Jason A. Zell
Associate Professor, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Medicine
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Program Director, Hematology/Oncology Fellowship Training Program, Medicine
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Vice Chief for Academic Affairs, Division of Hematology/Oncology, Medicine
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
D.O., Nova Southeastern University, 2001, Medicine
M.P.H., Nova Southeastern University, 2001, General Public Health
M.S., Barry University, School of Natural & Health Sciences, 1996, Biomedical Science
M.P.H., Nova Southeastern University, 2001, General Public Health
M.S., Barry University, School of Natural & Health Sciences, 1996, Biomedical Science
University of California, Irvine
101 The City Drive South
Building 55, Room 222
Mail Code: 4061
Orange, CA 92868
101 The City Drive South
Building 55, Room 222
Mail Code: 4061
Orange, CA 92868
Research Interests
Colorectal Cancer, Gastrointestinal Oncology, Cancer Prevention, Genetic Epidemiology
Academic Distinctions
Cum Laude, UCSB (1994); Northwest Osteopathic Medical Foundation-Scholarship Recipient (1999); NSU Family Medicine/Master of Public Health-Scholarship Receipient (1999-2001); Graduate with Honors, Nova Southeastern University (NSU)-COM (2001); Graduate with Highest Honors, NSU-Master of Public Health Program; Psi Sigma Alpha National Scholastic Osteopathic Honors Society (2001); UCI Department of Medicine, Internal Medicine Resident of the Year (2002-2003,PGY-2 Class), Delta Omega National Public Health Honor Society, Nova Southeastern University, Alpha XI Chapter (2005); 11th World Conference on Lung Cancer-Travel Award Recipient (Barcelona, Spain 2005); AACR Colorectal Cancer Conference-Scholar in Training Award (Dana Point, CA 2005); National Lung Cancer Partnership-Travel Award Recipient (Atlanta, GA 2005); 2007 Annual Conference Poster Session, NAACCR-First Place-Epidemiologic Studies (Detroit, MI 2007); 12th World Conference on Lung Cancer, IASLC-Young Investigator Award (Seoul, Korea 2007); Southwest Oncology (SWOG) Young Investigator Award(Seattle, WA 2008). September 2010-April 2011 – Guest Editor, Journal of Carcinogensis, Special Issue on Colorectal Carcinogenesis & Prevention (March-April 2011). 2010-2013 – Associate Editor, Journal of Carcinogenesis; 2010-present – Editorial Board Member, Journal of Adolescent and Young Adult Oncology (Section Editor: Gastroenterology); 2011–2013 Selection Committee Member, SWOG/The Hope Foundation-Coltman Fellowship Program. 2013-Chair, SWOG/The Hope Foundation Coltman Fellowship Program Committee; October 2011-present: Co-Leader, Chao Cancer Center: Colon Disease-Oriented Team (‘Colon DOT’); June 18, 2013- present – Chair, Gastrointestinal Tumor Board, UC Irvine; 2012-2014 Recipient, NIH-National Cancer Institute, Cancer Clinical Investigator Team Leadership Award (NCI-CCITLA). 2013 Super Doctors-Southern California Rising Stars; 2014-2021, Orange County Medical Association (OCMA) Physician of Excellence Honoree (8 consecutive years)
Research Abstract
Dr. Zell's research focusses on the prevention and treatment colorectal cancer. He has served as a translational oncology researcher and faculty member at the UC Irvine Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center since 2007. Dr. Zell has received extramural research funding from the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH) to perform genetic epidemiology-based colorectal cancer research, and is principle investigator or co-investigator for several NIH-funded phase II prevention clinical trials involving patients with colorectal cancer. Within the National Cancer Institute (NCI)-supported SWOG, Dr. Zell is the Cancer Control & Prevention Liaison to the Gastrointestinal Committee. Additionally, he is national principle investigator for S0820 (PACES, "Preventing Adenomas of the Colon with Eflornithine and Sulindac"), a large multicenter randomized phase III trial involving risk reduction among resected colon cancer patients that is supported by the NIH-Division of Cancer Prevention, and conducted by SWOG.
Peer Reviewed Original Research Manuscripts
1) Ramakrishnan R, Zell JA, Malave A, Rathinavelu A.
Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA in GI-101A and HL-60 cell lines.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Apr 21;270(3):709-13. PMID: 10772888
2) O'Rourke A, Zell JA*, Varkey-Zell TT, Barone JL, Bayona M.
Laparoscopic diagnosis and repair of asymptomatic bilateral inguinal hernias.
Am J Surg. 2002 Jan 183(1):15-9. PMID: 11869696
3) Zell JA, Ramakrishnan R, Rathinavelu A.
Regulation of mdm2 mRNA expression in human breast tumor-derived GI-101A cells.
Life Sci. 2002 Oct 4;71(20):2331-9. PMID: 12231395
4) Canetti M, Akhter MW, Lerman A, Karaalp IS, Zell JA, Singh H, Mehra A, Elkayam U.
Evaluation of myocardial blood flow reserve in patients with chronic congestive heart failure due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
Am J Cardiol. 2003 Nov 15;92(10):1246-9. PMID: 14609613
5) Bokhari, SW, Bokhari, ZW, Zell, JA, Lee, DW, Faxon, DP.
Plasma homocysteine levels and the left ventricular systolic function in coronary artery disease patients.
Coronary Artery Disease 2005 May 16(3);153-161. PMID: 15818084
6) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Epidemiology of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma: improvement in survival after release of the 1999 WHO classification of lung tumors.
J Clin Oncol 2005 Nov 23(33):8396-8405. PMID: 16293870
7) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Long-term survival differences for bronchioloalveolar carcinoma patients with ipsilateral intrapulmonary metastasis at diagnosis.
Ann Oncol 2006 Aug, 17(8):1255-1262. PMID: 16766595
8) Raz, DJ, Zell, JA, Karnezis, AN, Odisho A, Ou, S-HI, Anton-Culver, H, Jablons DM.
Misclassification of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma with cytologic diagnosis of lung cancer.
J Thor Oncol 2006 Nov, 1:943-948. PMID: 17409976
9) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Epidemiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the United States: improved survival of Chinese patients within the keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma histology.
Ann Oncol 2007 Jan;18(1):29-35. Epub 2006 Oct 23. PMID: 17060483
10) Zell, JA*, Ignatenko, NA, Yerushalmi, H, Ziogas, A, Besselsen, DG, Gerner, EW, Anton-Culver, H.
Risk and risk reduction involving arginine intake and meat consumption in colorectal tumorigenesis and survival.
Int J Cancer 2007 Feb, 120(3):459-468. PMID: 17096347
11) Zell, JA*, Rhee, JM, Ziogas, A, Lipkin, SM, Anton-Culver, H.
Race, socioeconomic status, treatment, and survival time among pancreatic cancer cases in California.
Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prevention 2007 March, 16(3):546-552. PMID: 17372250
12) Raz, DJ, Zell, JA, Ou, S-HI, Gandara, DR, Anton-Culver, H, Jablons DM.
Natural history of stage I NSCLC: poor survival of untreated patients and implications for early detection.
Chest, 2007 July, 132:193-199. PMID: 17505036
13) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Prognostic factors for survival of stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients: a population-based analysis of 19,702 stage I patients in the California Cancer Registry (CCR) from 1989 to 2003.
