Rimal B. Bera
Clinical Professor of Psychiatry, Psychiatry & Human Behavior
School of Medicine
School of Medicine
M.D., University of California, Irvine
University of California, Irvine
Bldg 3 - Rt 88
101 The City Drive
Mail Code: 1680
Orange, CA 92668
Bldg 3 - Rt 88
101 The City Drive
Mail Code: 1680
Orange, CA 92668
Research Interests
schizophrenia, depression, bipolar disorder
Academic Distinctions
Rimal Bera, MD is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, Irvine Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Bera earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from the University of California, Irvine, and a medical degree from the University of California, Irvine in 1987. He completed his psychiatry residency at the University of California, Irvine in 1991. He has been a Full Time Faculty at the University of California, Irvine since 1991. His primary area of specialty is adult psychiatry with a focus on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and memory disorders.
Dr. Bera is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He serves as Medical Director for Universal Care Behavioral Health for California and as Medical Director at the John Henry Foundation in Santa Ana, a high level center for the treatment of Schizophrenia. At the John Henry Foundation, 4th year psychiatry residents from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, Irvine receive state of the art clinical training. He formally was chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the Orange County Psychiatric Society from 1991 to 2016. He was been on the Board of Directors of the Mental Health Association of Orange County from 1991 to 2012 and served as a past President of the Board. He is the current President of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Alumni. In 2014 Dr. Bera was the recipient of the Orange County Medical Association Physician of the Year Award.
Dr. Bera has been a principal investigator and co-investigator in over 180 clinical trials over the last 25 years. Dr. Bera has lectured extensively in the United States, Canada, and Europe about the major mental illnesses and their latest treatments. Most recently his interest has been to develop models of care that combine high level care for both physical and mental disorders with an emphasis on health outcomes economic research. Today he works regularly with physicians of all specialties helping them incorporate mental health evaluations and treatments into their practices.
Dr. Bera is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He serves as Medical Director for Universal Care Behavioral Health for California and as Medical Director at the John Henry Foundation in Santa Ana, a high level center for the treatment of Schizophrenia. At the John Henry Foundation, 4th year psychiatry residents from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, Irvine receive state of the art clinical training. He formally was chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the Orange County Psychiatric Society from 1991 to 2016. He was been on the Board of Directors of the Mental Health Association of Orange County from 1991 to 2012 and served as a past President of the Board. He is the current President of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Alumni. In 2014 Dr. Bera was the recipient of the Orange County Medical Association Physician of the Year Award.
Dr. Bera has been a principal investigator and co-investigator in over 180 clinical trials over the last 25 years. Dr. Bera has lectured extensively in the United States, Canada, and Europe about the major mental illnesses and their latest treatments. Most recently his interest has been to develop models of care that combine high level care for both physical and mental disorders with an emphasis on health outcomes economic research. Today he works regularly with physicians of all specialties helping them incorporate mental health evaluations and treatments into their practices.
Research Abstract
Rimal Bera, MD is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, Irvine Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Bera earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from the University of California, Irvine, and a medical degree from the UCI in 1987. He completed his psychiatry residency at the University of California, Irvine in 1991. He has been a Full Time Faculty at the University of California, Irvine since 1991. In 2014 Dr. Bera was the recipient of the Orange County Medical Association Physician of the Year Award. He is President-Elect of the UCI School of Medicine Alumni.
Awards and Honors
2021 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2020 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2019 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2018 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2017 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2017 University of California, Irvine Healthcare Hero
2016 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2014 Orange County Medical Association Physician of the Year
2014 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2011 University of California Irvine Department of Psychiatry Teacher of the Year. Awarded by Psychiatry Residency Class.
