Zeev Kain

Picture of Zeev Kain
Distinguished Professor, Anesthesiology
School of Medicine
Director, UCI Center on Stress & Health
Director of Value Based Care, UCI Health Policy Research Institute
University of California, Irvine
333 City Boulevard West
Suite 2150
Mail Code: 1350
Orange, CA 92868
Research Interests
stress, pediatric pain, psychoneuropsychology, value based care
Academic Distinctions
-Top 1% of all anesthesia researchers in the world per Stanford ranking
-H-Index of 75
-Over 300 per reviewed publications
Short Biography
Zeev Kain, MD, MBA is a senior healthcare executive, an anesthesiologist and pediatrician who has an extensive background in physician alignment, transformational operations management in hospitals and physician communication. Dr. Kain is internationally well known for his seminal work on transforming surgical care through value-based care, which is focused on increased patient and provider experience, improvement in clinical care and lower healthcare costs. As the former Associate Dean for Clinical Operations and Chief Medical Officer, Dr. Kain has brought UCI Health to five stars in UHC ratings, improved Leapfrog ratings and superior HCAHPS ratings. He has established a safety officers’ core, brought Lean Six Sigma into the organization and focused on physician alignment, communications and risk mitigation. As a previous chair of anesthesiology, he markedly improved perioperative clinical services, instituted innovative education initiatives and built multiple research programs. Over the past 20 years, Dr. Kain’s well-established NIH research program has focused on preparing and optimizing the care of children and families during a surgical episode of care.
Research Centers
UCI Center on Stress & Health
Last updated