Peter A. Bowler
Professor of Teaching
Faculty Advisor, UCI Arboretum and Herbarium (IRVC)
Faculty Co-Director Natural Reserve System's San Joaquin Marsh Reserve and Faculty Advisor of the Burns Pinyon Ridge Reserve
Director, Interdisciplinary Minor in Global Sustainability
Ph.D., University of California, Irvine, 1974
University of California, Irvine
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (UCI)
UCI Arboretum
Mail Code: 2525
Irvine, CA 92697
Department of Ecology and Evolutionary Biology (UCI)
UCI Arboretum
Mail Code: 2525
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Restoration Ecology/Ecological Restoration, Conservation Biology, Freshwater Biology, Environmental Ethics
Academic Distinctions
Academic Distinctions:
1975-1976 National Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship
Sea and Sage Audubon Society Conservation Award 1984
Student Affairs Superior/Outstanding Performance Award 1985, 1987, 1988
UCI Lauds & Laurels Community Service Award 1987
Student Selected Faculty 1991
Professor of the Year in the School of Biological Sciences (Dean of Undergraduate Studies) 1998
Orange County Environmental Award for Outstanding Environmental Efforts (Discovery Museum of Orange County) 2000
Excellence in Teaching 2003
Campus Village Professor of the Month Teaching Award 2004
ASUCI Professor of the Year in Biological Sciences (awarded by the Associated Students of UCI) 1996, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014
2010 The UCI Academic Senate’s Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching 2010 – 2011
1975-1976 National Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship
Sea and Sage Audubon Society Conservation Award 1984
Student Affairs Superior/Outstanding Performance Award 1985, 1987, 1988
UCI Lauds & Laurels Community Service Award 1987
Student Selected Faculty 1991
Professor of the Year in the School of Biological Sciences (Dean of Undergraduate Studies) 1998
Orange County Environmental Award for Outstanding Environmental Efforts (Discovery Museum of Orange County) 2000
Excellence in Teaching 2003
Campus Village Professor of the Month Teaching Award 2004
ASUCI Professor of the Year in Biological Sciences (awarded by the Associated Students of UCI) 1996, 2001, 2003, 2005, 2009, 2011, 2013, 2014
2010 The UCI Academic Senate’s Distinguished Faculty Award for Teaching 2010 – 2011
1975-1976 National Research Council of Canada Postdoctoral Fellowship to the National Museums of Canada (Ottawa)
Research Abstract
My research interests are diverse, encompassing open space conservation and management for wildlife; mitigation and habitat restoration as they relate to ameliorating biodiversity loss, particularly in coastal sage scrub and wetlands (ecological restoration); rare, threatened and endangered species, particularly in wetland habitats; invasive species; and environmental ethics. I have been involved with the creation of over a dozen acres of coastal sage scrub and 50 acres of freshwater marsh habitat at UCI. Students are central to my research and help design, implement, and monitor restorations. I am a member of UCI's Sustainability Committee and assist students in accessing UCI’s sustainability programs, campus-wide efforts in this area, and related research on campus.
Courses: Limnology and Freshwater Biology (Bio. E179); Field Freshwater Ecology (Bio. E179L); Restoration Ecology (Bio. E175); Mediterranean Ecosystems: Biodiversity and Conservation (Bio. E182); Environmental Ethics (Bio. E189); Horticulture (Bio. 9E); Sustainable Landscaping (Bio. 23)
Courses: Limnology and Freshwater Biology (Bio. E179); Field Freshwater Ecology (Bio. E179L); Restoration Ecology (Bio. E175); Mediterranean Ecosystems: Biodiversity and Conservation (Bio. E182); Environmental Ethics (Bio. E189); Horticulture (Bio. 9E); Sustainable Landscaping (Bio. 23)
Bowler, P.A. 1970. Studies in Unicellular Marine Algae. B.A. Senior Project, submitted to the Division of Natural Sciences, Bard College. 73 pages.
Bowler, P.A. 1974. Evolutionary and Ecological Relationships in Lichens. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Population and Environmental Biology, University of California, Irvine. 113 pages.
*Indicates undergraduate co-author; ºIndicates graduate student co-author. P indicates peer-reviewed publications; B indicates book chapters; C indicates published conference proceedings
P1. Bowler, P.A. 1972. The Distribution of Four Chemical Races of Cladonia chlorophaea in North America. The Bryologist 75: 350-35.
P2. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1972. Ramalina bajacalifornica, A New Species from Baja California. The Bryologist 75: 365-368.
P3. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1972. A New Species of Ramalina from Sinaloa, Mexico. The Bryologist 75: 574-576.
P4. Rundel, P.W., P.A. Bowler, and T.W. Mulroy. 1972. A Fog-Induced Lichen Community in Northwestern Baja California, with Two New Species of Desmazieria. The Bryologist 76: 501-508.
P5. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1973. Two New Lichens (Ramalina) from Baja California, Mexico. The Bryologist 76: 211-213.
P6. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1973. The Status of Ramalina subampliata (Nyl.) Fink in North America. Rhodora 75: 306-310.
P7. Rundel, P.W. and P.A. Bowler. 1974. The Lichen Genus Trichoramalina. The Bryologist 77: 188-194.
P8. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1974. The Ramalina intermedia Complex in North America. The Bryologist 77: 617-623.
P9. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1975. Reproductive Strategies in Lichens. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (London) 70: 325-340.
P10. Rundel, P.W. and P.A. Bowler. 1976. Ramalina leptocarpha and R. subletocarpha: A Fertile-Sorediate Species Pair. The Bryologist 79: 364-369.
P11. Bowler, P.A. and C. W. Smith. 1976. Ramalina farinacea in Hawaii. The Bryologist 79: 499-501.
Bowler, P.A. 1976. Ramalinopsis, a unique genus endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian Botanical Society Newsletter 15(1): 4-6.
Bowler, P.A. 1976. Of genotypes and phenotypes. Guest Editorial. International Lichenological Newsletter 9 No. 1: 1-4.
Bowler, P.A. 1976. Index to Volumes 1-8. International Lichenological Newsletter 9(1): 7pp.
P12. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1977. A Synopsis of New Lichen Genus, Fistulariella Bowler & Rundel (Ramalinaceae). Mycotaxon 6 (1): 195-202.
P13. Bowler, P.A. 1977. Ramalina thrausta in North America. The Bryologist 80: 529-532.
P14. Rundel, P.W. and P.A. Bowler. 1977. Niebla: A New Generic Name to Replace Desmazieria (Ramalinaceae). Mycotaxon 6: 497-499.
Bowler, P.A., E.E. Trujillo and J.W. Beardsley, Jr. 1977. Insect Feeding on Sugarcane Smut in Hawaii. Proceedings, Hawaiian Entomological Society 22, No. 3: 451-456. and
P15. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1978. The Ramalina farinacea Complex in North America: Chemical, Ecological and Morphological Variation. The Bryologist 81: 386-403.
P16. Mulroy, T.W., P.W. Rundel and P.A. Bowler. 1979. The Vascular Flora of Punta Banda, Baja California Norte, Mexico. Madrono 26: 69-90.
P17. Bowler, P.A. 1981. Cortical Diversity in the Ramalinaceae. Canadian Journal of Botany 59 (4): 437-452.
Bowler, P.A. 1981. Natural History Studies and an Evaluation for Eligibility of Box Canyon for National Natural Landmark Designation, and Natural Landmark Brief. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (National Park Service). Open file report.
41 pages.
Bowler, P.A. 1981. Natural History Studies and an Evaluation for Eligibility of the A.J. Wiley Reach of the Snake River for National Natural Landmark Designation, and Natural Landmark Brief. Report Prepared for the National Park Serice, Seattle, Washington. Open file report. 93 pages.
Bowler, P.A. 1981. Natural History Studies and an Evaluation for Eligibility of Malad Canyon for National Natural Landmark Designation, and Natural Landmark Brief. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (National Park Service). Open file report. 41 pages.
Bowler, P.A. 1984. Outdoor Programs: New meaning through direct environmental involvement. Association of College Unions - International Bulletin 52(6): 4-5.
Bowler, P.A., W. Bretz, T. Bradley, and J.P. Webb. 1985. The impact of integrated mosquito control strategies on freshwater marsh ecosystems in southern California. Mosquito Control Research, Annual Report for 1984. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California: 102-104.
B1. Bowler, P.A. 1986. James R. Schlesinger: the Essentials of National Security. pp. 104-115 in Whiteley, J.M., T.A. Port and S. McCarthy (eds.). Quest for Peace. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa.
P18. Bowler, P.A. 1987. New Combinations in Fistulariella (Ramalinaceae). Mycotaxon 29: 345-351.
C1. Bowler, P.A. and S. Brown (eds.). 1987. Proceedings of the California Oak Heritage Conservation Conference, March 11, 1983. Published by the Sea and Sage Chapter of the Audubon Society, Santa Ana, California. (Book)
C2. Bowler, PA. 1988. Thoughts about Subtle Impact Potentials of Headwater Sited Small Hydroelectric Developments on River Processes. Pp. 13-18 in Bradley, E. (ed.). Proceedings of the State of the Sierra Symposium, 1985-1986. Pacific Publications Co., San Francisco, California.
C3. Bowler P.A., E.P. Pister and W. Bretz. 1988. Recommendations for Small Hydro Reform. Pp. 107-110 in Bradley, E. (ed.). Proceedings of the State of the Sierra Symposium, 1985-1986. Pacific Publications Co., San Francisco, California.
C4. Bretz, W.L. and P.A. Bowler. 1988. Mountain Bicycle Recreational Use in the Sierra, 1985. Pp. 107-110 in Bradley, D. (ed.) Proceedings of the Sierra Symposium, 1985-1986. Pacific Publications Co., San Francisco, California.
C5. Hartig, T. and P.A. Bowler. 1989. Environmental Activism, Public Education and Outdoor Programming; A Union of Necessity. Pp. 109-127 in Gilbert, J. and E. Brunner (eds.). Proceedings from the National Conference on Outdoor Recreation, held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, November 10-13, 1989. University of Mississippi Printing Services, University of Mississippi.
