Nina Bandelj

Picture of Nina Bandelj
Chancellor's Professor, Department of Sociology
Ph.D., Princeton University, Sociology
Phone: (949) 824-8872
Fax: (949) 824-4717
Email: nbandelj-at-uci-dot-edu
University of California, Irvine
4263 Social Science Plaza B
Mail Code: 5100
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Economic Sociology, Culture, Emotions, Organizations, Comparative/Historical Sociology, Globalization, Postsocialism, Inequality, Social Networks, Gender, Knowledge and Ideas, Children and Youth, Immigration, Ethnicity/Race, Mixed Methods
Academic Distinctions
2022-25 President (elect, current and past), Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics
2021 Appointed Chancellor's Professor, Department of Sociology, UCI
2021 Awarded Life-time title of Professor, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia
2020-23 Vice-President (elect, current and past), American Sociological Association
2019-20 Fellowship, Center for the Advanced Study in Behavioral Sciences, Stanford, CA
2018-21 Elected Council Member, Organizations, Occupations, and Work Section of the ASA
2018 Dynamic Womxn of UCI Academic Achievement Award
2017-18 Distinguished Mid-Career Faculty Award for Service of the Irvine Division of the Academic Senate, UCI
2016-19 Elected Council-Member-At-Large, American Sociological Association
2016 Elected to Sociological Research Association
2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2019 Dean's Commendation for Teaching Excellence, Social Sciences
2013-2014 Elected Chair, Economic Sociology Section, American Sociological Association
2012-2018 Elected Executive Council Member, Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics (two terms)
2011-2014 Elected Council Member, Global and Transnational Section, American Sociological Association
2011-22 Editor, Socio-Economic Review
2010-12 Elected Council Member, Comparative and Historical Sociology Section, American Sociological Association
2008-10 Elected Council Member, Economic Sociology Section, American Sociological Association
2008 Runner-up for Best paper in Socio-Economic Review
2006-10 Elected Co-Chair, RC09 Social Transformations and Sociology of Development, International Sociological Association
2007 Faculty Career Development Award, University of California, Irvine
2006 Jean Monnet Fellowship, European University Institute, Florence, Italy
2005 Fellowship, Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies, Cologne, Germany
2004 Winner of Seymour Martin Lipset Dissertation Award, Society for Comparative Research
2003, 2004 Nominated for Professor of the Month, University of California, Irvine, Campus Village Undergraduate Complex
2003-2006 Elected Secretary/Treasurer of the RC09: Social Transformations and Sociology of Development, International Sociological Association
Research Abstract
Nina Bandelj is Chancellor's Professor in the Department of Sociology at the University of California, Irvine. She completed her international baccalaureate in Ljubljana, Slovenia, her B.A. (summa cum laude) at Augsburg College in Minneapolis, and her M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in Sociology at Princeton University. Her doctoral dissertation was awarded the Martin Seymour Lipset Award from the Society for Comparative Research.

Bandelj began her career as Assistant Professor of Sociology at the University of California, Irvine in 2003, and was promoted to Full Professor in 2014. She currently serves as Associate Vice Provost for Faculty Development and as Co-Director of the Center for Organizational Research at UCI. She was a facilitator in the Women’s Development Initiative supported by the UC Office of the President. She served as Acting Associate Dean for Graduate Affairs and Research in the School of Social Sciences and as Equity Advisor to the Dean of Social Sciences. Bandelj is past Chair of the Economic Sociology Section of the American Sociological Association (ASA), past Co-Chair of the RC09 of the International Sociological Association, and past Council-at-large member of the ASA. She was one of the editors of Socio-Economic Review, Treasurer of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics, and 2021-22 Vice President of the ASA. She is President-Elect of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics for 2023-24.

Professor Bandelj’s research on economy and society spans attention to micro-level economic interactions and macro-economic transformations. Her conceptual and empirical contributions advance two lines of inquiry: 1) on the role of relational work, culture and emotions in economic processes and 2) on structures and inequality consequences of economic transformations, including postsocialism, globalization and financialization.

Bandelj’s articles have been published in top discipline and specialty journals such as the American Sociological Review, Social Forces, Theory and Society, and Socio-Economic Review. Her books include From Communists to Foreign Capitalists: The Social Foundations of Foreign Direct Investment in Postsocialist Europe (2008), Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective (2010, with E. Sowers), Economic Sociology of Work (2009), The Cultural Wealth of Nations (2011, with F. Wherry), Socialism Vanquished, Socialism Challenged: Eastern Europe and China, 1989-2009 (2012, with D. Solinger) and Money Talks: Explaining How Money Really Works (2017, with F. Wherry and V. Zelizer).