Cancer 2007 Oct 1; 110(7):1532-41. PMID: 17702091
14) Zell, JA*, McEligot, A, Ziogas, A, Holcombe, RF, Anton-Culver, H.
Differential effects of wine consumption on colorectal cancer outcomes based on family history of the disease.
Nutrition & Cancer, 2007 Oct. Volume 59(1): 36-45. PMID: 17927500
15) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Prognostic significance of the non-size based AJCC T2 descriptors: visceral pleura invasion (VPI), hilar atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis in stage IB non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is dependent on tumor size.
Chest, 2008 March, 133: 662-669; [Epub ahead of print Oct 9, 2007]; PMID: 17925418.
16) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Survival Improvements for Advanced Stage non-Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma-type Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cases with Ipsilateral Intrapulmonary Metastasis.
Cancer, 2008 January, 112 (1): 136-143. PMID: 17960795
17) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Validation of the Proposed International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Staging System Revisions for Advanced Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma Using Data from the California Cancer Registry.
J Thor Oncol, 2007 Dec, 2(12): 1078-1085. PMID: 18090578
18) Zell, JA*, Cinar, P, Mobasher, M, Ziogas, A, Meyskens, FL, Anton-Culver, H.
The effects of race, socioeconomic status, and treatment on survival for invasive cutaneous melanoma cases.
J Clin Oncol, 2008 Jan, 26(1): 66-75. PMID: 18165642
19) Ou, S-HI, and Zell, JA*
Validation study of the proposed IASLC staging revisions of the T4 and M Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer descriptors using data from 23,583 patients in the California Cancer Registry.
J Thor Oncol, 2008, March, Vol 3 (3): 216-227. PMID: 18317063
20) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Low socioeconomic status is a poor prognostic factor for survival in stage I non-small-cell lung cancer and is independent of surgical treatment, race, and marital status.
Cancer, 2008, May 1, 112(9):2011-2020. PMID: 18361399
21) Narasimhan, M, Rose, R, Ramakrishnan, R, Zell, JA, Rathinavelu, A.
Identification of HDM2 as a regulator of VEGF expression in cancer cells.
Life Sci. 2008 Jun 18;82(25-26):1231-41. PMID: 18504050
22) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA
Prognostic significance of the number of lymph nodes removed at lobectomy in stage IA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
J Thor Oncol, 2008, August, Vol 3(8):880-886. PMID: 18670306
23) Le, H, Ziogas, A, Lipkin, SM, Zell, JA*
Effects of socioeconomic status and treatment disparities in colorectal cancer survival.
Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prev, 2008, August, Vol. 17(8): 1950-1952. PMID: 18708384
24) Le, H, Rhee, JM, Ziogas, A, Lee, JG, Lipkin, SM, Zell, JA*
A population-based, descriptive analysis of malignant intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) of the pancreas
Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prev, 2008, October, Vol 17(10): 2737-2741. PMID: 18843017
25) Zell, JA*, Honda, J, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Survival after Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis is Associated with Colorectal Cancer Family History
Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prevention, 2008, November 17(11): 3134-3140. PMID: 18990755
26) Le, H, Ziogas, A, Taylor, TH, Lipkin, SM, Zell, JA*
Survival of distinct Asian groups among colorectal cancer cases in California
Cancer, 2009, January 115 (2):259-270. PMID: 19109815
27) Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA
Prognostic factors for survival in extensive stage small cell lung cancer (ED-SCLC): the importance of smoking history, socioeconomic and marital statuses, and ethnicity
J Thor Oncol, 2009, January, 4(1):37-43. PMID: 19096304
28) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA
The applicability of the proposed IASLC staging revisions to small cell lung cancer (SCLC) with comparison to the current AJCC 6th TNM edition
J Thor Oncol, 2009, March, 4(3): 300-309. PMID: 19156001
29) Wray, C, Hinojosa, MW, Ziogas, A, Le, H, Stamos, MJ, and Zell, JA*
Tumor subsite location within the colon is prognostic for survival after colon cancer diagnosis
Dis Colon Rectum, 2009 Aug;52(8):1359-66. PMID: 19617745
30) Zell, JA*, Pelot, D, Chen, W-P, McLaren, CE, Gerner, EW, Meyskens, FL
Risk of Cardiovascular Events in a Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial of Difluoromethylornithine Plus Sulindac for the Prevention of Sporadic Colorectal Adenomas
Cancer Prevention Research, 2009 Mar;2(3):209-12. PMID: 19258540
31) Zell, JA*, Tsang, W, Taylor, TH, Mehta, RS, Anton-Culver, H.
Prognostic impact of tumor receptor status in inflammatory breast cancer (IBC): analysis of 2,014 IBC cases in the California Cancer Registry
Breast Cancer Research, 2009, 11:R9 doi:10.1186/bcr2225, Published 19 February 2009. PMID: 19228416 (“Highly Accessed” article designation)
32) Zell, JA*, Ziogas, A, Bernstein, L, Clarke, CA, Deapen, D, Largent, JA, Neuhausen, SL, Stram, DO, Ursin, G, Anton-Culver, H.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: effects on mortality after colorectal cancer diagnosis
Cancer, 2009, 115(24):5662-5671. PMID: 19827153
33) Zell, JA*, Ziogas, A, Ignatenko, N, Honda, J, Qu, N, Bobbs, AS, Neuhausen, SL, Gerner, EW, Anton-Culver, H.
Associations of a polymorphism in the ornithine decarboxylase gene with colorectal cancer survival.
Clinical Cancer Research, 2009, 15(9):6208-6216. PMID: 19789310
34) Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA.
Asian ethnicity is a favorable prognostic factor for overall survival in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and is independent of smoking status.
J Thorac Oncol. 2009 Sep;4(9):1083-93. PMID: 19652625
35) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA.
Carcinoma NOS is a common histologic diagnosis and is increasing in proportion among non-small-cell lung cancer histologies.
J Thor Oncol, 2009, 4(10):1202-1211. PMID: 19701111
36) Lee, J, Hoang, BH, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA*
Analysis of prognostic factors in Ewing sarcoma using a population-based cancer registry.
Cancer. 2010, Apr 15; 116(8):1964-73. PMID: 20151425
37) Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA.
A Comparison Study of Clinicopathologic Characteristics of Southern California Asian American Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients by Smoking Status.
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Feb;5(2):158-68. PMID: 20040896
38) Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA.
Primary signet-ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) of the lung. A population-based epidemiologic study of 262 cases with comparison to adenocarcinoma of the lung.
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Apr;5(4):420-7. PMID: 20130484
39) Zell, JA*, Ziogas, A, Bernstein, L, Clarke, CA, Deapen, D, Largent, JA, Neuhausen, SL, Stram, DO, Ursin, G, Anton-Culver, H.
Meat consumption, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and mortality among colorectal cancer patients in the California Teachers Study.
Cancer Prevention Research, 2010 Jul;3(7):865-75. PMID: 20551290
40) Kawaguchi T, Matsumura A, Fukai S, Tamura A, Saito R, Zell JA, Maruyama Y, Ziogas A, Kawahara M, Ignatius Ou SH.
Japanese Ethnicity Compared with Caucasian Ethnicity and Never-Smoking Status Are Independent Favorable Prognostic Factors for Overall Survival in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Collaborative Epidemiologic Study of the National Hospital Organization Study Group for Lung Cancer (NHSGLC) in Japan and a Southern California Regional Cancer Registry Databases.
