Haiou Yang
Specialist, Medicine
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
Ph.D., University of Hawaii, 1989, Sociology
M.A., University of Hawaii, 1985, Sociology
B.A., Hebei University, China, 1982, Economics
M.A., University of Hawaii, 1985, Sociology
B.A., Hebei University, China, 1982, Economics
University of California, Irvine
100 Theory, Suite 100
Mail Code: 1830
Irvine, CA 92617
100 Theory, Suite 100
Mail Code: 1830
Irvine, CA 92617
Research Interests
Occupational and environmental epidemiology of cardiovascular diseases, mental health disorders and musculoskeletal disorder; community health and health disparities.
Academic Distinctions
The Rockefeller Foundation Pre and Post Doctoral Fellowship
International Exchange of Experts and Information on Rehabilitation Fellowship
International Exchange of Experts and Information on Rehabilitation Fellowship
Yang H, Haldeman S, Lu ML, Baker D. Low Back Pain Prevalence and Related Workplace Psychosocial Risk Factors: A Study Using Data From the 2010 National Health Interview Survey, J Manipulative Physiol Ther. 2016 39(7):459-72.
Yang H, Hitchcock E, Haldeman S, Swanson N, Lu M, Choi B, Nakata A, Baker D. Workplace psychosocial and organizational factors for neck pain in workers in the United States. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2016, 59 (7):549–560
Yang H, Haldeman S, Nakata A, Choi B, Delp L, Baker D. Work-Related Risk Factors for Neck Pain in the United States Working Population. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015;40:184-192.
Yang H, Haldeman S. Behavior-related Factors Associated with Low Back Pain in the US Adult Population. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Apr 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Choi B, Dobson M, Landsbergis P, Ko S, Yang H, Schnall P, Baker D. (2014). Job strain and obesity. Journal of Internal Medicine, 4, 438-40.
Yang H, Hitchcock E, Haldeman S, Swanson N, Lu M, Choi B, Nakata A, Baker D. Workplace psychosocial and organizational factors for neck pain in workers in the United States. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2016, 59 (7):549–560
Yang H, Haldeman S, Nakata A, Choi B, Delp L, Baker D. Work-Related Risk Factors for Neck Pain in the United States Working Population. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2015;40:184-192.
Yang H, Haldeman S. Behavior-related Factors Associated with Low Back Pain in the US Adult Population. Spine (Phila Pa 1976). 2016 Apr 26. [Epub ahead of print]
Choi B, Dobson M, Landsbergis P, Ko S, Yang H, Schnall P, Baker D. (2014). Job strain and obesity. Journal of Internal Medicine, 4, 438-40.
Luderer U, Kesner JS, Fuller JM, Krieg EF Jr, Meadows JW, Tramma SL, Yang H, Baker D. Effects of Gestational and Lactational Exposure to Heptachlor Epoxide on Age at Puberty and Reproductive Function in Men and Women, Environmental Research, 2013, 121: 84-94.
Choi B, Schnall P, Yang H, Dobson M, Landsbergis P, Israel L, Karasek R, Baker D). Psychosocial working conditions and active leisure-time physical activity in middle-aged US workers. International Journal Occupational Medicine and Environmental Health. 2010;23(3):239-53.
Choi B, Schnall P, Yang H, Dobson M, Landsbergis P, Israel L, Karasek R, Baker D. Sedentary work, low physical job demand, and obesity in US workers. American Journal of Industrial Medicine. 2010, 53: 1088–1101.
Yang H. Health in California: Work and Ethnicity. In: The Unhealthy Work: Causes, Consequences, Cures, Schnall PL, Dobson M and Rosskam E, eds. Baywood Publishing Company. New York. 2009:133-152.
Yang H, Schnall PL, Jauregui M, Su TC, Baker DB, Work Hours and Self-Reported Hypertension among Working People in California. Hypertension, 2006; 48(4):744-50.
Baker DB, Luderer U, Yang H, Gollapudi S, Kesner JS. Latent Effects of Gestational Exposure to Heptachlor. Epidemiology, 2004, 15(4): S119.
Braun K, Yang H, Onaka A & Horiuchi B. Asian and Pacific Islander mortality differences in Hawaii. Social Biology, 44 (3-4):213-225, 1997
Baker D & Yang H. Neurobehavioral Effects among High School Students Exposed in Utero to Heptachlor Epoxide: A Health Outcome Study of the 1981-1982 Heptachlor Milk Contamination on Oahu: Final Report, Honolulu: the Hawaii Heptachlor Research & Education Foundation. July 2003
Fedoruk MJ, Uhlman S, Baker D, Yang H. Analysis of microbial contamination of a ventilation system detected by measurement of microbial volatile organic compounds. In: Bioaerosols, Fungi and Mycotoxins: Health Effects, Assessment, Prevention and Control, eds. Albany: Johanning, E. Boyd Printing Company, Inc. 1999; 386-395.
Braun K, Look M, Yang H, Onaka A, Horiuchi B. Native Hawaiian mortality, 1980-1990. American Journal of Public Health. 1996; 89 (6):888-9.
Glanz K, Yang H. Communicating about risk of infectious diseases. The Journal of the American Medical Association. 1996; 275 (3):253-256.
Braun K, Yang H, Look M, Onaka A, Horiuchi, B. Age-specific mortality rates among Native Hawaiians: A comparison of full, part, and non-Hawaiians. Asian American and Pacific Islander Journal of Health. 1996; 4:352-362,
Yang H, Leung P, Wang J, Shim N. Asian Americans: The need for ethnic-specific disability and rehabilitation data. Journal of Disability Policy Studies. 1996; 7 (1):33-54
Yang H, Chandler D. Intergenerational relations: Grievances of the elderly in rural China. Journal of Comparative Family Studies. 1992; 23 (3):432-453.
Yang H. Population and kinship dynamics of the elderly in China: A microsimulation study. Journal of Cross-Cultural Gerontology. 1992; 7 (2):135-150.
Hammel G, Mason C, Wachter K, Wang F, Yang H. Microsimulation as a tool in exploring demographic and socioeconomic inter-relationship, with an example from China. In: Consequences of Rapid Population Growth in Developing Countries (in French). Tapinos G, Blanchet D, Horlacher DE. eds. New York: United Nations Population Division. 1991.
Other Experience
Research Associate
Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, University of Hawaii 1994—1996
Cancer Research Center of Hawaii, University of Hawaii 1994—1996
Research Director and Clinical Asst. Professor
Pacific Basin Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, University of Hawaii 1992—1994
Pacific Basin Rehabilitation Research and Training Center, University of Hawaii 1992—1994
Research Centers
Center for Occupational and Environmental Health
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