Bandelj’s research has been funded by the National Science Foundation, American Council of Learned Societies, the University of California, and the Slovenian Research Agency. She was awarded fellowships from the European University Institute in Florence, Italy, the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, Germany, and the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford. Professor Bandelj is an elected member of the Sociological Research Association honorary society, and a recipient of the UCI Senate Award for Distinguished Mid-Career Service, Dynamic Womxn of UCI Academic Achievement Award and Carol Connor Equity Advisor Impact Award.

In addition to her scholarship, Bandelj has a deep commitment to service and inclusive excellence. She has served as equity advisor and acting associate dean for research and graduate affairs in the School of Social Sciences, and as facilitator in Women’s Initiative supported by the University of California, Office of the President. In her role as UCI’s inaugural associate vice provost for faculty development, she designs and oversees programs, and consults on policies in support of faculty advancement, well-being, and equity.
Short Biography
Nina Bandelj (she/her) is Chancellor’s Professor in the Department of Sociology, associate vice provost for faculty development, and co-director of Center for Organizational Research at the University of California, Irvine. An economic sociologist, Bandelj has published numerous articles and chapters on how relational work, culture, power, and emotions influence investment, spending, debt, inequality, and ideas about the economy. Among her six books is, most recently, Money Talks: Explaining How Money Really Works (Princeton University Press, 2017, with Frederick F. Wherry and Viviana Zelizer). Bandelj, who received her Ph.D. from Princeton University, is past Fellow at the Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences at Stanford, the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, and the European University Institute in Florence. She is a member of the Sociological Research Association honorary society, and a recipient of the Distinguished Mid-Career Award for Service, the Dynamic Womxn Award for Academic Achievement, and the Carol Connor Equity Advisor Impact Award from the University of California, Irvine. Bandelj was Vice President of the American Sociological Association for 2021-22 and is currently President-Elect of the Society for the Advancement of Socio-Economics. She was long-standing and first woman editor of Socio-Economic Review.
Penner, Andrew, Trond Petersen, Are Hermansen, Anthony Rainey, Istvan Boza, Marta Elvira, Olivier Godechot, Martin Hällsten, Lasse Henriksen, Feng Hou, Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrcela, Joe King, Naomi Kodama, Tali Kristal, Alena Krížková, Zoltan Lippényi, Silvia M. Melzer, Eunmi Mun, Paula Apascaritei, Dustin Avent-Holt, Nina Bandelj, Gergely Hajdu, Jiwook Jung, Andreja Poje, Halil Sabanci, Mirna Safi, Matthew Soener, Donald Tomaskovic-Devey, Zaibu Tufail. 2022. “Within Job Gender Pay Inequality in 15 Countries.” Nature Human Behavior.
Bandelj, Nina, Yader R. Lanuza and Julie S. Kim. 2021. “Gendered Relational Work: How Gender Shapes Money Attitudes and Expectations of Young Adults.” Journal of Cultural Economy.
Bandelj, Nina. 2021. “Pricelessness, and the Price, of College in America.” European Journal of Sociology 61(3): 561-566.
Bandelj, Nina and Angelina Grigoryeva. 2021. “Investment, Saving and Borrowing for Children: Trends Across Wealth, Race and Ethnicity, 1998-2016.” RSF: The Russell Sage Foundation Journal of the Social Sciences. In press.
Bandelj, Nina. 2021. “The Unexpected Legacy of Charles Tilly: Relational Work, Inequality and Economic Sociology.” Sociological Forum.
Bandelj, Nina and Jinna J. Kim. 2020. “Emotions and Economy.” Wiley-Blackwell Encyclopedia of Sociology, Second Edition. Edited by George Ritzer and Chris Rojek.
Bandelj, Nina and Aaron Tester. 2020. “Amplified Decoupling in the Global Economy: The Case of Bilateral Investment Treaties.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.
Bandelj, Nina and Christopher W. Gibson. 2020. “Contextualizing Anti-Immigrant Attitudes of East Europeans.” Review of European Studies 12(3) 10.5539/res.v12n3p32
Bandelj, Nina. 2020. “Relational Work in the Economy.” Annual Review of Sociology.