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Jul;5(7):1001-10. PMID: 20526205
41) Largent, JA, Bernstein, L, Horn-Ross, PL, Marshall, SF, Neuhausen, S, Reynolds, P, Ursin, G, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Hypertension, antihypertensive medication use, and breast cancer risk in the California Teachers Study cohort.
Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Oct;21(10):1615-24. Epub 2010 Jun 6. PMID: 20526803
42) Ahn, M-J, Lee, J, Park, Y-H, Ahn, J-S, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA, Park, K, Ou, S-HI.
Korean ethnicity as compared to Caucasian ethnicity is an independent favorable prognostic factor for overall survival in NSCLC before and after the oral EGFR TKI era.
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Aug;5(8):1185-96 PMID: 20592628
43) Thompson, PA, Wertheim, BC, Zell, JA, Chen, W-P, McLaren, CE, Meyskens, FL, Gerner, EW.
Rectal mucosal polyamine and prostaglandin E2 levels and risk of colorectal adenoma in a phase IIb/III trial of combination difluoromethylornithine plus sulindac.
Gastroenterology, 2010 Sep;139(3):797-805.e1. PMID: 20538001
44) Zell, JA*, McLaren, CE, Chen, W-P, Thompson, PA, Gerner, EW, Meyskens, FL.
Ornithine decarboxylase-1 polymorphism, chemoprevention with eflornithine and sulindac, and outcomes among colorectal adenoma patients.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2010 Oct 6;102(19):1513-6. Epub 2010 Aug 26. PMID: 20798393.
45) Katz, MH, Taylor, TH, Al-Refaie, WB, Hannah, M, Imagawa, DK, Anton-Culver, H, and Zell, JA.
Adenosquamous versus adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: a population-based outcomes analysis
J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Jan;15(1):165-74. PMID: 21082275
46) Bessonova, L, Taylor, TH, Mehta, RS, Zell,JA, Anton-Culver, H.
Risk of a Second Breast Cancer Associated with Hormone-Receptor and HER2/neu Status of the First Breast Cancer.
Cancer Epi Biomarkers Prev, 2011 Feb;20(2):389-96. Epub 2011 Jan 7. PMID:21217087
47) Lipkin, S, Lee, J, Imagawa, D, Hewitt, SM, Tucker, C, Zell, JA, Wong, V, Garcia, A, Gonzalez, R, Della-Zanna, G, Richmond, E, Rodriguez, LM, and Meyskens, FL
Phase IIA Trial Testing Erlotinib as an Intervention Against Intraductal Pancreatic Mucinous Neoplasms.
Cancer Prev Res 2011;4:512-513. PMID: 21464031
48) Pan, C-JG, Ziogas, A, Buchberg, B, Raj, KP, Mills, SD, Stamos, MJ, Zell, JA*.
Timing of radiation therapy, lymph node retrieval, and survival in rectal cancer.
Dis Colon & Rectum, 2011, 54(5):526-34. PMID: 21471752
49) Raj, KP, Taylor, TH, Wray, C, Stamos, MJ, Zell, JA*.
Risk of Second Primary Colorectal Cancer among Colorectal Cancer Cases: a population-based analysis.
Journal of Carcinogenesis 2011;10:6. PMID:21483654
50) Lee J, Bhatia NN, Hoang BH, Ziogas A, Zell, JA*.
Analysis of prognostic factors for patients with chordoma with use of the California cancer registry.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Feb 15;94(4):356-63. PMID: 22336975
51) Masoomi H, Ziogas A, Lin BS, Barleben A, Mills S, Stamos MJ, Zell JA.
Population-based evaluation of adenosquamous carcinoma of the colon and rectum.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2012 May;55(5):509-14. PMID: 22513428
52) Zell, JA*, Lin, BS, Madson, N, McLaren, CE, Gerner, EW, Meyskens, FL
Role of obesity in a randomized placebo-controlled trial of difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) plus sulindac for the prevention of sporadic colorectal adenomas.
Cancer Causes & Control, 2012 Oct.; 23(10):1739-1744. PMID: 22907422 PMCID: PMC3443348
53) Zell, JA*, Lin, BS, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Meat consumption, ornithine decarboxylase gene polymorphism, and outcomes after colorectal cancer diagnosis.
J Carcinog 2012; 11:17. PMID: 23233821 PMCID:PMC3516190
54) Seery, TE, Ziogas, A, Lin, BS, Pan, C-JG, Stamos, MJ, Zell, JA*
Mortality Risk After Preoperative Versus Postoperative Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Lymph Node–Positive Rectal Cancer.
J GI Surgery, 2013 Feb;17(2):374-81. DOI: 10.1007/s11605-012-2116-y. PMID: 23242857 PMCID:PMC3551443
55) Raj KP, Zell JA*, Rock CL, McLaren CE, Zoumas-Morse C, Gerner EW, Meyskens FL.
Role of dietary polyamines in a phase III clinical trial of difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) and sulindac for prevention of sporadic colorectal adenomas.
Br J Cancer. 2013 Feb. 19;108(3):512-8. PMID:23340449 PMCID:PMC3593561
56) Tsang WY, Ziogas A, Lin BS, Seery TE, Karnes W, Stamos MJ, Zell JA.
Role of Primary Tumor Resection Among Chemotherapy-Treated Patients with Synchronous Stage IV Colorectal Cancer: A Survival Analysis.
J Gastrointest Surg. 2014 Mar;18(3):592-8. doi: 10.1007/s11605-013-2421-0. Epub 2013 Dec 3. PMID: 24297651
57) Singh, KT, Taylor, TH, Pan, C-JG, Stamos, MJ, Zell, JA*
Colorectal Cancer Incidence Among Young Adults in California.
J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2014 Dec 1;3(4):176-184. PMID:25538862 PMC4270106
58) Gillen, DL, Meyskens, FL, Morgan, T, Zell, JA, Carroll, R, Benya, R, Chen, W-P, Tucker, C, Bhattacharya, A, Huang, Z, Arcilla, M, Wong, V, Chung, J, Gonzalez, R, Rodriguez, LM, Szabo, E, Lipkin, SM
A Phase IIa Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of Erlotinib in Inhibiting EGF Receptor Signaling in Aberrant Crypt Foci of the Colon
Cancer Prevention Research, 2015 Mar;8(3):222-30. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-14-0148. Epub 2015 Jan 20. PMID:25604134
59) Zhang K, Kang DK, Ali MM, Liu L, Labanieh L, Lu M, Riazifar H, Nguyen TN, Zell JA, Digman MA, Gratton E, Li J, Zhao W.
Digital quantification of miRNA directly in plasma using integrated comprehensive droplet digital detection.
Lab Chip. 2015 Nov 7;15(21):4217-26. doi: 10.1039/c5lc00650c. Epub 2015 Sep 21.
PMID: 26387763
60) Moghadamyeghaneh Z, Alizadeh RF, Phelan M, Carmichael JC, Mills S, Pigazzi A, Zell JA, Stamos MJ.
Trends in colorectal cancer admissions and stage at presentation: impact of screening.
Surg Endosc. Surg Endosc. 2016 Aug;30(8):3604-10. doi: 10.1007/s00464-015-4662-3.