Bowler, P.A. and R. Zembal. 1989. Riparian Habitat and Woodland. Crossosoma 15(5): 9. (Abstract)
C6. Hartigº, T. and P.A. Bowler. 1989. Public Education and Environmental Activism: Creating Opportunities for Involvement. Pp. 136-140 in Gross, M.P., R.J. Wilke and J.F. Passineau. Working Together to Educate About the Environment. 1989 Joint Conference Proceedings of the North American Association for Environmental Education and the Conservation of Education Association. Published by The NACEE/CEA Joint Conference Committee, Troy, Ohio.
B2. Bowler, P.A., F.M. Roberts, Jr. and J. Simon*. 1990. Management of the Winter Foraging Habitat for Canada Geese at Quail Hill. Pp. 48-55 in Bryant, P.J. and J. Remington (eds). Endangered Wildlife and Habitats in Southern California. Memoirs of the Natural History Foundation of Orange County, Vol. 3.
C7. Bowler, P.A. 1989. Notes on a Site Visit to the Indian Bathtub, Hot Creek and the Adjacent Bruneau River on August 13, 1989. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21: 208 – 211.
B3. Bowler, P.A. 1990. Riparian Woodland: An Endangered Habitat in Southern California. Pp. 80-97 in Schoenherr, A. (eds.). Endangered Plant Communities of Southern California. Southern California Botanists Special Publication, No. 3.
Bowler P.A. and R. Riefner. 1990. A Preliminary Lichen Checklist for the University of California, Irvine, Campus and the San Joaquin Wetlands. Crossosoma 16(6): 1-10.
P19. Bowler, P.A. 1990. Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration - I. The Challenge of Mitigation. Restoration and Management Notes 8(2): 78-82.
C8. Bowler, P.A. 1991. The Rapid Spread of the Freshwater Hydrobiid Snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) in the Middle Snake River, Southern Idaho. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21: 173-182.
C9. Yearsley, J., P. Cirone, M. Watson, and P.A. Bowler. 1991. Assessment of Ecosystem Quality and its Impact on Resource Allocation in the Upper Snake River Basin. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Management of Ecosystem Quality Session.
Bowler, P.A. 1991. The Challenge of Living with Growth in a Healthy Environment. Crossosoma 17(3): 1-10.
Bowler, P.A. 1991. What Chief Seattle Really Said, or Ghost Riders in the Sky. Crossosoma 17: 11.
C10. Langenstein, S. and P. A. Bowler. 1991. On-going Macroinvertebrate Analysis Using the Biotic Condition Index and the Appearance of Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) in Box Canyon Creek, Southern Idaho. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21: 183-194.
C11. Bowler, P.A. and P. Olmstead. 1991. The Current Status of the Bruneau Hot Springs Snail, an Undescribed Monotypic Genus of Freshwater Hydrobiid Snail, and Its Declining Habitat. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21: 195-211.
C12. Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 1991. The Non-Native Snail Fauna of the Middle Snake River, Southern Idaho. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 23: 28-44.
Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 1992. Snake River Mollusks: Living Fossils. Idaho Wildlife 12(1): 2, 29.
P20. Bowler, P.A. 1992. Biodiversity Conservation in Europe and North America. II. Shrublands - In Defense of Disturbed Land. Restoration Management Notes 10(2): 144-149.
C13. Bowler, P.A. 1992. Introduced Freshwater Mollusks in the Middle Snake River. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 23: 195-211.
C14. Frest, T.J. and P.A. Bowler. 1992. The Ecology, Distribution and Status of Relict Lake Idaho Mollusks and other Endemics in the Middle Snake River. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 23: 45-48.
C15. Bowler, P.A., C.M. Watson, J.R. Yearsley, and P.A. Cirone. 1993. Assessment of Ecosystem Quality and It's Impacts on Resource Allocation in the Upper Snake River Basin. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 24: 42-51.
Murphey, K.A., M.J. Freeman, and P.A. Bowler. 1993. Valley of the Mighty Snake: An Overview of the Cultural and Natural History of Hagerman Valley, Southwestern Idaho. Hagerman Valley Historical Society Report No. 1. J & D Printers, Castleford, Idaho. (Book)
C16. Frest, T.J. and P.A. Bowler. 1993. A Preliminary Checklist of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Mollusks of the Middle Snake River Sub-Basin. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 24:53-58.
Bowler, P.A. and A. Wolf*. 1993. Vascular Plants of the San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve. Angiosperms - Flowering Plants. Crossosoma 19(1): 9-30.
P21. Hershler, R., T.J. Frest, E.J. Johannes, P.A. Bowler and F.G. Thompson. 1994. Two New Genera of Hydrobiid Snails (Prosobranchia: Rissooidea) from the Northwestern United States. The Veliger 37(3): 221-243.
P22. Riefner, R.E., Jr. and P.A. Bowler. 1994. Ramalina baltica and Ramalina canariensis in North America. Mycotaxon 51: 495-501.
Bowler, P.A. 1994. Landuse conflicts in southern California: vanishing habitats, expanding human presence, and strategies for preservation. Noticero de Biologia 2(3): 15.
P23. Riefner, R.E., Jr. and P.A. Bowler. 1994. Ramalina puberulenta: A New Lichen from California. Mycotaxon 52(1): 247-257.
P24. Bowler, P.A., A. Wolf*, H.V. Pham*, M.A. Archer*, A.S. Bak*, M. Bedaux*, A. Chun,* J.S. Crain*, S. Feeney*, A. Gloskowski*, P. Golcher*, C.J. Hodson*, M.L. James*, R.C. Johnson*, M.S. Milane*, V.H. Nguyen*, and C.R. Simonds*. 1994. Transplantation of Coastal Sage Scrub Seedlings from Natural Stands as a New Technique in Restoration. Restoration Management Notes 12(1): 87-88.
P25. Hartig, T., P.A. Bowler, and A. Wolf*. 1994. The Psychological Ecology of Ecological Restoration. Restoration and Management Notes 12(2): 133-137.
P26. Bowler, P.A., R.E. Riefner, Jr., P.W. Rundel, J. Marsh and T.H. Nash, III. 1994. New Species of Niebla (Ramalinaceae) from Western North America. Phytologia 77(1): 23-37.
P27. Riefner, R.E., Jr. and P.A. Bowler. 1994. Cushion-like fruitcose lichens as Dudleya seed traps and nurseries in coastal communities. Madrono 42:81-82.
Bowler, P.A. and A. Wolf*. 1994. Exotic Plants in Mediterranean Climate Wetlands. Orange County, California: A Case Study. Crossosoma 20(1): 75-84.
Bowler, P.A. 1994. Letter to the Editor. Fremontia 22(1): 33.
Bowler, P.A. 1994. Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument; Catastrophic Bonneville Flood; Mollusks of the Middle Snake River; White Pelican; Ord's Kangaroo Rat. Capsules in Shallat, T. (ed.). 1994. Snake: The Plain and Its People. Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. (Book)
Bowler, P.A. 1994. Landuse conflicts in Southern California: Vanishing Habitats, Expanding Human Presence, and Strategies for Preservation. Abstract. Noticiero de Biologica 2(3): 15.
C17. Bowler, P.A. 1995. The Middle Snake River: Ecological Risk Assessment and Strategies for Recovery. Pp. 3-53 to 3-61. In U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Water Quality Standards for the 21st Century. EPA-820-R-95-001.
C18. Bowler, P.A. 1995. Impact of Postfire Hydroseeding on Sensitive Plant Communities in Laguna Canyon, California. Pp. 193-194, in Keeley, J.E. and T, Scott. Brushfires in California: Ecology and Resource Management. International Association of Wild Fire.
P28. Riefner, R.E., Jr., P.A. Bowler, J. Marsh and T.H. Nash, III. 1995. Niebla tuberculata (Ramalinaceae): A New Lichen from California. Mycotaxon 54: 397-401.
Bowler, P.A., A. Wolf*, and L. Bradley*. 1995. A Checklist of the Wetland Indicator Species in Orange County, California. Crossosoma 21(1):1-39.
Bowler, P.A. and R.E. Riefner, Jr. 1995. Notes on Ramalinaceae and Current Related Research in California, U.S.A. California Lichen Society Bulletin 2(1): 1-5.
Riefner, R.E., Jr., P.A. Bowler, and B. Ryan. 1995. Part I. New and Interesting Records of Lichens from California. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 2(2): 1-11.
Bowler, P.A. 1995. Upper Newport Bay, p. 178 in Faber, P.M. (ed.). California's Wild Gardens. The California Native Plant Society for the California Department of Fish and Game. Global Interprint, Petaluma, California. (Book)
C18. Bowler, P.A. 1995. The impact of the Bliss (Idaho) landslide of 1993 on sensitive mollusc habitat. Abstract. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 26: 68-69.
P29. Bowler, P.A. 1996. Hand-weeding controls invasive sea fig (California). Restoration and Management Notes 14(1): 78-79.
Bowler, P.A., W. Weber, and R.E. Reifner, Jr. 1996. A checklist of the lichens of San Clemente Island, California. of the California Lichen Society 3(2): 1-8.
P30. Bowler, P.A. and R.G. Demerjian. 1996. Low-cost, user-friendly computer program provides digitized habitat emulation (California). Restoration and Management Notes 14(2): 186.
P31. Bowler, P.A., T. Johnson, and W.J. Mautz. 1996. Flash-Freezing Using Cold Fluids: Field and Laboratory Methods for Preventing Retraction of Snails during Fixation. Molluscan Studies 62:124-126.
Read, E.A., M. Blane, and P.A. Bowler. 1996. Restoration of coastal sage scrub. Ecesis 6(2): 1, 4-5.
Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 1996. The advancing distribution of the New Zealand mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray), in North America. American Malacological Union, 62 Annual Meeting, Abstract, page 31.
Hartig, T., F.G. Kaiser, and P.A. Bowler. 1997. Further Development of a Measure of Perceived Environmental Restorativeness. Arbetrsrapport/Working Paper No. 5. Institute for Housing Research, Uppsala University.
Friedland, A.J., P.A. Bowler, T.E. Cobb, E. Ertel, S.E. Postawko, T. Recalde, J.A. Treharne, J. Lanza, T.G. Corley, and B.D. Nichols. 1997. Advanced Placement Course Description. (Published as: The Environmental Science Acorn Book). The College Entrance Examination Board and Educational Testing Service.
P32. Bowler, P.A., F.G.Kaiser, and T. Hartig. 1999. A Role for Ecological Restoration Work in University Environmental Education. Journal of Environmental Education 30(4): 19-26.
