Roger H. Rangel

Picture of Roger H. Rangel
Professor, Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering
The Henry Samueli School of Engineering
PH.D., University of California, Berkeley, 1985
Engr., Simon Bolivar University, 1980, Mechanical Engineering
Phone: (949) 824-4033
Fax: (949) 824-8585
University of California, Irvine
S4212 Engineering Gateway
Mail Code: 3975
Irvine, CA 92697
Research Interests
Droplet and spray atomization and combustion, liquid-metal droplet solidification in materials processing, droplet dynamics, unsteady Stokes flows.
Academic Distinctions
UC Berkeley's Arthur Gould Tasheira Fellowship, Organization of American States Fellowship, Italian Research Council International Fellowship, Generalitat of Catalonia Distinguished Faculty fellowship, AIAA Best paper award in Microgravity Sciences and Space Processing, Narcis Monturiol Medal, Teaching Excellence Award, Division of Undergraduate Education-UCI.
Research Abstract
Research Projects:

Multiphase Heat Transfer and Fluid Dynamics Group

Metal Solidification in Materials Processing

An Improved Madejski's Model
Numerical Simulation of Metal-Droplet Deformation and Solidification
Inviscid and Viscous Stagnation-Flow Models
Stagnation-Flow Solidification with Undercooling and Contact Resistance
Liquid Metal Droplet Deposition with Substrate Remelting

Droplet and Spray Vaporization and Combustion

Droplet Streams and Interaction Effects
Radiation Absorption by Droplets
Ignition of a Droplet Cloud in a Vortex
Vaporization of Binary Droplets

Fluid Mechanics and Heat Transfer of Small Particles in Suspension

Analytical Study of Particle Motion in Unsteady Stokes Flows
Heat Transfer in a Dilute Suspension Including Radiation and History Effects
SHIVA - Space Holography Investigation in a Virtual Apparatus

Miscellaneous Topics

Aerosol Dynamics
Filling Liquid Acquisition Devices in Microgravity
Liquid Atomization
Over 100 journal and conference papers. Sample:
Spherical Particle Motion in Harmonic Stokes Flows. (with C.F.M. Coimbra). AIAA Journal, 39, 9, 1673-1682, 2001.
Metal Droplet Deposition on Non-flat Surfaces: effect of substrate morphology. (with A.M Ahmed). Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 45, 1077-1091, 2002.
Solidification of a supercooled liquid in stagnation-point flow. (with R. A. Lambert). Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, 46, 21, 4013-4021, 2003.
An experimental study on stationary history effects in high-frequency Stokes flows. (with C. Coimbra, R. Lambert, D. L’Esperance, and J. Trolinger). J. Fluid Mech, 504, 353-363, 2004
Experimental verification of fractional history effects on the viscous dynamics of small spherical particles. (with D. L’Esperance, C. Coimbra, , and J. Trolinger). Exp. Fluids, 2005
Ardekani, A. M., Rangel, R. (2008). Numerical investigation of particle-particle and particle-wall
collisions in a viscous fluid. J. Fluid Mech., 596, 436-466.
Lambert, R. A., Rangel, R. (2010). The role of elastic flap deformation on fluid mixing in a
microchannel. Physics of Fluids, 22(5), 96-111.
Professional Societies
American Society of Mechanical Engineers
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Last updated