Luis F Avilés

Picture of Luis F Avilés
Professor, Spanish and Portuguese
School of Humanities
PH.D., Brown University
Phone: (949) 824-6901
Fax: (949) 824-2803
University of California, Irvine
340G Humanities Hall
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Golden Age Literature, Cervantes, hospitality, liberality, generosity, forgiveness, friendship, trust
Research Abstract
My main research focuses on early modern Spanish literature and culture, with a strong interest in critical theory. I have taught courses on friendship, mimesis and representation, early modern subjectivities, and seminars on Cervantes and other authors. After the publication of my first book on Baltasar Gracián and Baroque allegory, I developed a new project that explores spatial and visual representations in a number of early modern Spanish texts. This research was included in a second book entitled "Avatares de lo invisible: espacio y subjetividad en los Siglos de Oro," published by Iberoamericana Vervuert (2017). The book has chapters on Lazarillo de Tormes, the Abencerraje, and Don Quijote, among others. I am also developing a third research project that explores concepts such as hospitality, liberality, generosity, forgiveness, friendship, and trust in Cervantes' narrative works. In particular, I am interested in how these concepts work in the context of war and violence in works written by Cervantes. On this new area of research, I have already published articles on the ethics of liberality, as well as an article on trust in Cervantes' last novel (Persiles y Sigismunda).
(Book) Avatares de lo invisible: espacio y subjetividad en los Siglos de Oro. Iberoamericana Vervuert, Colección Biblioteca Áurea Hispánica, Madrid & Frankfurt, 2017
(Book) Lenguaje y crisis: las alegorías del Criticón. Madrid: Editorial Fundamentos, 1998.
(Edition) Representaciones de la violencia en América Latina: genealogías culturales, formas literarias y dinámicas del presente. Ana María Amar Sánchez and Luis F. Avilés, eds. Frankfurt: Iberoamericana Vervuert, 2015.
(Edition) El trazo de la mirada: Escritura e imagen en España y Latinoamérica. Luis Avilés, Ivette Hernández-Torres and José A. Rosado, eds. Special Issue, La Torre. VI, numb. 20-21.
Book Chapter- “Lidiar con la complejidad del otro: confiar y desconfiar en el Persiles y Sigismunda.” Cervantes en el Septentrión. Randi Lise Davenport and Isabel Lozano Renieblas, eds. New York: Instituto de Estudios Auriseculares (IDEA), Collection ‘Batihoja,’ 57, 2019. 51-65.
Article- “Tan desaforado salto: The Taming of Cratilo’s Horse in Cervantes’ Persiles y Sigismunda.” Cervantes 39.1 (2019): 61-80.
Article- “El licenciado Vidriera: Reflexiones sobre el ‘freak’ y el loco/cuerdo en Cervantes”. Freakish Encounters: Constructions of the Freak in Hispanic Cultures. Ed. Sara Muñoz-Mariana and Analola Santana. Hispanic Issues Online 20 (2018): 35-54.
Book Chapter - “Philosophical Sonnets: Through a Baroque Lens”. The Routledge Research Companion to the Works of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz. Emilie L. Bergmann and Stacey Schlau, eds. London & New York: Routledge, 2017. 164-175.
Article - “The Prison House of Media: Emancipating the Spectator.” Hispanic Issues On Line Debates 8 (A Polemical Companion to Medialogies: Reading Reality in the Age of Inflationary Media), 2017. 22-28.
Article - “Piratas justicieros: una paradoja cervantina en el Persiles y Sigismunda.” eHumanistica/Cervantes (‘Si ya por atrevido no sale con las manos en la cabeza’: El legado poético del Persiles 400 años después) 5 (2016): 51-68. (
Book Chapter: “Expanding the Self in a Mediterranean Context: Liberality and Deception in Cervantes’s El amante liberal.” In and Of the Mediterranean: Medieval and Early Modern Iberian Studies. Michelle Hamilton and Núria Silleras-Fernández, eds. Nashville: Vanderbilt University Press, 2015. 233-257.
Article- “En los límites de la amistad: silencio, risa, honestidad”. 80 Grados (Journal web, San Juan, Puerto Rico) May 8, 2015. (
Book Chapter - “War and the Material Conditions for Suffering in Cervantes’s Numancia.” Chapter included in volume entitled Objects of Culture in the Literature of Imperial Spain. Mary Barnard and Frederick De Armas, Eds. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013. 253-276.
Book Chapter - “La prudencia militar: el capitán y el soldado en El examen de ingenios de Huarte de San Juan.” Rompa con dulces números el canto: homenaje a Antonio Carreño. Special volume of the journal Rilce. Revista de Filología Hispánica. Chad J. Leahy and Antonio Sánchez Jiménez. 26.1 (2010): 37-51.
Book Chapter - “Etica del espectador: Vermeyen y Garcilaso ante la conquista de Túnez.” Cánones críticos en la poesía de los Siglos de Oro. Pedro Ruiz, ed. Vigo: Academia del Hispanismo, 2008. 87-110.
Book Chapter - “Caring the Self: Foucault, Guevara, and the Complexities of Courtly and Country Life.” Pastoral and the Humanities: Arcadia Re-Inscribed. Mathilde Skoie and Sonia Bjornstad Velázquez, eds. Exeter, England: Bristol Phoenix Press, 2006. 78-86.
Book Chapter - “En el límite de la mirada: el espectador en Don Quijote.” Cervantes y su mundo II. Kurt Reichenberger and Darío Fernández Morera, eds. Kassel, Germany: Edition Reichenberger, 2005. 1-22.
Article - “Las asperezas de Garcilaso.” Calíope 11, No. 1 (2005): 21-47.
Article - "Los suspiros del Abencerraje". Hispanic Review 71 (2003).
Article - "Sor Juana en el punto de fuga: la mirada en Este que ves, engaño colorido". Bulletin of Hispanic Studies LXXVII: 413-431.
Article - "Fortaleza tan guardada: casa, alegoría y melancolía en El celoso extremeño." Cervantes 18: 71-95.
Article - "To the Frontier and Back: The Centrifugal and the Centripetal in Cervantes' Persiles y Sigismunda and Gracián's El Criticón." Symposium 50, num. 2: 141-163.
Fall 1996
Article -"Contemplar mi stado: las posibilidades del yo en el soneto I de Garcilaso." Calíope Vol. 2, num. 1: 58-78.
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