Deepak Rajpoot

Picture of Deepak Rajpoot
Assistant Clinical Professor, Pediatrics
School of Medicine
Chief, Division of Pediatric Nephrology
School of Medicine
Director, Pediatric Dialysis Program
School of Medicine
OTH, University of Indore, India
Phone: (714)456-6815
Fax: (714)456-7658
University of California, Irvine
Bldg 27
101 The City Drive
Mail Code: 4482
Orange, CA 92668
Research Interests
none listed
Academic Distinctions
Research Abstract
Dr. Rajpoot is involved with the role of integrins in dialysis related infections. He is also a participant in the national collaborative study for growth hormone and immunosuppression in pediatric renal insufficiency, pediatric renal dialysis and transplant. Another area of interest is premature and neonatal tubular function.
Sumrani N; Delaney V; Rajpoot D; Tejani A; Butt K; Hong J. OKT3 in severe early rejection: predictors for reversal in renal transplant recipients. Transplantation Proceedings, 1990 Aug, 22(4):1750-2.

Ingulli E; Tejani A; Butt KM; Rajpoot D; Gonzalez R; Pomrantz A; Ettenger R. High-dose cyclosporine therapy in recurrent nephrotic syndrome following renal transplantation. Transplantation, 1990 Jan, 49(1):219-21

Rajpoot D; Tejani A; Rao S; Miller S. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis in a child with acute lymphoblastic leukemia. Child Nephrology and Urology, 1990, 10(4):231-3.
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