Kees C. Mahutte

Picture of Kees C. Mahutte
Professor in Residence, Medicine
School of Medicine
Phone: (310)494-5831
University of California, Irvine
101 The City Drive
Mail Code: 8900
Orange, CA 92668
Research Interests
Monitoring in ICU, Pulmonary Physiology
Academic Distinctions
Research Abstract
Mahutte CK, Jaffe MB, Chen PA, Sasse SA, Wong DH, Sassoon CSH. Oxygen Fick and Modified Carbon Dioxide Fick Cardiac Outputs. Crit Care Med 1994; 22:86-95.
Sasse SA, Chen PA, Berry RB, Sassoon CSH, Mahutte CK. Variability of Cardiac Output Over Time in Medical ICU Patients. Crit Care Med 1994; 22:225-232.
Mahutte CK, Holody M, Maxwell TP, Sasse SA, Chen PA. Development of a Patient Dedicated, On-Demand, Blood Gas Monitor. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 149:852-859.
Mahutte CK, Sasse SA, Chen PA, Holody M. Performance of a Patient Dedicated, Fluorescent Blood Gas Monitor in Medical ICU Patients. Am J Respir Crit Care Med 1994; 150: 865-869.
Mahutte CK, Jaffe MB. Effect of Measurement Errors on Cardiac Output Calculated With Oxygen and Modified with Carbon Dioxide Fick Methods. J Clin Monit 1995; 11:197-207.
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