Marquis Philip Vawter

Picture of Marquis Philip Vawter
Director, Functional Genomics Laboratory, Psychiatry & Human Behavior
School of Medicine
Research Professor of Psychiatry, Psychiatry & Human Behavior
School of Medicine
Senior Associate Director, UC Irvine-Davis Brain Bank, Psychiatry & Human Behavior
School of Medicine
Ph.D., 1992, Psychology
M.S., 1985, Counseling Psychology
M.A., 1978, Physiological Psychology
Phone: Office (949) 824-9014, Laboratory (949)-824-8220
Fax: (949) 824-7012
University of California, Irvine
Gillespie Neuroscience, Room 2119 (office)
Functional Genomics Laboratory
Third Floor, Room 3226
Mail Code: 4260
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Gene Expression, Neuropsychiatric Disorders; Schizophrenia; Bipolar Disorder; Genetic Association Studies Of NCAM
Academic Distinctions
· Predoctoral Fellowship Research Award, 1985 - 1986 (Medical Faculty, Rudolf Magnus Institute for Pharmacology, Utrecht, Netherlands).

· Gladys Byram Graduate Scholarship, 1985 (University of Southern California, Los Angeles CA).

· California State Scholar, 1969 - 1973 (University of California, Santa Cruz, CA).
October, 1997 – October, 1999. Postdoctoral Fellow.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE ON DRUG ABUSE, ADDICTION RESEARCH CENTER, JOHNS HOPKINS BAYVIEW MEDICAL CENTER, BALTIMORE, MD. October, Work with research protocols approved by the NIH for drug use, drug abuse, and substance dependence disorders. Perform neuropsychological and clinical assessments of in-patient and out-patient substance abuse populations focusing on methadone and polysubstance abuse patients. Performed research with schizophrenia population focusing upon cell adhesion molecules and progressive brain enlargement and symptom change. Utilize neuroscience research methods such as confocal microscopy, in situ hybridization with oligonucleotide probes, transcription factor electrophoretic mobility shift assays, immunohistochemistry, and two dimensional electrophoresis, and MALDI-TOF. Key accomplishments include neuropsychological assessment of methadone patients to determine effects of methadone treatment following a period of heroin and cocaine abstinence.

October, 1994 – October, 1997. Postdoctoral Fellow.
NATIONAL INSTITUTE OF MENTAL HEALTH, SAINT ELIZABETHS HOSPITAL, WASHINGTON, DC. Work with research protocols approved by the NIH for severe mental illness. Enrolled patients with schizophrenia in olfactory receptor neuron study and isolated human cell cultures involving neuronal and glial populations. Perform neuropsychological assessment of patients with schizophrenia. Research focus on cell adhesion molecules and cytokines in neurodegenerative and neuropsychiatric disorders: schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, suicide, Parkinson’s, multiple sclerosis, and Alzheimers. Utilize neuroscience research methods such as cell culture models, flow cytometry, in situ hybridization, Western immunoblot, immunocytochemistry, and molecular biology. Key accomplishments include determining elevated neural cell adhesion molecule isoforms in the brain and CSF of patients with schizophrenia and identification of abnormalities in CSF of the multifunctional cytokines transforming growth factor beta 1 and 2 in Parkinson’s and other neurodegenerative disorders.
Research Abstract
1. Mitochondrial Abnormalities in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder

Mitochondria are organelles that provide most of the energy for brain cells by the process of oxidative phosphorylation. Mitochondrial abnormalities and deficiencies in oxidative phosphorylation have been reported in individuals with schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD). The overarching hypothesis for this grant is that mitochondrial dysfunction is one of the risk factors for SZ and BD based upon evidence of mitochondrial dysfunction in transcriptomic, proteomic, and metabolomic studies, genetic studies of families, in vivo neuroimaging studies, and mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequence variations. Several mildly deleterious mutations in mtDNA have been reported in SZ and BD patients. The investigators found deletion of a large portion of mtDNA was increased in the brain, dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC), of BD subjects relative to age-matched controls. The substitution of synonymous base pairs in the entire mtDNA genome was elevated in DLPFC of individuals with SZ compared to controls and subjects with SZ had a significantly decreased expression of 10 mtDNA transcripts. The decreased expression of mtDNA transcripts in SZ might be related to increased mtDNA substitution in the control or coding regions which will be tested. The causes for increased base pair substitutions in SZ might be inherited or accumulated substitutions in brain. Two of the aims for this grant are to study mtDNA substitutions in brain and to compare the substitution rate in the same subjects' germ line tissue. This grant proposes to examine mtDNA common deletion, copy number, and transcript abundances in brain from individuals with SZ and BD and compare to controls. The accumulation of novel mtDNA substitutions and deletions in brain might be a risk factor for BD and SZ, and has a great potential significance in determining future targets for therapy of chronic mood and psychotic disorders. This study fills a void as there has not been an integrative brain study of the entire mitochondrial genome and transcriptome conducted in the same subjects with psychiatric disorders. A comprehensive integration of data from the genome and transcriptome of brain mitochondria can show whether moderate dysfunction in one or both systems leads to disease threshold. Focusing on the mitochondria, as a target organelle of functional brain deficits, may lead to improvements in integrative treatments that improve mitochondrial health and brain function.

The causes of schizophrenia and bipolar disorder have not been discovered. This grant proposes to analyze mitochondrial DNA, contained in brain cells, which might harbor abnormal structure and sequence. By understanding the accumulation of mitochondrial DNA defects in brain, it will advance mitochondrial medicine for earlier diagnosis and treatment of brain related disorders.

2. A collaboration with the Allen Institute of Brain Science, and the Functional Genomics Laboratory has been granted IRB approval November 25, 2008 titled ‘Postmortem Specimen Collection for An Atlas of Gene Expression in Whole Human Brain’. The purpose of the project is the collection of high-quality clinically characterized postmortem whole brain specimens from normal controls. These brains will be used by the Allen Institute in the creation a comprehensive multimodal human brain atlas that surveys the entire human genome throughout the brain and shows which genes are turned on, or expressed, in which brain structures. Specifically, the goal of the project is to create a detailed three-dimensional human brain atlas that includes quantitative data for all genes for all brain structures at the anatomic structure level. As part of this effort, the Institute will (1) create a series of high-resolution annotated atlases from whole human brains; (2) generate quantitative readouts of structure-specific gene expression data by isolating genetic material (RNA) from carefully dissected anatomic regions and analyzing it on microarrays; and (3) develop a series of Web-based tools for visualizing, accessing and mining the data. In addition to microarray gene expression data, 3D MRI data, detailed histological data, and in situ hybridization-based gene expression data will be integrated into the Allen Human Brain Atlas dataset so that users may assess gene expression in its anatomic and cytoarchitectural context, possibly helping researchers to better connect anatomic and functional information with underlying genetic information. While various human brain atlases exist in print or online form, none of the currently available atlases combine all of the data modalities into a single resource with 3D representation of the data. All data and tools will be made freely available to the scientific community on the Web in order to encourage widespread use and scientific collaboration.

3. An active and nascent biomarker program was started in the laboratory. Current biomarker projects involve studying healthy controls for circadian fluctuations in lymphocyte gene expression. A clinical project in collaboration with Dr. John Kelsoe, Dr. Joseph Wu, Dr. Blynn Bunney, and Dr. William Bunney is focused on sleep deprivation as an adjunct rapid antidepressant and using lymphocyte gene expression to predict responders. Comparisons of blood and brain gene expression have been conducted.

4. An active genetics study focused on an isolated population in the Central Valley of Costa Rica in collaboration with Dr. Lynn DeLisi, Dr. William Bunney, and Dr. William Byerley is underway. The laboratory is genotyping NRG1 (neuregulin 1) as a candidate gene for schizophrenia in Costa Rica samples. Sample ascertainment is directed by Andrea Fainardi-Mesén, M.D.

5. A recent project comparing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder found 78 genes that were dysregulated in both disorders in the DLPFC (PDF). This project demonstrated that both mental disorders share common gene expression alterations in pathways involving cellular apoptosis and immune dysregulation in brain.

6. Member of the Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genetics Consortium. Group authorship of the following publications