PMID: 26541735
61) Tran, PN, Taylor, TH, Klempner, SC, Zell, JA*.
The impact of gender, race, socioeconomic status, and treatment on outcomes in esophageal cancer: a population-based analysis.
J Carcinog. 2017 Sep 18;16:3. doi: 10.4103/jcar.JCar_4_17. eCollection 2017.
PMID: 28974922
62) Ou CY, Vu T, Grunwald JT, Toledano M, Zimak J, Toosky M, Shen B, Zell JA, Gratton E, Abram TJ, Zhao W.
An ultrasensitive test for profiling circulating tumor DNA using integrated comprehensive droplet digital detection.
Lab Chip. 2019 Mar 13;19(6):993-1005. doi: 10.1039/c8lc01399c.
PMID: 30735225
63) Gahagan JV, Whealon MD, Phelan MJ, Mills S, Jafari MD, Carmichael JC, Stamos MJ, Zell JA, Pigazzi A.
Improved survival with adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer patients treated with preoperative chemoradiation regardless of pathologic response.
Surg Oncol. 2020 Mar;32:35-40. doi: 10.1016/j.suronc.2019.10.021. Epub 2019 Oct 31.PMID: 31726418
64) Zell JA, McLaren CE, Morgan TR, Lawson MJ, Rezk S, Albers CG, Chen WP, Carmichael JC, Chung J, Richmond E, Rodriguez LM, Szabo E, Ford LG, Pollak MN, Meyskens FL.
A Phase IIa Trial of Metformin for Colorectal Cancer Risk Reduction among Individuals with History of Colorectal Adenomas and Elevated Body Mass Index.
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2020 Feb;13(2):203-212. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-18-0262. Epub 2019 Dec 9.PMID: 31818851
65) Lumsdaine, CT, Liu-Smith, F, Li, X, Zell, JA, Lu, Y.
Increased incidence of early onset colorectal cancer is accompanied by an increased incidence of rectal neuroendocrine tumors.
Am J Cancer Res. 2020 Jun 1;10(6):1888-1899. eCollection 2020.PMID: 32642298
66) Dasari A, Morris VK, Allegra CJ, Atreya C, Benson AB 3rd, Boland P, Chung K, Copur MS, Corcoran RB, Deming DA, Dwyer A, Diehn M, Eng C, George TJ, Gollub MJ, Goodwin RA, Hamilton SR, Hechtman JF, Hochster H, Hong TS, Innocenti F, Iqbal A, Jacobs SA, Kennecke HF, Lee JJ, Lieu CH, Lenz HJ, Lindwasser OW, Montagut C, Odisio B, Ou FS, Porter L, Raghav K, Schrag D, Scott AJ, Shi Q, Strickler JH, Venook A, Yaeger R, Yothers G, You YN, Zell JA, Kopetz S.
ctDNA applications and integration in colorectal cancer: an NCI Colon and Rectal–Anal Task Forces whitepaper.
Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2020 Jul 6. doi: 10.1038/s41571-020-0392-0. Online ahead of print.PMID: 32632268
Reviews, Letters, Editorials, & Case Reports
1) Zell, JA*, Yoon, EJ, Ou, S-HI, Hoefs, JC, Chang, JC.
Precore mutant hepatitis B reactivation after CHOP-rituximab.
Anticancer Drugs. 2005 Jan 16(1); 83-85. PMID: 15613909
2) Zell, JA*, Chang JC.
Neoplastic fever: a neglected paraneoplastic syndrome.
Supportive Care in Cancer 2005 Nov 13(11):870-877. Review. PMID: 15864658
3) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
In Reply.
J Clin Oncol 2006 April, 24(12):1963-1964.
4) Zell, JA*, Iyer, P, Kukes, G, Beamon, D.
An unusual case of renal carcinoma.
Pathology 2006 Aug, 38(4):370-371. PMID: 16916734
5) Ou, S-HI, and Zell, JA.
Chest. 2008 Sep;134(3):674.
6) Raj, K, Sanati, H, Mehta, RS, and Zell, JA
Need for a New Treatment Strategy: Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis due to Gastric Cancer.
Anticancer Drugs 2009 Apr;20(4):301-4. PMID: 19247177
7) Ou, S-HI, and Zell, JA.
Chest. 2009 June; 135:1695-1696.
8) Zell, JA*, and Ou, S-HI
Survival prognostication in non-small cell lung cancer. (Invited Editorial).
J Thorac Oncol. 2009 Jul;4(7):785-6. PMID: 19550241
9) Zell, JA*, Madson, N, and Meykens, FL
New chemoprevention for colorectal cancer.
Principles & Practice of Oncology Updates, 2009 July; 23(4):1-8.
10) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA
In Response
J Thor Oncol. 4(8):1041-1042, August 2009.
11) Timberlake, DS, and Zell, JA
Review of epidemiologic data on the debate over smokeless tobacco's role in harm reduction. (Invited Editorial)
BMC Med. 2009 Oct 19;7:61. Review. PMID: 19840371
12) Zell, JA*.
Clinical Trials Update: Tertiary Prevention of Colorectal Cancer
J Carcinog 2011;10:8. PMID: 21483656
13) Rial, NS, Zell, JA, Cohen, AM, Gerner, EW.
Clinical end points for developing pharmaceuticals to manage patients with sporadic or genetic risk of colorectal cancer. (Review Article).
Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Aug 2012, Vol. 6(4):507-517; PMID: 22928902
14) Subramaniam, S, Zell, JA, Kunz, PL.
Everolimus causing severe hypertriglyceridemia and acute pancreatitis.(Case report)
J National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Jan 2013, 11:5-9. PMID:23307976
15) Zell J, You YN, Boughey JC.
PACES trial: Evaluating the effectiveness of eflornithine and sulindac in preventing colon adenomas.
Bull Am Coll Surg. 2015 Aug;100(8):70-1.
PMID: 26419059
16) Zell J, Krouse, R, Boughey JC, You YN,
Preventing colorectal adenomas in cancer survivors: An update on the PACES/S0820 trial. Zell, JA, Krouse, RS, Boughey JC, You, YN. Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons.
Bull Am Coll Surg. October 4, 2017.
Book Chapters
1) Zell, JA* and Meyskens, FL.
Chapter 27: Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Early Detection.
In Abeloff, Clinical Oncology, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, An Imprint of Elsevier, published May 23, 2008.
2) Zell, JA*
Arginine and Cancer.
In Encyclopedia of Cancer 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-540-36847-2
3) Tran, PT, and Zell, JA*
(2019) Gastrointestinal Cancer Prevention: Diet, Lifestyle, and Therapeutic Prevention.
In: Yalcin S., Philip P. (eds) Textbook of Gastrointestinal Oncology. Springer, Cham (Sept 6, 2019).
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-18890-0_29
Print ISBN 978-3-030-18888-7
Online ISBN 978-3-030-18890-0
1) Ramakrishnan R, Zell JA, Malave A, Rathinavelu A.
Expression of vascular endothelial growth factor mRNA in GI-101A and HL-60 cell lines.
Biochem Biophys Res Commun. 2000 Apr 21;270(3):709-13. PMID: 10772888
2) O'Rourke A, Zell JA*, Varkey-Zell TT, Barone JL, Bayona M.
Laparoscopic diagnosis and repair of asymptomatic bilateral inguinal hernias.