C19. Bowler, P.A. and E. Read (eds.). 1999. Proceedings of the Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Symposium held at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration. Special Publication No. 1 of The Society for Ecological Restoration, California Chapter.
C20. Bowler, P.A. 1999. Species richness and coastal sage scrub restoration. Pp. 2-14. In Bowler, P.A. and E. Read (eds.) Proceedings of the Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Symposium held at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration. Special Publication No. 1 of The Society for Ecological Restoration, California Chapter.
C21. Bowler, P.A. 1999. New directions in coastal sage scrub restoration: establishing local species richness, ethics and effort in onsite seed collection, GIS appplications and a new approach to long-term project design and performance standards. Pp. 15 – 20. In: Bowler, P.A. and E. Read (eds.). Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration. Proceedings of the Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Symposium held at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration. Special Publication No. 1 of The Society for Ecological Restoration, California Chapter.
P32. Bowler, P.A. 1999. Transplantation of Understory Bulbs, Grasses, Lichens and Bryophytes in Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration. Ecological Restoration 17: 82 - 83.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: The Ecology of Fear by Mike Davis. Crossosoma 25(1): 19-20.
P33. Kaiser, F.G., M. Ranney, T. Hartig, and P.A. Bowler. 1999. Ecological Behavior, Environmental Attitude, and Feelings of Responsibility for the Environment. European Psychologist 4: 59-74.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: A checklist of the vascular plants of Orange County, California. Second Edition. Crossosoma 25(1): 21-23.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: Assessment and Management of Plant Invasions by James O. Luken and J.W. Thieret, editors. Ecological Restoration 17: 97 - 98.
Bowler, P.A., A. D. Thornhillº, H.J. and P.J. Bryant. 1999. Uses of the World Wide Web in Conservation Biology and Environmental Education. Crossosoma 25(1): 9-16.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: Natural History of the Islands of California by Allan A. Schoenherr, C. Robert Feldmeth, and Michael J. Emerson. Crossosoma 25(2): 72.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Non-native and Native Vascular Plant Congeners: Sympatric without a (Natural) Cause. Crossosoma 25(2): 73-82. ?]
C19. Bowler, P.A. and E. Read (eds.). 1999. Proceedings of the Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Symposium held at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration. Special Publication No. 1 of The Society for Ecological Restoration, California Chapter. (Book)
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: Plant life in the world’s climates: California, Chile, South Africa, Australia, and the Mediterranean Basin by P.R. Dallman. Crossosoma 25(2): 71.
C20. Bowler, P.A. 2000. Preserving the Higher Aims of Restoration: Toward Transpersonal Restorations. Pp.287-288. in Keeley, Jon E., M. Baer-Keeley, and C.J. Fotheringham (eds). 2nd Interface Between Ecology and Land Development in California. U.S. Geological survey Open - File Report 00-62. Sacramento, California.
C21. Bowler, P.A. and R.E. Riefner, Jr. 2000. Prescribed burning impacts on late successional species. Pp. 71-74. in Keeley, Jon E., M. Baer-Keeley, and C.J. Fotheringham (eds). 2nd Interface Between Ecology and Land Development in California. U.S. Geological Survey Open - File Report 00-62. Sacramento, California.
C22. Bowler, P.A., K.B. Pierce, Jr.*, V. Beauchamp*, and T. Tasbshouri*. 2000. Translocation and grafting of adult coastal cholla (Opuntia prolifera) and prickly pear (Opuntia littoralis) as mitigation for cactus wren habitat loss in burned areas. Pp. 271-274. in Keeley, Jon E., M. Baer-Keeley, and C.J. Fotheringham (eds). 2nd Interface Between Ecology and Land Development in California. U.S. Geological Survey Open - File Report 00-62. Sacramento, California.
P34. Bowler, P.A. 2000. Ecological Restoration of Coastal Sage Scrub and Its Potential Role in Habitat Conservation Plans. Environmental Management 26: S85-S96.
P35. Bowler, P.A. and C.H. Hager. 2000. The ethics of plant and animal salvage in ecological restoration. Ecological Restoration 18(4): 262-263.
P36. Bowler, P.A. and C.A. Hager. 2000. Experimental salvage for transplanting a rare California plant: Southern Tarplant (California). Ecological Restoration 18(4): 268-269.
P37. Hartig, T., F.G. Kaiser, and P.A. Bowler. 2001. Psychological restoration in nature as a positive motivation for ecological behavior. Environment and Behavior 33(4): 590-607.
C24. Bowler, P.A. 2001. Photophobic reactions in Hydrobiid snails from the Owens Valley, California, and the first record of the New Zealand Mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) from the Owens River. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 32: 51-52.
Bowler, P.A. 2001. Book Reviews: Two New Books About Lichens. Crossosma
27(2): 52-54.
Bowler, P.A. 2002. in Shallot, T. (ed.). Secrets of the Magic Valley and
Hagerman’s Remarkable Horse. Black Canyon Communications, LLC. In cooperation with the Hagerman Fossil Council, Inc. and Boise State University History Department. Boise, Idaho. ISBN 0-9718321-0-2. 240 pp.
Bowler, P.A. and D. Bramlet. 2002. Vascular plants of the University of California,
Irvine Ecological Preserve. Crossosoma 28(2): 27-49.
Riefner, R.E., Jr., C. Wishner, P.A. Bowler and T.W. Mulroy. 2003. Rock-inhabiting lichens and biological crusts enhance recruitment success of rare Dudleya species (Crassulaceae) in Southern California. Crossosoma 29: 1-34.
Bowler, P.A. 2003. Book Review: Wildlife Restoration: Techniques for Habitat Analysis and Animal Monitoring. Environmental Conservation 30(4): 413.
Bowler, P.A. 2003. Book Review. Ecosystem Management: Adaptive, Community-Based Conservation. Natural Resources Forum 27: 87-89.
Bowler, P.A. and M.E. Elvin. 2003. The vascular plant checklist for the University of California Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve. Crossosoma 29(2): 45-66.
P38. Bowler, P.A. and J. Marsh. 2004. Niebla. Pp. 368 – 380. In: Nash, T.W. III, B.D. Ryan, P. Diederich, and F. Bungartz. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Volume II. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Bowler, P.A., F. Roberts and A. Schoenherr. 2005. Plant Communities. Pp. 21 - 31 in Schoenherr, A.A., D. Clarke, and E. Brown. Docent Guide to Orange County Wilderness. Published by the Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. and The Nature Conservancy.
Bowler, P. A. 2005. Invasive Plant Species. Pp. 31 – 33 and 34 - 38 in Schoenherr, A.A., D. Clarke, and E. Brown. Docent Guide to Orange County Wilderness. Published by the Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. and The Nature Conservancy.
P37. Talluto, M.V., K. N. Suding, and P.A. Bowler. 2005. Factors affecting understory establishment in coastal sage scrub restoration. Madrono 53(1): 55-59.
Bowler, P.A. 2007. Book Review: Foundations of Restoration Ecology. Ecological Restoration 25(2): 151-152.
Bowler, P. A. 2007. Monday’s Madonna, pp. 13 – 55 in: B. Bartrug, P. Bowler and C. Hood. 2007. Rio de Dios: Thirteen Histories of the Los Angeles River. Red Hen Press. (Book)
Bowler, P.A. 2007. Upper Newport Bay, p. 178 in Faber, P.M. (ed.). California's Wild Gardens. Second Edition. The California Native Plant Society for the California Department of Fish and Game. Global Interprint, Petaluma, California. (Second Edition, revised).
P38. Bowler, P.A. 2008. Artichoke as an Ecological Resource and Its Utility as a Precursor to Restoration (California). Ecological Restoration 26(1): 7 – 8.
Bowler, P.A. 2009. Book Review: Digging In: A Guide to Community-Based Habitat restoration. Kristina Finstad, Christiane Parry and Eben Schwartz. Ecological Restoration 27(4): 498.
Bowler, P.A. 2009. Book Review: Nursery Manual for Native Plants: A Guide for Tribal Nurseries. Ecological Restoration 27(4): 498-499.
Bowler, P.A. 2010. Wild and Beautiful: A Natural History of Open Spaces in Orange County. Crossosoma 36(2): 64 – 65.
Bowler, P.A. 2014. Linking Carbon Sinks, Water Quality, and Ecological Conservation in Wetland Systems. Proceedings of the East China Normal University EcoPartnership Symposium, November 13, 2013 (broadcast online to Universities in China).
P39. Askarizadeh, A., M.A. Rippy, T.D. Flecther, D.L. Feldman, J. Peng, P. Bowler, A.S. Mehring, B.K. Winfrey, J.A. Vrugt, A. AghaKouchak, S.C. Jiang, B.F. Sanders, L.A. Levin, S. Taylor and S.B. Grant. 2015. From Rain Tanks to Catchments: Use of Low-Impact Development to Address Hydrologic Symptoms of the Urban Stream Syndrome. Environmental Science and Technology 49(19) 11264 – 11280.
Lees, A.C. and P. Bowler. 2015. Water: A Drought Plan for Biodiversity. Nature 521: 289.
P40. Wang, Q., J. Lu, S.T. Hsieh, P. Bowler, L. Wang and Y. Ma. 2015. Wetland Research and Eco-development through Chinese-United States EcoPartnership Relationships. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7: (downloadable pdf)
P41. Wang, H., Q. Wang, P.A. Bowler and W. Xiong. 2016. Invasive aquatic plant species in China. Aquatic Invasions 11 (1): 1 – 9.
P.A. Bowler. 2016. The University of California Natural Reserve
System’s History and the UCNRS San Joaquin Marsh Story. 3rd International Symposium of the Benthological Society of Asia. Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia August 24 – 27, 2016. Abstract Book, page 41.
P.A. Bowler. 2016. Applied Ecology in Restoration and Mitigation Sites in Southern California. The 1st Youth Freshwater Ecology School Work Practicum on Freshwater and Marine Biomonitoring. Biostation “Vostok” (a graduate course sponsored by the A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology), near Nakhodka City, Russia. August 27 – 31, 2016. Abstract Book, page 138. Abstract.
P42. Wang, C., Y. Cen, M. Liu and P. Bowler. 2017. Formation and influencing factors of dew in sparse elm woods and grassland in a semi-arid area. Acta Ecologica Sinica 37: 125 – 132.
P43. Xiong, W., H. Wang, Q. Wang, J. Tang, P.A. Bowler, D. Xie, L. Pan, Z. Wang,. 2018. Non-native species in the Three Gorges Dam Reservoir: status and risks. BioInvasions Records 7(2): 153 – 158.