1:Steen VM, Melle I, Desikan R, Schork AJ, Thompson WK, Dale AM, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Identification of Gene Loci That Overlap Between Schizophrenia and Educational Attainment. Schizophr Bull. 2017 May 1;43(3):654-664. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbw085. PubMed PMID: 27338279; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5463752.
2: Marshall CR, Howrigan DP, Merico D, Thiruvahindrapuram B, Wu W, Greer DS, Antaki D, Shetty A, Holmans PA, Pinto D, Gujral M, Brandler WM, Malhotra D, Wang Z, Fajarado KVF, Maile MS, Ripke S, Agartz I, Albus M, Alexander M, Amin F, Atkins J, Bacanu SA, Belliveau RA Jr, Bergen SE, Bertalan M, Bevilacqua E, Bigdeli TB, Black DW, Bruggeman R, Buccola NG, Buckner RL, Bulik-Sullivan B, Byerley W, Cahn W, Cai G, Cairns MJ, Campion D, Cantor RM, Carr VJ, Carrera N, Catts SV, Chambert KD, Cheng W, Cloninger CR, Cohen D, Cormican P, Craddock N, Crespo-Facorro B, Crowley JJ, Curtis D, Davidson M, Davis KL, Degenhardt F, Del Favero J, DeLisi LE, Dikeos D, Dinan T, Djurovic S, Donohoe G, Drapeau E, Duan J, Dudbridge F, Eichhammer P, Eriksson J, Escott-Price V, Essioux L, Fanous AH, Farh KH, Farrell MS, Frank J, Franke L, Freedman R, Freimer NB, Friedman JI, Forstner AJ, Fromer M, Genovese G, Georgieva L, Gershon ES, Giegling I, Giusti-Rodríguez P, Godard S, Goldstein JI, Gratten J, de Haan L, Hamshere ML, Hansen M, Hansen T, Haroutunian V, Hartmann AM, Henskens FA, Herms S, Hirschhorn JN, Hoffmann P, Hofman A, Huang H, Ikeda M, Joa I, Kähler AK, Kahn RS, Kalaydjieva L, Karjalainen J, Kavanagh D, Keller MC, Kelly BJ, Kennedy JL, Kim Y, Knowles JA, Konte B, Laurent C, Lee P, Lee SH, Legge SE, Lerer B, Levy DL, Liang KY, Lieberman J, Lönnqvist J, Loughland CM, Magnusson PKE, Maher BS, Maier W, Mallet J, Mattheisen M, Mattingsdal M, McCarley RW, McDonald C, McIntosh AM, Meier S, Meijer CJ, Melle I, Mesholam-Gately RI, Metspalu A, Michie PT, Milani L, Milanova V, Mokrab Y, Morris DW, Müller-Myhsok B, Murphy KC, Murray RM, Myin-Germeys I, Nenadic I, Nertney DA, Nestadt G, Nicodemus KK, Nisenbaum L, Nordin A, O'Callaghan E, O'Dushlaine C, Oh SY, Olincy A, Olsen L, O'Neill FA, Van Os J, Pantelis C, Papadimitriou GN, Parkhomenko E, Pato MT, Paunio T; Psychosis Endophenotypes International Consortium, Perkins DO, Pers TH, Pietiläinen O, Pimm J, Pocklington AJ, Powell J, Price A, Pulver AE, Purcell SM, Quested D, Rasmussen HB, Reichenberg A, Reimers MA, Richards AL, Roffman JL, Roussos P, Ruderfer DM, Salomaa V, Sanders AR, Savitz A, Schall U, Schulze TG, Schwab SG, Scolnick EM, Scott RJ, Seidman LJ, Shi J, Silverman JM, Smoller JW, Söderman E, Spencer CCA, Stahl EA, Strengman E, Strohmaier J, Stroup TS, Suvisaari J, Svrakic DM, Szatkiewicz JP, Thirumalai S, Tooney PA, Veijola J, Visscher PM, Waddington J, Walsh D, Webb BT, Weiser M, Wildenauer DB, Williams NM, Williams S, Witt SH, Wolen AR, Wormley BK, Wray NR, Wu JQ, Zai CC, Adolfsson R, Andreassen OA, Blackwood DHR, Bramon E, Buxbaum JD, Cichon S, Collier DA, Corvin A, Daly MJ, Darvasi A, Domenici E, Esko T, Gejman PV, Gill M, Gurling H, Hultman CM, Iwata N, Jablensky AV, Jönsson EG, Kendler KS, Kirov G, Knight J, Levinson DF, Li QS, McCarroll SA, McQuillin A, Moran JL, Mowry BJ, Nöthen MM, Ophoff RA, Owen MJ, Palotie A, Pato CN, Petryshen TL, Posthuma D, Rietschel M, Riley BP, Rujescu D, Sklar P, St Clair D, Walters JTR, Werge T, Sullivan PF, O'Donovan MC, Scherer SW, Neale BM, Sebat J; CNV and Schizophrenia Working Groups of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Contribution of copy number variants to schizophrenia from a genome-wide study of 41,321 subjects. Nat Genet. 2017 Jan;49(1):27-35. doi: 10.1038/ng.3725. Epub 2016 Nov 21. Erratum in: Nat Genet. 2017 Sep 27;49(10 ):1558. Nat Genet. 2017 Mar 30;49(4):651. PubMed PMID: 27869829; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5737772.