2009 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2006 Orange County Mental Health Association Community Service
Award Nominee
2005 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2004 Orange County Mental Health Association Community Service
Award Nominee
2003 Distinguished Fellow-American Psychiatric Association
2000 National Marrow Donor Program Volunteer Recognition Award-
Organized Most Successful East Indian Bone Drive in North
2000 Elected Fellow-American Psychiatric Association
2000 American Psychiatric Association Public Affairs Network
Award for Media Relations
1999 Spirit of Philanthropy Honoree-Honored by the Orange County
Chapter of the National Society of Fund-Raising Executives
1999 Orange County Mental Health Association Community Service
1998 Lilly Schizophrenia Reintegration Award-Nominated by Orange
County Psychiatric Society
1994 Janssen Clinical Scholar
1991 Physician Recognition Award - UCI Medical Center
1987 Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company Award -
2020 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2019 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2018 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2017 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2017 University of California, Irvine Healthcare Hero
2016 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2014 Orange County Medical Association Physician of the Year
2014 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2011 University of California Irvine Department of Psychiatry Teacher of the Year. Awarded by Psychiatry Residency Class.
2009 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2006 Orange County Mental Health Association Community Service
Award Nominee
2005 Physician of Excellence Award-Orange County Medical Association
2004 Orange County Mental Health Association Community Service
Award Nominee
2003 Distinguished Fellow-American Psychiatric Association
2000 National Marrow Donor Program Volunteer Recognition Award-
Organized Most Successful East Indian Bone Drive in North
2000 Elected Fellow-American Psychiatric Association
2000 American Psychiatric Association Public Affairs Network
Award for Media Relations
1999 Spirit of Philanthropy Honoree-Honored by the Orange County
Chapter of the National Society of Fund-Raising Executives
1999 Orange County Mental Health Association Community Service
1998 Lilly Schizophrenia Reintegration Award-Nominated by Orange
County Psychiatric Society
1994 Janssen Clinical Scholar
1991 Physician Recognition Award - UCI Medical Center
1987 Sandoz Pharmaceutical Company Award -
Short Biography
Rimal Bera, MD is Clinical Professor of Psychiatry at the University of California, Irvine Department of Psychiatry. Dr. Bera earned a Bachelor of Science Degree in Biology from the University of California, Irvine, and a medical degree from the University of California, Irvine in 1987. He completed his psychiatry residency at the University of California, Irvine in 1991. He has been a Full Time Faculty at the University of California, Irvine since 1991. His primary area of specialty is adult psychiatry with a focus on schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, depression and memory disorders.
Dr. Bera is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He serves as Medical Director for Universal Care Behavioral Health for California and as Medical Director at the John Henry Foundation in Santa Ana, a high-level center for the treatment of Schizophrenia. At the John Henry Foundation, 4th year psychiatry residents from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, Irvine receive state of the art clinical training. He formally was chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the Orange County Psychiatric Society from 1991 to 2016. He was been on the Board of Directors of the Mental Health Association of Orange County from 1991 to 2012 and served as a past President of the Board. He is the Past President of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Alumni. In 2014 Dr. Bera was the recipient of the Orange County Medical Association Physician of the Year Award. He has regularly been chosen as a Physician of Excellence for orange County since 2012.
Dr. Bera has been a principal investigator and co-investigator in over 180 clinical trials over the last 30 years. Dr. Bera has lectured extensively in the United States, Canada, and Europe about the major mental illnesses and their latest treatments. More recently, over the past 7 years, his interest has evolved into health care policy, looking at models of care that combine high level care for both physical and mental disorders with an emphasis on health outcomes economic research. Today he works regularly with physicians of all specialties helping them incorporate mental health evaluations and treatments into their practices.
