Joan R. Petersilia
Professor Emeritus, Criminology, Law & Society
School of Social Ecology
School of Social Ecology
PH.D., University of California, Irvine
University of California, Irvine
2317 SE II
Mail Code: 7080
Irvine, CA 92697
2317 SE II
Mail Code: 7080
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Criminology, community corrections, sentencing, program evaluation, public policy, juvenile justice, racialdisparities
Academic Distinctions
Research Abstract
Joan Petersilia is a Professor of Criminology, Law and Society in the School of Social Ecology, University of California, Irvine. Prior to joining UCI, she was a RAND Corporate Fellow, and Director of the Criminal Justice Program at RAND. She has directed major studies in policing, sentencing, career criminals, juvenile justice, corrections, and racial discrimination. She also has expertise in policy analysis, program evaluation, cost/benefit analysis, and statistical analyses.
Dr. Petersilia's current work focuses on two areas: parole and prisoner reintegration, and research to prevent crime and achieve justice for persons with disabilities. She is currently the director of the National Research Council's study on Crime Victims with Disabilities, a member of UCI's Mental Retardation Research Center, UCI Medical Center, the director of a California Policy Research Center study on Criminal Offenders with Developmental Disabilities, and Co-Chair of the Tri-County Task Force on Justice and Disabilities.
Dr. Petersilia has served as president of both the American Society of Criminology and of the Association of Criminal Justice Research in California. She is an elected fellow of the American Society of Criminology, and received its Vollmer Award for her overall contributions to crime and public policy.
She has also received awards from the American Probation and Parole Association, and the California Probation, Parole, and Corrections Association for her dedication to community corrections, and was the 1997 recipient of the Western Society of Criminology's Paul Tappan Lifetime Achievement Award, and is a past recipient of UCI's Celebration of Teaching award. She currently is the Vice-Chair of the National Research Council's Committee on Law and Justice, and has been an advisor to several organizations, including the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department; Ventura County Probation Department, Los Angeles County Probation Department, National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquincy Prevention, National Institute of Corrections, the California Policy Seminar, Brookings Institution, and RAND.
Dr. Petersilia's current work focuses on two areas: parole and prisoner reintegration, and research to prevent crime and achieve justice for persons with disabilities. She is currently the director of the National Research Council's study on Crime Victims with Disabilities, a member of UCI's Mental Retardation Research Center, UCI Medical Center, the director of a California Policy Research Center study on Criminal Offenders with Developmental Disabilities, and Co-Chair of the Tri-County Task Force on Justice and Disabilities.
Dr. Petersilia has served as president of both the American Society of Criminology and of the Association of Criminal Justice Research in California. She is an elected fellow of the American Society of Criminology, and received its Vollmer Award for her overall contributions to crime and public policy.
She has also received awards from the American Probation and Parole Association, and the California Probation, Parole, and Corrections Association for her dedication to community corrections, and was the 1997 recipient of the Western Society of Criminology's Paul Tappan Lifetime Achievement Award, and is a past recipient of UCI's Celebration of Teaching award. She currently is the Vice-Chair of the National Research Council's Committee on Law and Justice, and has been an advisor to several organizations, including the Los Angeles County Sheriff's Department; Ventura County Probation Department, Los Angeles County Probation Department, National Institute of Justice, Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquincy Prevention, National Institute of Corrections, the California Policy Seminar, Brookings Institution, and RAND.
Petersilia, Joan (1996), "Improving Corrections Policy: The Importance of Researchers and Practitioners Working Together,' in Harland (editor), Choosing Correctional Options That Work: Defining the Demand and Evaluating the Supply, Sage Publications, Newbury Park, California.
Blumstein, Alfred and Joan Petersilia (1995), "Investing in Criminal Justice Research," in Crime, James Q. Wilson and Joan Petersilia (editors), Institute for Comtemporary Studies, San Francisco, California.
Petersilia Joan and James Q. Wilson (editors) (1995). Crime, Institute for Comtemporary Studies, San Francisco, CA.
Petersilia, Joan (1995), "A Crime Control Rationale for Reinvesting in Community Corrections," The Prison Journal; Vol 75, No 3, pp.479-504.
Blumstein, Alfred and Joan Petersilia (1994). twenty-five Years of NIJ and It's Research Program. National Institute of Justice, U.S. Department of Justice.
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