Liane Brouillette

Picture of Liane Brouillette
School of Education
Managing Editor, Journal for Learning through the Arts
School of Education
B.A., Rice University
M.S., University of Southern California
Ph.D., University of Colorado
Phone: (949) 824-4317
University of California, Irvine
School of Education
2032 Education Building
Mail Code: 5500
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Learning through the Arts, Educational Policy, History
Brouillette, Liane. (2022). Expanding Equity in the Early Grades through Art and Nature Study. Journal for Learning through the Arts. DOI 10.21977/D91815454893
Brouillette, L. (2023). Rudolf Steiner: Education for Freedom. Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brouillette, L. (2023). Martin Luther: Challenging Medieval Assumptions. Palgrave Handbook of Educational Thinkers. London: Palgrave Macmillan.
Brouillette, L., & Telfer-Radzat, K. (2022). What Waldorf Schools Teach Us about Elliot Eisner’s Insights on the Value of Art. Academia Letters. DOI:
Telfer-Radzat, K. & Brouillette, L. (2021). Arts Embedded Education: Experiential learning in a Waldorf first-grade classroom. Journal for Learning through the Arts, 17(1):
Brouillette, L. (2021). Promoting the Language Development of K-2 ELLs through Classroom Drama and Movement. Progress in Education, 68 , Roberta Nata (Editor). Hauppauge, NY: Nova Science Publishers. DOI:
Gara, T.V., Farkas, G. & Brouillette, L. (2020) Did consequential accountability policies decrease the share of visual and performing arts education in U.S. public secondary schools during the No Child Left Behind era?, Arts Education Policy Review, DOI: 10.1080/10632913.2020.1854911
Brouillette, L. (2019). Arts integration in diverse K-5 classrooms: Cultivating literacy skills and conceptual understanding. New York: Teachers College Press.
Gara, T., Brouillette, L. & Farkas, G. (2018). Did the frequency of early elementary classroom arts instruction decrease during the No Child Left Behind era? If so, for whom? Early Childhood Research Quarterly:
Greenfader, C.M. & Brouillette, L. (2017). The arts, the common core, and English language development in the primary grades. Teachers College Record 119(8).
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Greenfader, C.M., VanAmburg, S. & Brouillette, L. (2017) Supporting teachers in arts integration strategies to foster foundational literacy skills of emergent bilinguals, Journal of Pedagogy, Pluralism and Practice 9(1):
Graham, N. J. & Brouillette, L. (2016). Using arts integration to make science learning memorable in the upper elementary grades: A quasi-experimental study. Journal for Learning through the Arts, 12(1):
Greenfader, C.M., Brouillette, L. & Farkas, G. (2015). Effect of a performing arts program on the oral language skills of young English learners. Reading Research Quarterly 50(2), pp. 185-203. doi:10.1002/rrq.90
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Brouillette, L., Grove, D. & Hinga, B. (2015). How arts integration has helped K-2 teachers to boost the language development of ELLs. Journal of School Leadership 25(2), pp. 286-312.
Brouillette, L. Childress-Evans, K., Hinga, B. & Farkas, G. (2014). Increasing the school engagement and oral language skills of ELLs through arts integration in the primary grades. Journal for Learning through the Arts 10(1).
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Greenfader, C.M. & Brouillette, L. (2013). Boosting language skills of ELLs through dramatization and movement. The Reading Teacher, 67(3), 171–180. DOI:10.1002/TRTR.1192
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Richardson, R. & Brouillette, L. (2013). Historic and ethnic music found to increase geographic understanding: A quasi-experimental study. Journal for Learning through the Arts 9(1).
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Brouillette, L. & Missakian, I. (2012). Stages of learning: Theater and language in San Diego schools. Boom: A Journal of California 2(2), 70-75.
Brouillette, L. (2012). Supporting the language development of limited English-proficient students through arts integration in the primary grades. Arts Education Policy Review 113(2).
Brouillette, L. (2012). Advancing the speaking and listening skills of English language learners in the primary grades through creative drama. TESOL Journal 3(1), 138-145.
Brouillette, L. (2011, Summer). Building the oral language skills of K-2 English Language learners through theater arts. The California Reader 44(4), 19-29. California Reading Association.
Brouillette, L. (2010). How the Arts Help Children to Create Healthy Social Scripts: Exploring the Perceptions of Elementary Teachers. Arts Education Policy Review 111(1), 16-24.
Brouillette, L. & Feder, S. (2010, spring). Tracing cultural migration through music: An inquiry approach to enhancing global understanding, Ohio Social Studies Review.
Brouillette, L. & Fitzgerald, W. (2009). Arts-based experiences as preparation for future learning. Arts & Learning Research Journal, 25(1), 68-86.
Brouillette, L., Burge, K., Fitzgerald, W., Walker, P. (2008). Teaching writing through the arts in urban secondary schools: A case study, Journal for Learning through the Arts, 4(1).
Brouillette, L. (2006). Bringing jazz back to its roots: Urban students explore their musical heritage. Teaching Artist Journal 4(1), 39-46.
Brouillette, L. (2005). Charter schools. In L. Hughes (Ed.), Current issues in school leadership. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Brouillette, L. & Burns, M. (2005). ArtsBridge America: Bringing the arts back to school. Journal for Learning through the Arts, 1(1). University of California, Irvine: Center for Learning through the Arts.
Brouillette, L. (2003) Have schools influenced social change? American Journal of Psychology, 116(3), 477-514.
Brouillette, L. (2002). Charter Schools: Lessons in School Reform. Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates.
Brouillette, L. (2001, February 23). Joining Hands: In the struggle to reform public schools, colleges can make crucial contributions. The Chronicle of Higher Education, Section 2, B16-B17.
Brouillette, L. (2000). University of California ArtsBridge reaches out to K-12 schools. The Journal of Arts Management, Law and Society, 30(2), 313-315.
Brouillette, L. (1999). Behind the Statistics: Urban Dropouts and the GED, Phi Delta Kappan 81(4) 313-315.
Brouillette, L. (1998). Instructional Improvement. In L. Hughes (Ed.), The Principal as Leader (Second Edition). Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill/Prentice Hall.
Brouillette, L. (1997). Revisiting an innovative high school: What happens when the principal leaves? Educational Administration Quarterly, 33, 546-575.
Brouillette, L. (1997). Who defines democratic leadership?: Three high school principals respond to site-based reforms. Journal of School Leadership, 7(6) 569-591.
Brouillette, L. (1996). A Geology of School Reform: The Successive Restructurings of a School District. NY: SUNY Press.
$1,000,000 Improving Teacher Quality Grant, 2010-14
$858,000 Improving Teacher Quality, 2007-11
$250,000 National Geographic Education Foundation 2005-07
$759,002 Eisenhower Grant, 2002-2004
$414,764 Arts in Education Model Development and Dissemination Subaward 2010-14
Graduate Programs
Research Centers
Center for Learning through the Arts
Last updated