P44. Bowler, P.A, K. Beheshti*, A. Brutto*, C. Drake*, T. Koshniat*, M. Ward* and K. Wong*. 2018. Diocey in Riparian Environments and the Implications for Restoration. Ecological Restoration 36 (4): 272 – 275.
C26. Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 2018. A Holocene Snail Sauna in the Middle Snake River, Southern Idaho, U.S.A. Presented at the 2018 Desert Fishes Council Symposium, and it will appear as a poster abstract and a paper in the Symposium Proceedings. 7 pages. In press.
C27. Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 2018. Freshwater Mollusk Water Quality Tolerances and Observations Middle Snake River Sub-Basin, Southern Idaho. Presented at the 2018 Desert Fishes Council Symposium. 17 pages. In press.
Bowler, P.A. 2018. Book Review: A.A. Schoenherr. 2018. A Natural History of California. Second Edition. University of California Press, Oakland, California. Crossosoma 42(2): 87-88.
P45. Anjileliº, H., H.R. Moftakhari, O. Mazdiyansi, H. Norouzi, S. Ashraf, A. Farahmand, P. Bowler, M. Azarderakhsh, T.E. Huxman, and A. AghaKouchak. 2019. Analyzing high-frequency soil respiration using a probabilistic model in a semiarid Mediterranean climate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124.
P46. Bowler, P.A., J. Liou* and J. Moon*. 2019. Caloric Values of Selected Wetland and Coastal Sage Scrub Vascular Plant Seeds. Ecological Restoration 37(3): 142 -143.
P47. Gunawan*, C. M. and P.A. Bowler. 2019. Mycorrhizae and Root Morphology in Potted and Wild Artemisia californica and Eriogonum fasciculatum. Ecological Restoration 37(3). 148–151.
Bowler, P.A. 2019. The Reproductive Ecology of Vagrant Fruticose Ground and Rock Inhabiting Populations of the Niebla homalea complex. Crossosoma Accepted, undergoing revision.
Wang, H., K. Xiao, Z. Wu, J. Chen, W. Xiong, and P.A. Bowler. 2019. Delta arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla) in the Yangtze River: an invasive aquatic plant and potential ecological consequences. Bioinvasions – Submitted and undergoing peer review.
Liu, M., C. Wang, Y. Cen, X. Gu, P. A. Bowler, D. Wu, L. Zhang, G. Jiang and D. Beysens. 2019. Dew formation and its ecological function in the semi-arid sand ecosystem of the Mongolia Plateau. Submitted to New Phytologist.
Yost, J., K.D. Pearson, J. Alexander, E. Gilbert, L.A. Hains, T. Barry, R. Bencie, P. A. Bowler, B. Carter, R.E. Crowe, E. Dean, J. Der, A. Fisher, K. Fisher, L. Flores-Renteria, C. M. Guilliams, C. Hatfield, L. Hendrickson, J.N. Hoague, T. Huggins, L. Janeway, C. Lay, A. Litt, S. Markos, S.J. Mazer, D. McCamish, L. McDade, M. Mesler, B. Mishler, M. Nazaire, J. Rebman, P. Rundel, D. Potter, A. Sanders, J. Schenk,K.C. Seltmann, M.G. Simpson, K. Waselkov, G.A. Wahlert, K. Williams, and P.S. Wilson. 2019. The California Phenology Collections Network: Using Digital Images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot. Submitted to Madrono and undergoing peer review.
California Phenology Project - UCI Herbarium (IRVC) and
UCI Ecological Preserve Vascular Plant list:
UCNRS Burns Pinyon Ridge Reserve Vascular Plant List:
UCNRS San Joaquin Marsh Reserve Vascular Plant List:
NCCP Core Group Report. March 26, 1997. Research Guidance to address the needs of land managers. Coastal Sage Scrub Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP). U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Biology Resources Center, California Science Center.
Atwood, J.L., D.R. Bontrager, M. Fugagli, R. Hirsch, D. Kamada, M. Madden, C. Reynolds, S. Tsai, and P.A. Bowler. 1998. Population dynamics, dispersal, and demography of California gnatcatchers and cactus wrens in coastal southern California (1997 progress report). Unpublished technical report, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, Massachusetts. 41 pp. and 5 appendices.
Atwood, J.L., D.R. Bontrager, R. Hirsch, M. Madden, and P.A. Bowler. 1998. Population dynamics, dispersal, and demography of California gnatcatchers in Orange Co., California (1998 progress report). Unpublished report, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, Massachusetts and University of California, Irvine. 23 pp. and 1 appendix.
Bontrager, D.R., D. Kamada, M. Madden, J.L. Atwood, and P.A. Bowler. 1999. Population dynamics, dispersal, and demography of California gnatcatchers in Orange Co., California (1999 progress report). University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California. 11 pp. and 2 appendices.
Research Competitiveness Service of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. May 2002. A Review of The University of Kansas Field Station and Ecological Reserves Strategic Plan. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 13 pages.
Bowler, P., Biodiversity Conservation Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Native Ecosystems, Western Watersheds Project, The Xerces Society. July, 2004. before the Secretary of the Interior. Petition to List the Jackson Lake springsnail (Pyrgulopsis robusta), Harney Lake springsnail (Pyrgulopsis hendersoni), and Columbia springsnail (Pyrgulopsis new species 6) as Threatened or Endangered Submitted by: Dr. Peter Bowler, Biodiversity Conservation Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Native Ecosystems, Western Watersheds Project, The Xerces Society.
SCCWRP Scientific Advisory Panel. 22 April 2008. The Southern California Integrated Wetlands Regional Assessment Program (IWRAP) Volume 2. Design and Indicators for Riverine Assessment: Recommendations by the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Science Advisory Panel. 47 pp.
Rahn, M., P.A. Bowler, K. Preston, T. Smith, and B. Digennaro. 2011. Orange County Transportation Authority M2 NCCP/HCP. Independent Science Advisors Report. 25 pp.
Namazi, N. and P. Bowler. March 11, 2013. Building Habitats for Monarch Butterfly Larva.
I have written UCI’s Annual Reports regarding NCCP enrolled campus lands to the Natural Communities Coalition (the Ecological Preserve, Landfill, and biological corridor along the San Joaquin Corridor) to the Nature Reserve of Orange County from 1996 – 2018.
I designed most of the Campus’s wetland mitigation projects and wrote UCI’s Mitigation Monitoring Reports for the California Department of Fish and Game for five of UCI’s wetland mitigation projects (now completed) up to 2012.
UCI Arboretum Quarterly Popular Articles:
Bowler, P.A. Fall 1996. Meet Our New Director, Dr. Peter Bowler. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1-2.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 1997. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 2.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 1997. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 2.
Bowler, P.A. Winter 1998. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 2.
Bowler, P.A. Winter 1999. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 1.
Bowler, P.A. Summer 1999. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 5.
Bowler, P.A. Winter 2000. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 4.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2000. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 2, 4.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2001. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 3, 5.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2002. Time to Reset Your Floral Clocks. Arboretum Quarterly, page 1.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2000. From the Director: The Horticulture Class in Review. Arboretum Quarterly, page 4.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2002. Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration in the San Joaquin Marsh Reserve. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1-3.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2002. Marton Varo Sculpture Finds Home at the Arboretum.
Arboretum Quarterly, page 6.
Bowler, P.A. Winter 2003. From the Director, Horticulture Class Another Big Success.
Arboretum Quarterly, page 1.
Bowler P.A. Summer/Fall 2003. A Special Note about Herbaria and the UCI Herbarium (IRVC). Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 6-7.
Bowler, P.A. Summer/Fall 2003. Arboretum Research Space is Research-Ready and Researcher-Friendly. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 2, 5.
Bowler, P.A. Spring-Summer 2004. Research Use of the UCI Arboretum.
Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1,4.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2004 – Winter 2005. From the Director, Highlights of a Year of Exciting Progress. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 6-7.
Bowler, PA. Fall 2004 – Winter 2005. The Creation of a Wildflower & Native Grassland. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 4-5.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2005. From the Director, A Season of Excitement at the UCI Arboretum. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 5.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2006. What’s that mushroom growing on the Arboretum lawn? Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 6.
Bowler, P.A. Spring-Summer 2007. How are wetland plants like cattails and bulrushes able to live in water with anoxic sediments, yet still keep their roots oxygenated? Arboretum Quarterly, pages 2-3.
Bowler, P.A. Winter-Spring 2009. What’s Happening at the Marsh? Spring into Summer in the Wetlands. Arboretum Quarterly, 1, 7 – 9.
Bowler, P.A. Summer 2009. Three Botanic Experiences and Settings in Coastal Maine.
Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 5-6.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2009. Re-visiting and Discovering Anew the Gardens and Botanical Secrets of Hawaii. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1-3.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2009. Highlights of the Past Year’s Accomplishments at the UCI Arboretum. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 4-5.
Bowler, P.A. Winter-Spring 2010. The Middle Marsh Restoration Project at the University of California Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 8.
Bowler, P.A. Winter-Spring 2010. The UC Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve as an Edible Landscape. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 4, 5.
Bowler, P.A., L.J. Kim, C.A. Drake, O. Goldsworthy, V.-T. Y. Medrano, A.S. Najafi, V.N. Pandya, B. Pham, C.B. Sun, C.S.P. Taha, H. Truong, and K.H. Vu. Winter-Spring 2010. The Sex Ratios of Black Willow (Salix gooddingii) and Mulefat (Baccharis salicifolia) in the University of California Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve and the Implications for Restoration. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 6, 7.
Bowler, P.A. Summer 2010. Why Use California Native Plants in Our Landscapes? Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 6.
Bowler, P.A. June 2010. San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Update. UCI Arboretum Volunteer Times. Pages 1 – 3.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2010 Issue. Conservation, Restoration, and Research at the UCI Ecological Preserve. UCI Arboretum Volunteer Times. Pages 1 and 6. Bowler, P.A. Winter 2011. Book Review: Wild and Beautiful. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 2 – 3.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2011. Spring is for the birds – especially Endangered ones at the UCNRS San Joaquin Marsh Reserve. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1 and 4.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2011. The UCI Arboretum and UC NRS Marsh Reserve Work Together in Providing UCI Undergraduates with Field Experiences. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 5 – 6.
Bowler, P.A. Winter/Spring 2012. The Mists of the Marsh. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1 and 6.
