Melanie Gironda

Picture of Melanie Gironda
Associate Adjunct Professor, Family Medicine
School of Medicine
Ph.D., University of California at Los Angeles, 1995
M.S.W., University of California at Los Angeles, 1988
B.A., University of Massachusetts, Amherst, 1980, Communication
Phone: (714) 456-7855
University of California, Irvine
101 The City Drive
Irvine, CA 92697
Academic Distinctions
Gold Fellowship Award, Gerontology dissertation funding, 1993, 1994.

Academy of Certified Social Workers, National Association of Social Workers, 1990.

American Society on Aging (ASA) HAN Award, Innovation and Quality in Healthcare and Aging, Washington, DC, March, 2008.
1. Lubben JE, Gironda MW. Assessing Social Support Networks Among Older People in the United States, In Litwin, H. (Ed.), Social Networks of Older People. Westport, CT: Greenwood Press, 1996.

2. Gironda, MW, Lubben JE, Atchison KA. Social Support Networks of Elders without Children, Journal of Gerontological Social Work. 27:63-84, 1999.

3. Lubben JE, Gironda MW. Social Support Networks. In Osterweil, D., Brummel-Smith, K. & Beck, J.C. (Eds.), Comprehensive Geriatric Assessment, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill, 2000.

4. Gironda MW, Lubben JE. Loneliness/Isolation, Older Adults. In T Gullotoa & M. Bloom (Eds.) Encyclopedia of Primary Prevention and Health Promotion. New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, 2002.

5. Lubben JE, Gironda MW, Lee A. Refinements to the Lubben Social Network Scale: The LSNS-R, Behavioral Measurements, 7 (2): 2-11, 2002.

6. Lubben JE, Gironda MW. Centrality of Social Ties to the Health and Well-Being of Older Adults, In Berkman, B. & Harooytan, L. (Eds.) Social Work and Health Care in an Aging World: Informing Education, Policy, Practice, and Research, New York, N.Y: Springer Press, 2003.

7. Lubben, JE, Gironda MW. Measuring Social Networks and Assessing Their Benefits. In, Phillipson, C., Allan, G. & Morgan, D. (Eds.). Social Networks and Social Exclusion: Sociological and Policy Issues, Ashgate Publishing, Ltd., Hants, U.K, 2003.

8. Atchison KA, Black E, Leathers R, Belin TR, Abrego M, Gironda MW, Wong D, Shetty V, DerMartirosian C. A Qualitative Report of Patient Problems and Post-Operative Instructions, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery; 63: 449-456, 2005.

9. Der-Martirosian C, Gironda MW, Black E, Leathers R, Atchison KA. Decision Making Process for Treatment of Mandibular Fractures among Minority Groups, Journal of Public Health Dentistry 66(1): 37-43, 2006.

10. Gironda, MW, Der-Martirosian C, Abrego M, Black E, Leathers R, Atchison KA. A Qualitative Study of Hardiness and Social Support among Underserved, Inner-city Minority Adults Recovering from Oral Surgery, Social Work in Health Care, 43(4): 29-49, 2006.

11. Gironda MW. Evaluating Psychosocial Function in Elderly Dental Patients. Journal of California Dental Association, 43(3): 208-213, 2007.

12. Atchison KA, Gironda MW, Black EE, Schweitzer S, Der-Martirosian C, Felsenfeld A, Leathers RD, Belin TR. Baseline Characteristics and Treatment Preferences of Oral Surgery Subjects, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery 65(12):2430-37, 2007.

13. Gironda MW, Der-Martirosian C, Belin TR, Black EE, Atchison KA. Predictors of Depressive Symptoms Following Mandibular Fracture Repair. Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 67(2): 328-334, 2009.

14. Der-Martirosian C, Gironda MW, Black EE, Belin TR, Atchison KA. Predictors of Treatment Preference for Mandibular Fracture, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 70(1):13-28, 2010.

15. Gironda MW, Anderson E, Lefever K. Dental Students Knowledge of Elder Abuse and Neglect, Journal of Dental Education, 74(8):824-829, 2010.

16. Gironda MW, Lui A. Social Support and Resource Needs as Mediators of Recovery after Facial Injury, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Clinics of North America, 22(2):251-259, 2010.

17. Gironda, MW, Lefever K, Delagrammatikas L, Nerenberg L, Roth R, Chen EA, Northington KR. Education and Training of Mandated Reporters: Innovative Models, Overcoming Challenges, and Lessons Learned, Journal of Elder Abuse & Neglect, 22:340-364, 2010.

18. Atchison KA, Der-Martirosian C, Belin TR, Black EE, Gironda MW. Predictors of Risk Tolerance Among Oral Surgery Patients, Journal of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, 68: 2947-2954, 2010.

19. Atchison KA, Gironda MW, Messadi D, Der-Martirosian C. Screening for Oral Health Literacy in an Urban Dental Clinic, Journal of Public Health Dentistry, 70(4):269-275, 2010.

20. Gironda, MW, Helping Dentists to Detect Elder Abuse: A Curriculum Design Project, ASA Aging Today, September, 2011.

21. Gironda, MW, Lui A. Social Support and Resource Needs as Mediators of Recovery After Facial Injury, in Shetty V & Grant MN (eds.) Collaborative Care of the Facial Injury Patient: Perioperative Nursing Clinics, 6(4), December, 2011.

22. Gironda, MW, Bibb C, Lefever K, Law C, Messadi D. Development of a Program to Recruit and Mentor Future Academic Dentists: Successes and Challenges, Journal of Dental Education, Accepted June, 2012.

23. Gironda, MW, Maida C, Marcus M. Wang Y. Liu H. Social Support and Oral Self-Care. Submitted to Journal of American Dental Association, Accepted, September, 2012
National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research/NIH 7/1/2011 - 6/30/2015 (R01 DE02085A-01A) / Macek & Atchison (Co-PI) “A Multi-Center Assessment of Health Literacy and Oral Health” Role: Co-Investigator
National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research 10/01/2008 - 9/30/2012 (R25DE018437-01A1) / Messadi (PI) “Recruiting, Mentoring and Empowering the Next Generation of Academic Dentists” Role: Academic Track Director
National Institute Dental Craniofacial Research/NIH 7/1/2009 - 6/30/2011 (R21DE019538) / Liu (PI) ”Health Beliefs and Self-Care Centered Oral Health” Role: Co-Investigator
UCLA Foundation and Andy’s Foundation 3/01/2010 – 2/28/2011 (IRB #G10-02-083-01) / Smith (PI) “Self-reported Oral Health among Homeless Adults Living in Transitional Family Housing” Role: Faculty Sponsor
Archstone Foundation Elder Abuse & Neglect Initiative 1/01/2006 - 12/31/2010 (08-01-04) / Gironda (PI) “Phase I: Increasing Dental Health Professionals’ Awareness of Elder Abuse and Neglect” “Phase II: Moving Elder Abuse and Neglect Training from the Classroom to the Clinic” Role: Principle Investigator
National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research (R03DE016911-01) / Atchison (PI) 7/01/2005 - 7/31/2009 “Culture and Health Literacy in a Dental Clinic” Role: Co-Investigator
National Institute for Dental and Craniofacial Research (R01DE013839-01A1) / Atchison (PI) 4/01/2001-6/31/2008 “Patient Preferences for Treatment of Mandibular Fracture” Role: Co-Investigator
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