Jean-Claude Falmagne

Picture of Jean-Claude Falmagne
Research Professor, Cognitive Sciences
School of Social Sciences
PH.D., University of Brussels, 1965
Phone: (949) 824-4880, 8495
Fax: (949) 824-1670
University of California, Irvine
3171 Social Science Plaza A
Dept. of Cognitive Sciences
Irvine, CA 92697-5100
Research Interests
Mathematical behavioral sciences
[1] J.-Cl. Falmagne and S. Ovchinnikov. Media Theory. Discrete Applied Mathematics,
121:83–101, 2002a.
[2] D. Eppstein and J.-Cl. Falmagne. Algorithms for media. ACM Computing
Research Repository, 2002b. cs.DS/0206033.
[3] J.-Cl. Falmagne. Elements of Psychophysical Theory. Clarendon Press –
Oxford University Press, New York, 2002c. Revised paperback edition of the
1985 monograph with the same title.
[4] J.-Cl. Falmagne. Functional measurement, meaningful scientific laws, and the
size-weight illusion. Technical Report MBS 02-06, Institute for Mathematical
Behavioral Science, UC Irvine, 2002d.
[5] C. Doble, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and B. Berg. Recasting (the Near Miss to) Weber’s
law. Psychological Review, 110(2), 2003a.
[6] J.-Cl. Falmagne. Lectures in Elementary Probability and Stochastic Processes.
McGraw-Hill, New-York, 2003b.
[7] S. Ovchinnikov and J.-Cl. Falmagne. Extensions of set functions. Mathware &
Soft Computing, 10(1):5–16, 2003c.
[8] J.-Cl. Falmagne. Meaningfulness and order invariance: two fundamental principles
for scientific laws. Foundations of Physics, 9:1341–1384, 2004a.
[9] J.-Cl. Falmagne, Y.-.F. Hsu, F. Leite, and M. Regenwetter. Stochastic applications
of media theory: Random walks on weak orders or partial orders. Discrete
Applied Mathematics, 2004b. Under review.
[10] J.-P. Doignon and J.-Cl. Falmagne. What can we learn from the transitivity
parts of a relation? Annales du Lamsade, 3:101–113, 2004c.
[11] Y.-F. Hsu, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and M. Regenwetter. The tuning in-and-out model:
a random walk and its application to presidential election surveys. Journal of
Mathematical Psychology, 49:276–289, 2005.
[12] J.-Cl. Falmagne, E. Cosyn, J.-P. Doignon, and N. Thi´ery. The assessment of
knowledge, in theory and in practice. In B. Ganter and L. Kwuida, editors,
Formal Concept Analysis, 4th International Conference, ICFCA 2006, Dresden,
Germany, February 13–17, 2006, Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence, pages
61–79. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, and New York, 2006a.
[13] J.-Cl. Falmagne. Mathematical Psychology—A Perspective. Journal of Mathematical
Psychology, 49:436–439, 2006b.
[14] C. Doble, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and B. Berg. Systematic covariation of the parameters
in the near-miss to Weber’s Law, pointing to a new law. Journal of
Mathematical Psychology, 50:242–250, 2006c.
[15] J.-Cl. Falmagne, and S. Ovchinnikov. Mediatic Graphs. 2006d. Under review.
[16] J.-Cl. Falmagne. A set–theoretical outlook on the philosophy of science. Journal
of Mathematical Psychology, 50:45–52, 2007a. Review of Patrick Suppes, Representation
and Invariance of Scientific Structures, in CSLI Publications, Stanford,
ISBN 1-57586-333-2.
[17] J.-Cl. Falmagne. Theoretical Note—A relativistic curiosity: Derivation of a
‘Meaningful’ Contraction Operator. 2007b. Submitted.
[18] D. Eppstein, J.-Cl. Falmagne, and Sergei Ovhinnikov. Media Theory. 2007c.
The results obtained in the study of media in the last 6-7 years constitute a body
of work justifying a monograph on this topic. This work will be published shortly.
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