Bowler, P.A. Winter/Spring 2012. The Signage is Up in our Aloe and Succulent Gardens, and It Aids Our Conservation Efforts in Conjunction with other Arboreta and Botanic Gardens. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 4 and 5.
Bowler, P.A. 2013. A Tale of Two Purslanes. Arboretum Perennial Volume 21, No. 2. Pages 1 – 8.
Bowler, P.A. 2013. Weeding in a Winter Wonderland. Arboretum Perennial Volume 21, No. 2. Pages 6 – 7.
Most of the issues of the Arboretum Quarterly and Arboretum Perennial are available at
Bowler, P.A. 1970. Studies in Unicellular Marine Algae. B.A. Senior Project, submitted to the Division of Natural Sciences, Bard College. 73 pages.
Bowler, P.A. 1974. Evolutionary and Ecological Relationships in Lichens. Ph.D. Dissertation, Department of Population and Environmental Biology, University of California, Irvine. 113 pages.
*Indicates undergraduate co-author; ºIndicates graduate student co-author. P indicates peer-reviewed publications; B indicates book chapters; C indicates published conference proceedings
P1. Bowler, P.A. 1972. The Distribution of Four Chemical Races of Cladonia chlorophaea in North America. The Bryologist 75: 350-35.
P2. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1972. Ramalina bajacalifornica, A New Species from Baja California. The Bryologist 75: 365-368.
P3. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1972. A New Species of Ramalina from Sinaloa, Mexico. The Bryologist 75: 574-576.
P4. Rundel, P.W., P.A. Bowler, and T.W. Mulroy. 1972. A Fog-Induced Lichen Community in Northwestern Baja California, with Two New Species of Desmazieria. The Bryologist 76: 501-508.
P5. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1973. Two New Lichens (Ramalina) from Baja California, Mexico. The Bryologist 76: 211-213.
P6. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1973. The Status of Ramalina subampliata (Nyl.) Fink in North America. Rhodora 75: 306-310.
P7. Rundel, P.W. and P.A. Bowler. 1974. The Lichen Genus Trichoramalina. The Bryologist 77: 188-194.
P8. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1974. The Ramalina intermedia Complex in North America. The Bryologist 77: 617-623.
P9. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1975. Reproductive Strategies in Lichens. Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society (London) 70: 325-340.
P10. Rundel, P.W. and P.A. Bowler. 1976. Ramalina leptocarpha and R. subletocarpha: A Fertile-Sorediate Species Pair. The Bryologist 79: 364-369.
P11. Bowler, P.A. and C. W. Smith. 1976. Ramalina farinacea in Hawaii. The Bryologist 79: 499-501.
Bowler, P.A. 1976. Ramalinopsis, a unique genus endemic to the Hawaiian Islands. Hawaiian Botanical Society Newsletter 15(1): 4-6.
Bowler, P.A. 1976. Of genotypes and phenotypes. Guest Editorial. International Lichenological Newsletter 9 No. 1: 1-4.
Bowler, P.A. 1976. Index to Volumes 1-8. International Lichenological Newsletter 9(1): 7pp.
P12. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1977. A Synopsis of New Lichen Genus, Fistulariella Bowler & Rundel (Ramalinaceae). Mycotaxon 6 (1): 195-202.
P13. Bowler, P.A. 1977. Ramalina thrausta in North America. The Bryologist 80: 529-532.
P14. Rundel, P.W. and P.A. Bowler. 1977. Niebla: A New Generic Name to Replace Desmazieria (Ramalinaceae). Mycotaxon 6: 497-499.
Bowler, P.A., E.E. Trujillo and J.W. Beardsley, Jr. 1977. Insect Feeding on Sugarcane Smut in Hawaii. Proceedings, Hawaiian Entomological Society 22, No. 3: 451-456. and
P15. Bowler, P.A. and P.W. Rundel. 1978. The Ramalina farinacea Complex in North America: Chemical, Ecological and Morphological Variation. The Bryologist 81: 386-403.
P16. Mulroy, T.W., P.W. Rundel and P.A. Bowler. 1979. The Vascular Flora of Punta Banda, Baja California Norte, Mexico. Madrono 26: 69-90.
P17. Bowler, P.A. 1981. Cortical Diversity in the Ramalinaceae. Canadian Journal of Botany 59 (4): 437-452.
Bowler, P.A. 1981. Natural History Studies and an Evaluation for Eligibility of Box Canyon for National Natural Landmark Designation, and Natural Landmark Brief. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (National Park Service). Open file report.
41 pages.
Bowler, P.A. 1981. Natural History Studies and an Evaluation for Eligibility of the A.J. Wiley Reach of the Snake River for National Natural Landmark Designation, and Natural Landmark Brief. Report Prepared for the National Park Serice, Seattle, Washington. Open file report. 93 pages.
Bowler, P.A. 1981. Natural History Studies and an Evaluation for Eligibility of Malad Canyon for National Natural Landmark Designation, and Natural Landmark Brief. Heritage Conservation and Recreation Service (National Park Service). Open file report. 41 pages.
Bowler, P.A. 1984. Outdoor Programs: New meaning through direct environmental involvement. Association of College Unions - International Bulletin 52(6): 4-5.
Bowler, P.A., W. Bretz, T. Bradley, and J.P. Webb. 1985. The impact of integrated mosquito control strategies on freshwater marsh ecosystems in southern California. Mosquito Control Research, Annual Report for 1984. Division of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of California: 102-104.
B1. Bowler, P.A. 1986. James R. Schlesinger: the Essentials of National Security. pp. 104-115 in Whiteley, J.M., T.A. Port and S. McCarthy (eds.). Quest for Peace. Kendall/Hunt Publishing Company, Dubuque, Iowa.
P18. Bowler, P.A. 1987. New Combinations in Fistulariella (Ramalinaceae). Mycotaxon 29: 345-351.
C1. Bowler, P.A. and S. Brown (eds.). 1987. Proceedings of the California Oak Heritage Conservation Conference, March 11, 1983. Published by the Sea and Sage Chapter of the Audubon Society, Santa Ana, California. (Book)
C2. Bowler, PA. 1988. Thoughts about Subtle Impact Potentials of Headwater Sited Small Hydroelectric Developments on River Processes. Pp. 13-18 in Bradley, E. (ed.). Proceedings of the State of the Sierra Symposium, 1985-1986. Pacific Publications Co., San Francisco, California.
C3. Bowler P.A., E.P. Pister and W. Bretz. 1988. Recommendations for Small Hydro Reform. Pp. 107-110 in Bradley, E. (ed.). Proceedings of the State of the Sierra Symposium, 1985-1986. Pacific Publications Co., San Francisco, California.
C4. Bretz, W.L. and P.A. Bowler. 1988. Mountain Bicycle Recreational Use in the Sierra, 1985. Pp. 107-110 in Bradley, D. (ed.) Proceedings of the Sierra Symposium, 1985-1986. Pacific Publications Co., San Francisco, California.
C5. Hartig, T. and P.A. Bowler. 1989. Environmental Activism, Public Education and Outdoor Programming; A Union of Necessity. Pp. 109-127 in Gilbert, J. and E. Brunner (eds.). Proceedings from the National Conference on Outdoor Recreation, held at Colorado State University, Fort Collins, Colorado, November 10-13, 1989. University of Mississippi Printing Services, University of Mississippi.
Bowler, P.A. and R. Zembal. 1989. Riparian Habitat and Woodland. Crossosoma 15(5): 9. (Abstract)
C6. Hartigº, T. and P.A. Bowler. 1989. Public Education and Environmental Activism: Creating Opportunities for Involvement. Pp. 136-140 in Gross, M.P., R.J. Wilke and J.F. Passineau. Working Together to Educate About the Environment. 1989 Joint Conference Proceedings of the North American Association for Environmental Education and the Conservation of Education Association. Published by The NACEE/CEA Joint Conference Committee, Troy, Ohio.
B2. Bowler, P.A., F.M. Roberts, Jr. and J. Simon*. 1990. Management of the Winter Foraging Habitat for Canada Geese at Quail Hill. Pp. 48-55 in Bryant, P.J. and J. Remington (eds). Endangered Wildlife and Habitats in Southern California. Memoirs of the Natural History Foundation of Orange County, Vol. 3.
C7. Bowler, P.A. 1989. Notes on a Site Visit to the Indian Bathtub, Hot Creek and the Adjacent Bruneau River on August 13, 1989. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21: 208 – 211.
B3. Bowler, P.A. 1990. Riparian Woodland: An Endangered Habitat in Southern California. Pp. 80-97 in Schoenherr, A. (eds.). Endangered Plant Communities of Southern California. Southern California Botanists Special Publication, No. 3.
Bowler P.A. and R. Riefner. 1990. A Preliminary Lichen Checklist for the University of California, Irvine, Campus and the San Joaquin Wetlands. Crossosoma 16(6): 1-10.
P19. Bowler, P.A. 1990. Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration - I. The Challenge of Mitigation. Restoration and Management Notes 8(2): 78-82.
C8. Bowler, P.A. 1991. The Rapid Spread of the Freshwater Hydrobiid Snail Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) in the Middle Snake River, Southern Idaho. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21: 173-182.
C9. Yearsley, J., P. Cirone, M. Watson, and P.A. Bowler. 1991. Assessment of Ecosystem Quality and its Impact on Resource Allocation in the Upper Snake River Basin. Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, Management of Ecosystem Quality Session.
Bowler, P.A. 1991. The Challenge of Living with Growth in a Healthy Environment. Crossosoma 17(3): 1-10.
Bowler, P.A. 1991. What Chief Seattle Really Said, or Ghost Riders in the Sky. Crossosoma 17: 11.
C10. Langenstein, S. and P. A. Bowler. 1991. On-going Macroinvertebrate Analysis Using the Biotic Condition Index and the Appearance of Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray) in Box Canyon Creek, Southern Idaho. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21: 183-194.
C11. Bowler, P.A. and P. Olmstead. 1991. The Current Status of the Bruneau Hot Springs Snail, an Undescribed Monotypic Genus of Freshwater Hydrobiid Snail, and Its Declining Habitat. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 21: 195-211.
C12. Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 1991. The Non-Native Snail Fauna of the Middle Snake River, Southern Idaho. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 23: 28-44.
Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 1992. Snake River Mollusks: Living Fossils. Idaho Wildlife 12(1): 2, 29.
