; 104(4): 354-362.
Lessick S, Reid N, Bardyn TP, Garrett A, Kirk K, Kouame G, Gray JM, Glenn E, Matthews A, Flake DB, Gutzman KE, Holmes KL, Lloyd-Jones DM, Nagraj VP, Nunemaker MS, Surkis A, Read K, Lamb I, Athens J, Nicholson J, Chin S, Xu J, Hanson K, Larson C, Johnson M, Reynolds J, Kroger K, Anwar M. Enhancing library impact through technology. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, seven articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2015 Oct; 103(4): 222–231.
Lessick S, Bartczak J, Aiello MT, Melton E, Davies KJ, Blake L, Palladino C, Halbert J, Hearthfield C, Ambler C, Brosz J, Powelson S, Norton HF, Gonzalez SR. Snapshots of Innovation. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, six articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2014;102(4):232-7.
Lessick S, Rumsey E, Pearson DS, Roksandic S, Dexter N, Gillum S, Garner M, Walton D, Ballinger B, Garcia-Milian R, Norton HF, Samsundar DR, Reynolds J. Moving beyond the bookshelves. Special Virtual Projects section of J Med Libr Assoc, five articles edited by Susan Lessick. 2013; 101(4):239-43.
Editorial Board, Journal of the Medical Library Association (JMLA), 2011-2013.
Consulting Editor. UC Copyright [Online]. 2003-2008. (Accessed Oct 28, 2021).
Editorial Board, Bulletin of the Medical Library Association (BMLA), 1996-1999.
Project Director: Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians, Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant (RE-246568-OLS-20; $22,862), 2020-2023.
Project Director: Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians, Laura Bush 21st Century Librarian Program grant (RE-95-17-0025; $238,989), 2017-2020.
Principle Investigator: Implementing color printers in UCI Libraries Computer Labs, Tektronix Foundation. $30,000. Funded 1995.
Principal Investigator: Measuring and Assessing Reference Transactions in an Academic Medical Center Library. University-wide Research Grants for Librarians Program, LAUC. $4,800.00. Funded 1989-90.
Project Director: Alteration and Renovation of a Health Science Library, NLM grant (NLM-EMP:1 Go8 LM 03269-01; $50,000), 1977-1983.
Project Director: MEDISHARE, Medical Library Consortium of Santa Clara Valley. NLM Grant. (NLM; G08LM02733). $17,549.00. Funded 1977-79.
Library Resources to Support New Undergraduate Nursing Science Program. UC Irvine. $140,000 annual funding. Funded 2006.
New UCI Libraries Outreach Initiative: SPIRIT Project. UCOP School-University Partnership (SUP) Project Funds. $60,000 annual funding. Funded 1999-2002.
UCIMC Library Renovation Project. UC Office of the President Minor Capital Improvement Project. Reference: (Project #997766). $202,000. Funded 1995.
Co-Investigator: Integrating an Auscultatory Simulation Program into the Cardiology Curriculum. Medical Education/Research and Development Award, UCI/CCM. $5,300.00. Funded 1989.
Co-Investigator: Incorporating Interactive Video into the Pediatric Core Curriculum. Medical Education/Research and Development Award, UCI/CCM. $2,600.00. Funded 1988.
Professional Societies
Medical Library Association, 1984 to present
Medical Library Group of Southern California and Arizona,1985-2015, 2020 to present
Other Experience
Founding Director, Research Training Institute for Health Sciences Librarians, Medical Library Association
UCI Emeriti Association, Executive Committee Member 2013—2024
Link to this profile
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