Tomaskovic-Devey, Donald, Dustin Avent-Holt, Nina Bandelj, István Boza, David Cort, Olivier Godechot, Gergely Hajdu, Martin Hällsten, Lasse Folke Henriksen, Andrea Hense, Are-Skeie Hermansen, Feng Hou, Jiwook Jung, Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrcela, Joseph King, Naomi Kodama, Alena Krizkova, Zoltán Lippényi, Silvia Maja Melzer, Eunmi Mun, Andrew Penner, Trond Petersen, Andreja Poje, Anthony Rainey, Mirna Safi, and Zaibu Tufail. 2020. “"Rising Between-Workplace Inequalities in High-Income Countries.” PNAS: Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States.
Bandelj, Nina. 2019. “Academic Familism, Spillover Prestige, and Gender Segregation in Sociological Subfields: The Trajectory of Economic Sociology.” American Sociologist.
Khachikian,Oshin and Nina Bandelj. 2019. “Immigrant Socioeconomic Mobility in the United States: Mechanisms of Inequality and the Role of Ethnic Capital.”Sociology Compass. https://doi:10.1111/soc4.12723
Bandelj, Nina, Elizabeth Sowers and Paul James Morgan. 2019. “All About Profit? How Economics Experts Disseminate the Instrumental Market Logic to Family Businesses.” Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, the Media and the Arts.
Zoeller, Christoffer J.P and Nina Bandelj. 2019. "Crisis as Opportunity: Nixon's Closing of the Gold Window." Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World
Bandelj, Nina and Yader R. Lanuza. 2018. “Economic Expectations of Young Adults.” Socius: Sociological Research for a Dynamic World.
Bandelj, Nina and Christoffer Zoeller. 2018. “Cognition and Social Meaning in Economic Sociology.” Chapter in Oxford Handbook of Cognitive Sociology, edited by Wayne H. Brekhus and Gabe Ignatow. New York: Oxford University Press. In press.
Bandelj, Nina and Christopher W. Gibson. 2018. “Relational Work and Consumption.” Chapter in Oxford Handbook of Consumption, edited by Frederick F. Wherry and Ian Woodward. New York: Oxford University Press.
Bandelj, Nina and Katelyn Finley. 2018. “East European Discontent: Economic Attitudes Across Class, Ethnicity and Time.” Problems of Post-Communism. doi/full/10.1080/10758216.2018.1484668
Bandelj, Nina, Elizabeth Sowers and Zaibu Tufail. 2017. “Economic Sociology.” Pp. 334-343 in The Cambridge Handbook of Sociology, edited by Kathleen Korgen. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press.
King, Joseph, Andrew Penner, Nina Bandelj and Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrcela. 2017. “Market Transformation and the Opportunity Structure for Gender Inequality: A Cohort Analysis using Linked Employer-Employee Data from Slovenia.” Social Science Research 67C: 14-33.
Bandelj, Nina, Frederick Wherry and Viviana Zelizer. (Eds.) 2017. Money Talks: Explaining How Money Really Works. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Adams, Britni, Joseph King, Andrew M. Penner, Nina Bandelj and Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrcela. 2017. “The Returns to Education and Labor Market Sorting in Slovenia, 1993-2007.” Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 47: 55–65.
Bandelj, Nina, Julia Elyachar, Gary Richardson and James Weatherall. 2016. “Comprehending and Regulating Financial Crises: An Interdisciplinary Approach.” Perspectives on Science 24(4): 443-473.
Bandelj, Nina. 2016. “On Postsocialist Capitalism.” Theory and Society 45(1): 89-106.
Bandelj, Nina, Katelyn Finley and Bogdan Radu. 2015. “Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: Test of Early Impact.” East European Politics 31(2): 129-148.
Bandelj, Nina, Lyn Spillman and Frederick Wherry. 2015. “Economic Culture in the Public Sphere: Introduction.” European Journal of Sociology 56(1): 1-10.
Bandelj, Nina, Paul James Morgan and Elizabeth Sowers. 2015. "Hostile Worlds or Connected Lives? Research on the Interplay Between Intimacy and Economy." Sociology Compass 9(2): 115–127.
Kanjuo Mrcela, Aleksandra and Nina Bandelj. Guest editors. 2015. “Economy and Society.” Teorija in praksa [Theory and Practice] Volume 52, Issue 3.
Bandelj, Nina, Lyn Spillman and Frederick Wherry. Guest editors. 2015. “Economic Culture in the Public Sphere.” European Journal of Sociology. Volume 56, Issue 1.