3: Johnson EC, Bjelland DW, Howrigan DP, Abdellaoui A, Breen G, Borglum A, Cichon S, Degenhardt F, Forstner AJ, Frank J, Genovese G, Heilmann-Heimbach S, Herms S, Hoffman P, Maier W, Mattheisen M, Morris D, Mowry B, Müller-Mhysok B, Neale B, Nenadic I, Nöthen MM, O'Dushlaine C, Rietschel M, Ruderfer DM, Rujescu D, Schulze TG, Simonson MA, Stahl E, Strohmaier J, Witt SH; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Sullivan PF, Keller MC. No Reliable Association between Runs of Homozygosity and Schizophrenia in a Well-Powered Replication Study. PLoS Genet. 2016 Oct 28;12(10):e1006343. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1006343. eCollection 2016 Oct. PubMed PMID: 27792727; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5085024.
4: Pouget JG, Gonçalves VF; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Spain SL, Finucane HK, Raychaudhuri S, Kennedy JL, Knight J. Genome-Wide Association Studies Suggest Limited Immune Gene Enrichment in Schizophrenia Compared to 5 Autoimmune Diseases. Schizophr Bull. 2016 Sep;42(5):1176-84. doi: 10.1093/schbul/sbw059. Epub 2016 May 30. PubMed PMID: 27242348; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4988748.
5: Srinivasan S, Bettella F, Mattingsdal M, Wang Y, Witoelar A, Schork AJ, Thompson WK, Zuber V; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, The International Headache Genetics Consortium, Winsvold BS, Zwart JA, Collier DA, Desikan RS, Melle I, Werge T, Dale AM, Djurovic S, Andreassen OA. Genetic Markers of Human Evolution Are Enriched in Schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 2016 Aug 15;80(4):284-292. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2015.10.009. Epub 2015 Oct 21. PubMed PMID: 26681495; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5397584.
6: Prins BP, Abbasi A, Wong A, Vaez A, Nolte I, Franceschini N, Stuart PE, Guterriez Achury J, Mistry V, Bradfield JP, Valdes AM, Bras J, Shatunov A; PAGE Consortium; International Stroke Genetics Consortium; Systemic Sclerosis consortium; Treat OA consortium; DIAGRAM Consortium; CARDIoGRAMplusC4D Consortium; ALS consortium; International Parkinson’s Disease Genomics Consortium; Autism Spectrum Disorder Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; CKDGen consortium; GERAD1 Consortium; International Consortium for Blood Pressure; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Inflammation Working Group of the CHARGE Consortium, Lu C, Han B, Raychaudhuri S, Bevan S, Mayes MD, Tsoi LC, Evangelou E, Nair RP, Grant SF, Polychronakos C, Radstake TR, van Heel DA, Dunstan ML, Wood NW, Al-Chalabi A, Dehghan A, Hakonarson H, Markus HS, Elder JT, Knight J, Arking DE, Spector TD, Koeleman BP, van Duijn CM, Martin J, Morris AP, Weersma RK, Wijmenga C, Munroe PB, Perry JR, Pouget JG, Jamshidi Y, Snieder H, Alizadeh BZ. Investigating the Causal Relationship of C-Reactive Protein with 32 Complex Somatic and Psychiatric Outcomes: A Large-Scale Cross-Consortium Mendelian Randomization Study. PLoS Med. 2016 Jun 21;13(6):e1001976. doi: 10.1371/journal.pmed.1001976. eCollection 2016 Jun. PubMed PMID: 27327646; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4915710.
7: Mehta D, Tropf FC, Gratten J, Bakshi A, Zhu Z, Bacanu SA, Hemani G, Magnusson PK, Barban N, Esko T, Metspalu A, Snieder H, Mowry BJ, Kendler KS, Yang J, Visscher PM, McGrath JJ, Mills MC, Wray NR, Lee SH; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, LifeLines Cohort Study, and TwinsUK, Andreassen OA, Bramon E, Bruggeman R, Buxbaum JD, Cairns MJ, Cantor RM, Cloninger CR, Cohen D, Crespo-Facorro B, Darvasi A, DeLisi LE, Dinan T, Djurovic S, Donohoe G, Drapeau E, Escott-Price V, Freimer NB, Georgieva L, de Haan L, Henskens FA, Joa I, Julià A, Khrunin A, Lerer B, Limborska S, Loughland CM, Macek M Jr, Magnusson PK, Marsal S, McCarley RW, McIntosh AM, McQuillin A, Melegh B, Michie PT, Morris DW, Murphy KC, Myin-Germeys I, Olincy A, Van Os J, Pantelis C, Posthuma D, Quested D, Schall U, Scott RJ, Seidman LJ, Toncheva D, Tooney PA, Waddington J, Weinberger DR, Weiser M, Wu JQ. Evidence for Genetic Overlap Between Schizophrenia and Age at First Birth in Women. JAMA Psychiatry. 2016 May 1;73(5):497-505. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2016.0129. PubMed PMID: 27007234; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5785705.
8: Hauberg ME, Roussos P, Grove J, Børglum AD, Mattheisen M; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Analyzing the Role of MicroRNAs in Schizophrenia in the Context of Common Genetic Risk Variants. JAMA Psychiatry. 2016 Apr;73(4):369-77. doi: 10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2015.3018. PubMed PMID: 26963595.
9: Pers TH, Timshel P, Ripke S, Lent S, Sullivan PF, O'Donovan MC, Franke L, Hirschhorn JN; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Comprehensive analysis of schizophrenia-associated loci highlights ion channel pathways and biologically plausible candidate causal genes. Hum Mol Genet. 2016 Mar 15;25(6):1247-54. doi: 10.1093/hmg/ddw007. Epub 2016 Jan 10. PubMed PMID: 26755824; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4764200.
10: Bigdeli TB, Ripke S, Bacanu SA, Lee SH, Wray NR, Gejman PV, Rietschel M, Cichon S, St Clair D, Corvin A, Kirov G, McQuillin A, Gurling H, Rujescu D, Andreassen OA, Werge T, Blackwood DH, Pato CN, Pato MT, Malhotra AK, O'Donovan MC, Kendler KS, Fanous AH; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium. Genome-wide association study reveals greater polygenic loading for schizophrenia in cases with a family history of illness. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2016 Mar;171B(2):276-89. doi: 10.1002/ajmg.b.32402. Epub 2015 Dec 11. PubMed PMID: 26663532; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5816590.
11: Franke B, Stein JL, Ripke S, Anttila V, Hibar DP, van Hulzen KJE, Arias-Vasquez A, Smoller JW, Nichols TE, Neale MC, McIntosh AM, Lee P, McMahon FJ, Meyer-Lindenberg A, Mattheisen M, Andreassen OA, Gruber O, Sachdev PS, Roiz-Santiañez R, Saykin AJ, Ehrlich S, Mather KA, Turner JA, Schwarz E, Thalamuthu A, Shugart YY, Ho YY, Martin NG, Wright MJ; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; ENIGMA Consortium, O'Donovan MC, Thompson PM, Neale BM, Medland SE, Sullivan PF. Genetic influences on schizophrenia and subcortical brain volumes: large-scale proof of concept. Nat Neurosci. 2016 Mar;19(3):420-431. doi: 10.1038/nn.4228. Epub 2016 Feb 1. PubMed PMID: 26854805; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4852730.
12: Holland D, Wang Y, Thompson WK, Schork A, Chen CH, Lo MT, Witoelar A; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta Analysis Consortium, Werge T, O'Donovan M, Andreassen OA, Dale AM. Estimating Effect Sizes and Expected Replication Probabilities from GWAS Summary Statistics. Front Genet. 2016 Feb 16;7:15. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2016.00015. eCollection 2016. PubMed PMID: 26909100; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4754432.
13: Sekar A, Bialas AR, de Rivera H, Davis A, Hammond TR, Kamitaki N, Tooley K, Presumey J, Baum M, Van Doren V, Genovese G, Rose SA, Handsaker RE; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Daly MJ, Carroll MC, Stevens B, McCarroll SA. Schizophrenia risk from complex variation of complement component 4. Nature. 2016 Feb 11;530(7589):177-83. doi: 10.1038/nature16549. Epub 2016 Jan 27. PubMed PMID: 26814963; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4752392.
14: Wang Y, Thompson WK, Schork AJ, Holland D, Chen CH, Bettella F, Desikan RS, Li W, Witoelar A, Zuber V, Devor A; Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; Enhancing Neuro Imaging Genetics through Meta Analysis Consortium, Nöthen MM, Rietschel M, Chen Q, Werge T, Cichon S, Weinberger DR, Djurovic S, O'Donovan M, Visscher PM, Andreassen OA, Dale AM. Leveraging Genomic Annotations and Pleiotropic Enrichment for Improved Replication Rates in Schizophrenia GWAS. PLoS Genet. 2016 Jan 25;12(1):e1005803. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005803. eCollection 2016 Jan. PubMed PMID: 26808560; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4726519.
15: Thompson WK, Wang Y, Schork AJ, Witoelar A, Zuber V, Xu S, Werge T, Holland D; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Andreassen OA, Dale AM. An Empirical Bayes Mixture Model for Effect Size Distributions in Genome-Wide Association Studies. PLoS Genet. 2015 Dec 29;11(12):e1005717. doi: 10.1371/journal.pgen.1005717. eCollection 2015 Dec. PubMed PMID: 26714184; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC5456456.
16: Loh PR, Bhatia G, Gusev A, Finucane HK, Bulik-Sullivan BK, Pollack SJ; Schizophrenia Working Group of Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, de Candia TR, Lee SH, Wray NR, Kendler KS, O'Donovan MC, Neale BM, Patterson N, Price AL. Contrasting genetic architectures of schizophrenia and other complex diseases using fast variance-components analysis. Nat Genet. 2015 Dec;47(12):1385-92. doi: 10.1038/ng.3431. Epub 2015 Nov 2. PubMed PMID: 26523775; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4666835.
17: Finucane HK, Bulik-Sullivan B, Gusev A, Trynka G, Reshef Y, Loh PR, Anttila V, Xu H, Zang C, Farh K, Ripke S, Day FR; ReproGen Consortium; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium; RACI Consortium, Purcell S, Stahl E, Lindstrom S, Perry JR, Okada Y, Raychaudhuri S, Daly MJ, Patterson N, Neale BM, Price AL. Partitioning heritability by functional annotation using genome-wide association summary statistics. Nat Genet. 2015 Nov;47(11):1228-35. doi: 10.1038/ng.3404. Epub 2015 Sep 28. PubMed PMID: 26414678; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4626285.
18: Ingason A, Giegling I, Hartmann AM, Genius J, Konte B, Friedl M; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium (PGC), Ripke S, Sullivan PF, St Clair D, Collier DA, O'Donovan MC, Mirnics K, Rujescu D. Expression analysis in a rat psychosis model identifies novel candidate genes validated in a large case-control sample of schizophrenia. Transl Psychiatry. 2015 Oct 13;5:e656. doi: 10.1038/tp.2015.151. PubMed PMID: 26460480; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4930128.
19: Vilhjálmsson BJ, Yang J, Finucane HK, Gusev A, Lindström S, Ripke S, Genovese G, Loh PR, Bhatia G, Do R, Hayeck T, Won HH; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium, Discovery, Biology, and Risk of Inherited Variants in Breast Cancer (DRIVE) study, Kathiresan S, Pato M, Pato C, Tamimi R, Stahl E, Zaitlen N, Pasaniuc B, Belbin G, Kenny EE, Schierup MH, De Jager P, Patsopoulos NA, McCarroll S, Daly M, Purcell S, Chasman D, Neale B, Goddard M, Visscher PM, Kraft P, Patterson N, Price AL. Modeling Linkage Disequilibrium Increases Accuracy of Polygenic Risk Scores. Am J Hum Genet. 2015 Oct 1;97(4):576-92. doi: 10.1016/j.ajhg.2015.09.001. PubMed PMID: 26430803; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4596916.
20: Lee SH, Byrne EM, Hultman CM, Kähler A, Vinkhuyzen AA, Ripke S, Andreassen OA, Frisell T, Gusev A, Hu X, Karlsson R, Mantzioris VX, McGrath JJ, Mehta D, Stahl EA, Zhao Q, Kendler KS, Sullivan PF, Price AL, O'Donovan M, Okada Y, Mowry BJ, Raychaudhuri S, Wray NR; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium and Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium International; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Authors, Byerley W, Cahn W, Cantor RM, Cichon S, Cormican P, Curtis D, Djurovic S, Escott-Price V, Gejman PV, Georgieva L, Giegling I, Hansen TF, Ingason A, Kim Y, Konte B, Lee PH, McIntosh A, McQuillin A, Morris DW, Nöthen MM, O'Dushlaine C, Olincy A, Olsen L, Pato CN, Pato MT, Pickard BS, Posthuma D, Rasmussen HB, Rietschel M, Rujescu D, Schulze TG, Silverman JM, Thirumalai S, Werge T; Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Collaborators, Agartz I, Amin F, Azevedo MH, Bass N, Black DW, Blackwood DH, Bruggeman R, Buccola NG, Choudhury K, Cloninger RC, Corvin A, Craddock N, Daly MJ, Datta S, Donohoe GJ, Duan J, Dudbridge F, Fanous A, Freedman R, Freimer NB, Friedl M, Gill M, Gurling H, De Haan L, Hamshere ML, Hartmann AM, Holmans PA, Kahn RS, Keller MC, Kenny E, Kirov GK, Krabbendam L, Krasucki R, Lawrence J, Lencz T, Levinson DF, Lieberman JA, Lin DY, Linszen DH, Magnusson PK, Maier W, Malhotra AK, Mattheisen M, Mattingsdal M, McCarroll SA, Medeiros H, Melle I, Milanova V, Myin-Germeys I, Neale BM, Ophoff RA, Owen MJ, Pimm J, Purcell SM, Puri V, Quested DJ, Rossin L, Ruderfer D, Sanders AR, Shi J, Sklar P, St Clair D, Stroup TS, Van Os J, Visscher PM, Wiersma D, Zammit S; Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium International Authors, Bridges SL Jr, Choi HK, Coenen MJ, de Vries N, Dieud P, Greenberg JD, Huizinga TW, Padyukov L, Siminovitch KA, Tak PP, Worthington J; Rheumatoid Arthritis Consortium International Collaborators, De Jager PL, Denny JC, Gregersen PK, Klareskog L, Mariette X, Plenge RM, van Laar M, van Riel P. New data and an old puzzle: the negative association between schizophrenia and rheumatoid arthritis. Int J Epidemiol. 2015 Oct;44(5):1706-21. PubMed PMID: 26286434; PubMed Central PMCID: PMC4881824.
Available Technologies
122. Limon A., Mamdani F., Hjelm B.E., Vawter M.P., Sequeira A. Targets of polyamine dysregulation in major depression and suicide: Activity-dependent feedback, excitability, and neurotransmission. Neurosci Biobehav Rev. 2016 Apr 21. pii: S0149-7634(16)30100-2. doi: 10.1016/j.neubiorev.2016.04.010.

121. Morgan LZ, Rollins B, Sequeira A, Byerley W, DeLisi LE, Schatzberg AF, Barchas JD, Myers RM, Watson SJ, Akil H, Bunney WE Jr,Vawter MP. Quantitative Trait Locus and Brain Expression of HLA-DPA1 Offers Evidence of Shared Immune Alterations in Psychiatric Disorders. Microarrays (Basel). 2016 Mar;5(1). pii: 6. Epub 2016 Mar 7.

120. Schneider K, Valdez J, Nguyen J, Vawter M, Galke B, Kurtz TW, Chan JY. Increased energy expenditure, UCP1 expression and resistance to diet-induced obesity in mice lacking nuclear factor-erythroid-2 related transcription factor-2 (Nrf2). J Biol Chem. 2016 Feb 3. pii: jbc.M115.673756.

119. Sellgren CM, Kegel ME, Bergen SE, Ekman CJ, Olsson S, Larsson M, Vawter MP, Backlund L, Sullivan PF, Sklar P, Smoller JW, Magnusson PK, Hultman CM, Walther-Jallow L, Svensson CI, Lichtenstein P, Schalling M, Engberg G, Erhardt S, Landén M. A genome-wide association study of kynurenic acid in cerebrospinal fluid:implications for psychosis and cognitive impairment in bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2015 Dec 15. doi: 10.1038/mp.2015.186. [Epub ahead of print]

118. Hjelm B.E., Rollins B., Mamdani F., Lauterborn J.C., Kirov G., Lynch G., Gall C.M., Sequeira A., Vawter M.P. (2015). Evidence of Mitochondrial Dysfunction within the Complex Genetic Etiology of Schizophrenia. Mol Neuropsychiatry;1:201-219, DOI:10.1159/000441252.

117. Guella I, Sequeira A, Rollins B, Morgan L, Torri F, van Erp TG, Myers RM, Barchas JD, Schatzberg AF, Watson SJ, Akil H, Bunney WE, Potkin SG, Macciardi F, Vawter MP. (2013). Analysis of miR-137 expression and rs1625579 in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. J Psychiatr Res. Sep;47(9):1215-21. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2013.05.021. Epub 2013 Jun 17.

116. Martin M, Nisenbaum, L., Mirnics, K. Vawter MP. Olanzapine Reversed Brain Gene Expression Changes Induced by Phencyclidine Treatment in Non-Human Primates. (2015). Mol Neuropsychiatry; 1:82-93.

