I. James Sarfeh

Picture of I. James Sarfeh
Professor Emeritus, Surgery
School of Medicine
M.D., Albany Medial College
Phone: (714) 456-6675
Fax: (714) 456-7601
Email: ijsarfeh@uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
Bldg 53 - Rt 81
101 The City Drive
Mail Code: 5385
Orange, CA 92668
Academic Distinctions
Research Abstract
Dr. Sarfeh is conducting research related to the complications of liver disease, especially portal hypertension. His clinical research has been focused in developing surgical methods to treat variceal hemorrhage, for which he has developed a new operation that has shown to be extremely effective. Dr. Sarfeh has an active basic research laboratory that has concentrated on understanding the pathophysiological changes that affect the portal hypertensive stomach and esophagus. This research involves extensive work with vasoactive mediators and molecular biological techniques.
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