Am J Surg. 2002 Jan 183(1):15-9. PMID: 11869696
3) Zell JA, Ramakrishnan R, Rathinavelu A.
Regulation of mdm2 mRNA expression in human breast tumor-derived GI-101A cells.
Life Sci. 2002 Oct 4;71(20):2331-9. PMID: 12231395
4) Canetti M, Akhter MW, Lerman A, Karaalp IS, Zell JA, Singh H, Mehra A, Elkayam U.
Evaluation of myocardial blood flow reserve in patients with chronic congestive heart failure due to idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy.
Am J Cardiol. 2003 Nov 15;92(10):1246-9. PMID: 14609613
5) Bokhari, SW, Bokhari, ZW, Zell, JA, Lee, DW, Faxon, DP.
Plasma homocysteine levels and the left ventricular systolic function in coronary artery disease patients.
Coronary Artery Disease 2005 May 16(3);153-161. PMID: 15818084
6) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Epidemiology of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma: improvement in survival after release of the 1999 WHO classification of lung tumors.
J Clin Oncol 2005 Nov 23(33):8396-8405. PMID: 16293870
7) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Long-term survival differences for bronchioloalveolar carcinoma patients with ipsilateral intrapulmonary metastasis at diagnosis.
Ann Oncol 2006 Aug, 17(8):1255-1262. PMID: 16766595
8) Raz, DJ, Zell, JA, Karnezis, AN, Odisho A, Ou, S-HI, Anton-Culver, H, Jablons DM.
Misclassification of bronchioloalveolar carcinoma with cytologic diagnosis of lung cancer.
J Thor Oncol 2006 Nov, 1:943-948. PMID: 17409976
9) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Epidemiology of nasopharyngeal carcinoma in the United States: improved survival of Chinese patients within the keratinizing squamous cell carcinoma histology.
Ann Oncol 2007 Jan;18(1):29-35. Epub 2006 Oct 23. PMID: 17060483
10) Zell, JA*, Ignatenko, NA, Yerushalmi, H, Ziogas, A, Besselsen, DG, Gerner, EW, Anton-Culver, H.
Risk and risk reduction involving arginine intake and meat consumption in colorectal tumorigenesis and survival.
Int J Cancer 2007 Feb, 120(3):459-468. PMID: 17096347
11) Zell, JA*, Rhee, JM, Ziogas, A, Lipkin, SM, Anton-Culver, H.
Race, socioeconomic status, treatment, and survival time among pancreatic cancer cases in California.
Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prevention 2007 March, 16(3):546-552. PMID: 17372250
12) Raz, DJ, Zell, JA, Ou, S-HI, Gandara, DR, Anton-Culver, H, Jablons DM.
Natural history of stage I NSCLC: poor survival of untreated patients and implications for early detection.
Chest, 2007 July, 132:193-199. PMID: 17505036
13) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Prognostic factors for survival of stage I non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) patients: a population-based analysis of 19,702 stage I patients in the California Cancer Registry (CCR) from 1989 to 2003.
Cancer 2007 Oct 1; 110(7):1532-41. PMID: 17702091
14) Zell, JA*, McEligot, A, Ziogas, A, Holcombe, RF, Anton-Culver, H.
Differential effects of wine consumption on colorectal cancer outcomes based on family history of the disease.
Nutrition & Cancer, 2007 Oct. Volume 59(1): 36-45. PMID: 17927500
15) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Prognostic significance of the non-size based AJCC T2 descriptors: visceral pleura invasion (VPI), hilar atelectasis or obstructive pneumonitis in stage IB non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) is dependent on tumor size.
Chest, 2008 March, 133: 662-669; [Epub ahead of print Oct 9, 2007]; PMID: 17925418.
16) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Survival Improvements for Advanced Stage non-Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma-type Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Cases with Ipsilateral Intrapulmonary Metastasis.
Cancer, 2008 January, 112 (1): 136-143. PMID: 17960795
17) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Validation of the Proposed International Association for the Study of Lung Cancer Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Staging System Revisions for Advanced Bronchioloalveolar Carcinoma Using Data from the California Cancer Registry.
J Thor Oncol, 2007 Dec, 2(12): 1078-1085. PMID: 18090578
18) Zell, JA*, Cinar, P, Mobasher, M, Ziogas, A, Meyskens, FL, Anton-Culver, H.
The effects of race, socioeconomic status, and treatment on survival for invasive cutaneous melanoma cases.
J Clin Oncol, 2008 Jan, 26(1): 66-75. PMID: 18165642
19) Ou, S-HI, and Zell, JA*
Validation study of the proposed IASLC staging revisions of the T4 and M Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer descriptors using data from 23,583 patients in the California Cancer Registry.
J Thor Oncol, 2008, March, Vol 3 (3): 216-227. PMID: 18317063
20) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Low socioeconomic status is a poor prognostic factor for survival in stage I non-small-cell lung cancer and is independent of surgical treatment, race, and marital status.
Cancer, 2008, May 1, 112(9):2011-2020. PMID: 18361399
21) Narasimhan, M, Rose, R, Ramakrishnan, R, Zell, JA, Rathinavelu, A.
Identification of HDM2 as a regulator of VEGF expression in cancer cells.
Life Sci. 2008 Jun 18;82(25-26):1231-41. PMID: 18504050
22) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA
Prognostic significance of the number of lymph nodes removed at lobectomy in stage IA non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).
J Thor Oncol, 2008, August, Vol 3(8):880-886. PMID: 18670306
23) Le, H, Ziogas, A, Lipkin, SM, Zell, JA*
Effects of socioeconomic status and treatment disparities in colorectal cancer survival.
Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prev, 2008, August, Vol. 17(8): 1950-1952. PMID: 18708384
24) Le, H, Rhee, JM, Ziogas, A, Lee, JG, Lipkin, SM, Zell, JA*
A population-based, descriptive analysis of malignant intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasms (IPMNs) of the pancreas
Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prev, 2008, October, Vol 17(10): 2737-2741. PMID: 18843017
25) Zell, JA*, Honda, J, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Survival after Colorectal Cancer Diagnosis is Associated with Colorectal Cancer Family History
Cancer Epi Biomarkers & Prevention, 2008, November 17(11): 3134-3140. PMID: 18990755
26) Le, H, Ziogas, A, Taylor, TH, Lipkin, SM, Zell, JA*
Survival of distinct Asian groups among colorectal cancer cases in California
Cancer, 2009, January 115 (2):259-270. PMID: 19109815
27) Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA
Prognostic factors for survival in extensive stage small cell lung cancer (ED-SCLC): the importance of smoking history, socioeconomic and marital statuses, and ethnicity
J Thor Oncol, 2009, January, 4(1):37-43. PMID: 19096304
28) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA
The applicability of the proposed IASLC staging revisions to small cell lung cancer (SCLC) with comparison to the current AJCC 6th TNM edition
J Thor Oncol, 2009, March, 4(3): 300-309. PMID: 19156001
29) Wray, C, Hinojosa, MW, Ziogas, A, Le, H, Stamos, MJ, and Zell, JA*
Tumor subsite location within the colon is prognostic for survival after colon cancer diagnosis
Dis Colon Rectum, 2009 Aug;52(8):1359-66. PMID: 19617745
30) Zell, JA*, Pelot, D, Chen, W-P, McLaren, CE, Gerner, EW, Meyskens, FL
Risk of Cardiovascular Events in a Randomized Placebo-Controlled, Double-Blind Trial of Difluoromethylornithine Plus Sulindac for the Prevention of Sporadic Colorectal Adenomas
Cancer Prevention Research, 2009 Mar;2(3):209-12. PMID: 19258540
31) Zell, JA*, Tsang, W, Taylor, TH, Mehta, RS, Anton-Culver, H.
