Zhongping Chen

Picture of Zhongping Chen
Associate Professor, Electrical Engineering and Computer Science
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
Associate Professor, Beckman Laser Institute and Medical Clinic
School of Medicine
PH.D., Cornell University, 1992
Phone: (949) 824-1247
Fax: (949) 824-8413
Email: zchen@bli.uci.edu
University of California, Irvine
Beckman Laser Institute (P217)
1002 Health Sciences Road E.
Mail Code: 1475
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Biomedical Imaging, Optical Coherence Tomography, Optical Doppler tomography, Biomaterials, and Biosensors
Academic Distinctions
Research Abstract
1. High Resolution Optical Coherence Tomography:
Optical coherence topography (OCT) is a recently developed image modality based on coherence domain optical technology. The technology is similar to ultrasound. However, it uses near infrared optical waves instead of sound waves and it has the advantage of non-contact and high spatial resolution. We are currently developing a fiber based optical coherence tomography that allows cross-sectional imaging of tissue structure with high spatial resolution (2-10 µm). The objective is to develop noninvasive imaging technology that can perform “optical biobsy� for cancer diagnosis.

Oriented biological material for optical information storage and processing, US 05346789 (1994).
Optical information storage on a bacteriorhodopsin-containing film, US 05470690 (1995).

All-optical devices, US 05757525 (1997).

Method and apparatus for optical Doppler tomographic imaging of fluid flow in highly scattering media, US 05991697 (1999).
Y. Zhao, Z. Chen, C. Saxer, S. Xiang, J. F. de Boer, and J. S. Nelson, “Doppler standard deviation imaging for clinical monitoring of in vivo human skin blood flow,” Opt. Lett. 25, 1358 (2000).
C. Saxer, J. F. de Boer, H. Park, Y. Zhao, Z. Chen, J. S. Nelson, “High-speed polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography of in vivo human skin,” Opt. Lett. 25, 1355 (2000).
B. J. F. Wong, J. F. de Boer, B. H. Park, Z. Chen, and J. S. Nelson, “Optical Coherence Tomography of the Rat Cochlea,” J. Biomedical Optics 5, 367 (2000).
Y. Zhao, Z. Chen, C. Saxer, S. Xiang, J. F. de Boer, and J. S. Nelson, “Phase Resolved Optical Coherence Tomography and Optical Doppler Tomography for Imaging blood flow in human skin with fast scanning speed and high velocity sensitivity,” Opt. Lett. 25, 114 (2000).
Z. Chen, Y. Zhao, S. M. Srivivas, J. S. Nelson, N. Prakash, and R. D. Frostig, “Optical Doppler Tomography,” IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electro. 5, 1134 (1999).
M. G. Ducros, J. F. de Boer, H. Huang, J. S. Nelson, L. C. Chao, Z. Chen, T. E. Milner, H. G. Rylander, “Polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography of the rabbit eye,” IEEE J. Select. Topics Quantum Electro. 5, 1159 (1999).
J. F. de Boer, S. M. Srinivas, A. Malekafzali, Z. Chen, and J. S. Nelson. “Imaging thermal damaged tissue by polarization sensitive optical coherence tomography,” Optics Express 3, 212-218 (1998).
Z. Chen, T. E. Milner, S. Srinivas, A. Malekafzali, X. Wang, M. J. C. Van Gemert, J. S. Nelson, “Characterization of Blood Flow Dynamics and Tissue Structure Using Optical Doppler Tomography,” Photochemistry and Photobiology 67, 56-60 (1998).
Z. Chen, T. E. Milner, S. Srinivas, A. Malekafzali, X. Wang, M. J. C. Van Gemert, J. S. Nelson, “Imaging in vivo Blood Flow Velocity Using Optical Doppler Tomography,” Opt. Lett. 22, 1119-21(1997).
Z. Chen, T. E. Milner, D. Dave, J. S. Nelson, “Optical Doppler Tomographic Image of Fluid Flow Velocity in Highly Scattering Media,” Opt. Lett. 22, 64-66 (1997).
Professional Societies
Optical Society of American
Biomedical Engineering Society
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