Dr. Bera is a distinguished fellow of the American Psychiatric Association. He serves as Medical Director for Universal Care Behavioral Health for California and as Medical Director at the John Henry Foundation in Santa Ana, a high-level center for the treatment of Schizophrenia. At the John Henry Foundation, 4th year psychiatry residents from the Department of Psychiatry at the University of California, Irvine receive state of the art clinical training. He formally was chairman of the Public Affairs Committee of the Orange County Psychiatric Society from 1991 to 2016. He was been on the Board of Directors of the Mental Health Association of Orange County from 1991 to 2012 and served as a past President of the Board. He is the Past President of the University of California, Irvine School of Medicine Alumni. In 2014 Dr. Bera was the recipient of the Orange County Medical Association Physician of the Year Award. He has regularly been chosen as a Physician of Excellence for orange County since 2012.
Dr. Bera has been a principal investigator and co-investigator in over 180 clinical trials over the last 30 years. Dr. Bera has lectured extensively in the United States, Canada, and Europe about the major mental illnesses and their latest treatments. More recently, over the past 7 years, his interest has evolved into health care policy, looking at models of care that combine high level care for both physical and mental disorders with an emphasis on health outcomes economic research. Today he works regularly with physicians of all specialties helping them incorporate mental health evaluations and treatments into their practices.
Brian Kobayashi, BS Chela Wright, MD, Michael Burns, MD, Rimal Bera, MD Ketamine for acute catatonia: A case report: Current Psychiatry June 2021 doi: 10.12788/cp.0132
Alex Wang BS1, Kishen Bera BS1, Ajay N. Sharma BS1, Bao-Nhan Nguyen MD1, Nathan W. Rojek MD, Rimal Bera MD. Nationwide Needs Assessment Survey for Financial Literacy Among Psychiatry Residents. Academic Psychiatry June 2021.
Aiyer, S. Hurria, A. Bera, R.: Understanding the Role of Peer Mentor Support for United States Medical Students. American Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting. May 2019. San Francisco, CA.
Bera, R.B., Offord, S., Zubek, D., Lau, G., Lin, J., Baker, R., Karson, C.: Impact on healthcare resource usage and costs among Medicaid-insured schizophrenia patients after initiaition of treatment with long-acting injectable antipsychotics. Journal of Medical Economics, 2013:16; pp 522-528. Bera, R.B., Potkin, S., Zubek, D., Lau, G.: Perspectives on Long-Acting Injectable Antipsychotics for Schizophrenia: Consideration of Patient Cultural/Racial Differences in Planning Individual Treatment. Journal of Clinical Psychiatry: June 2013.
Lochhead, J., Nelson, M. Bera, RB. Modafinil associated with new onset obsessive-compulsive disorder. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. February 2018. Anders Waalen, Kevin Bera & Rimal Bera (2019): Suicide hotspots, interventions, and future areas of work at a California University, Death Studies,DOI:10.1080/07481187.2019.1595221
Shawyon A. Sedaghati; Rimal B. Bera; Jeff Baker. Grief Support: StatPearls [Internet]January 14, 2020.
Lochhead, J., Nelson, M. Bera, RB. Modafinil associated with new onset obsessive-compulsive disorder. Annals of Clinical Psychiatry. February 2018. Anders Waalen, Kevin Bera & Rimal Bera (2019): Suicide hotspots, interventions, and future areas of work at a California University, Death Studies,DOI:10.1080/07481187.2019.1595221
Shawyon A. Sedaghati; Rimal B. Bera; Jeff Baker. Grief Support: StatPearls [Internet]January 14, 2020.
Professional Societies
Board of Directors, Immediate Past President - Mental Health
Orange County Psychiatric Society Council Member
Board of Directors, UCI School of Medicine Alumni Associatio
American Psychiatric Association
California Psychiatric Association
Brookings Institute Think Tank Task Force Member on Well Bei
Board of Directors, Illumination Foundation Homeless Program
Other Experience
Medical Director
Universal Care Behavioral Health-California 1999
Universal Care Behavioral Health-California 1999
Medical Director
John Henry Foundation Mental Health Center 2009
John Henry Foundation Mental Health Center 2009
Mental Health Consultant
Alliance for Patient Access 2020—2020
Alliance for Patient Access 2020—2020
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