Prognostic impact of tumor receptor status in inflammatory breast cancer (IBC): analysis of 2,014 IBC cases in the California Cancer Registry
Breast Cancer Research, 2009, 11:R9 doi:10.1186/bcr2225, Published 19 February 2009. PMID: 19228416 (“Highly Accessed” article designation)
32) Zell, JA*, Ziogas, A, Bernstein, L, Clarke, CA, Deapen, D, Largent, JA, Neuhausen, SL, Stram, DO, Ursin, G, Anton-Culver, H.
Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs: effects on mortality after colorectal cancer diagnosis
Cancer, 2009, 115(24):5662-5671. PMID: 19827153
33) Zell, JA*, Ziogas, A, Ignatenko, N, Honda, J, Qu, N, Bobbs, AS, Neuhausen, SL, Gerner, EW, Anton-Culver, H.
Associations of a polymorphism in the ornithine decarboxylase gene with colorectal cancer survival.
Clinical Cancer Research, 2009, 15(9):6208-6216. PMID: 19789310
34) Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA.
Asian ethnicity is a favorable prognostic factor for overall survival in non-small-cell lung cancer (NSCLC) and is independent of smoking status.
J Thorac Oncol. 2009 Sep;4(9):1083-93. PMID: 19652625
35) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA.
Carcinoma NOS is a common histologic diagnosis and is increasing in proportion among non-small-cell lung cancer histologies.
J Thor Oncol, 2009, 4(10):1202-1211. PMID: 19701111
36) Lee, J, Hoang, BH, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA*
Analysis of prognostic factors in Ewing sarcoma using a population-based cancer registry.
Cancer. 2010, Apr 15; 116(8):1964-73. PMID: 20151425
37) Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA.
A Comparison Study of Clinicopathologic Characteristics of Southern California Asian American Non-small Cell Lung Cancer (NSCLC) Patients by Smoking Status.
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Feb;5(2):158-68. PMID: 20040896
38) Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA.
Primary signet-ring cell carcinoma (SRCC) of the lung. A population-based epidemiologic study of 262 cases with comparison to adenocarcinoma of the lung.
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Apr;5(4):420-7. PMID: 20130484
39) Zell, JA*, Ziogas, A, Bernstein, L, Clarke, CA, Deapen, D, Largent, JA, Neuhausen, SL, Stram, DO, Ursin, G, Anton-Culver, H.
Meat consumption, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and mortality among colorectal cancer patients in the California Teachers Study.
Cancer Prevention Research, 2010 Jul;3(7):865-75. PMID: 20551290
40) Kawaguchi T, Matsumura A, Fukai S, Tamura A, Saito R, Zell JA, Maruyama Y, Ziogas A, Kawahara M, Ignatius Ou SH.
Japanese Ethnicity Compared with Caucasian Ethnicity and Never-Smoking Status Are Independent Favorable Prognostic Factors for Overall Survival in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A Collaborative Epidemiologic Study of the National Hospital Organization Study Group for Lung Cancer (NHSGLC) in Japan and a Southern California Regional Cancer Registry Databases.
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Jul;5(7):1001-10. PMID: 20526205
41) Largent, JA, Bernstein, L, Horn-Ross, PL, Marshall, SF, Neuhausen, S, Reynolds, P, Ursin, G, Zell, JA, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Hypertension, antihypertensive medication use, and breast cancer risk in the California Teachers Study cohort.
Cancer Causes Control. 2010 Oct;21(10):1615-24. Epub 2010 Jun 6. PMID: 20526803
42) Ahn, M-J, Lee, J, Park, Y-H, Ahn, J-S, Ziogas, A, Zell, JA, Park, K, Ou, S-HI.
Korean ethnicity as compared to Caucasian ethnicity is an independent favorable prognostic factor for overall survival in NSCLC before and after the oral EGFR TKI era.
J Thorac Oncol. 2010 Aug;5(8):1185-96 PMID: 20592628
43) Thompson, PA, Wertheim, BC, Zell, JA, Chen, W-P, McLaren, CE, Meyskens, FL, Gerner, EW.
Rectal mucosal polyamine and prostaglandin E2 levels and risk of colorectal adenoma in a phase IIb/III trial of combination difluoromethylornithine plus sulindac.
Gastroenterology, 2010 Sep;139(3):797-805.e1. PMID: 20538001
44) Zell, JA*, McLaren, CE, Chen, W-P, Thompson, PA, Gerner, EW, Meyskens, FL.
Ornithine decarboxylase-1 polymorphism, chemoprevention with eflornithine and sulindac, and outcomes among colorectal adenoma patients.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 2010 Oct 6;102(19):1513-6. Epub 2010 Aug 26. PMID: 20798393.
45) Katz, MH, Taylor, TH, Al-Refaie, WB, Hannah, M, Imagawa, DK, Anton-Culver, H, and Zell, JA.
Adenosquamous versus adenocarcinoma of the pancreas: a population-based outcomes analysis
J Gastrointest Surg. 2011 Jan;15(1):165-74. PMID: 21082275
46) Bessonova, L, Taylor, TH, Mehta, RS, Zell,JA, Anton-Culver, H.
Risk of a Second Breast Cancer Associated with Hormone-Receptor and HER2/neu Status of the First Breast Cancer.
Cancer Epi Biomarkers Prev, 2011 Feb;20(2):389-96. Epub 2011 Jan 7. PMID:21217087
47) Lipkin, S, Lee, J, Imagawa, D, Hewitt, SM, Tucker, C, Zell, JA, Wong, V, Garcia, A, Gonzalez, R, Della-Zanna, G, Richmond, E, Rodriguez, LM, and Meyskens, FL
Phase IIA Trial Testing Erlotinib as an Intervention Against Intraductal Pancreatic Mucinous Neoplasms.
Cancer Prev Res 2011;4:512-513. PMID: 21464031
48) Pan, C-JG, Ziogas, A, Buchberg, B, Raj, KP, Mills, SD, Stamos, MJ, Zell, JA*.
Timing of radiation therapy, lymph node retrieval, and survival in rectal cancer.
Dis Colon & Rectum, 2011, 54(5):526-34. PMID: 21471752
49) Raj, KP, Taylor, TH, Wray, C, Stamos, MJ, Zell, JA*.
Risk of Second Primary Colorectal Cancer among Colorectal Cancer Cases: a population-based analysis.
Journal of Carcinogenesis 2011;10:6. PMID:21483654
50) Lee J, Bhatia NN, Hoang BH, Ziogas A, Zell, JA*.
Analysis of prognostic factors for patients with chordoma with use of the California cancer registry.
J Bone Joint Surg Am. 2012 Feb 15;94(4):356-63. PMID: 22336975
51) Masoomi H, Ziogas A, Lin BS, Barleben A, Mills S, Stamos MJ, Zell JA.
Population-based evaluation of adenosquamous carcinoma of the colon and rectum.