Bandelj, Nina, Matthew C. Mahutga and Kristen Shorette. 2015. “Signaling Demand for
Foreign Investment: Postsocialist Countries in the Global Bilateral Investment Treaties Network” Europe-Asia Studies 67 (6): 870–892.
Lanuza, Yader R. and Nina Bandelj. 2015. “The Productive Role of Children in Immigrant Families.” Teorija in praksa [Theory and Practice] 52(3): 415-433.
Bandelj, Nina, Katelyn Finley and Bogdan Radu. 2015. “Democracy in Central and Eastern Europe: Test of Early Impact.” East European Politics 31(2): 129-148.
Bandelj, Nina, Lyn Spillman and Frederick Wherry. 2015. “Economic Culture in the Public Sphere: Introduction.” European Journal of Sociology 56(1): 1-10.
Bandelj, Nina, Paul James Morgan and Elizabeth Sowers. 2015. "Hostile Worlds or Connected Lives? Research on the Interplay Between Intimacy and Economy."
Sociology Compass 9(2): 115–127.
Bandelj, Nina, Kristen Shorette, and Elizabeth Sowers. 2015. “Global Economic Networks.” In Emerging Trends in Behavioral and Social Sciences, edited by Robert Scott and Stephen Kosslyn. Hoboken, NJ: John Wiley and Son.
Bandelj, Nina and Paul James Morgan. 2015. “Culture and Economy.” Pp. 535-541 in International Encyclopedia of Social and Behavioral Sciences, 2nd edition, volume 5, edited by James D. Wright. Oxford, UK: Elsevier.
Bandelj, Nina. 2014. “The Rise of Management Education in Postsocialist Europe.” Pp. 35-52 in Global Management, Local Resistances: Theoretical Discussion and Empirical Case Studies, edited by Ulrike Schuerkens. London, UK: Routledge.
Bandelj, Nina and Matthew C. Mahutga. 2013. “Structures of Globalization: Evidence from the World-Wide Network of Bilateral Investment Treaties (1959-2009).” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 54(2): 95–123.
Bandelj, Nina. 2012. “Relational Work and Economic Sociology.” Politics and Society 40(2): 175-201.
Penner, Andrew M., Aleksandra Kanjuo-Mrcela, Nina Bandelj and Trond Petersen. 2012. “Neenakost po spolu v Sloveniji od 1993 do 2007: Razlike v placah v perspektivi ekonomske sociologije.” (Gender Inequality in Slovenia, 1993-2007: An Economic Sociology Analysis of Pay Gap).” Teorija in Praksa 49(6): 854-877.
Bandelj, Nina. 2011. “Relevance of Nationality in Cross-Border Economic Transactions.” Nationalities Papers 39(6): 963-976.
Bandelj, Nina, Kristen Shorette and Elizabeth Sowers. 2011. “Work and Neoliberal Globalization: A Polanyian Synthesis.” Sociology Compass 5(9): 807-823.
Bandelj, Nina and Frederick F. Wherry. Eds. 2011. The Cultural Wealth of Nations. Stanford University Press.
Bandelj, Nina and Frederick F. Wherry. 2011. “An Inquiry into the Cultural Wealth of Nations,” in The Cultural Wealth of Nations, edited by Nina Bandelj and Frederick F. Wherry. Stanford University Press.
Centeno, Miguel, Nina Bandelj and Frederick F. Wherry. 2011. “The Political Economy of Cultural Wealth” in The Cultural Wealth of Nations edited by Nina Bandelj and Frederick F. Wherry. Stanford University Press.
Bandelj, Nina. 2010. “ How EU Integration and Legacies Mattered for Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe.” Europe-Asia Studies 62 (3): 481–501.
Bandelj, Nina and Matthew C. Mahutga. 2010. “Rising Income Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe: The Influence of Economic Globalization and Other Social Forces.” Pp. 193-218 in Transformations of Social Inequality and Globalization, edited by Ulrike Schuerkens. London, UK: Routledge.
Bandelj, Nina. 2009. “Toward Economic Sociology of Work.” Pp. 1-18 in Economic Sociology of Work, edited by Nina Bandelj. London, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Bandelj, Nina. Editor. 2009. Economic Sociology of Work. London, UK: Emerald Publishing.
Bandelj, Nina and Michelle Spiegel. 2023. “Pricing the Priceless Child 2.0: Investing in Children’s Human Capital.” Theory & Society 52: 805–830.