115. Leonpacher AK, Liebers D, Pirooznia M, Jancic D, MacKinnon DF,Mondimore FM, Schweizer B, Potash JB, Zandi PP; NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, Goes FS. (2015). Distinguishing bipolar from unipolar depression: the importance of clinical symptoms and illness features. Psychol Med. Apr 8:1-10.

114. Sequeira A, Rollins B, Magnan C, van Oven M, Baldi P, Myers RM,Barchas JD, Schatzberg AF, Watson SJ, Akil H, Bunney WE, Vawter MP. (2015). Mitochondrial mutations in subjects with psychiatric disorders. PLoS One. May 26;10(5):e0127280. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0127280.

113. Bunney BG, Li JZ, Walsh DM, Stein R, Vawter MP, Cartagena P,Barchas JD, Schatzberg AF, Myers RM, Watson SJ, Akil H, Bunney WE. (2014). Circadian dysregulation of clock genes: clues to rapid treatments in major depressive disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2014 Nov 4. doi: 10.1038/mp.2014.138.

112. Esmailpour T, Riazifar H, Liu L, Donkervoort S, Huang VH, Madaan S, Shoucri BM, Busch A, Wu J, Towbin A, Chadwick RB, Sequeira A, Vawter MP, Sun G, Johnston JJ, Biesecker LG, Kawaguchi R, Sun H, Kimonis V, Huang T. (2014). A splice donor mutation in NAA10 results in the dysregulation of the retinoic acid signalling pathway and causes Lenz microphthalmia syndrome. J Med Genet. Mar;51(3):185-96. doi: 10.1136/jmedgenet-2013-101660.

111. Mamdani F, Rollins B, Morgan L, Sequeira PA, Vawter MP. The somatic common deletion in mitochondrial DNA is decreased in schizophrenia. (2014). Schizophr Res. Sep 27. pii: S0920-9964(14)00468-X. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2014.08.026.

110. Nurnberger JI Jr, Koller DL, Jung J, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Guella I, Vawter MP, Kelsoe JR; for the Psychiatric Genomics Consortium Bipolar Group. (2014). Identification of Pathways for Bipolar Disorder: A Meta-analysis. JAMA Psychiatry. Apr 9. doi:10.1001/jamapsychiatry.2014.176.

109. Guella, I., Vawter, M.P.., Allelic imbalance associated with the schizophrenia risk SNP rs1344706 indicates a cis-acting variant in ZNF804A. (2014). Schizophr Res.

108. Guella I, Sequeira A, Rollins B, Morgan L, Myers RM, Watson SJ,Akil H, Bunney WE, Delisi LE, Byerley W, Vawter MP. (2014). Evidence of allelic imbalance in the schizophrenia susceptibility gene ZNF804A in human dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Schizophr Res. Jan;152(1):111-6. doi: 10.1016/j.schres.2013.11.021.

107. Kenney MC, Chwa M, Atilano SR, Falatoonzadeh P, Ramirez C, Malik D, Tarek M, Del Carpio JC, Nesburn AB, Boyer DS, Kuppermann BD, Vawter MP, Jazwinski SM, Miceli MV, Wallace DC, Udar N. (2014). Molecular and bioenergetic differences between cells with African versus European inherited mitochondrial DNA haplogroups: Implications for population susceptibility to diseases. Biochim Biophys Acta. Feb;1842(2):208-19. doi: 10.1016/j.bbadis.2013.10.016.

106. Tomita H, Ziegler ME, Kim HB, Evans SJ, Choudary PV, Li JZ, Meng F, Dai M, Myers RM, Neal CR, Speed TP, Barchas JD,Schatzberg AF, Watson SJ, Akil H, Jones EG, Bunney WE, Vawter MP. (2013). G protein-linked signaling pathways in bipolar and major depressive disorders. Front Genet. 2013 Dec 23;4:297. doi: 10.3389/fgene.2013.00297.

105. Hayashi-Takagi A, Vawter MP, Iwamoto K. (2013). Peripheral Biomarkers Revisited: Integrative Profiling of Peripheral Samples for Psychiatric Research. (2013). Biol Psychiatry. Oct 18. pii: S0006-3223(13)00944-X. doi:10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.09.035.

104. van Erp TG, Guella I, Vawter MP, Turner J, Brown GG, McCarthy G, Greve DN, Glover GH, Calhoun VD, Lim KO, Bustillo JR, Belger A, Ford JM, Mathalon DH, Diaz M,Preda A, Nguyen D, Macciardi F, Potkin SG. (2013). Schizophrenia miR-137 Locus Risk Genotype is Associated with Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex Hyperactivation. Biol Psychiatry. Aug 1. pii: S0006-3223(13)00595-7. doi: 10.1016/j.biopsych.2013.06.016.

103. Firoza Mamdani, Maureen V. Martin, Todd Lencz, Brandi Rollins, Delbert G. Robinson, Emily A.Moon, Anil K. Malhotra, Marquis P. Vawter. (2013). Coding and Noncoding Gene Expression Biomarkers in Mood Disorders and Schizophrenia. Disease Markers, Volume 35 (2013), Issue 1, Pages 11–21,

102. Bharadwaj R, Jiang Y, Mao W, Jakovcevski M, Dincer A, Krueger W, Garbett K, Whittle C, Tushir JS, Liu J, Sequeira A, Vawter MP, Gardner PD, Casaccia P, Rasmussen T, Bunney WE Jr, Mirnics K, Futai K, Akbarian S. (2013). Conserved Chromosome 2q31 Conformations Are Associated with Transcriptional Regulation of GAD1 GABA Synthesis Enzyme and Altered in Prefrontal Cortex of Subjects with Schizophrenia. J Neurosci. Jul 17;33(29):11839-11851.

101. Li JZ, Bunney BG, Meng F, Hagenauer MH, Walsh DM, Vawter MP, Evans SJ, Choudary, PV, Cartagena P, Barchas JD, Schatzberg AF, Jones EG, Myers RM, Watson SJ Jr,Akil H, Bunney WE. (2013). Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. May 13. Circadian patterns of gene expression in the human brain and disruption in major depressive disorder.

100. Guia Guffanti, Federica Torri, Jerod Rasmussen, Andrew P.Clark, Anita Lakatos, Jessica A. Turner, James H. Fallon, Andrew J. Saykin, Michael Weiner, ADNI the Alzheimer’s Disease Neuroimaging Initiative, Marquis P. Vawter, James A. Knowles, Steven G. Potkin, Fabio Macciardi. Increased CNV-Region Deletions in Mild Cognitive Impairment (MCI) and Alzheimer’s disease (AD) Subjects in the ADNI Sample. (2013). Genomics doi: 10.1016/j.ygeno.2013.04.004.

99. Lavebratt C, Olsson S, Backlund L, Frisén L, Sellgren C, Priebe L, Nikamo P, Träskman-Bendz L, Cichon S, Vawter MP, Osby U, Engberg G, Landén M, Erhardt S, Schalling M. (2013). The KMO allele encoding Arg452 is associated with psychotic features in bipolar disorder type 1, and with increased CSF KYNA level and reduced KMO expression. Mol Psychiatry. 2013 Mar 5. doi: 10.1038/mp.2013.11.

98. Greenwood TA; Bipolar Genome Study (BiGS) Consortium, Kelsoe JR. Collaborators: Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Reich T, Goate A, Rice J, DePaulo J Jr, Simpson S, Stine C, Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau N, Moe P, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg HJ, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo J Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL, Gejman PV, Gejman PV, Sanders AR, Amin F, Byerley WF, Black DW, Crowe RR, Cloninger C, Freedman R, Olincy A, Levinson DF, Buccola NG, Mowry BJ, Silverman JM, Kelsoe JR, Greenwood TA, Nievergelt CM, McKinney R, Shilling PD, Smith EN, Schork NJ, Bloss CS, Nurnberger JI Jr, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Koller DL, Gershon ES, Liu C, Badner JA, Scheftner WA, Lawson WB, Nwulia EA, Hipolito M, Coryell W, Potash JB, Rice J, Byerley W, McMahon FJ, Schulze TG, Berrettini WH, Zandi PP, Mahon PB, McInnis MG, Zöllner S, Zhang P, Craig DW, Szelinger S, Barrett TB (2013). Genome-wide association study of irritable vs. elated mania suggests genetic differences between clinical subtypes of bipolar disorder. PLoS One. 2013;8(1):e53804. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0053804. Epub 2013 Jan 10.

97. Nissen S, Liang S, Shehktman T, Kelsoe JR; Bipolar Genome Study (BiGS), Greenwood TA, Nievergelt CM, McKinney R, Shilling PD, Smith EN, Schork NJ, Bloss CS, Nurnberger JI Jr, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Koller DL, Gershon ES, Liu C, Badner JA, Scheftner WA, Lawson WB, Nwulia EA, Hipolito M, Coryell W, Rice J, Byerley W, McMahon FJ, Berrettini WH, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Mahon PB, McInnis MG, Zöllner S, Zhang P, Craig DW, Szelinger S, Barrett TB, Schulze TG. Collaborators: Keck P, McElroy S, Remick R, Sadovnick A, Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Reich T, Goate A, Rice J, DePaulo J Jr, Simpson S, Stine C, Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau N, Moe P, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo J Jr,MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J,Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L,McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL. (2012). Evidence for association of bipolar disorder to haplotypes in the 22q12.3 region near the genes stargazin, IFT27 and parvalbumin. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. Dec;159B(8):941-50.

96. M. J. Hawrylycz, E. S. Lein, A. L. Guillozet-Bongaarts, E. H. Shen, L. Ng, J. A. Miller, L. N. van de Lagemaat, K. A. Smith, A. Ebbert, Z. L. Riley, C. Abajian, C. F. Beckmann, A. Bernard, D. Bertagnolli, A. F. Boe, P. M. Cartagena, M. M. Chakravarty, M. Chapin, J. Chong, R. A. Dalley, B. D. Daly, C. Dang, S. Datta, N. Dee, T. A. Dolbeare, V. Faber, D. Feng, D. R. Fowler, J. Goldy, B. W. Gregor, Z. Haradon, D. R. Haynor, J. G. Hohmann, S. Horvath, R. E. Howard, A. Jeromin, J. M. Jochim, M. Kinnunen, C. Lau, E. T. Lazarz, C. Lee, T. A. Lemon, L. Li, Y. Li, J. A. Morris, C. C. Overly, P. D. Parker, S. E. Parry, M. Reding, J. J. Royall, J. Schulkin, P. A. Sequeira, C. R. Slaughterbeck, S. C. Smith, A. J. Sodt, S. M. Sunkin, B. E. Swanson, M. P. Vawter, D. Williams, P. Wohnoutka, H. R. Zielke, D. H. Geschwind, P. R. Hof, S. M. Smith, C. Koch, S. G. N. Grant and A. R. Jones. (2012). An anatomically comprehensive atlas of the adult human brain transcriptome. Nature, 489 (7416); 391-399.