Dis Colon Rectum. 2012 May;55(5):509-14. PMID: 22513428
52) Zell, JA*, Lin, BS, Madson, N, McLaren, CE, Gerner, EW, Meyskens, FL
Role of obesity in a randomized placebo-controlled trial of difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) plus sulindac for the prevention of sporadic colorectal adenomas.
Cancer Causes & Control, 2012 Oct.; 23(10):1739-1744. PMID: 22907422 PMCID: PMC3443348
53) Zell, JA*, Lin, BS, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
Meat consumption, ornithine decarboxylase gene polymorphism, and outcomes after colorectal cancer diagnosis.
J Carcinog 2012; 11:17. PMID: 23233821 PMCID:PMC3516190
54) Seery, TE, Ziogas, A, Lin, BS, Pan, C-JG, Stamos, MJ, Zell, JA*
Mortality Risk After Preoperative Versus Postoperative Chemotherapy and Radiotherapy in Lymph Node–Positive Rectal Cancer.
J GI Surgery, 2013 Feb;17(2):374-81. DOI: 10.1007/s11605-012-2116-y. PMID: 23242857 PMCID:PMC3551443
55) Raj KP, Zell JA*, Rock CL, McLaren CE, Zoumas-Morse C, Gerner EW, Meyskens FL.
Role of dietary polyamines in a phase III clinical trial of difluoromethylornithine (DFMO) and sulindac for prevention of sporadic colorectal adenomas.
Br J Cancer. 2013 Feb. 19;108(3):512-8. PMID:23340449 PMCID:PMC3593561
56) Tsang WY, Ziogas A, Lin BS, Seery TE, Karnes W, Stamos MJ, Zell JA.
Role of Primary Tumor Resection Among Chemotherapy-Treated Patients with Synchronous Stage IV Colorectal Cancer: A Survival Analysis.
J Gastrointest Surg. 2014 Mar;18(3):592-8. doi: 10.1007/s11605-013-2421-0. Epub 2013 Dec 3. PMID: 24297651
57) Singh, KT, Taylor, TH, Pan, C-JG, Stamos, MJ, Zell, JA*
Colorectal Cancer Incidence Among Young Adults in California.
J Adolesc Young Adult Oncol. 2014 Dec 1;3(4):176-184. PMID:25538862 PMC4270106
58) Gillen, DL, Meyskens, FL, Morgan, T, Zell, JA, Carroll, R, Benya, R, Chen, W-P, Tucker, C, Bhattacharya, A, Huang, Z, Arcilla, M, Wong, V, Chung, J, Gonzalez, R, Rodriguez, LM, Szabo, E, Lipkin, SM
A Phase IIa Randomized, Double-Blind Trial of Erlotinib in Inhibiting EGF Receptor Signaling in Aberrant Crypt Foci of the Colon
Cancer Prevention Research, 2015 Mar;8(3):222-30. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-14-0148. Epub 2015 Jan 20. PMID:25604134
59) Zhang K, Kang DK, Ali MM, Liu L, Labanieh L, Lu M, Riazifar H, Nguyen TN, Zell JA, Digman MA, Gratton E, Li J, Zhao W.
Digital quantification of miRNA directly in plasma using integrated comprehensive droplet digital detection.
Lab Chip. 2015 Nov 7;15(21):4217-26. doi: 10.1039/c5lc00650c. Epub 2015 Sep 21.
PMID: 26387763
60) Moghadamyeghaneh Z, Alizadeh RF, Phelan M, Carmichael JC, Mills S, Pigazzi A, Zell JA, Stamos MJ.
Trends in colorectal cancer admissions and stage at presentation: impact of screening.
Surg Endosc. Surg Endosc. 2016 Aug;30(8):3604-10. doi: 10.1007/s00464-015-4662-3.
PMID: 26541735
61) Tran, PN, Taylor, TH, Klempner, SC, Zell, JA*.
The impact of gender, race, socioeconomic status, and treatment on outcomes in esophageal cancer: a population-based analysis.
J Carcinog. 2017 Sep 18;16:3. doi: 10.4103/jcar.JCar_4_17. eCollection 2017.
PMID: 28974922
62) Ou CY, Vu T, Grunwald JT, Toledano M, Zimak J, Toosky M, Shen B, Zell JA, Gratton E, Abram TJ, Zhao W.
An ultrasensitive test for profiling circulating tumor DNA using integrated comprehensive droplet digital detection.
Lab Chip. 2019 Mar 13;19(6):993-1005. doi: 10.1039/c8lc01399c.
PMID: 30735225
63) Gahagan JV, Whealon MD, Phelan MJ, Mills S, Jafari MD, Carmichael JC, Stamos MJ, Zell JA, Pigazzi A.
Improved survival with adjuvant chemotherapy in locally advanced rectal cancer patients treated with preoperative chemoradiation regardless of pathologic response.
Surg Oncol. 2020 Mar;32:35-40. doi: 10.1016/j.suronc.2019.10.021. Epub 2019 Oct 31.PMID: 31726418
64) Zell JA, McLaren CE, Morgan TR, Lawson MJ, Rezk S, Albers CG, Chen WP, Carmichael JC, Chung J, Richmond E, Rodriguez LM, Szabo E, Ford LG, Pollak MN, Meyskens FL.
A Phase IIa Trial of Metformin for Colorectal Cancer Risk Reduction among Individuals with History of Colorectal Adenomas and Elevated Body Mass Index.
Cancer Prev Res (Phila). 2020 Feb;13(2):203-212. doi: 10.1158/1940-6207.CAPR-18-0262. Epub 2019 Dec 9.PMID: 31818851
65) Lumsdaine, CT, Liu-Smith, F, Li, X, Zell, JA, Lu, Y.
Increased incidence of early onset colorectal cancer is accompanied by an increased incidence of rectal neuroendocrine tumors.
Am J Cancer Res. 2020 Jun 1;10(6):1888-1899. eCollection 2020.PMID: 32642298
66) Dasari A, Morris VK, Allegra CJ, Atreya C, Benson AB 3rd, Boland P, Chung K, Copur MS, Corcoran RB, Deming DA, Dwyer A, Diehn M, Eng C, George TJ, Gollub MJ, Goodwin RA, Hamilton SR, Hechtman JF, Hochster H, Hong TS, Innocenti F, Iqbal A, Jacobs SA, Kennecke HF, Lee JJ, Lieu CH, Lenz HJ, Lindwasser OW, Montagut C, Odisio B, Ou FS, Porter L, Raghav K, Schrag D, Scott AJ, Shi Q, Strickler JH, Venook A, Yaeger R, Yothers G, You YN, Zell JA, Kopetz S.
ctDNA applications and integration in colorectal cancer: an NCI Colon and Rectal–Anal Task Forces whitepaper.
Nat Rev Clin Oncol. 2020 Jul 6. doi: 10.1038/s41571-020-0392-0. Online ahead of print.PMID: 32632268
Reviews, Letters, Editorials, & Case Reports
1) Zell, JA*, Yoon, EJ, Ou, S-HI, Hoefs, JC, Chang, JC.
Precore mutant hepatitis B reactivation after CHOP-rituximab.
Anticancer Drugs. 2005 Jan 16(1); 83-85. PMID: 15613909
2) Zell, JA*, Chang JC.
Neoplastic fever: a neglected paraneoplastic syndrome.