Bandelj, Nina and Katelyn Finley. 2018. “East European Discontent: Economic Attitudes Across Class, Ethnicity and Time.” Problems of Post-Communism. doi/full/10.1080/10758216.2018.1484668
Bandelj, Nina, Matthew C. Mahutga and Kristen Shorette. 2015. “Signaling Demand for Foreign Investment: Postsocialist Countries in the Global Bilateral Investment Treaties Network” Europe-Asia Studies 67 (6): 870–892.
Lanuza, Yader R. and Nina Bandelj. 2015. “The Productive Role of Children in Immigrant Families.” Teorija in praksa [Theory and Practice] 52(3): 415-433.
Bandelj, Nina and Dorothy J. Solinger. Eds. 2012. Socialism Vanquished, Socialism Challenged: Eastern Europe and China (1989-2009). New York: Oxford University Press. Contributed chapters: “Post-socialist Trajectories in Comparative Perspective,” and "Fate of the State in Comparative Perspective."
Bandelj, Nina and Matthew C. Mahutga. 2010. “How Socio-Economic Changes Shape Income Inequality in Central and Eastern Europe.” Social Forces 88(5): 2133-2161.
Bandelj, Nina and Elizabeth Sowers. 2010. Economy and State: A Sociological Perspective. London: Polity.
Bandelj, Nina. 2009. “Giving Mega Attention to Macro Research: How to Handle Challenges of Quantitative Cross-National Data Collection and Analysis.” Pp. 217-237 in Research Methods from the Trenches edited by Eszter Hargittai. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press.
Bandelj, Nina. 2023. “America’s Parenting Economy: How the Ideal of Parental Investment Scaffolds Family-Hostile Policy.” Sociological Forum.
Bandelj, Nina. 2023. “America’s Parenting Economy: How the Ideal of Parental Investment Scaffolds Family-Hostile Policy.” Sociological Forum.
Bandelj, Nina. 2009. “Emotions in Economic Action and Interaction.” Theory and Society 38(4):347-366.
Bandelj, Nina. 2009. “The Global Economy as Instituted Process: The Case of Central and Eastern Europe.” American Sociological Review 74: 128-149.
Bandelj, Nina. 2008. Book Review of The New Old Economy, by Josh Whitford. Social Forces 87(1): 596-598
Mahutga, Matthew C. and Nina Bandelj. 2008. “Foreign Investment and Inequality: The Natural Experiment of Central and Eastern Europe.” International Journal of Comparative Sociology 49 (6): 429-454.
Bandelj, Nina. 2008. “Economic Objects as Cultural Objects: Discourse on Foreign Investment in Post-socialist Europe.” Socio-Economic Review 6(4): 671-702.
Nina Bandelj. 2008. From Communists to Foreign Capitalists: The Social Foundations of Foreign Direct Investment in Postsocialist Europe. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press.
Bandelj, Nina. 2007. “Negotiating Neo-liberalism: Economic Reform in Central and Eastern Europe.” Pp. 46-74 in Transformations of Local Socio-Economic Practices and Globalization, edited by Ulrike Schuerkens. New York: Routledge.
Bandelj, Nina. 2007. “Supraterritoriality, Embeddedness, or Both? Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe.” Pp. 3-41 in Globalization: Perspectives from Central and Eastern Europe, edited by Katalin Fabian. London: Elsevier.
Bandelj, Nina and Danica Purg. 2006. “Networks as Resources, Organizational Logic, and Change Mechanism: The Case of Private Business Schools in Postsocialism.” Sociological Forum 21(4): 587-622.
Bandelj, Nina and Matthew C. Mahutga. 2006. "Social Foundations of Income Inequality in Postsocialist Europe." EUI Working Paper RSCAS No. 2006/34.
Bandelj, Nina and Bogdan Radu. 2006. “Consolidation of Democracy in Postcommunist Europe.” Center for the Study of Democracy. Paper 06-04.
Bandelj, Nina. 2006. “Cultural Understandings of Economic Globalization: Discourse on Foreign Direct Investment in Slovenia.” Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies. MPIfG Discussion Paper 06/1.
Bandelj, Nina. 2006. “Economic Transformations in Central and Eastern Europe: An Economic Sociology Perspective.” Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies, European University Institute, 2005-06 European Forum EUF/2005-6/16.
Bandelj, Nina. 2006. Book Review of Slovenia: From Yugoslavia to the European Union, edited by Mojmir Mrak, Matija Rojec and Carlos Silva-Jáuregui. Europe-Asia Studies 58(1): 135-136.
Bandelj, Nina. 2005. Book Review of The Sociology of the Economy, edited by Frank Dobbin. Contemporary Sociology 34(3): 261-262.