P20. Bowler, P.A. 1992. Biodiversity Conservation in Europe and North America. II. Shrublands - In Defense of Disturbed Land. Restoration Management Notes 10(2): 144-149.
C13. Bowler, P.A. 1992. Introduced Freshwater Mollusks in the Middle Snake River. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 23: 195-211.
C14. Frest, T.J. and P.A. Bowler. 1992. The Ecology, Distribution and Status of Relict Lake Idaho Mollusks and other Endemics in the Middle Snake River. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 23: 45-48.
C15. Bowler, P.A., C.M. Watson, J.R. Yearsley, and P.A. Cirone. 1993. Assessment of Ecosystem Quality and It's Impacts on Resource Allocation in the Upper Snake River Basin. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 24: 42-51.
Murphey, K.A., M.J. Freeman, and P.A. Bowler. 1993. Valley of the Mighty Snake: An Overview of the Cultural and Natural History of Hagerman Valley, Southwestern Idaho. Hagerman Valley Historical Society Report No. 1. J & D Printers, Castleford, Idaho. (Book)
C16. Frest, T.J. and P.A. Bowler. 1993. A Preliminary Checklist of the Aquatic and Terrestrial Mollusks of the Middle Snake River Sub-Basin. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 24:53-58.
Bowler, P.A. and A. Wolf*. 1993. Vascular Plants of the San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve. Angiosperms - Flowering Plants. Crossosoma 19(1): 9-30.
P21. Hershler, R., T.J. Frest, E.J. Johannes, P.A. Bowler and F.G. Thompson. 1994. Two New Genera of Hydrobiid Snails (Prosobranchia: Rissooidea) from the Northwestern United States. The Veliger 37(3): 221-243.
P22. Riefner, R.E., Jr. and P.A. Bowler. 1994. Ramalina baltica and Ramalina canariensis in North America. Mycotaxon 51: 495-501.
Bowler, P.A. 1994. Landuse conflicts in southern California: vanishing habitats, expanding human presence, and strategies for preservation. Noticero de Biologia 2(3): 15.
P23. Riefner, R.E., Jr. and P.A. Bowler. 1994. Ramalina puberulenta: A New Lichen from California. Mycotaxon 52(1): 247-257.
P24. Bowler, P.A., A. Wolf*, H.V. Pham*, M.A. Archer*, A.S. Bak*, M. Bedaux*, A. Chun,* J.S. Crain*, S. Feeney*, A. Gloskowski*, P. Golcher*, C.J. Hodson*, M.L. James*, R.C. Johnson*, M.S. Milane*, V.H. Nguyen*, and C.R. Simonds*. 1994. Transplantation of Coastal Sage Scrub Seedlings from Natural Stands as a New Technique in Restoration. Restoration Management Notes 12(1): 87-88.
P25. Hartig, T., P.A. Bowler, and A. Wolf*. 1994. The Psychological Ecology of Ecological Restoration. Restoration and Management Notes 12(2): 133-137.
P26. Bowler, P.A., R.E. Riefner, Jr., P.W. Rundel, J. Marsh and T.H. Nash, III. 1994. New Species of Niebla (Ramalinaceae) from Western North America. Phytologia 77(1): 23-37.
P27. Riefner, R.E., Jr. and P.A. Bowler. 1994. Cushion-like fruitcose lichens as Dudleya seed traps and nurseries in coastal communities. Madrono 42:81-82.
Bowler, P.A. and A. Wolf*. 1994. Exotic Plants in Mediterranean Climate Wetlands. Orange County, California: A Case Study. Crossosoma 20(1): 75-84.
Bowler, P.A. 1994. Letter to the Editor. Fremontia 22(1): 33.
Bowler, P.A. 1994. Hagerman Fossil Beds National Monument; Catastrophic Bonneville Flood; Mollusks of the Middle Snake River; White Pelican; Ord's Kangaroo Rat. Capsules in Shallat, T. (ed.). 1994. Snake: The Plain and Its People. Boise State University, Boise, Idaho. (Book)
Bowler, P.A. 1994. Landuse conflicts in Southern California: Vanishing Habitats, Expanding Human Presence, and Strategies for Preservation. Abstract. Noticiero de Biologica 2(3): 15.
C17. Bowler, P.A. 1995. The Middle Snake River: Ecological Risk Assessment and Strategies for Recovery. Pp. 3-53 to 3-61. In U.S. Environmental Protection Agency. Proceedings of the Fourth National Conference on Water Quality Standards for the 21st Century. EPA-820-R-95-001.
C18. Bowler, P.A. 1995. Impact of Postfire Hydroseeding on Sensitive Plant Communities in Laguna Canyon, California. Pp. 193-194, in Keeley, J.E. and T, Scott. Brushfires in California: Ecology and Resource Management. International Association of Wild Fire.
P28. Riefner, R.E., Jr., P.A. Bowler, J. Marsh and T.H. Nash, III. 1995. Niebla tuberculata (Ramalinaceae): A New Lichen from California. Mycotaxon 54: 397-401.
Bowler, P.A., A. Wolf*, and L. Bradley*. 1995. A Checklist of the Wetland Indicator Species in Orange County, California. Crossosoma 21(1):1-39.
Bowler, P.A. and R.E. Riefner, Jr. 1995. Notes on Ramalinaceae and Current Related Research in California, U.S.A. California Lichen Society Bulletin 2(1): 1-5.
Riefner, R.E., Jr., P.A. Bowler, and B. Ryan. 1995. Part I. New and Interesting Records of Lichens from California. Bulletin of the California Lichen Society 2(2): 1-11.
Bowler, P.A. 1995. Upper Newport Bay, p. 178 in Faber, P.M. (ed.). California's Wild Gardens. The California Native Plant Society for the California Department of Fish and Game. Global Interprint, Petaluma, California. (Book)
C18. Bowler, P.A. 1995. The impact of the Bliss (Idaho) landslide of 1993 on sensitive mollusc habitat. Abstract. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 26: 68-69.
P29. Bowler, P.A. 1996. Hand-weeding controls invasive sea fig (California). Restoration and Management Notes 14(1): 78-79.
Bowler, P.A., W. Weber, and R.E. Reifner, Jr. 1996. A checklist of the lichens of San Clemente Island, California. of the California Lichen Society 3(2): 1-8.
P30. Bowler, P.A. and R.G. Demerjian. 1996. Low-cost, user-friendly computer program provides digitized habitat emulation (California). Restoration and Management Notes 14(2): 186.
P31. Bowler, P.A., T. Johnson, and W.J. Mautz. 1996. Flash-Freezing Using Cold Fluids: Field and Laboratory Methods for Preventing Retraction of Snails during Fixation. Molluscan Studies 62:124-126.
Read, E.A., M. Blane, and P.A. Bowler. 1996. Restoration of coastal sage scrub. Ecesis 6(2): 1, 4-5.
Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 1996. The advancing distribution of the New Zealand mud snail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray), in North America. American Malacological Union, 62 Annual Meeting, Abstract, page 31.
Hartig, T., F.G. Kaiser, and P.A. Bowler. 1997. Further Development of a Measure of Perceived Environmental Restorativeness. Arbetrsrapport/Working Paper No. 5. Institute for Housing Research, Uppsala University.
Friedland, A.J., P.A. Bowler, T.E. Cobb, E. Ertel, S.E. Postawko, T. Recalde, J.A. Treharne, J. Lanza, T.G. Corley, and B.D. Nichols. 1997. Advanced Placement Course Description. (Published as: The Environmental Science Acorn Book). The College Entrance Examination Board and Educational Testing Service.
P32. Bowler, P.A., F.G.Kaiser, and T. Hartig. 1999. A Role for Ecological Restoration Work in University Environmental Education. Journal of Environmental Education 30(4): 19-26.
C19. Bowler, P.A. and E. Read (eds.). 1999. Proceedings of the Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Symposium held at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration. Special Publication No. 1 of The Society for Ecological Restoration, California Chapter.
C20. Bowler, P.A. 1999. Species richness and coastal sage scrub restoration. Pp. 2-14. In Bowler, P.A. and E. Read (eds.) Proceedings of the Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Symposium held at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration. Special Publication No. 1 of The Society for Ecological Restoration, California Chapter.
C21. Bowler, P.A. 1999. New directions in coastal sage scrub restoration: establishing local species richness, ethics and effort in onsite seed collection, GIS appplications and a new approach to long-term project design and performance standards. Pp. 15 – 20. In: Bowler, P.A. and E. Read (eds.). Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration. Proceedings of the Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Symposium held at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society for Ecological Restoration. Special Publication No. 1 of The Society for Ecological Restoration, California Chapter.
P32. Bowler, P.A. 1999. Transplantation of Understory Bulbs, Grasses, Lichens and Bryophytes in Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration. Ecological Restoration 17: 82 - 83.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: The Ecology of Fear by Mike Davis. Crossosoma 25(1): 19-20.
P33. Kaiser, F.G., M. Ranney, T. Hartig, and P.A. Bowler. 1999. Ecological Behavior, Environmental Attitude, and Feelings of Responsibility for the Environment. European Psychologist 4: 59-74.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: A checklist of the vascular plants of Orange County, California. Second Edition. Crossosoma 25(1): 21-23.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: Assessment and Management of Plant Invasions by James O. Luken and J.W. Thieret, editors. Ecological Restoration 17: 97 - 98.
Bowler, P.A., A. D. Thornhillº, H.J. and P.J. Bryant. 1999. Uses of the World Wide Web in Conservation Biology and Environmental Education. Crossosoma 25(1): 9-16.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: Natural History of the Islands of California by Allan A. Schoenherr, C. Robert Feldmeth, and Michael J. Emerson. Crossosoma 25(2): 72.
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Non-native and Native Vascular Plant Congeners: Sympatric without a (Natural) Cause. Crossosoma 25(2): 73-82. ?]
C19. Bowler, P.A. and E. Read (eds.). 1999. Proceedings of the Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration Symposium held at the Fifth Annual Conference of the Society of Ecological Restoration. Special Publication No. 1 of The Society for Ecological Restoration, California Chapter. (Book)
Bowler, P.A. 1999. Book Review: Plant life in the world’s climates: California, Chile, South Africa, Australia, and the Mediterranean Basin by P.R. Dallman. Crossosoma 25(2): 71.