95. HD iPSC Consortium (Alvin R. King, Malcolm Casale, Sara T. Winokur, Gayani Batugedara, Marquis Vawter, Peter J. Donovan, Leslie F. Lock and Leslie M. Thompson). Induced pluripotent stem cells from patients with Huntington's disease show CAG-repeat-expansion-associated phenotypes. Cell Stem Cell. 2012 Aug 3;11(2):264-78. Epub 2012 Jun 28.

94. Torri F, Dinov ID, Zamanyan A, Hobel S, Genco A, Petrosyan P, Clark AP, Liu Z,Eggert P, Pierce J, Knowles JA, Ames J, Kesselman C, Toga AW, Potkin SG, Vawter MP, Macciardi F. (2012). Next generation sequence analysis and computational genomics using graphical pipeline workflows. Genes (Basel); 3(3): 545-575. Aug 30.

93. Backlund L, Lavebratt C, Frisén L, Nikamo P, Hukic Sudic D, Träskman-Bendz L,Landén M, Edman G, Vawter MP, Osby U, Schalling M. (2012). P2RX7: Expression responds to sleep deprivation and associates with rapid cycling in bipolar disorder type 1. PLoS One;7(8):e43057. Epub 2012 Aug 28.

92. Sequeira A, Martin MV, Rollins B, Moon EA, Bunney WE, Macciardi F, Lupoli S, Smith EN, Kelsoe J, Magnan CN, van Oven M, Baldi P, Wallace DC, Vawter MP. (2012). Mitochondrial mutations and polymorphisms in psychiatric disorders. Front Genet.;3:103. Epub 2012 Jun 20.

91. Sequeira A, Morgan L, Walsh DM, Cartagena PM, Choudary P, Li, J., Schatzberg, A.F., Watson, S.J., Akil, H., Myers, R.M., Jones, E.G., Bunney, W.E., Vawter, M.P. (2012). Gene expression changes in the prefrontal cortex, anterior cingulate cortex and nucleus accumbens of mood disorders subjects that committed suicide. PLoS ONE 7(4): e35367. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0035367.

90. Goes FS, McCusker MG, Bienvenu OJ, Mackinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Schweizer B; National Institute of Mental Health Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, Depaulo JR, Potash JB. Collaborators: Weissman MM, Knowles JK, Zubenko GS, Zubenko WN, DePaulo J,McInnis MG, MacKinnon D, Levinson DF, Gladis MM, Murphy-Eberenz K, Holmans P,Crowe RR, H W, Scheftner WA, Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Reich T, Goate A, Rice J, DePaulo J Jr, Simpson S, Stine C, Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau N, Moe P, Samavedy N, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo J Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL, Kogod R, Kogod A, El-Mallakh R. Co-morbid anxiety disorders in bipolar disorder and major depression: familial aggregation and clinical characteristics of co-morbid panic disorder, social phobia, specific phobia and obsessive-compulsive disorder. Psychol Med. 2012 Jul;42(7):1449-59. Epub 2011 Nov 21.

89. Karlsson R, Graae L, Lekman M, Wang D, Favis R, Axelsson T, Galter D, Carmine, Belin A, Paddock S. MAGI1 Copy Number Variation in Bipolar Affective Disorder and Schizophrenia. Biol Psychiatry. 2012 May;71(10):922-30. Epub 2012 Feb 28.

88. Sequeira PA, Martin MV, Vawter MP. (2012). The first decade and beyond of transcriptional profiling in schizophrenia. Neurobiol Dis. 45(1):23-36.

87. Willour VL, Seifuddin F, Mahon PB, Jancic D, Pirooznia M, Steele J, Schweizer B, Goes FS, Mondimore FM, Mackinnon DF; Bipolar Genome Study Consortium, Perlis RH, Lee PH, Huang J, Kelsoe JR, Shilling PD, Rietschel M, Nöthen M, Cichon S, GurlingH, Purcell S, Smoller JW, Craddock N, DePaulo JR Jr, Schulze TG, McMahon FJ,Zandi PP, Potash JB. Collaborators: Kelsoe JR, Greenwood TA, McKinney R, Shilling D, Schork N, SmithEN, Nurnberger JI Jr, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Koller DM, Gershon E, Liu C, Badner JA, Scheftner WA, Lawson WB, Nwulia EA, Hipolito M, Coryell W, Rice J, Byerley W,Berrettini W, Potash JB, Zandi PP, McInnis MG, Zollner S, Craig D, Szelinger S,Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Rice J, DePaulo R Jr, Simpson S, Stine C,Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau NL, MoePR, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz A, Meyer ET, Flury L, Dick DM,Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, DePaulo R Jr, MacKinnon DF,Potash JB, Zandi PP, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W,Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Harakal D, Scheftner W, KravitzHM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Murphy DL, Nurnberger J,Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau NL, Moe PR, Samavedy N, Glitz A, Meyer ET, Smiley C,Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Bierut L, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, ByerleyW, Vinogradov S, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M,Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Bederow L, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL,Lawson WB, Nwulia E, Hipolito M. A genome-wide association study of attempted suicide. Mol Psychiatry. 2012 Apr;17(4):433-44. doi: 10.1038/mp.2011.4. Epub 2011 Mar 22.

86. Vawter MP, Mamdani F, Macciardi F. An integrative functional genomics approach for discovering biomarkers in schizophrenia. Brief Funct Genomics. 2011 Nov;10(6):387-99. doi: 10.1093/bfgp/elr036. Epub 2011 Dec 8.

85. Goes FS, Rongione M, Chen YC, Karchin R, Elhaik E; Bipolar Genome Study, Potash JB. Collaborators: Kelsoe JR, Greenwood TA, Nievergelt CM, McKinney R, Shilling PD, Schork N, Smith EN, Bloss C, Nurnberger J, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Koller DL, Gershon E, Liu C, Badner JA, Scheftner WA, Lawson WB, Nwulia EA, Hipolito M, Coryell W, Rice J, Byerley W, McMahon F, Schulze TG, Berrettini W, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Mahon PB, McInnis MG, Zöllner S, Zhang P, Craig DW, Szelinger S, Barrett TB, Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Reich T, Goate A, Rice J, DePaulo JR Jr, Simpson S, Stine C, Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau NL, Moe PR, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz A, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo JR Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe JR, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL, Gejman PV, Sanders AR, Amin F, Buccola N, Byerley W, Cloninger CR, Crowe R, Black D, Freedman R, Levinson D, Mowry B, Silverman J. Exonic DNA sequencing of ERBB4 in bipolar disorder. PLoS One. 2011;6(5):e20242. Epub 2011 May 26.

84. Bellet MM, Vawter MP, Bunney BG, Bunney WE, Sassone-Corsi P. Ketamine influences CLOCK:BMAL1 function leading to altered circadian gene expression (2011). PLoS One. 6(8):e23982.

83. Moon E, Rollins B, Mes´en A, Sequeira A, Myers RM, Akil H, Watson SJ, Barchas J, Jones EG, Schatzberg A, Bunney WE, DeLisi LE, Byerley W, Vawter MP. (2011). Lack of association to a NRG1 missense polymorphism in schizophrenia or bipolar disorder in a Costa Rican population, Schizophrenia Research, doi:10.1016/j.schres.2011.06.024.

82. Hartz, S.M., P. Lin, H.J. Edenberg, X. Xuei, N. Rochberg, S. Saccone, W. Berrettini, E. Nelson, J. Nurnberger, L.J. Bierut, and J.P. Rice, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium. Genetic association of bipolar disorder with the beta(3) nicotinic receptor subunit gene. Psychiatric genetics, 2011 Apr;21(2):77-84.

81. Belmonte Mahon P, Pirooznia M, Goes FS, Seifuddin F, Steele J, Lee PH, Huang J, Hamshere ML; Bipolar Genome Study (BiGS) Consortium, The Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium Bipolar Disorder Group, Depaulo JR Jr, Kelsoe JR, Rietschel M, Nöthen M, Cichon S, Gurling H, Purcell S, Smoller JW, Craddock N, Schulze TG, McMahon FJ, Potash JB, Zandi PP. Collaborators: Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Reich T, Goate A, Rice J, DePaulo JR Jr, Simpson S, Stine C, Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau L, Moe PR, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo JR Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftnerv W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau NL, Moe PR, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo JR Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vinogradov S, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL, Lawson WB, Nwulia E, Hipolito M, Gejman PV, Sanders AR, Amin F, Buccola N, Byerley W, Cloninger CR, Crowe R, Black D, Freedman R, Levinson D, Mowry B, Silverman J, Kelsoe JR, Greenwood TA, Shilling PD, Nievergelt C, Schork N, Smith EN, Nurnberger J, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Gershon E, Liu C, Badner JA, Scheftner WA, Lawson WB, Nwulia EA, Hipolito M, Coryell W, Rice J, Byerley W, McMahon F, Schulze TG, Berrettini W, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Mahon PB, McInnis MG, Zöllner S, Craig D, Szelinger S, Breen G, Clair DS, Caesar S, Gordon-Smith K, Jones L, Fraser C, Green EK, Grozeva D, Hamshere ML, Holmans PA, Jones IR, Kirov G, Moskvina V, Nikolov I, O'Donovan MC, Owen MJ, Craddock N, Collier DA, Elkin A, Farmer A, Williamson R, McGuffin P, Young AH, Ferrier IN. (2011). Genome-wide association analysis of age at onset and psychotic symptoms in bipolar disorder. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2011 Apr;156B(3):370-8.

80. Lee CS, Lee C, Hu T, Nguyen JM, Zhang J, Martin MV, Vawter MP, Huang EJ, Chan JY. (2011). Loss of nuclear factor E2-related factor 1 in the brain leads to dysregulation of proteasome gene expression and neurodegeneration. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 108(20): 8408-13.