Bandelj, Nina. 2004. "Institutional Foundations of Economic Transformation in Central and Eastern Europe (1990-2000)." Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine. Working Paper 04-14.
Bandelj, Nina. 2004. "Negotiating Global, Regional, and National Forces: Foreign Investment in Slovenia." East European Politics and Societies 18(3): 455-480.
Bandelj, Nina. 2003. “How Method Actors Create Character-Roles.” Sociological Forum 18(3): 387-416.
Bandelj, Nina. 2003. "Particularizing the Global: Reception of Foreign Direct Investment in Slovenia." Current Sociology 51(3/4): 377-394. Reprinted in Global Forces and Local Life-Worlds, edited by Ulrike Schuerkens. Pp. 169-184. London: Sage Publications (2004).
Bandelj, Nina. 2002. “Embedded Economies: Social Relations as Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Central and Eastern Europe.” Social Forces 81 (2): 411-444.
Bandelj, Nina, Viviana A. Zelizer, and Ann Morning. 2001. Materials for the Study of Childhood. Princeton, NJ: Department of Sociology, Princeton University.
2006, 2005, 2004 Center for the Study of Democracy Seed Grant
2002 National Science Foundation Dissertation Improvement Grant (with Bruce Western)
2002 Center for Migration and Development Research Grant, Princeton University
2001-2002 European Political Economy Infrastructure Consortium Junior Doctoral Researcher Scholarship
2001-2002 Center of International Studies MacArthur Dissertation Fellowship, Princeton University Prize Fellowship
2001 American Sociological Association Teaching Enhancement Grant (with Wendy Cadge and Eszter Hargittai)
1999-2001 Noah Cotsen Junior Teaching Fellowship, Princeton University Prize Fellowship
2007 CORCL Cultural Diversity Grant, University of California, Irvine
2007 Research Agency of the Republic of Slovenia Grant (PI: Andrej Rus)
2009 American Sociological Association’s Fund for the Advancement of the Discipline/National Science Foundation Small Grants Program (with Frederick Wherry)
2009 Slovenian Research Agency Grant (PI: Andrej Rus, Co-PI: Nina Bandelj)
2009 Center for the Study of Democracy , University of California, Irvine, Flagship Conference Grant (with Dorothy Solinger)
2009 Center for Organizational Research Small Grant, University of California, Irvine
2009 American Council of Learned Societies, Eastern European Program Conference Grant (with Dorothy Solinger)
2009 UC Multi Campus Research Project in World History Grant for “1989: Twenty Years After” (with Dorothy Solinger)
2009 Office of Research, UCI, Conference Grant for “1989: Twenty Years After” (with Dorothy Solinger)
2010 Academic Senate Council on Research, Computing and Library Resources, University of California, Irvine, Special Research Grant Award
2010 ADVANCE Dependent Care Travel Award
2011 Academic Senate Council on Research, Computing and Library Resources, University of California, Irvine, Single Investigator Innovation Grant.
2011 Doctoral Dissertation Sponsor, National Science Foundation (PI: Nina Bandelj, Co-PI: Kristen Shorette)
2012 Center for the Study of Democracy, University of California, Irvine
2013-2016, National Science Foundation, Interdisciplinary Behavioral Sciences Exploratory Grant, "Comprehending and Regulating Financial Crises" (with Julia Elyachar, Gary Richardson and James Weatherall)
2017-2019 National Science Foundation. “Parenting, Raising Children and Rising Debt.”
2018-19 Doctoral Dissertation Sponsor, National Science Foundation (PI: Nina Bandelj, Co-PI: Christoffer Zoeller)
2019-20 Doctoral Dissertation Sponsor, National Science Foundation (PI: Nina Bandelj, Co-PI: Oshin Khachikian)
2019-20 Doctoral Dissertation Sponsor, The Haynes Foundation (PI: Nina Bandelj, Co-PI: Christopher W. Gibson)
2019-20 Center for Advanced Study in the Behavioral Sciences Fellowship
2020-2023 University of California Office of the President, Advancing Faculty Diversity Grant (with Ilona Yim)
2021-2024 UCOP Advancing Faculty Diversity, Multi-pronged Approach to Underrepresented Faculty Climate and Retention (PI: Chris Dunkel-Schetter)
Professional Societies
American Sociological Association
International Sociological Association
Society for Advancement of Socio-Economics
Sociologists for Women in Society
Research Centers
Center for Organizational Research
Center for the Study of Democracy
Last updated