Andrzej J. Warminski

Picture of Andrzej J. Warminski
Professor Emeritus, English
School of Humanities
Ph.D., Yale University, 1980, Comparative Literature
Phone: (949) 824-5954
Fax: (949) 824-2916
University of California, Irvine
500C Murray Krieger Hall
Mail Code: 2650
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Literary Theory, Romanticism, Literature and Philosophy
Research Abstract
I would call myself a specialist in 'literary theory'--with the stress on the word (and the question of the) 'literary'--from Plato to the present. Such a specialization necessarily entails an interest in the question of reading, of language, and of the rhetorical dimension of language--which in turn amounts to an interest in, and an unhealthy fascination with, the many and myriad ruses and evasions by means of which this question is resisted and avoided. Texts that I always go back to include Hegel (and his progeny in the 'Marxist tradition'), Nietzsche (and his progeny in Heidegger and Derrida), Blanchot, de Man, as well as romantic lyric poetry (Holderlin, Wordsworth, Keats) and select German, French, and American narratives.
Material Inscriptions: Rhetorical Reading in Practice and Theory (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013).
Ideology, Rhetoric, Aesthetics: For De Man (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2013).
ed. with Barbara Cohen, Tom Cohen, J. Hillis Miller. Material Events, Paul de Man and the Afterlife of Theory. U of Minnesota P, 2001
Alegorias de la referencia. Trans. Manuel Asensi. Valencia: Eutopias, 1996
ed. Paul de Man, Aesthetic Ideology. U of Minnesota P, 1996
ed. with Ellen Burt and Kevin Newmark, Paul de Man, Romanticism and Contemporary Criticism (Johns Hopkins U Press, 1992).
Readings in Interpretation: Holderlin, Hegel, Heidegger. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1987
“Resistances to Rhetoric: Jakobson and Genette,” Mosaic 52:4 (December 2019).
“As It Were Face to Face: A Reading of Geoffrey Hartman’s ‘Via Natualiter Negativa,’” Essays in Romanticism 22:5 (2015),
"Lightstruck: 'Hegel on the Sublime'" in Martin McQuillan ed. The Political Archive of Paul de Man: Property, Sovereignty, and the Theotropic (Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press, 2012).
"Machinal Effects: Derrida With and Without de Man," MLN (December 2009).
"Discontinuous Shifts: History Reading History," Legacies of Paul de Maned. Marc Redfield (New York: Fordham U Press, 2007).
"Les morts d'Empedocle," Poesie 2004 (Paris: Maison de la Poesie, 2004).
"Allegories of Symbol: On Hegel's Aesthetics," Idealism Without Absolutes ed. Arkady Plotnitsky and Tilottama Rajan (Albany: SUNY Press, 2004).
"'As the poets do it': On the Material Sublime." Material Events. (2001)
"Returns of the Sublime: Positing and Performative in Kant, Fichte, and Schiller," MLN 116:5 (December 2001).
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