Barbara W. Sarnecka

Picture of Barbara W. Sarnecka
Professor, Cognitive Sciences
School of Social Sciences
Associate Dean for Graduate Studies and Research
Ph.D., University of Michigan, 2004, Psychology
Phone: (949) 824-8495
University of California, Irvine
2562 SBSG
Mail Code: 5100
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Development of numerical cognition, development of social cognition, exploration and the development of decision making, adult moral cognition and risk perception, doctoral training and mentoring, scientific writing.
Postdoc, Harvard University (PI: Susan Carey) 2004-2005
Research Abstract
Much of my work has been about how young children acquire number concepts. In recent years I've branched out to work on social cognitive development, the development of judgment and decision making, adult moral psychology, and most recently, scientific writing--developing and testing ways to help PhD students and other scientists increase their productivity and write more clearly.

I believe in open science, so we make the research process in our lab as transparent as possible, and we make all of our scientific outputs (papers, data, code, etc.) freely available to everyone. If you are a prospective graduate student, I am generally open to accepting new students into the lab every year. You should apply to the PhD program in Cognitive Sciences and when you are invited for an interview, request to meet with me.
For a list of my publications (including download links), please see my CV, here:
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