79. Potkin SG, Macciardi F, Guffanti G, Fallon JH, Wang Q, Turner JA, Lakatos A, Miles MF, Lander A, Vawter MP, Xie X. (2010). Identifying gene regulatory networks in schizophrenia. Neuroimage 53: 839-47.

78. Knight, J., N.S. Rochberg, S.F. Saccone, J.I. Nurnberger, Jr., NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium and J.P. Rice, An investigation of candidate regions for association with bipolar disorder. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 2010 Oct 5;153B(7):1292-7.

77. Oedegaard, K.J., T.A. Greenwood, A. Lunde, O.B. Fasmer, H.S. Akiskal, and J.R. Kelsoe, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium. A genome-wide linkage study of bipolar disorder and co-morbid migraine: replication of migraine linkage on chromosome 4q24, and suggestion of an overlapping susceptibility region for both disorders on chromosome 20p11. Journal of affective disorders, 2010 Apr;122(1-2):14-26.

76. Goes, F.S., V.L. Willour, P.P. Zandi, P.L. Belmonte, D.F. MacKinnon, F.M. Mondimore, B. Schweizer, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, J.R. DePaulo, Jr., E.S. Gershon, F.J. McMahon, and J.B. Potash, Sex-specific association of the Reelin gene with bipolar disorder. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 2010 Mar 5;153B(2):549-53.

75. Lavebratt C, Sjöholm LK, Soronen P, Paunio T, Vawter MP, Bunney WE, Adolfsson R, Forsell Y, Wu JC, Kelsoe JR, Partonen T, Schalling M. (2010). CRY2 is associated with depression. PLoS One. 2010 Feb 24;5(2):e9407.

74. Rollins, B., M. V. Martin, Morgan, L., Vawter, M.P. (2010). Analysis of whole genome biomarker expression in blood and brain. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. Feb 2.

73. Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Collaborative, Bipolar Disorder Phenome Group, Gershon ES, McMahon FJ, Potash JB. Collaborators: McMahon FJ, Steele J, Pearl J, Kassem L, Lopez V, Schulze T,Potash JB, MacKinnon D, Miller E, Toolan J, Zandi P, Simpson S, Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Reich T, Goate A, Rice J, DePaulo JR Jr, Simpson S, Stine C, Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau NL, Moe PR, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo JR Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Mondimore JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon F, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL. Family-based association of YWHAH in psychotic bipolar disorder. Am J Med Genet B Neuropsychiatr Genet. 2009 Oct 5;150B(7):977-83.

72. Martin MV, Rollins B, Sequeira PA, Mesen A, Byerley W, Stein R, Moon EA, Akil H, Jones EG, Watson SJ, Barchas J, Delisi LE, Myers RM, Schatzberg A, Bunney WE, Vawter MP. Exon expression in lymphoblastoid cell lines from subjects with schizophrenia before and after glucose deprivation. BMC Med Genomics. 2009 Sep 22;2(1):62.

71. Sequeira A, Mamdani F, Ernst C, Vawter MP, Bunney WE, Lebel V, Rehal S,Klempan T, Gratton A, Benkelfat C, Rouleau GA, Mechawar N, Turecki G. Global brain gene expression analysis links glutamatergic and GABAergic alterations to suicide and major depression. PLoS One. 2009 Aug 11;4(8):e6585.

70. Rollins B, Martin MV, Sequeira PA, Moon EA, Morgan LZ, Watson SJ, Schatzberg A, Akil H, Myers RM, Jones EG, Wallace DC, Bunney WE, Vawter MP. Mitochondrial variants in schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and major depressive disorder. PLoS One. 2009;4(3):e4913.

69. Mahon PB, Payne JL, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Goes FS, Schweizer B, Jancic D; NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium; BiGS Consortium, Coryell WH, Holmans PA, Shi J, Knowles JA, Scheftner WA, Weissman MM, Levinson DF, DePaulo JR Jr, Zandi PP, Potash JB. Collaborators: Weissman MM, Knowles JK, Zubenko GS, Zubenko WN, DePaulo JR, McInnis MG, MacKinnon D, Levinson DF, Gladis MM, Murphy-Eberenz K, Holmans P, Crowe RR, Coryell WH, Scheftner WA, Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Reich T, Goate A, Rice J, DePaulo JR Jr, Simpson S, Stine C, Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau NL, Moe PR, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo JR Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL, Gejman PV, Sanders AR, Amin F, Buccola N, Byerley W, Cloninger CR, Crowe R, Black D, Freedman R, Levinson D, Mowry B, Silverman J, Kelsoe JR, Greenwood TA, Nievergelt C, Schork N, Smith EN, Bloss C, Nurnberger J, Edenberg HJ, Foroud T, Gershon E, Liu C, Badner JA, Scheftner WA, Lawson WB, Nwulia EA, Hipolito M, Coryell W, Rice J, Byerley W, McMahon F, Schulze TG, Berrettini W, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Mahon PB, McInnis MG, Zöllner S, Craig D, Szelinger S. Genome-wide linkage and follow-up association study of postpartum mood symptoms. Am J Psychiatry. 2009 Nov;166(11):1229-37. Epub 2009 Sep 15. Comment in Am J Psychiatry. 2009 Nov;166(11):1201-4.

68. Goes, F.S., V.L. Willour, P.P. Zandi, P.L. Belmonte, D.F. MacKinnon, F.M. Mondimore, B. Schweizer, E.S. Gershon, F.J. McMahon, and J.B. Potash, Bipolar Disorder Phenome Group; NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium. Family-based association study of Neuregulin 1 with psychotic bipolar disorder. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 2009 Jul 5;150B(5):693-702.

67. Schulze, T.G., S.D. Detera-Wadleigh, N. Akula, A. Gupta, L. Kassem, J. Steele, J. Pearl, J. Strohmaier, R. Breuer, M. Schwarz, P. Propping, M.M. Nothen, S. Cichon, J. Schumacher, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, M. Rietschel, and F.J. McMahon, Two variants in Ankyrin 3 (ANK3) are independent genetic risk factors for bipolar disorder. Molecular Psychiatry, 2009 May;14(5):487-91.

66. Willour VL, Chen H, Toolan J, Belmonte P, Cutler DJ, Goes FS, Zandi PP, Lee RS, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Schweizer B; Bipolar Disorder Phenome Group; NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, DePaulo JR Jr, Gershon ES, McMahon FJ, Potash JB. Collaborators: McMahon F, Steele J, Pearl J, Kassem L, Lopez V, Potash J, MacKinnon D, Miller E, Toolan J, Zandi P, Schulze T, Nwulia E, Simpson S, Nurnberger J, Miller M, Bowman E, Reich T, Goate A, Rice J, DePaulo JR Jr, Simpson S, Stine C, Gershon E, Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau NL, Moe PR, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo JR Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL. Family-based association of FKBP5 in bipolar disorder. Mol Psychiatry. 2009 Mar;14(3):261-8.

65. Bertisch H, Mesen-Fainardi A, Martin MV, Pérez-Vargas V, Vargas-Rodríguez T, Delgado G, Delgado C, Llach M, LaPrade B, Byerley W, Bunney WE, Vawter MP, DeLisi LE; Pritzker Neuropsychiatric Research Consortium. Neuropsychological performance as endophenotypes in extended schizophrenia families from the Central Valley of Costa Rica. Psychiatr Genet. 2009 Feb;19(1):45-52.

64. Payne JL, Klein SR, Zamoiski RB, Zandi PP, Bienvenu OJ, Mackinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Schweizer B, Swartz KL; NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, Crowe RP, Scheftner WA, Weissman MM, Levinson DF, DePaulo JR Jr, Potash JB. Collaborators: Nurnberger J, Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Rau NL, Moe PR Jr, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice J, Reich T, Goate A, Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo JR Jr, MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash JB, Zandi PP, Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley W, Vawter M, Coryell W, Crowe R, Gershon E, Badner J, McMahon F, Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe J, McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon FJ, Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin L, Murphy DL. Premenstrual mood symptoms: study of familiality and personality correlates in mood disorder pedigrees. Arch Womens Ment Health. 2009 Feb;12(1):27-34. Epub 2009 Jan 10.

63. Altar, CA, Vawter, MP, Ginsberg, S. (2008). Target Identification for CNS Diseases by Transcriptional Profiling, In CNS Drug Discovery & Development: Challenges and Opportunities by Errol B. De Souza and Husseini K. Manji, Editors, Neuropsychopharmacology Reviews.

62. Shao, L., Martin MV, Watson, S.J., Schatzberg, A., Akil, H., Myers, R.M., Jones, E.G., Bunney, W.E., Vawter, M.P (2008). Mitochondrial involvement in psychiatric disorders. Annals of Medicine. 40(4):281-95.

61. Sequeira, P.A., Meng, F., Rollins, B., Myers, R.M., Jones, E. G., Watson, S. J., Akil, H., Schatzberg, A. F., Barchas, J., Bunney,W.E., Vawter, M. P. (2008). Coding SNPs included in exon arrays for the study of psychiatric disorders. Molecular Psychiatry. 13 (4):363-5.

60. Zandi PP, Belmonte PL, Willour VL, Goes FS, Badner JA, Simpson SG, Gershon ES, McMahon FJ, DePaulo JR Jr, Potash JB; Bipolar Disorder Phenome Group; National Institute of Mental Health Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium. Collaborators: Nurnberger , Miller MJ, Bowman ES, Reich T, Goate , Rice , DePaulo , Simpson , Stine C, Gershon , Kazuba D, Maxwell E, Miller , Bowman , Rau NL, Moe PR, Samavedy N, El-Mallakh R, Manji H, Glitz DA, Meyer ET, Smiley C, Foroud T, Flury L, Dick DM, Edenberg H, Rice , Reich , Goate , Bierut L, McInnis M, DePaulo , MacKinnon DF, Mondimore FM, Potash , Zandi , Avramopoulos D, Payne J, Berrettini W, Byerley , Vawter M, Coryell , Crowe R, Gershon , Badner , McMahon , Liu C, Sanders A, Caserta M, Dinwiddie S, Nguyen T, Harakal D, Kelsoe , McKinney R, Scheftner W, Kravitz HM, Marta D, Vaughn-Brown A, Bederow L, McMahon , Kassem L, Detera-Wadleigh S, Austin S, Murphy DL. Association study of Wnt signaling pathway genes in bipolar disorder. Arch Gen Psychiatry, 2008 Jul;65(7):785-93.

