Arnold Binder

Picture of Arnold Binder
Professor Emeritus, Criminology, Law & Society
School of Social Ecology
PH.D., Stanford University
Phone: (949) 824-5481
Fax: (949) 824-3001
University of California, Irvine
2363 SEII
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Research methodology, juvenile delinquency, police organization and methods
Binder, A., Geis, G., and Bruce, D. (2000). Juvenile Delinquency.(3rd ed.) Cincinnati, OH: W.H. Anderson.
Binder, A. and Binder, V. (1994). The Incarceration of Juveniles, from the Era of Crouse to that of Skinner and Freud. Legal Studies Forum, 18, No. 3.
Binder, A. and Meeker, J. (1992). Arrest as a Method to Control Spousal Abuse. In E.S. Buzawa and C. G. Buzawa, (eds.) Domestic Violence: The Changing Criminal Justice Response. Westport, CT: Auburn House.
Binder, A. and Polan, S. (1991). The Kennedy-Johnson Years, Social Theory, and Federal Policy in the Control of Juvenile Delinquency. Crime and Delinquency, 37:242-261.
Professional Societies
American Society of Criminology
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