Supportive Care in Cancer 2005 Nov 13(11):870-877. Review. PMID: 15864658
3) Zell, JA*, Ou, S-HI, Ziogas, A, Anton-Culver, H.
In Reply.
J Clin Oncol 2006 April, 24(12):1963-1964.
4) Zell, JA*, Iyer, P, Kukes, G, Beamon, D.
An unusual case of renal carcinoma.
Pathology 2006 Aug, 38(4):370-371. PMID: 16916734
5) Ou, S-HI, and Zell, JA.
Chest. 2008 Sep;134(3):674.
6) Raj, K, Sanati, H, Mehta, RS, and Zell, JA
Need for a New Treatment Strategy: Leptomeningeal Carcinomatosis due to Gastric Cancer.
Anticancer Drugs 2009 Apr;20(4):301-4. PMID: 19247177
7) Ou, S-HI, and Zell, JA.
Chest. 2009 June; 135:1695-1696.
8) Zell, JA*, and Ou, S-HI
Survival prognostication in non-small cell lung cancer. (Invited Editorial).
J Thorac Oncol. 2009 Jul;4(7):785-6. PMID: 19550241
9) Zell, JA*, Madson, N, and Meykens, FL
New chemoprevention for colorectal cancer.
Principles & Practice of Oncology Updates, 2009 July; 23(4):1-8.
10) Ou, S-HI, Zell, JA
In Response
J Thor Oncol. 4(8):1041-1042, August 2009.
11) Timberlake, DS, and Zell, JA
Review of epidemiologic data on the debate over smokeless tobacco's role in harm reduction. (Invited Editorial)
BMC Med. 2009 Oct 19;7:61. Review. PMID: 19840371
12) Zell, JA*.
Clinical Trials Update: Tertiary Prevention of Colorectal Cancer
J Carcinog 2011;10:8. PMID: 21483656
13) Rial, NS, Zell, JA, Cohen, AM, Gerner, EW.
Clinical end points for developing pharmaceuticals to manage patients with sporadic or genetic risk of colorectal cancer. (Review Article).
Expert Review of Gastroenterology & Hepatology. Aug 2012, Vol. 6(4):507-517; PMID: 22928902
14) Subramaniam, S, Zell, JA, Kunz, PL.
Everolimus causing severe hypertriglyceridemia and acute pancreatitis.(Case report)
J National Comprehensive Cancer Network, Jan 2013, 11:5-9. PMID:23307976
15) Zell J, You YN, Boughey JC.
PACES trial: Evaluating the effectiveness of eflornithine and sulindac in preventing colon adenomas.
Bull Am Coll Surg. 2015 Aug;100(8):70-1.
PMID: 26419059
16) Zell J, Krouse, R, Boughey JC, You YN,
Preventing colorectal adenomas in cancer survivors: An update on the PACES/S0820 trial. Zell, JA, Krouse, RS, Boughey JC, You, YN. Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons.
Bull Am Coll Surg. October 4, 2017.
Book Chapters
1) Zell, JA* and Meyskens, FL.
Chapter 27: Cancer Prevention, Screening, and Early Detection.
In Abeloff, Clinical Oncology, 4th ed. Churchill Livingstone, An Imprint of Elsevier, published May 23, 2008.
2) Zell, JA*
Arginine and Cancer.
In Encyclopedia of Cancer 2nd ed. Springer-Verlag, 2009. ISBN: 978-3-540-36847-2
3) Tran, PT, and Zell, JA*
(2019) Gastrointestinal Cancer Prevention: Diet, Lifestyle, and Therapeutic Prevention.
In: Yalcin S., Philip P. (eds) Textbook of Gastrointestinal Oncology. Springer, Cham (Sept 6, 2019).
DOI https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-18890-0_29
Print ISBN 978-3-030-18888-7
Online ISBN 978-3-030-18890-0
NIH-NCI N01-CN-35160; April 12, 2010-March 12 2012
Protocol UCI 09-13-01 “A Phase IIa Trial of Metformin for Colorectal Cancer Risk Reduction among Patients with a History of Colorectal Adenomas and Elevated Body Mass Index” (Protocol P.I.)
Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG) & The Hope Foundation. Charles Coltman Fellowship Award. July 1st, 2009-June 30, 2011.
NIH-NCI K23 CA133142 (PI) Aug 20, 2009-Jul 31, 2013
“Risk reduction through polyamine inhibition among colorectal carcinoma patients”
2020 UCI Dept of Medicine Research Grant, “Influence of Patient-Centered Outcomes on Colon Cancer Care Delivery” PI: J. Zell (co-Is: L Wenzel, MD Jafari, A Pigazzi).
NIH-NIA Grant Number: 1 R61 AG068948-01
Principal Investigator: Chak, Eric W; Chen, Moon Shao-Chuang; Zell, Jason
Project Title: Enhancing Electronic Health Systems to Decrease the Burden of Colon Cancer, Lung Cancer, Obesity, Vaccine-Preventable Illness, and Liver Cancer (CLOVER)
Award Issue Date: 08/14/2020
NIH-NCI Cancer Clinical Investigator Team Leadership Award; 2012-2014
NIH-LRP July 1, 2007-June 30, 2013
L30 CA130160-01 “Polyamine Inhibition in Colorectal Cancer”
NIH-NCI 3P30CA062203, Nov. 1, 2013-Oct. 31, 2015. Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center Supplemental Grant (CCSG PI: Van Etten): Early Phase Clinical Research Support. Development of Diagnostic Tools for Early-Stage Colorectal Cancer Detection.
2009 Pfizer Oncology Clinical Fellowship Award July 1st, 2009-June 30, 2011
“Cancer Prevention Translational Research Fellowship”. Institutional award to train oncology fellows in the field of translational cancer prevention research.
Role: co-P.I.
UC Irvine Dept. of Medicine Educational Grant: Wellness & Resiliency Program (PI: Zell) July 2017-June 2019, with extension through 2022
Professional Societies
American Board of Internal Medicine (ABIM)
American Association for Cancer Research (AACR)
American Society of Hematology (ASH)
American Society of Clinical Oncology (ASCO)
Southwest Oncology Group (SWOG)
Medical Oncology Association of Southern California (MOASC)
Other Experience
Faculty Member
U.S. National Cancer Institute - Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC), Istanbul, Turkey 2007
U.S. National Cancer Institute - Middle East Cancer Consortium (MECC), Istanbul, Turkey 2007
Diplomat (Board Certified)
American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine 2004
American Board of Internal Medicine, Internal Medicine 2004
Diplomat (Board Certified)
American Board of Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology 2008
American Board of Internal Medicine, Medical Oncology 2008
Board Certified, American Board of Internal Medicine,
Hematology 2010
Hematology 2010
Co-Leader, Colon Cancer Disease Oriented Team (DOT)
Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center 2012—2021
Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center 2012—2021
NIH-NCI Cancer Prevention Steering Committee 2019
NIH-NCI Cancer Prevention Steering Committee 2019
NIH-NCI Gastrointestinal Steering Committee- Rectal/Anal Task Force 2017
NIH-NCI Gastrointestinal Steering Committee- Rectal/Anal Task Force 2017
Graduate Programs
Research Centers
UCI Genetic Epidemiology Research Institute (GERI)
Chao Family Comprehensive Cancer Center
Institute for Clinical & Translational Sciences
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