59. Shao, L. and Vawter, M.P Shared gene expression alterations in schizophrenia and bipolar disorder. (2008). Biol Psychiatry. 64(2):89-97.

58. Potash, J.B., S. Buervenich, N.J. Cox, P.P. Zandi, N. Akula, J. Steele, J.A. Rathe, D. Avramopoulos, S.D. Detera-Wadleigh, E.S. Gershon, J.R. DePaulo, Jr., A.P. Feinberg, and F.J. McMahon, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium. Gene-based SNP mapping of a psychotic bipolar affective disorder linkage region on 22q12.3: association with HMG2L1 and TOM1. American journal of medical genetics. Part B, Neuropsychiatric genetics : the official publication of the International Society of Psychiatric Genetics, 2008 Jan 5;147B(1):59-67.

57. Li JZ, Meng F, Tsavaler L, Evans SJ, Choudary PV, Tomita H, Vawter MP, Walsh D, Shokoohi V, Chung T, Bunney WE Jr, Jones EG, Akil H, Watson SJ, Myers RM. (2007). Sample matching by inferred agonal stress in gene expression analyses of the brain. BMC Genomics. 8(1):336.

56. Atz, M.E., Walsh, D., Cartagena, P., Li, J., Evans, S., Choudary, P., Overman, K., Stein, R., Tomita, H., Potkin, S.G., Myers, R.M., Watson, S.J. Jones, E.G., Akil, H., Bunney, Jr., W.E., Vawter, M.P (2007). Methodological considerations for gene expression profiling of human brain. J Neurosci Methods. 163(2):295-309.

55. Vawter, M.P,. Harvey, P.D., DeLisi, L.E. (2007). Dysregulation of X-linked gene expression in Klinefelter’s Syndrome and association with verbal cognition. American Journal of Medical Genetics Part B: Neuropsychiatric Genetics. 144B(6):728-34.

54. Detera-Wadleigh, S.D., C.Y. Liu, M. Maheshwari, I. Cardona, W. Corona, N. Akula, C.J. Steele, J.A. Badner, M. Kundu, L. Kassem, J.B. Potash, R. Gibbs, E.S. Gershon, and F.J. McMahon, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium. Sequence variation in DOCK9 and heterogeneity in bipolar disorder. Psychiatric genetics, 2007 Oct;17(5):274-86.

53. Potash, J.B., J. Toolan, J. Steele, E.B. Miller, J. Pearl, P.P. Zandi, T.G. Schulze, L. Kassem, S.G. Simpson, V. Lopez, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, D.F. MacKinnon, and F.J. McMahon, The bipolar disorder phenome database: a resource for genetic studies. The American journal of psychiatry, 2007 Aug;164(8):1229-37.

52. Atz, M.E., Rollins, B., Vawter, M.P (2007). Association of bipolar disorder with NCAM1 polymorphisms and alternatively spliced isoforms. Psychiatric Genetics. April, 17(2): 55 - 67.

51. Lopez, V.A., S. Detera-Wadleigh, I. Cardona, L., NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, Kassem, and F.J. McMahon. Nested association between genetic variation in tryptophan hydroxylase II, bipolar affective disorder, and suicide attempts. Biological psychiatry, 2007 Jan 15;61(2):181-6.

50. Kassem, L., V. Lopez, D. Hedeker, J. Steele, P. Zandi, NIMH Genetics Initiative Bipolar Disorder Consortium, and F.J. McMahon, Familiality of polarity at illness onset in bipolar affective disorder. The American journal of psychiatry, 2006 Oct;163(10):1754-9.

49. Vawter, M.P, Atz, M.E., Rollins, B., Shao, L., Cooper-Casey, K.M., Byerley, W.F. (2006). Genome scans and gene expression microarrays: converging approaches to identify candidate genes and regulatory loci in schizophrenia. Human Genetics. 119(5):558-70.

48. Vawter, M. P., Tomita, H., Meng, F., Bolstad, B., Li, J., Evans, S., Choudary, P., Atz, M.E., Shao, L., Neal, C., Walsh, D.M., Speed, T., Myers, R., Jones, E.G., Watson, S.J., Akil, H., Bunney, W.E. Jr. (2006). Mitochondrial related genes are sensitive to agonal-pH state: implications for brain disorders. Mol Psychiatry,11(7):615, 663-79.
47. Karssen, A.M., Li, J.Z., Her, S., Patel, P.D., Meng, F., Evans, S.J., Vawter, M.P, Tomita, H., Choudary, P.V., Bunney, W.E., Jones, E.G., Watson, S.J., Akil, H., Myers, R.M., Schatzberg, A.F., Lyons, D.M. (2006). Application of microarray technology in primate behavioral neuroscience research. Methods, 38, 227–234.

46. Choudary, P.V., Molnar, M., Evans, S.J., Tomita, H., Li, J.Z.,Vawter, M.P, Myers, R.M., Bunney, W.E., Akil, H., Watson, S.J., Jones, E.G. (2005). Altered cortical glutamate and GABA signaling and glial cell involvement in major depression. Proceedings National Academy Science, 102(43), 15653 - 8.

45. Vawter, M.P , Ferran, E., Galke, B., Cooper, K.C., Bunney, W.E., Byerley, W. (2004). Microarray screening of lymphocyte gene expression differences in a multiplex schizophrenia pedigree. Schizophrenia Research 67(1):41-52.

44. Evans S.J., Choudary P.V., Neal C.R., Li J.Z., Vawter M.P., Tomita H., Lopez J.F., Thompson R.C., Meng F., Stead J.D., Walsh D.M., Myers R.M., Bunney W.E., Watson S.J., Jones E.G., Akil H. (2004). Dysregulation of the fibroblast growth factor system in major depression. Proceedings National Academy Science, 101(43):15506 - 11.

43. Li, J.Z., Vawter, M.P, Walsh, D.M., Tomita, H., Evans, S.J., Choudary, P.V., Lopez, J.F., Avelar,A., Shokoohi, V., Chung, T., Mesarwi, O., Jones, E.G., Watson, S.J., Akil, H., Bunney, W.E., Myers, R.M. (2004). Systematic changes in gene expression in postmortem human brains associated with tissue pH and terminal medical conditions. Human Molecular Genetics, 13(6):609-16.

42. *Tomita ,H., *Vawter ,M.P., *Walsh, D.M., Evans, S.J., Choudary, P.V., Li, J., Overman, K.M., Atz , M. E. , Myers, R.M., Jones E. G., Watson, S.J., Akil, H., Bunney, W.E. Jr. (2004). Postmortem factors on gene expression profile: quality control in microarray analyses of postmortem human brain. Biological Psychiatry 55(4), 346 - 352. *Authors contributed equally to the work.

41. *Vawter, M.P, *Evans, S.J., *Choudary, P.V., *Tomita, H., Meador-Woodruff, J.H., Molnar, M., Lopez J.F., Li J., Myers R.M., Akil H., Watson S.J., Jones E.G., Bunney W.E. (2004). Gender specific gene expression in postmortem human brain: localization to sex chromosomes. Neuropsychopharmacology,29(2):373-84.*Authors contributed equally to the work.

40. Vawter, M.P, Shannon Weickert, C., Ferran, E., Matsumoto, M.,Overman, K., Hyde, T.M., Weinberger, D.R., Bunney, W.E., Kleinman, J.E. (2004). Gene expression of metabolic enzymes and a protease inhibitor in the prefrontal cortex are decreased in schizophrenia. Neurochem Res. 29 (6): 1245-1255.

39. Cheadle, C., Cho-Chung, Y.S., Becker, K.G., Vawter, M.P (2003). Application of z-score transformation to Affymetrix® data. Applied Bioinformatics, 2(4) 209-217

38. Blaabjerg, M., Baskys, M., Zimmer, J., Vawter, M.P (2003). Changes in hippocampal gene expression after neuroprotective activation of group I metabotropic glutamate receptors. Brain Res Mol Brain Res. 117(2), 196 - 205.

37. *Evans S.J., *Choudary P.V., *Vawter M.P., Li J., Meador-Woodruff J.H., Lopez J.F., Burke S.M., Thompson R.C., Myers R.M., Jones E.G., Bunney W.E., Watson S.J., and Akil H. (2002). DNA microarray analysis of functionally discrete human brain regions reveals divergent transcriptional profiles. Neurobiology of Disease 14, 240 - 250. *Authors contributed equally to the work.

36. Lehrmann, E., Hyde, T.M., Vawter, M.P Becker, K.G., Freed, W.J. (2003). Neuropsychiatric disorders studied by microarrays: postmortem studies in drug abuse and schizophrenia. Current Molecular Medicine 3(5), 437 - 46.

35. Cheadle, C.*, Vawter, M.P*, Freed, W.J., Becker, K.G. (2003). Analysis of microarray data using z-score transformation. Mol Diagn 5 (2), 73 - 81. *Authors contributed equally to the work.

34. Bunney, W.E., Bunney, B.G., Vawter, M.P, Tomita, H., Li, J., Evans, S.J., Choudray, P., Myers, R.M., Jones, E.G., Watson, S.J., Akil, H. (2003). Microarray technology: a review of new strategies to discover candidate vulnerability genes in psychiatric disorders. American Journal of Psychiatry, 160 (4), 657 - 666.

33. Thompson, P.M., Egbufoama, S., Vawter, M.P (2003). Selective presynaptic pathology in hippocampus of patients with schizophrenia. Progress in Neuropsychopharmacology and Biological Psychiatry, 27 (3). 411 - 417.

32. Comi, A.M., Hunt, P., Vawter, M.P, Pardo, C., Becker, K., Pevsner, J. (2003). Increased fibronectin expression in Sturge-Weber syndrome fibroblasts and brain tissue. Pediatric Research, 53 (5).

31. Lehrmann, E. Oyler, J., Vawter, M.P, Hyde, T.M., Kolachana, B, Kleinman, J.E., Huestis, M.A., Becker, K.G., Freed, W.J. (2003). Transcriptional profiling in the human prefrontal cortex: evidence for two activational states associated with cocaine abuse. The Pharmacogenomics Journal (3), 27-40.

30. Vawter, M.P, Crook, J.M., Hyde, T.M., Kleinman, J.E., Weinberger, D.R., Becker, K.G., Freed, W.J. (2002). Microarray analysis of gene expression in the prefrontal cortex in schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research 58 (1) 11 - 20.