C20. Bowler, P.A. 2000. Preserving the Higher Aims of Restoration: Toward Transpersonal Restorations. Pp.287-288. in Keeley, Jon E., M. Baer-Keeley, and C.J. Fotheringham (eds). 2nd Interface Between Ecology and Land Development in California. U.S. Geological survey Open - File Report 00-62. Sacramento, California.
C21. Bowler, P.A. and R.E. Riefner, Jr. 2000. Prescribed burning impacts on late successional species. Pp. 71-74. in Keeley, Jon E., M. Baer-Keeley, and C.J. Fotheringham (eds). 2nd Interface Between Ecology and Land Development in California. U.S. Geological Survey Open - File Report 00-62. Sacramento, California.
C22. Bowler, P.A., K.B. Pierce, Jr.*, V. Beauchamp*, and T. Tasbshouri*. 2000. Translocation and grafting of adult coastal cholla (Opuntia prolifera) and prickly pear (Opuntia littoralis) as mitigation for cactus wren habitat loss in burned areas. Pp. 271-274. in Keeley, Jon E., M. Baer-Keeley, and C.J. Fotheringham (eds). 2nd Interface Between Ecology and Land Development in California. U.S. Geological Survey Open - File Report 00-62. Sacramento, California.
P34. Bowler, P.A. 2000. Ecological Restoration of Coastal Sage Scrub and Its Potential Role in Habitat Conservation Plans. Environmental Management 26: S85-S96.
P35. Bowler, P.A. and C.H. Hager. 2000. The ethics of plant and animal salvage in ecological restoration. Ecological Restoration 18(4): 262-263.
P36. Bowler, P.A. and C.A. Hager. 2000. Experimental salvage for transplanting a rare California plant: Southern Tarplant (California). Ecological Restoration 18(4): 268-269.
P37. Hartig, T., F.G. Kaiser, and P.A. Bowler. 2001. Psychological restoration in nature as a positive motivation for ecological behavior. Environment and Behavior 33(4): 590-607.
C24. Bowler, P.A. 2001. Photophobic reactions in Hydrobiid snails from the Owens Valley, California, and the first record of the New Zealand Mudsnail, Potamopyrgus antipodarum (Gray, 1843) from the Owens River. Proceedings of the Desert Fishes Council 32: 51-52.
Bowler, P.A. 2001. Book Reviews: Two New Books About Lichens. Crossosma
27(2): 52-54.
Bowler, P.A. 2002. in Shallot, T. (ed.). Secrets of the Magic Valley and
Hagerman’s Remarkable Horse. Black Canyon Communications, LLC. In cooperation with the Hagerman Fossil Council, Inc. and Boise State University History Department. Boise, Idaho. ISBN 0-9718321-0-2. 240 pp.
Bowler, P.A. and D. Bramlet. 2002. Vascular plants of the University of California,
Irvine Ecological Preserve. Crossosoma 28(2): 27-49.
Riefner, R.E., Jr., C. Wishner, P.A. Bowler and T.W. Mulroy. 2003. Rock-inhabiting lichens and biological crusts enhance recruitment success of rare Dudleya species (Crassulaceae) in Southern California. Crossosoma 29: 1-34.
Bowler, P.A. 2003. Book Review: Wildlife Restoration: Techniques for Habitat Analysis and Animal Monitoring. Environmental Conservation 30(4): 413.
Bowler, P.A. 2003. Book Review. Ecosystem Management: Adaptive, Community-Based Conservation. Natural Resources Forum 27: 87-89.
Bowler, P.A. and M.E. Elvin. 2003. The vascular plant checklist for the University of California Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve. Crossosoma 29(2): 45-66.
P38. Bowler, P.A. and J. Marsh. 2004. Niebla. Pp. 368 – 380. In: Nash, T.W. III, B.D. Ryan, P. Diederich, and F. Bungartz. Lichen Flora of the Greater Sonoran Desert Region. Volume II. Lichens Unlimited, Arizona State University, Tempe, Arizona.
Bowler, P.A., F. Roberts and A. Schoenherr. 2005. Plant Communities. Pp. 21 - 31 in Schoenherr, A.A., D. Clarke, and E. Brown. Docent Guide to Orange County Wilderness. Published by the Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. and The Nature Conservancy.
Bowler, P. A. 2005. Invasive Plant Species. Pp. 31 – 33 and 34 - 38 in Schoenherr, A.A., D. Clarke, and E. Brown. Docent Guide to Orange County Wilderness. Published by the Laguna Greenbelt, Inc. and The Nature Conservancy.
P37. Talluto, M.V., K. N. Suding, and P.A. Bowler. 2005. Factors affecting understory establishment in coastal sage scrub restoration. Madrono 53(1): 55-59.
Bowler, P.A. 2007. Book Review: Foundations of Restoration Ecology. Ecological Restoration 25(2): 151-152.
Bowler, P. A. 2007. Monday’s Madonna, pp. 13 – 55 in: B. Bartrug, P. Bowler and C. Hood. 2007. Rio de Dios: Thirteen Histories of the Los Angeles River. Red Hen Press. (Book)
Bowler, P.A. 2007. Upper Newport Bay, p. 178 in Faber, P.M. (ed.). California's Wild Gardens. Second Edition. The California Native Plant Society for the California Department of Fish and Game. Global Interprint, Petaluma, California. (Second Edition, revised).
P38. Bowler, P.A. 2008. Artichoke as an Ecological Resource and Its Utility as a Precursor to Restoration (California). Ecological Restoration 26(1): 7 – 8.
Bowler, P.A. 2009. Book Review: Digging In: A Guide to Community-Based Habitat restoration. Kristina Finstad, Christiane Parry and Eben Schwartz. Ecological Restoration 27(4): 498.
Bowler, P.A. 2009. Book Review: Nursery Manual for Native Plants: A Guide for Tribal Nurseries. Ecological Restoration 27(4): 498-499.
Bowler, P.A. 2010. Wild and Beautiful: A Natural History of Open Spaces in Orange County. Crossosoma 36(2): 64 – 65.
Bowler, P.A. 2014. Linking Carbon Sinks, Water Quality, and Ecological Conservation in Wetland Systems. Proceedings of the East China Normal University EcoPartnership Symposium, November 13, 2013 (broadcast online to Universities in China).
P39. Askarizadeh, A., M.A. Rippy, T.D. Flecther, D.L. Feldman, J. Peng, P. Bowler, A.S. Mehring, B.K. Winfrey, J.A. Vrugt, A. AghaKouchak, S.C. Jiang, B.F. Sanders, L.A. Levin, S. Taylor and S.B. Grant. 2015. From Rain Tanks to Catchments: Use of Low-Impact Development to Address Hydrologic Symptoms of the Urban Stream Syndrome. Environmental Science and Technology 49(19) 11264 – 11280.
Lees, A.C. and P. Bowler. 2015. Water: A Drought Plan for Biodiversity. Nature 521: 289.
P40. Wang, Q., J. Lu, S.T. Hsieh, P. Bowler, L. Wang and Y. Ma. 2015. Wetland Research and Eco-development through Chinese-United States EcoPartnership Relationships. Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy 7: (downloadable pdf)
P41. Wang, H., Q. Wang, P.A. Bowler and W. Xiong. 2016. Invasive aquatic plant species in China. Aquatic Invasions 11 (1): 1 – 9.
P.A. Bowler. 2016. The University of California Natural Reserve
System’s History and the UCNRS San Joaquin Marsh Story. 3rd International Symposium of the Benthological Society of Asia. Far Eastern Federal University, Vladivostok, Russia August 24 – 27, 2016. Abstract Book, page 41.
P.A. Bowler. 2016. Applied Ecology in Restoration and Mitigation Sites in Southern California. The 1st Youth Freshwater Ecology School Work Practicum on Freshwater and Marine Biomonitoring. Biostation “Vostok” (a graduate course sponsored by the A.V. Zhirmunsky Institute of Marine Biology), near Nakhodka City, Russia. August 27 – 31, 2016. Abstract Book, page 138. Abstract.
P42. Wang, C., Y. Cen, M. Liu and P. Bowler. 2017. Formation and influencing factors of dew in sparse elm woods and grassland in a semi-arid area. Acta Ecologica Sinica 37: 125 – 132.
P43. Xiong, W., H. Wang, Q. Wang, J. Tang, P.A. Bowler, D. Xie, L. Pan, Z. Wang,. 2018. Non-native species in the Three Gorges Dam Reservoir: status and risks. BioInvasions Records 7(2): 153 – 158.
P44. Bowler, P.A, K. Beheshti*, A. Brutto*, C. Drake*, T. Koshniat*, M. Ward* and K. Wong*. 2018. Diocey in Riparian Environments and the Implications for Restoration. Ecological Restoration 36 (4): 272 – 275.
C26. Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 2018. A Holocene Snail Sauna in the Middle Snake River, Southern Idaho, U.S.A. Presented at the 2018 Desert Fishes Council Symposium, and it will appear as a poster abstract and a paper in the Symposium Proceedings. 7 pages. In press.
C27. Bowler, P.A. and T.J. Frest. 2018. Freshwater Mollusk Water Quality Tolerances and Observations Middle Snake River Sub-Basin, Southern Idaho. Presented at the 2018 Desert Fishes Council Symposium. 17 pages. In press.
Bowler, P.A. 2018. Book Review: A.A. Schoenherr. 2018. A Natural History of California. Second Edition. University of California Press, Oakland, California. Crossosoma 42(2): 87-88.
P45. Anjileliº, H., H.R. Moftakhari, O. Mazdiyansi, H. Norouzi, S. Ashraf, A. Farahmand, P. Bowler, M. Azarderakhsh, T.E. Huxman, and A. AghaKouchak. 2019. Analyzing high-frequency soil respiration using a probabilistic model in a semiarid Mediterranean climate. Journal of Geophysical Research: Biogeosciences, 124.
P46. Bowler, P.A., J. Liou* and J. Moon*. 2019. Caloric Values of Selected Wetland and Coastal Sage Scrub Vascular Plant Seeds. Ecological Restoration 37(3): 142 -143.
P47. Gunawan*, C. M. and P.A. Bowler. 2019. Mycorrhizae and Root Morphology in Potted and Wild Artemisia californica and Eriogonum fasciculatum. Ecological Restoration 37(3). 148–151.
Bowler, P.A. 2019. The Reproductive Ecology of Vagrant Fruticose Ground and Rock Inhabiting Populations of the Niebla homalea complex. Crossosoma Accepted, undergoing revision.