29. Truckenmiller, M. E., Vawter, M.P, Zhang, P., Conejero-Goldberg, C., Torres, A., Bouvier, M., Dillon-Carter, O., Cheadle, C., Becker, K.G., Freed, W.J. (2002). AF5, a CNS cell line with an N-Terminal fragment of SV-40 Large T: growth, differentiation, genetic stability, and gene expression. Experimental Neurology, 175(2):318-37.

28. Vawter, M.P, Thatcher, L., Usen, N., Hyde, T.M., Kleinman, J.E., and Freed. W.J. (2002). Alterations in synapsin in the hippocampus of patients with bipolar disorder and schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry, 7(6):571-8.

27. Freed, W.J., Hyde, T., Kleinman, J. E., Becker, K. G., Vawter, M.P Analysis of gene expression in schizophrenia using DNA microarrays (2002). Trends in Evidence-Based Neuropsychiatry, 4(1): 48-57.

26. Barrett, T. Xie, T., Piao, Y., Dillon-Carter, O.,Kargul, G.J., Lim, M.K., Chrest, F.J., Wersto, R.,Rowley, D.L., Juhaszova1, M., Zhou, L., Vawter, M.P, Becker,K.G., Cheadle, C.,Wood, W., McCann, U.D.,Freed, W.J.,Ko, M.S., Ricaurte, G.S., Donovan, D.M. (2001). A murine dopamine neuron-specific cDNA library and microarray: increased COX I expression during methamphetamine neurotoxicity. Neurobiology of Disease, 8(5):822-33.

25. Vawter, M.P, Usen, N., Thatcher, L., Ladenheim, B., Zhang, P., VanderPutten, D., Conant, C., Herman, M.,van Kammen, D.P., Garver, D., Freed, W.J. (2001). Characterization and role of cytosolic human N-CAM in schizophrenia. Experimental Neurology, Nov;172(1), 29-46.

24. Vawter, M.P, Barrett, T., Cheadle, C., Sokolov, B.P., Wood, W.H., Donovan, D., Webster, M., Freed, W.J., Becker, K.G. (2001). Application of cDNA microarrays to examine gene expression differences in schizophrenia. Brain Research Bulletin, 55 (5), 641-650.

23. Truckenmiller, E., Vawter, M.P, Cheadle, C., Coggiano, M., Donovan, D.M., Freed, W.J., Becker, K.G. (2001). Gene expression profile in early stage of retinoic acid-induced differentiation of human SH-SY5Y neuroblastoma cells. Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 18(2,3), 67 – 80.

22. Barrett, T., Cheadle, C., Wood, W.H., Donovan, D., Freed, W.J., Becker, K.G. and Vawter, M.P Assembly and use of a broadly applicable neural cDNA microarray. (2001) Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience, 18(2,3), 127 – 135.

21. Konu O., Kane J.K., Barrett T., Vawter M.P., Chang R., Ma J.Z., Donovan D.M., Sharp B., Becker K.G., Li M.D. (2001). Region-specific transcriptional response to chronic nicotine in rat brain. Brain Research 909(1-2):194-203.

20. Cadet, J.L., Jayanthi, S., McCoy, M., Vawter, M., Ladenheim, B. (2001). Temporal profiling of methamphetamine-induced changes in gene expression in the mouse brain: evidence from cDNA array. Synapse, 41, 40-48.

19. Vawter, M.P, Freed. W.J, Kleinman, J.E. (2000). The neuropathology of bipolar disorder. Biological Psychiatry, 405 (1-3), 385-395.

18. Vawter, M.P (2000). Neuropsychiatric disorders and cell adhesion molecules. European Journal of Pharmacology 48(6):486-504.

17. Conejero-Goldberg, C., Tornatore, C., Abi-Saab, W., Monaco, M., Dillon-Carter, O., Vawter, M., Elsworth, J., and Freed, W. (2000). Transduction of human GAD67 cDNA into immortalized striatal cell lines using an Epstein Barr virus-based plasmid vector increases GABA content. Experimental Neurology, 161(2), 453 – 461.

16. Vawter, M.P, VanderPutten, D.M., Hemperly, J.J., Doherty, P., Saffell, J., Issa, F., Wyatt, R. J., and Freed, W. J. (2000). Elevated concentration of N-CAM VASE isoforms in CSF of patients with schizophrenia. J Psychiatric Research, 34,(1) 25 - 34.

15. Vawter, M.P, Howard, A.L., Hyde, T.M., Kleinman, J.E., and Freed, W.J. (1999). Alteration of hippocampal secreted N-CAM in bipolar disorder and synaptophysin in schizophrenia. Molecular Psychiatry, 4(5), 467 – 475.

14. Webster, M., Vawter, M. P., and Freed, W. J. (1999). Immunohistochemical localization of the cell adhesion molecules Thy-1 and L1 in the human prefrontal cortex: patients with schizophrenia, bipolar disorder, and depression. Molecular Psychiatry, 4, 42 – 46.

13. Vawter M. P., Hemperly, J. J., Hyde, T. M. Bachus, S. E., VanderPutten, D. M., Webster, M. J., Howard , A. L., Cannon-Spoor H. E., McCoy M. M., Kleinman, J. E., and Freed, W. J. (1998). VASE-containing N-CAM isoforms are increased in the hippocampus in bipolar disorder but not schizophrenia. Experimental Neurology, 1, 1 – 11.

12. Vawter, M.P, Hemperly, J.J., Freed, W.J., and Garver, D.L. (1998). CSF N-CAM in neuroleptic-naïve first-episode patients with schizophrenia. Schizophrenia Research, 34, 123 – 131.

11. Vawter, M.P, Cannon-Spoor, H., Hemperly, J., Vander Putten, D., Hyde, T., Kleinman, J. and Freed, W.J. (1998). Abnormal expression of cell recognition molecules in schizophrenia. Experimental Neurology, 149, 424-432.

10. Bachus, S. E., Hyde, T. M., Akil, M., Shannon Weickert, C., Vawter, M. P., and Kleinman, J. E. (1997). Neuropathology of suicide: a review and approach. Annals of New York Academy of Sciences,836, 201 – 219.

9. Vawter, M. P., Dillon-Carter, O., Issa, F., Wyatt, R. J. and Freed, W. J. (1997). TGF-*1 and TGF*2 in the cerebrospinal fluid of schizophrenics. Neuropsychopharmacology, 16 (1), 83 - 87.

8. Vawter, M.P, De Wied, D. and Van Ree, J. M. (1997). The effects of AVP -(4-8) on long term and short term memory. Neuropeptides, 31 (5) 489 - 494.

7. Vawter, M. P., Dillon–Carter, O., Tourtellotte, W.W., Carvey, P. M., and Freed, W. J. (1996). TGF*1 and TGF*2 concentrations are elevated in Parkinson’s disease in ventricular cerebrospinal fluid. Experimental Neurology, 142, 313 - 322.

6. Vawter, M. P., Basic-Keys, J., Lie, Y., Lester, D. S., Lebovics, R. S., Lesch, K. P., Freed, W. J., Sunderland, T., and Wolozin, B. (1996). Tyrosine phosphorylation and process extension in human olfactory neuroepithelial cells are increased by a combination of neurotrophic factors: IL-1*, IL-6, NGF, AND bFGF. Experimental Neurology, 142, 179 - 194.

5. Vawter, M. P. and Van Ree, J. M. (1995). The effects of des-glycinamide-lysine-vasopressin on the hole board search task. Psychobiology, 23 (1), 45 - 51.

4. Vawter, M. P. (1994). Can short term rehabilitation counseling services increase employment of SSDI beneficiaries? NARPPS Journal, 9(4), 139 - 150.

3. Vawter, M. P. (1992). Value of household services: a comparison of methods, NARPPS Journal, 8 (4), 237 -242.

2. Vawter, M. P. and Van Ree, J. M. (1989). Hole board search test. Physiology & Behavior, 45 (5), 891-895.

1. Vawter, M. P. & Green, K. F. (1980). Effects of desglycinamide-lysine vasopressin on a conditioned taste aversion. Physiology & Behavior, 25, 851-854.
Stanley Foundation No. SF-29693 or the project entitled "Functional Genomic Expression Using Focused Neuropsychiatric Arrays"
· Principal Investigator for “Computer Assisted Vocational Assessment and Intensive Job Placement” Grant, 1989 - 1991. Department of Health and Human Services, Research and Demonstration Grant No. 13-P-10035-9-01 to C.A.R.E., Inc., Orange CA, grantee. Total grant award - $168,769 in direct costs.
· Principal Investigator for “Re-employment Assistance Program, 1989 –1992 (REAP) at CDR Stage” Grant. Department of Health and Human Services, Research and Demonstration Grant No. 13-P-10058-9-01 to C.A.R.E., Inc., Orange CA, grantee. Total grant award - $186,342 in direct costs.
· Research Grant Award “Biomarker Genes in Mood Disorder: Lymphocyte and Brain”. 2005 – 2007. Grant No. R21MH074307-01, National Institute of Mental Health. Total grant award $275,000 in direct costs.
· Clinical Research Feasibility Funds Award, “Effects of Sleep Deprivation on Circadian Fluctuation of 54,000 Biomarkers”. Academic year 2004-05 to support a clinical research project through University of California Irvine General Clinical Research Center Sponsoring Agency the National Center for Research Resources M01 RR00827. $10,000 direct cost.
• Allen Institute for Brain Science, Human Brain Transcriptome Project. This is a sponsored research project award for $200,000, 2008 - 2012. Dr. Vawter is the PI at UCI.
• NIMH Grant 1R01MH085801" Mitochondrial Variants in Schizophrenia and Bipolar Disorder". 2009 - 2020. This grant studies mtDNA from postmortem brain in subjects with psychiatric disorders. Total grant award in direct costs, $1,250,000. Dr. Vawter is the PI.
Professional Societies
Member elected to American College of Neuropsychophamacology
Other Experience
Postdoctoral Fellow and Staff Scientist
National Institutes of Health 1994—2000
Staff Scientist, NIDA
National Institutes of Health 1997—2001
Research Centers
Pritzker Neuropsychiatric Disease Research Foundation
Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychatric Genetics Consortium
Genomic Psychiatric Case Control Consortium
Mitochondria Subgroup of the Schizophrenia Working Group of the Psychatric Genomics Consortium
Last updated