Wang, H., K. Xiao, Z. Wu, J. Chen, W. Xiong, and P.A. Bowler. 2019. Delta arrowhead (Sagittaria platyphylla) in the Yangtze River: an invasive aquatic plant and potential ecological consequences. Bioinvasions – Submitted and undergoing peer review.
Liu, M., C. Wang, Y. Cen, X. Gu, P. A. Bowler, D. Wu, L. Zhang, G. Jiang and D. Beysens. 2019. Dew formation and its ecological function in the semi-arid sand ecosystem of the Mongolia Plateau. Submitted to New Phytologist.
Yost, J., K.D. Pearson, J. Alexander, E. Gilbert, L.A. Hains, T. Barry, R. Bencie, P. A. Bowler, B. Carter, R.E. Crowe, E. Dean, J. Der, A. Fisher, K. Fisher, L. Flores-Renteria, C. M. Guilliams, C. Hatfield, L. Hendrickson, J.N. Hoague, T. Huggins, L. Janeway, C. Lay, A. Litt, S. Markos, S.J. Mazer, D. McCamish, L. McDade, M. Mesler, B. Mishler, M. Nazaire, J. Rebman, P. Rundel, D. Potter, A. Sanders, J. Schenk,K.C. Seltmann, M.G. Simpson, K. Waselkov, G.A. Wahlert, K. Williams, and P.S. Wilson. 2019. The California Phenology Collections Network: Using Digital Images to investigate phenological change in a biodiversity hotspot. Submitted to Madrono and undergoing peer review.
California Phenology Project - UCI Herbarium (IRVC) and
UCI Ecological Preserve Vascular Plant list:
UCNRS Burns Pinyon Ridge Reserve Vascular Plant List:
UCNRS San Joaquin Marsh Reserve Vascular Plant List:
NCCP Core Group Report. March 26, 1997. Research Guidance to address the needs of land managers. Coastal Sage Scrub Natural Community Conservation Planning (NCCP). U.S. Department of the Interior, U.S. Geological Survey. Biology Resources Center, California Science Center.
Atwood, J.L., D.R. Bontrager, M. Fugagli, R. Hirsch, D. Kamada, M. Madden, C. Reynolds, S. Tsai, and P.A. Bowler. 1998. Population dynamics, dispersal, and demography of California gnatcatchers and cactus wrens in coastal southern California (1997 progress report). Unpublished technical report, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, Massachusetts. 41 pp. and 5 appendices.
Atwood, J.L., D.R. Bontrager, R. Hirsch, M. Madden, and P.A. Bowler. 1998. Population dynamics, dispersal, and demography of California gnatcatchers in Orange Co., California (1998 progress report). Unpublished report, Manomet Center for Conservation Sciences, Manomet, Massachusetts and University of California, Irvine. 23 pp. and 1 appendix.
Bontrager, D.R., D. Kamada, M. Madden, J.L. Atwood, and P.A. Bowler. 1999. Population dynamics, dispersal, and demography of California gnatcatchers in Orange Co., California (1999 progress report). University of California, Irvine, Irvine, California. 11 pp. and 2 appendices.
Research Competitiveness Service of the American Association for the Advancement of Science. May 2002. A Review of The University of Kansas Field Station and Ecological Reserves Strategic Plan. American Association for the Advancement of Science. 13 pages.
Bowler, P., Biodiversity Conservation Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Native Ecosystems, Western Watersheds Project, The Xerces Society. July, 2004. before the Secretary of the Interior. Petition to List the Jackson Lake springsnail (Pyrgulopsis robusta), Harney Lake springsnail (Pyrgulopsis hendersoni), and Columbia springsnail (Pyrgulopsis new species 6) as Threatened or Endangered Submitted by: Dr. Peter Bowler, Biodiversity Conservation Alliance, Center for Biological Diversity, Center for Native Ecosystems, Western Watersheds Project, The Xerces Society.
SCCWRP Scientific Advisory Panel. 22 April 2008. The Southern California Integrated Wetlands Regional Assessment Program (IWRAP) Volume 2. Design and Indicators for Riverine Assessment: Recommendations by the Southern California Wetlands Recovery Science Advisory Panel. 47 pp.
Rahn, M., P.A. Bowler, K. Preston, T. Smith, and B. Digennaro. 2011. Orange County Transportation Authority M2 NCCP/HCP. Independent Science Advisors Report. 25 pp.
Namazi, N. and P. Bowler. March 11, 2013. Building Habitats for Monarch Butterfly Larva.
I have written UCI’s Annual Reports regarding NCCP enrolled campus lands to the Natural Communities Coalition (the Ecological Preserve, Landfill, and biological corridor along the San Joaquin Corridor) to the Nature Reserve of Orange County from 1996 – 2018.
I designed most of the Campus’s wetland mitigation projects and wrote UCI’s Mitigation Monitoring Reports for the California Department of Fish and Game for five of UCI’s wetland mitigation projects (now completed) up to 2012.
UCI Arboretum Quarterly Popular Articles:
Bowler, P.A. Fall 1996. Meet Our New Director, Dr. Peter Bowler. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1-2.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 1997. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 2.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 1997. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 2.
Bowler, P.A. Winter 1998. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 2.
Bowler, P.A. Winter 1999. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 1.
Bowler, P.A. Summer 1999. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 5.
Bowler, P.A. Winter 2000. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, page 4.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2000. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 2, 4.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2001. From the Director. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 3, 5.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2002. Time to Reset Your Floral Clocks. Arboretum Quarterly, page 1.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2000. From the Director: The Horticulture Class in Review. Arboretum Quarterly, page 4.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2002. Coastal Sage Scrub Restoration in the San Joaquin Marsh Reserve. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1-3.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2002. Marton Varo Sculpture Finds Home at the Arboretum.
Arboretum Quarterly, page 6.
Bowler, P.A. Winter 2003. From the Director, Horticulture Class Another Big Success.
Arboretum Quarterly, page 1.
Bowler P.A. Summer/Fall 2003. A Special Note about Herbaria and the UCI Herbarium (IRVC). Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 6-7.
Bowler, P.A. Summer/Fall 2003. Arboretum Research Space is Research-Ready and Researcher-Friendly. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 2, 5.
Bowler, P.A. Spring-Summer 2004. Research Use of the UCI Arboretum.
Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1,4.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2004 – Winter 2005. From the Director, Highlights of a Year of Exciting Progress. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 6-7.
Bowler, PA. Fall 2004 – Winter 2005. The Creation of a Wildflower & Native Grassland. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 4-5.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2005. From the Director, A Season of Excitement at the UCI Arboretum. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 5.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2006. What’s that mushroom growing on the Arboretum lawn? Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 6.
Bowler, P.A. Spring-Summer 2007. How are wetland plants like cattails and bulrushes able to live in water with anoxic sediments, yet still keep their roots oxygenated? Arboretum Quarterly, pages 2-3.
Bowler, P.A. Winter-Spring 2009. What’s Happening at the Marsh? Spring into Summer in the Wetlands. Arboretum Quarterly, 1, 7 – 9.
Bowler, P.A. Summer 2009. Three Botanic Experiences and Settings in Coastal Maine.
Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 5-6.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2009. Re-visiting and Discovering Anew the Gardens and Botanical Secrets of Hawaii. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1-3.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2009. Highlights of the Past Year’s Accomplishments at the UCI Arboretum. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 4-5.
Bowler, P.A. Winter-Spring 2010. The Middle Marsh Restoration Project at the University of California Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 8.
Bowler, P.A. Winter-Spring 2010. The UC Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve as an Edible Landscape. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 4, 5.
Bowler, P.A., L.J. Kim, C.A. Drake, O. Goldsworthy, V.-T. Y. Medrano, A.S. Najafi, V.N. Pandya, B. Pham, C.B. Sun, C.S.P. Taha, H. Truong, and K.H. Vu. Winter-Spring 2010. The Sex Ratios of Black Willow (Salix gooddingii) and Mulefat (Baccharis salicifolia) in the University of California Natural Reserve System’s San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Reserve and the Implications for Restoration. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 6, 7.
Bowler, P.A. Summer 2010. Why Use California Native Plants in Our Landscapes? Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1, 6.
Bowler, P.A. June 2010. San Joaquin Freshwater Marsh Update. UCI Arboretum Volunteer Times. Pages 1 – 3.
Bowler, P.A. Fall 2010 Issue. Conservation, Restoration, and Research at the UCI Ecological Preserve. UCI Arboretum Volunteer Times. Pages 1 and 6. Bowler, P.A. Winter 2011. Book Review: Wild and Beautiful. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 2 – 3.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2011. Spring is for the birds – especially Endangered ones at the UCNRS San Joaquin Marsh Reserve. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1 and 4.
Bowler, P.A. Spring 2011. The UCI Arboretum and UC NRS Marsh Reserve Work Together in Providing UCI Undergraduates with Field Experiences. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 5 – 6.
Bowler, P.A. Winter/Spring 2012. The Mists of the Marsh. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 1 and 6.
Bowler, P.A. Winter/Spring 2012. The Signage is Up in our Aloe and Succulent Gardens, and It Aids Our Conservation Efforts in Conjunction with other Arboreta and Botanic Gardens. Arboretum Quarterly, pages 4 and 5.
Bowler, P.A. 2013. A Tale of Two Purslanes. Arboretum Perennial Volume 21, No. 2. Pages 1 – 8.
Bowler, P.A. 2013. Weeding in a Winter Wonderland. Arboretum Perennial Volume 21, No. 2. Pages 6 – 7.
Most of the issues of the Arboretum Quarterly and Arboretum Perennial are available at
Professional Societies
American Association for the Advancement of Science
American Institute for Biological Sciences
Society for Ecological Restoration (International)
Southern California Botanists
Desert Fishes Council
Society for Freshwater Science
Society for Herbarium Curators
California Lichen Society
International Association of Meiobenthologists
Research Centers
Center for Environmental Biology, see (UCI - participating faculty member))
Center for Invasive Species Research, see (UCR –participating faculty member)
Global Peace and Conflict Studies, see (UCI - participating faculty member)
Urban Water Research Center, see (UCI - participating faculty member)
Ecology and Evolutionary Biology Group at UC Irvine, see (UCI - participating faculty member)
International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN) – Mediterranean Type Ecosystem Thematic Group (MTEG) (participating faculty member) - see - and
IUCN Wetland Ecosystems Thematic Group – see -
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